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Thief is the future of all WvW roaming players


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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:Thief might be the only class where the "Thief mains" are actually less skilled than those who had to learn the game and got good on a more honest class first and then picked thief up as a 2ndary.

I'm convinced after seeing the "mains" try to defend stealth, when the more broken problem relative to every other class is the mobility gap.

Your worst case scenario most of the time will be you have to use your free disengage where everyone else has to die or get ganked more often.

After all this, keeping the high mobility, stealth, and spike dmg continues to be "justified" as they now also believe thief should be the 1 vs 1 master class on top of this lol.

Because they want to become Hokage

( this isn't directed at the poster )

Lmao u got that 100% backwards bud, thief thread has by far the most "I need help I switched to thief from x class and get destroyed in almost every engagement" posts, and I mean by far.The thief class is easily the class where its imperative to play and learn how other classes work so as to be able to successfully fight them. U can definitely tell most long time players have left the forums to be replaced by new players, at least judging by a lot of the recent threads coming across like new players who really have very little knoledge of the game or its classes and spreading a lot of misinformation.

I said those who learned the game and "Got Good" with something else first. Those forum posts you point out doesn't sound like its coming from anyone who is solid at any class yet so my point would still stand.

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There's plenty of builds that are near-uncrackable by normal bursty thief builds 1-to-1. Including some hard bunkers with great sustain, CC, and still-respetable damage output that roll around going "FIGHT ME!! FIGHT MEE!" fishing for newbie bags for an Outnumbered video or a five-minute sustain-off against another similar build.

There are also a lot of impromptu or purposeful "roaming" "groups" of 2-10 with full-healer supports that aggressively pick up any downs.

Both of these create a lot of pressure to only play squishy, bursty builds that can actually reposition and disengage — thief, ranger, engineer — because you're just dead meat otherwise, over and over.

And then folks come on the forum and complain about all these things piecemeal — condi tanks! ganks! thieves! — because they're playing one pillar of the ecosystem and mad that the other ones are keeping them in check.

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@"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:Thief might be the only class where the "Thief mains" are actually less skilled than those who had to learn the game and got good on a more honest class first and then picked thief up as a 2ndary.

I'm convinced after seeing the "mains" try to defend stealth, when the more broken problem relative to every other class is the mobility gap.

Your worst case scenario most of the time will be you have to use your free disengage where everyone else has to die or get ganked more often.

After all this, keeping the high mobility, stealth, and spike dmg continues to be "justified" as they now also believe thief should be the 1 vs 1 master class on top of this lol.

Because they want to become Hokage

( this isn't directed at the poster )

I started the game as a thief and have mostly played that since so I guess being a bad player I don't have much to add.

  • I don't defend stealth, I point out wrong things people claim because they think they have to compound one issue with adjacent mechanics to sell their point.
  • Build for your game mode or do something else, no on is forcing you to stand there to die or get ganked. Nothing is free if it takes up a skill or utility slot.
  • If a thief build could consistently have all of those things going on at the same time like you claim, why would there be anyone playing anything else unless they were RPing?
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@haizen.8421 said:Thief is the future of all WvW roaming players!This is obviously only my perception. :lol:

But what you think ?In a roaming 1:1 fight can you win a normal thief player (core, dare ou dead) ?

Are you asking if people can win a 1vs1 fight vs a thief? Then yes. 99% of the time.

Average skill level of players in WvW seems to have actually gone down. Most people I see on thief play a build around stealth and they don't know how to play it, so they run into someone who can play vs stealth in even a minor way and they are a free kill. In the past 6 months I have seen maybe 1 person who knew what they were doing on one of these builds and were just about untouchable. However with the average skill level going down, stealth becomes a GREAT noob killer, not saying some stealth builds are not broken in the right hands, but rather even in bad hands, a high stealth uptime builds just wrecks new players who have no idea of how to deal with stealth at all.

If I am sticking in a 1vs1, engi, ranger, thief, in that order. Solo roaming, probably thief/ranger, engi. 2-3 man roaming, engi, necro, Ele/FB.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Justine.6351 said:Well there used to be builds that could deal with thief...

