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[Video] Sword Weaver is magic ! Roaming 1vsX


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You full of boosters (rejuvenation, armor, damage, food,...) while the Vabbian's 3 of 4 players not even foodsReaper: I only saw the his shroud for a 3rd skill to engage? don't make you fear while you try to finish him?Holosmith: seems lagged, he stop and saw how you finish the reaper without doing nothing and use the 4th skill of the rifle too late.Spellbraker (fire sword one): doesn't seems than he uses fullcounter or remove boons...On the 2:30 you can see one of them as spectatorSpellbreaker (twilight legendary): the only i saw that seems a problem... but in the min 3:58 you make a skip (when your life is around 3k)

Sorry but I can't consider it "magic" even if you play it well.

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I don't expect him to share the build anytime soon as he appears to be trying to bait as many views/hits as possible with it.

Opponent quality aside it's a great example of what I'm finding Weaver to be good at - brawling. You won't one shot anything, but by making the most of what Elementalist does well and "weaving" the rotations you can whittle down many 1v1 scenarios and +1/2 enough to be annoying.

Still working on a stat balance, but like others are saying in general celestial is a good start and weight certain stats as you prefer with different pieces.

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@Lasiurus.4067 said:

@caveman.5840 said:sword weaver is extremely fun to play now of only we could get some extremely large buffs to make it useful that would be magic

Yes, the problem is : it's great for survive but DPS is really BAD...

I am not ready to give up that sustain for some paltry dmg , if anyhow that sustain get removed...god forbid I want bloody 1shot level of dmg or ...I'll set this forum on fire lol

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I run something similar and the sustain is real. Spellbreakers are not an issue. With 700 or so healing power your barrier on dodge is 1200+. Don't get me wrong, it's way harder work than playing other professions but it's very fun and effective against melee. Glassy mirages are the biggest issue - if protection isn't up you can get one-shot if you catch full burst. I use a weird mix of marauders, clerics, and settlers, with durability runes. 1800ish power, 650ish condi, 700ish healing power, 2600ish armor, 17k hp. Don't forget the weaver attunement-based boosts to stats are on top of those (low) numbers. Water 111 arcane 221 weaver 313. Not sure about the gear but the OP looks to be running a very similar build. If sword gets a power buff this will be even funner.

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@Punch.4231 said:I run something similar and the sustain is real. Spellbreakers are not an issue. With 700 or so healing power your barrier on dodge is 1200+. Don't get me wrong, it's way harder work than playing other professions but it's very fun and effective against melee. Glassy mirages are the biggest issue - if protection isn't up you can get one-shot if you catch full burst. I use a weird mix of marauders, clerics, and settlers, with durability runes. 1800ish power, 650ish condi, 700ish healing power, 2600ish armor, 17k hp. Don't forget the weaver attunement-based boosts to stats are on top of those (low) numbers. Water 111 arcane 221 weaver 313. Not sure about the gear but the OP looks to be running a very similar build. If sword gets a power buff this will be even funner.

Are you in EU or NA? Those stats are not enough to break an average spell breaker's sustain unless you have might stacks which are not stripped for some reason.

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@Kyon.9735 said:

@Punch.4231 said:I run something similar and the sustain is real. Spellbreakers are not an issue. With 700 or so healing power your barrier on dodge is 1200+. Don't get me wrong, it's way harder work than playing other professions but it's very fun and effective against melee. Glassy mirages are the biggest issue - if protection isn't up you can get one-shot if you catch full burst. I use a weird mix of marauders, clerics, and settlers, with durability runes. 1800ish power, 650ish condi, 700ish healing power, 2600ish armor, 17k hp. Don't forget the weaver attunement-based boosts to stats are on top of those (low) numbers. Water 111 arcane 221 weaver 313. Not sure about the gear but the OP looks to be running a very similar build. If sword gets a power buff this will be even funner.

Are you in EU or NA? Those stats are not enough to break an average spell breaker's sustain unless you have might stacks which are not stripped for some reason.

NA. I'm not saying it's a quick fight, it's not. But landing CC (and s/d has lots of it) and burst once resistance is gone works. It's a stalemate sometimes but given the state of SB (people cry OP) and Weaver (people crying UP), it's more of an even matchup than you'd think. I run sigil of battle so having 8 stacks of might is easy, even with the odd rip I don't dodge.

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@Lasiurus.4067 said:Magic was a way to say Sword Gamepay is really enjoyable to play, nothing else :)oh sorry, my mistake here, i understand you try to refute the people who says it lack of damage or speed in comparison to other specs, even if I enjoy the weaver gameplay from PoF first day.

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Everyone, lets all cry to anet, just like the noobs cried about Spell breaker, and hope they nerf this ridiculous over powered class. Just look at the elementalist never drops health below 75% and most of the time its health is maintained at 100%. This is ridiculous, this should be nerfed not warrior FC.

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@Hitman.5829 said:Everyone, lets all cry to anet, just like the noobs cried about Spell breaker, and hope they nerf this ridiculous over powered class. Just look at the elementalist never drops health below 75% and most of the time its health is maintained at 100%. This is ridiculous, this should be nerfed not warrior FC.

This night, I fought versus a spellbreaker. Could not put his health under 75% He nearly killed me.Its a skill question & build question, thats all. At the moment Spellbreaker is way more powered than Weaver. Look at Youtube Spellbreaker videos, they are way more insane than mine.

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