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Can we have a new way to get free Black Lion keys?


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@Jilora.9524 said:It is tedious. And a lot don't know or waste the time. A weekly added would encourage way more accounts to get that free key each week and anet would lose sales. Unless of course the weekly was as or more tedious

Make the weekly such that you get a key reward every Tuesday if you completed all 7 “daily completionist” achievements in the preceding 7 days.

Other than that, I’m pretty satisfied with key acquisition. You have Lvl 10, 30, 60 story, one in Season 2 story, one in HoT story, chance on map completion and random drops. Another weekly key would be a nice cherry on top but not absolutely necessary.

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@sitarskee.5738 said:You got weekly key for personal story and 4x times a month you get a black lion goods chest which can drop a key. I think it's enough, other companies aren't so keen on giving free stuff so consistently.

in some games i get complete free max level ships and equipment, Anet is rather greedy considering what they do give.

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@Sarie.1630 said:Other than that, I’m pretty satisfied with key acquisition. You have Lvl 10, 30, 60 story, one in Season 2 story, one in HoT story, chance on map completion and random drops. Another weekly key would be a nice cherry on top but not absolutely necessary.

and this is already enough tbh. ArenaNet is already being too generous. if this game was a typical korean grinder mmorpg, we wouldn't even get a free key at all (or at most we get 1 free key in an attempt to lure you to the cash shop)

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