There are plenty of builds/classes that can sneeze at a thief. What are you saying lol?

You nerf gut power builds on other classes and thief's effective hp shoots up. What used to be killing blows is now thieves teleporting off into the sunset. We relapsed back into a Condi meta and Condi builds cannot push thieves like a power build and thieves are not meant to face tank so yeah naturally they will do well. This isn't even a thief problem tbh.

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It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

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@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

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@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

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@lare.5129 said:wvw is blob.No it's not. Just because you play it that way and ignore a lot of the game mode's potential, that does not mean, that this is its intentional design. WvW is a complex game mode, that offers lots of different tasks and playstyles.

@"ASP.8093" said:There's plenty of builds that are near-uncrackable by normal bursty thief builds 1-to-1. Including some hard bunkers with great sustain, CC, and still-respetable damage output that roll around going "FIGHT ME!! FIGHT MEE!" fishing for newbie bags for an Outnumbered video or a five-minute sustain-off against another similar build.The best option for an unkillable bunker with respectable damage is thief.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway).

I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time.

For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing?

@kash.9213 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50.
NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief.
The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

Well that isn't accurate at all for like 20 hours of the day.

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@Atomos.7593 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway).

I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time.

For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing?

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class.

I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about?

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@kash.9213 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway).

I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time.

For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing?

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class.

I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about?

I hardly think you were calm at all, otherwise I have no idea where you even came up with the idea that I would be mad or upset from a player running away from a fight from. And now you're trying to make it sound like that I'm upset still even though I just clearly stated in my previous post I don't mind anyone running away from a fight at all...

Honestly it seems like you're mad that I was able to come up with a build to counter another one that a particular player was using. No need to be mad about this. I don't play WvW in GW2, where individual player skill may only be a small part of winning roaming encounters (because builds are important too), to flex on others.

You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime? So if someone runs away or you are able to get out of combat, you can immediately change your build. I have no idea what you are even talking about now with same amount of skills and utility slots.

Are you so naive that you can't understand that a (more) fair 1v1 fight is one where neither build will faceroll the other (because of how builds and their associated playstyles work)? Like I said several times before if you don't feel you can win a fight then it's okay to run away and won't bother me (and I imagine many other people) at all. Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks.

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@"ASP.8093" said:There's plenty of builds that are near-uncrackable by normal bursty thief builds 1-to-1. Including some hard bunkers with great sustain, CC, and still-respetable damage output that roll around going "FIGHT ME!! FIGHT MEE!" fishing for newbie bags for an Outnumbered video or a five-minute sustain-off against another similar build.The best option for an unkillable bunker with respectable damage is thief.

It's not, though. Condi thief can be very frustrating to fights but its damage output absolutely sucks compared to (e.g.) a decent Revenant build. Power thieves go down in a few quick hits if they mess up a dodge or stun break — that's why you see so many mediocre ones either run off immediately or go into Dagger Storm the second anyone breathes on them.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@"haizen.8421" said:Thief is the future of all WvW roaming players!This is obviously only my perception. :lol:

But what you think ?In a roaming 1:1 fight can you win a normal thief player (core, dare ou dead) ?

Where were you in 2012 ? Anyway,yes lots of counters vs thief. Just because there Are counters doesnt mean you will win. Theres still something called as "Being outplayed",someone being better as you,you being worse as the opponent. But thats the last thing on your list to accept right.

"If it kills me its broken and unbalanced,its definetely not because he's better as me,pfff no way,im da best ! "

Honestly,most of you dont know how to play,eventhough you think you do,you really dont. Get better instead of asking for nerfs.ive seen posts from people having acces to reveals,while complaining about stealth they dont want to change out a util to fight stealth. You people are ffing hilarious. First of all,learn how to play,second of all,learn how to counter,and third USE THOSE COUNTERS.

Omg so much this 100%^

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@Atomos.7593 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway).

I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time.

For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing?

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class.

I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about?

I hardly think you were calm at all, otherwise I have no idea where you even came up with the idea that I would be mad or upset from a player running away from a fight from. And now you're trying to make it sound like that I'm upset still even though I just clearly stated in my previous post I don't mind anyone running away from a fight at all...

