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Resetting a Character's Story Back to Level 10

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I've always wanted an option to reset my character's personal story back to the level 10 arc. I know, making a new character that looks identical with a similar name is really easy. But it's not my main who has extra inventory slots, build tabs, all my mount skins, dyes setup, etc. Not to mention over 1000 hours logged. I want to run THAT character from the beginning again. It could even be upwards of 2000 gems and I'd be down.

Its a niche request for the RP community but I can't be the only one wanting to see my OG commander with Sieran or Trahearne again.

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Unfortunately, past attempts to rearrange the personal story have resulted in people's story progression bugging out with rare people ending up completely stuck and unable to progress the story at all. There's very low chance of them doing anything at all to the personal story in terms of replayability or even order of the missions at this point due to this.

They've obviously realized people like to replay the missions and have made LS2 and on replayable. But that was done too late for the personal story.

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@Seera.5916 said:Unfortunately, past attempts to rearrange the personal story have resulted in people's story progression bugging out with rare people ending up completely stuck and unable to progress the story at all. There's very low chance of them doing anything at all to the personal story in terms of replayability or even order of the missions at this point due to this.

They've obviously realized people like to replay the missions and have made LS2 and on replayable. But that was done too late for the personal story.

I can see enabling old vanilla instances being an issue so I was thinking more of a nuclear option. Just throw away all my character's story progress. I'll replay everything from the beginning and have to unlock everything again as I work through the story.

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@lightinius.6503 said:

@Seera.5916 said:Unfortunately, past attempts to rearrange the personal story have resulted in people's story progression bugging out with rare people ending up completely stuck and unable to progress the story at all. There's very low chance of them doing anything at all to the personal story in terms of replayability or even order of the missions at this point due to this.

They've obviously realized people like to replay the missions and have made LS2 and on replayable. But that was done too late for the personal story.

I can see enabling old vanilla instances being an issue so I was thinking more of a nuclear option. Just throw away all my character's story progress. I'll replay everything from the beginning and have to unlock everything again as I work through the story.

that would effectively delete everything from your character, you're better of making a new character.

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To be honest, I hope they introduce a service where you can change your class. I have just the one char (Mesmer) and I’ve accomplished so much with it, but sometimes I feel useless playing it compared to other classes and I really don’t want to invest the time in starting EVERYTHING all over again.

I know some people enjoy it, but would definitely pay to just change my class to something else.

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@Tseison.4659 said:To be honest, I hope they introduce a service where you can change your class. I have just the one char (Mesmer) and I’ve accomplished so much with it, but sometimes I feel useless playing it compared to other classes and I really don’t want to invest the time in starting EVERYTHING all over again.

I know some people enjoy it, but would definitely pay to just change my class to something else.

Unlikely to ever happen. Though maybe swapping characters on the fly, even in combat, without returning to the character select screen could be possible. Gotta come up with something for End of Dragons I would think.

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Arenanet has put a lot of thought and effort in to encouraging players to make alts; different story branches, experience scrolls and tomes of knowledge to craftable named weapons with selectable stats for characters of a certain level and endless armor and dye combinations with which to make new and unique characters. Unless there was a way to monetize what you ask for, your idea would essentially remove some of the incentives to make new characters. When we consider free-players; taking away one of the reasons to make alts might actually cost them sales.

Your character's choices are meant, in some ways, to mimic life in that we can't always go back. Those choices have helped to shape who they are and changed certain options for them later on. With things already in place that invalidate those choices, I think disseminating it further only takes away any impact having permanent choices made in the first place.

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