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Pretty disappointed with the 8th Birthday Gift.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Correct me if I am wrong, but we get so much more than we did for a GW1 anniversary. I loved getting a mini, but the amount of duplicate minis I got is crazy. At least I always get plenty of new things each year here.

Yes and no. We do get more than from GW1, but GW1 had more variety in what we did get (even if it was RNG), they counted towards the HoM and thus exclusive GW2 skins, and undedicated minis could be sold to others for platinum. And from the 8th birthday on, you could select which birthday year you wanted to gamble on.

It's also nice being able to boost people's HoMs by 8 points just by having a GW1 account that's old enough to have a good chunk of or all the minis needed to max the HoM devotion track and get someone upwards of 8 points. 8 points unlocks the entire heritage armour skin sets, a staff skin, and a shortbow skin, and is 50AP and a title. Even if I personally don't get much out of something anymore (such as GW1 birthday minis), being able to help others with what I do get more than makes up for it and that ability to help friends and strangers alike is missing from GW2 even though it was always possible in GW1.

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@misterman.1530 said:Can someone confirm. Saw a video and can't believe this is true. If you have the amulet on, and you draw a weapon, fireworks burst above your head. Is that for real? Or was the video just clever editing?

Yes it has fireworks, plus you also occasionally get a flaming Anet logo above and to the side of your character along with streamers

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With over 40 characters, I have many without an ascended amulet, so that was certainly appreciated. Plus the Godless dye, which wiki said was worth 999 gold. Why, I have no idea. I have a few of the "turn everything green/orange" infusions, but this was my first decent one, so also appreciated. I have nothing to complain about in the account or individual gifts. I will miss the level boosters though.

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@"DeanBB.4268" said:With over 40 characters, I have many without an ascended amulet, so that was certainly appreciated. Plus the Godless dye, which wiki said was worth 999 gold. Why, I have no idea. I have a few of the "turn everything green/orange" infusions, but this was my first decent one, so also appreciated. I have nothing to complain about in the account or individual gifts. I will miss the level boosters though.

I also got the godless dye

Man, its fugly. Amazing it costed that much

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