Honestly it seems like you're mad that I was able to come up with a build to counter another one that a particular player was using. No need to be mad about this. I don't play WvW in GW2, where individual player skill may only be a small part of winning roaming encounters (because builds are important too), to flex on others.

You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime
? So if someone runs away or you are able to get out of combat, you can immediately change your build. I have no idea what you are even talking about now with same amount of skills and utility slots.

Are you so naive that you can't understand that a (more) fair 1v1 fight is one where neither build will faceroll the other (because of how builds and their associated playstyles work)? Like I said several times before if you don't feel you can win a fight then it's okay to run away and won't bother me (and I imagine many other people) at all. Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks.

Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts.

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@"kash.9213" said:So are other players not supposed to work on their builds to make it fair?

I never said it! I'll say as many others (I suppose) I worked hard to get good with my main. Having to restart all over again to get good with an other class or build just to try to "maybe" 1 day being able to counter 1 or 2 class isnt fun or fair.

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@manu.7539 said:

@"kash.9213" said:So are other players not supposed to work on their builds to make it fair?

I never said it! I'll say as many others (I suppose) I worked hard to get good with my main. Having to restart all over again to get good with an other class or build just to try to "maybe" 1 day being able to counter 1 or 2 class isnt fun or fair.

You're complaining about having to master a build then having to change it a little, like everyone else has to. You're asking for vague nerfs to stealth and mobility for two classes who aren't overpowered but have somewhat annoying builds. I could have a better and more focused roll out of skills and utility but I change my build along the way to deal with stuff. Get over yourself.

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@kash.9213 said:

@kash.9213 said:So are other players not supposed to work on their builds to make it fair?

I never said it! I'll say as many others (I suppose) I worked hard to get good with my main. Having to restart all over again to get good with an other class or build just to try to "maybe" 1 day being able to counter 1 or 2 class isnt fun or fair.

You're complaining about having to master a build then having to change it a little, like everyone else has to. You're asking for vague nerfs to stealth and mobility for two classes who aren't overpowered but have somewhat annoying builds. I could have a better and more focused roll out of skills and utility but I change my build along the way to deal with stuff. Get over yourself.

Not to mention stating they've only been playing just over a month and havent tried other classes and have focused on the one ie they have zero idea how the other classes work nor how to counter them yet, instead of learning tho....NOPE THIS CLASS IS OP AND NOT FAIR lmao

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@kash.9213 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway).

I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time.

For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing?

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class.

I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about?

I hardly think you were calm at all, otherwise I have no idea where you even came up with the idea that I would be mad or upset from a player running away from a fight from. And now you're trying to make it sound like that I'm upset still even though I just clearly stated in my previous post I don't mind anyone running away from a fight at all...

Honestly it seems like you're mad that I was able to come up with a build to counter another one that a particular player was using. No need to be mad about this. I don't play WvW in GW2, where individual player skill may only be a small part of winning roaming encounters (because builds are important too), to flex on others.

You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime
? So if someone runs away or you are able to get out of combat, you can immediately change your build. I have no idea what you are even talking about now with same amount of skills and utility slots.

Are you so naive that you can't understand that a (more) fair 1v1 fight is one where neither build will faceroll the other (because of how builds and their associated playstyles work)? Like I said several times before if you don't feel you can win a fight then it's okay to run away and won't bother me (and I imagine many other people) at all. Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks.

Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts.

That's good to know, which explains why you are so clueless about roaming and solo roaming (which is what this thread and my posts here have been about, since that's how I play). Still going on about me somehow crying eh? Only person I see here crying is you about others being able to reset a fight. You really are clueless when it comes to roaming.

If you only gank, then you can use whatever build you like. It won't really matter when you can easily kill someone 3+v1 at least 95% of the time. But it when it comes to 1v1 builds can be important in deciding the outcome of a fight and how long it lasts.

I re-read my posts and still can't see how you can come up with an illogical conclusion that I must somehow be mad because a player was able to run away from a fight with me. If you only gank then that would explain it though, since you probably get mad yourself every time someone is able to escape being ganked and killed by you. Says a lot about the kind of person and player you are.

