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Misconception about engineer.


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Hello all. I was in the engineer forums posting my rants and thoughts. I wanted to talk about misconceptions about engineer.

So I been leveling up engineers of every race. I learned some things about engineer.. hope you enjoy this read.

First I want to say that, engineer is the second least played class next to rev and people don't like engineer skills, playstyle, and aesthetics.

Now let me inject an opinion ( this is my opinion ) but what if I was to tell you that engineer is the best 1v1 and small group fighter in the game ?

Well what does that mean ?

Most classes like guardian mesmer necro warrior reve all do well in big groups and solo just fine.

But engineer has a 5 target cap on most of his skills, engineer has been nerfed thousands of times in spvp and almost all of his 80 skills have been split in game modes.

When I see people asking if engineer is a good class to main, they may want to feel useful and join their guild in content.

Usually guild content is 10 + people.

So engineer seems weak useless and garbage.

But engineer is actually strong, very VERY strong in a specific niche.

Engineer is one of the best duelist, small party fighters. Stronger than thief even.

Engineer has a lot of useful skills and traits but they are good in small scale fighting.

Why is that ?

Well in WvW and raids, there is a boon bomb of way too many boons and is balanced around immunities. So engineer sucks at these modes.

But in 1v1 or 5v5. Pvp. Most people are not stacked with boons. So engineer's utility and elite skills start getting really good...REALLY OP. Engineer and his skills are deadly when people are not stacked with boons.

People think hammer and rifle are useless. From a large scale content view - they seem useless. They don't do good dps. But they have strong control and defense powers.

Rifle and hammer and shield are strong in engineer's special niche - small scale pvp. 1v1 - 3v3 - 5v5.

As soon as you get 6v6 or zerg v zerg. Engineer becomes pretty useless. A firebrand or chronomancer or spirit beast is better.

Engineer is strong but you have to know that his utility and elite skills are design for small fights where boon stacking is rare.

Most people don't roam or spvp or duel They prefer a large scale group content. So engineer is not popular and he is useless in a lot of modes.

A lot of his utility skills are useless in large group because of aegis barrier stability resistance.

But if you go in a skirmish or spvp. Engineer will kick your butt.

So I hope this clears up some misconceptions about engineer.

Their mines elixirs turrets kits and utility is all good, so is Wells and holo kit.

You just got to play in that small scale niche game mode.

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@Angel.3916 said:Hello all. I was in the engineer forums posting my rants and thoughts. I wanted to talk about misconceptions about engineer.

So I been leveling up engineers of every race. I learned some things about engineer.. hope you enjoy this read.

First I want to say that, engineer is the second least played class next to rev and people don't like engineer skills, playstyle, and aesthetics.

Now let me inject an opinion ( this is my opinion ) but what if I was to tell you that engineer is the best 1v1 and small group fighter in the game ?

Well what does that mean ?

Most classes like guardian mesmer necro warrior reve all do well in big groups and solo just fine.

But engineer has a 5 target cap on most of his skills, engineer has been nerfed thousands of times in spvp and almost all of his 80 skills have been split in game modes.

When I see people asking if engineer is a good class to main, they may want to feel useful and join their guild in content.

Usually guild content is 10 + people.

So engineer seems weak useless and garbage.

But engineer is actually strong, very VERY strong in a specific niche.

Engineer is one of the best duelist, small party fighters. Stronger than thief even.

Engineer has a lot of useful skills and traits but they are good in small scale fighting.

Why is that ?

Well in WvW and raids, there is a boon bomb of way too many boons and is balanced around immunities. So engineer sucks at these modes.

But in 1v1 or 5v5. Pvp. Most people are not stacked with boons. So engineer's utility and elite skills start getting really good...REALLY OP. Engineer and his skills are deadly when people are not stacked with boons.

People think hammer and rifle are useless. From a large scale content view - they seem useless. They don't do good dps. But they have strong control and defense powers.

Rifle and hammer and shield are strong in engineer's special niche - small scale pvp. 1v1 - 3v3 - 5v5.

As soon as you get 6v6 or zerg v zerg. Engineer becomes pretty useless. A firebrand or chronomancer or spirit beast is better.

Engineer is strong but you have to know that his utility and elite skills are design for small fights where boon stacking is rare.

Most people don't roam or spvp or duel They prefer a large scale group content. So engineer is not popular and he is useless in a lot of modes.

A lot of his utility skills are useless in large group because of aegis barrier stability resistance.

But if you go in a skirmish or spvp. Engineer will kick your butt.

So I hope this clears up some misconceptions about engineer.

Their mines elixirs turrets kits and utility is all good, so is Wells and holo kit.