Maybe you should re-read your own posts, as well as properly reading mine? Taking a deep breath to calm down when someone escapes your pathetic gank attempts will also help you realize that there's no need to be mad when someone runs away from a fight.

Perhaps you should start a thread about ganking? Then the people who only gank like you and cry that others are somehow able to reset a fight, when for example the other player runs, (because they would rather not waste their time on a highly uneven 1v1 fight that could possibly last minutes with neither player dying) could agree with you.

Again, no need to be mad because someone (who may well be more skilled than you) can reset a fight or if others run away from a fight. If it does make you mad, the only thing I can suggest is re-evaluating your life and reactions to things.

@manu.7539 said:Oh well, this discussion is even more boring and annoying than thieves themselves. Afterall honesty is such a lonely word :(

The discussion is going nowhere from what I can see. This guy is telling you to work on a build to make the fights fair, but when you switch to a build to make a fight fair he will cry about you being able to do this (like he has said in his replies to me in this thread)...

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@Atomos.7593 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway).

I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time.

For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing?

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class.

I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about?

I hardly think you were calm at all, otherwise I have no idea where you even came up with the idea that I would be mad or upset from a player running away from a fight from. And now you're trying to make it sound like that I'm upset still even though I just clearly stated in my previous post I don't mind anyone running away from a fight at all...

Honestly it seems like you're mad that I was able to come up with a build to counter another one that a particular player was using. No need to be mad about this. I don't play WvW in GW2, where individual player skill may only be a small part of winning roaming encounters (because builds are important too), to flex on others.

You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime
? So if someone runs away or you are able to get out of combat, you can immediately change your build. I have no idea what you are even talking about now with same amount of skills and utility slots.

Are you so naive that you can't understand that a (more) fair 1v1 fight is one where neither build will faceroll the other (because of how builds and their associated playstyles work)? Like I said several times before if you don't feel you can win a fight then it's okay to run away and won't bother me (and I imagine many other people) at all. Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks.

Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts.

That's good to know, which explains why you are so clueless about roaming and solo roaming (which is what this thread and my posts here have been about, since that's how I play). Still going on about me somehow crying eh? Only person I see here crying is you about others being able to reset a fight. You really are clueless when it comes to roaming.

If you only gank, then you can use whatever build you like. It won't really matter when you can easily kill someone 3+v1 at least 95% of the time. But it when it comes to 1v1 builds can be important in deciding the outcome of a fight and how long it lasts.

I re-read my posts and still can't see how you can come up with an illogical conclusion that I must somehow be mad because a player was able to run away from a fight with me. If you only gank then that would explain it though, since you probably get mad yourself every time someone is able to escape being ganked and killed by you. Says a lot about the kind of person and player you are.

Maybe you should re-read your own posts, as well as properly reading mine? Taking a deep breath to calm down when someone escapes your pathetic gank attempts will also help you realize that there's no need to be mad when someone runs away from a fight.

Perhaps you should start a thread about ganking? Then the people who only gank like you and cry that others are somehow able to reset a fight, when for example the other player runs, (because they would rather not waste their time on a highly uneven 1v1 fight that could possibly last minutes with neither player dying) could agree with you.

Again, no need to be mad because someone (who may well be more skilled than you) can reset a fight or if others run away from a fight. If it does make you mad, the only thing I can suggest is re-evaluating your life and reactions to things.

@"manu.7539" said:Oh well, this discussion is even more boring and annoying than thieves themselves. Afterall honesty is such a lonely word :(

The discussion is going nowhere from what I can see. This guy is telling you to work on a build to make the fights fair, but when you switch to a build to make a fight fair he will cry about you being able to do this (like he has said in his replies to me in this thread)...

I don't care what you do with your builds, but you two keep complaining about other people playing theirs. You complained about someone running into a tower because you changed your build to counter theirs. You had to drop combat to change your build. Still, somehow you have a problem with someone resetting to go change theirs or to avoid yours like you did. So is there some set of rules everyone else is supposed to follow that you don't?

I don't "gank" by the way, I build to cover people, you can take things in game personally if you want but that was a big assumption. I think you're just getting angrier by trying to make me sound angry.

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@kash.9213 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing.

I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway).

I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time.

For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing?

@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed?

Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class.

I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about?

I hardly think you were calm at all, otherwise I have no idea where you even came up with the idea that I would be mad or upset from a player running away from a fight from. And now you're trying to make it sound like that I'm upset still even though I just clearly stated in my previous post I don't mind anyone running away from a fight at all...

Honestly it seems like you're mad that I was able to come up with a build to counter another one that a particular player was using. No need to be mad about this. I don't play WvW in GW2, where individual player skill may only be a small part of winning roaming encounters (because builds are important too), to flex on others.

You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime
? So if someone runs away or you are able to get out of combat, you can immediately change your build. I have no idea what you are even talking about now with same amount of skills and utility slots.

Are you so naive that you can't understand that a (more) fair 1v1 fight is one where neither build will faceroll the other (because of how builds and their associated playstyles work)? Like I said several times before if you don't feel you can win a fight then it's okay to run away and won't bother me (and I imagine many other people) at all. Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks.

Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts.

That's good to know, which explains why you are so clueless about roaming and solo roaming (which is what this thread and my posts here have been about, since that's how I play). Still going on about me somehow crying eh? Only person I see here crying is you about others being able to reset a fight. You really are clueless when it comes to roaming.

If you only gank, then you can use whatever build you like. It won't really matter when you can easily kill someone 3+v1 at least 95% of the time. But it when it comes to 1v1 builds can be important in deciding the outcome of a fight and how long it lasts.

I re-read my posts and still can't see how you can come up with an illogical conclusion that I must somehow be mad because a player was able to run away from a fight with me. If you only gank then that would explain it though, since you probably get mad yourself every time someone is able to escape being ganked and killed by you. Says a lot about the kind of person and player you are.

Maybe you should re-read your own posts, as well as properly reading mine? Taking a deep breath to calm down when someone escapes your pathetic gank attempts will also help you realize that there's no need to be mad when someone runs away from a fight.

Perhaps you should start a thread about ganking? Then the people who only gank like you and cry that others are somehow able to reset a fight, when for example the other player runs, (because they would rather not waste their time on a highly uneven 1v1 fight that could possibly last minutes with neither player dying) could agree with you.

Again, no need to be mad because someone (who may well be more skilled than you) can reset a fight or if others run away from a fight. If it does make you mad, the only thing I can suggest is re-evaluating your life and reactions to things.

@manu.7539 said:Oh well, this discussion is even more boring and annoying than thieves themselves. Afterall honesty is such a lonely word :(

The discussion is going nowhere from what I can see. This guy is telling you to work on a build to make the fights fair, but when you switch to a build to make a fight fair he will cry about you being able to do this (like he has said in his replies to me in this thread)...

I don't care what you do with your builds, but you two keep complaining about other people playing theirs. You complained about someone running into a tower because you changed your build to counter theirs. You had to drop combat to change your build. Still, somehow you have a problem with someone resetting to go change theirs or to avoid yours like you did. So is there some set of rules everyone else is supposed to follow that you don't?

Are you seriously a naive person that likes to come to baseless conclusions from any statements made?

I have not complained at all about people playing any builds here. What I said was that some people decided to run back to their tower when I changed my build to something that may be competitive against theirs. Which is a fact that I observed in these fights we were having. I did not imply that this is unreasonable, not right, means they are bad players or makes me mad. AKA I did not say that others should follow some rule that I don't. Is that clear enough for you now?

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@Atomos.7593 said:It's not restricted to only the thief class. It's an attitude/play-style of some players and I have seen it on many classes. These types of players are not interested in the slightest chance of a fair fight, and only want easy kills with a very low risk of dying from the players that don't know how to counter their build/style. As soon as you switch to something that may possibly counter them the first thing they do is turn around and run for the tower while never looking back.

Reword it however you want but you're still complaining about other players avoiding a build like you did. Are people supposed to message you and ask what a fair build is first?

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