You just got to play in that small scale niche game mode.

Eeh engi is meta with hammer in pvp and wvw. Few skills have 10 target range engi as holo both sword and rifle is one of the best pdps, mh pistol how ever is bit underwhelming

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Engineer being good in small scale PvP isn't fresh news.

The engineer as a profession isn't "weak" in any gamemode, it's "problem" of popularity is more thematic than anything else. The majority of the community is generally drawn to the classic archetype, making warrior (the basic brute), necromancer (the dark mage), ranger (the archer), guardian (the holy warrior), thief (the sneaky brat) and elementalist (the wizard) the most popular choices. Mesmer is the trademark of gw's franchise and any gw veteran generally have a soft spot for the trademark professions of the original franchise. Engineer, even if it's advertised as the (spiritual) successor of the ritualist (pun intended) just don't cut it.

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Please forgive the piecewise response.

@Angel.3916 said:But engineer has a 5 target cap on most of his skills, engineer has been nerfed thousands of times in spvp and almost all of his 80 skills have been split in game modes.

Almost everything in the game has a 5-target cap. This includes your ZvZ big-hitters like Well of Suffering.

@Angel.3916 said:Well in WvW and raids, there is a boon bomb of way too many boons and is balanced around immunities. So engineer sucks at these modes.

Scrapper is a pretty standard part of WvW comps for the healing, condi cleanse, superspeed, and stealth access. As well as the massive power of Purity of Purpose.

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:Engineer being good in small scale PvP isn't fresh news.

The engineer as a profession isn't "weak" in any gamemode, it's "problem" of popularity is more thematic than anything else. The majority of the community is generally drawn to the classic archetype, making warrior (the basic brute), necromancer (the dark mage), ranger (the archer), guardian (the holy warrior), thief (the sneaky brat) and elementalist (the wizard) the most popular choices. Mesmer is the trademark of gw's franchise and any gw veteran generally have a soft spot for the trademark professions of the original franchise. Engineer, even if it's advertised as the (spiritual) successor of the ritualist (pun intended) just don't cut it.

I'd say that Mesmer wasn't that original either. Plenty of MMORPGs and TTRPGs have had illusionist/Enchanters that did similar things. Everquest comes to mind in articular. Even old school DnD had illusion magic and archetypes/prestige classes that focused on illusion and confusion.

Base Engi just feels weird relative to the other classes. If anything it feels like 'Data' from The Goonies rather than something you'd see in an MMO, and I don't mean that in a good way. Holo and Scrapper alleviate that feel though.

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I love your enthusiasm for engineer but I have to say that power scrapper (bomb kit or flamethrower) does big deeps in Zerg v Zerg. I always top dps charts when I run my scrapper so please stop with this misconception. I also have plenty of guildies that play support scrapper and both roles are meta in our wvw Zerg comps.

Note I favor holo much more and main holo in sPVP and roaming so you’re right there but most people know this. So please stop with saying engi bad in zergs when I would say it’s meta, or at least off meta in most groups (power or support).

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:Engineer being good in small scale PvP isn't fresh news.

The engineer as a profession isn't "weak" in any gamemode, it's "problem" of popularity is more thematic than anything else. The majority of the community is generally drawn to the classic archetype, making warrior (the basic brute), necromancer (the dark mage), ranger (the archer), guardian (the holy warrior), thief (the sneaky brat) and elementalist (the wizard) the most popular choices. Mesmer is the trademark of gw's franchise and any gw veteran generally have a soft spot for the trademark professions of the original franchise. Engineer, even if it's advertised as the (spiritual) successor of the ritualist (pun intended) just don't cut it.

I'd say that Mesmer wasn't that original either. Plenty of MMORPGs and TTRPGs have had illusionist/Enchanters that did similar things. Everquest comes to mind in articular. Even old school DnD had illusion magic and archetypes/prestige classes that focused on illusion and confusion.

Base Engi just feels weird relative to the other classes. If anything it feels like 'Data' from The Goonies rather than something you'd see in an MMO, and I don't mean that in a good way. Holo and Scrapper alleviate that feel though.

yes but engineer really doesn't fit at least in its current form in most peoples mind within a fantasy world. It was always going to be a niche class, which is why in guild wars 1 they turned it into the ritualist and they should of stayed with that. I Feel like Ritualist > engineer in theme and honestly; Likely Ill never play engineer not because its bad or I have any dislike of them personally. I just don't like the theme and had they gone with ANYTHING else I likely would of picked it up and tried it. (Could of made a clone of shaman from WoW and rather than turrets you have totems and wham, better class.) It also doesn't help that next to revenant and ele it is EXTREMELY limited on weapon choice which hinders it more than it helps.

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