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Mesmer weapon sound effects


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Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

I think most of them are fine, but most of them also don't have any impact at all.For instance, Scepter sound effect when hitting an enemy is kind of like someone hit two hollow wood pieces together or somethign. It's very weak sounding and is the equivalent of someone charging an enormous anime "spell" only for it to hit for 1 damage and fizzle out. Staff autoattack has an ok "magicky" cast sound effect but no impact whatsoever. When that bouncy ball hits it feels like i'm blowing bubbles at my enemies.

Sword and axe are ok for the most part, the sound effects are good, impactful.Focus is also ok, nice strong sound when casting pull and phantasm. Pistol is amazing, both the interrupt and the phantasm sounds!Shield might use some more chrono-y timey wimey effect when casting shield 5, and shield 4 is ok-ish, could use more "oomph" but it's fine.I haven't used greatsword for a while, but from what i remember, it's good sound wise, all the skills have impact and sound good. Especially that one skill that enemy mesmers in LW3 use (except of course their version is better as it summons tons of sword AOEs lol).I can't remember much of torch and offhand sword sounds as i didn't use them for a long time either.And no one talks about aquatic combat, but the aquatic weapons sound fine to me.

What do you think?I know it's not on anet's to do list, nor is it any kind of priority but i thought i'd start a fun conversation.I don't expect the effects to change.

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

For instance, Scepter sound effect when hitting an enemy is kind of like someone hit two hollow wood pieces together or somethign. It's very weak sounding and is the equivalent of someone charging an enormous anime "spell" only for it to hit for 1 damage and fizzle out.

I think that the sound effect of scepter auto attack perfectly match his uselessness.Other than that, I really like the sound and visual effect of the mesmer in general. There are in my opinion some exceptions : I hate the sound of Power Spike (when you use one ammo of mantra of pain). Same with mantra of distraction. Mantra of distraction is litteraly ear rapy.

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@Woltarion.6829 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

For instance, Scepter sound effect when hitting an enemy is kind of like someone hit two hollow wood pieces together or somethign. It's very weak sounding and is the equivalent of someone charging an enormous anime "spell" only for it to hit for 1 damage and fizzle out.

I think that the sound effect of scepter auto attack perfectly match his uselessness.Other than that, I really like the sound and visual effect of the mesmer in general. There are in my opinion some exceptions : I hate the sound of Power Spike (when you use one ammo of mantra of pain). Same with mantra of distraction. Mantra of distraction is litteraly ear rapy.

Haha, idk, i like the scepter. :tongue:The autoattack generates clones, that's pretty cool.I just don't like the sound effects it makes.

Haven't really been paying attention to mantras as i didn't use them much overall, but i'll definitely slot some and hear what they sound like now that you mention their sound effect. :smile:

@Yasai.3549 said:I think it's only Sceptre Autos which need a change.I quite like the rest.

Sceptre Autos sound absolutely bland and unfitting.

If they sounded like glass shattering or even glass cracking, it would be way more fitting and impactful than they are now right?

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

Haha, idk, i like the scepter. :tongue:The autoattack generates clones, that's pretty cool.I just don't like the sound effects it makes.

Oh I really like to use the scepter, but the auto-attack are so slow... I use the scepter most for the block which is very strong imo.

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@Woltarion.6829 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

Haha, idk, i like the scepter. :tongue:The autoattack generates clones, that's pretty cool.I just don't like the sound effects it makes.

Oh I really like to use the scepter, but the auto-attack are so slow... I use the scepter most for the block which is very strong imo.

Yeah, it's SO slow...And it's kinda good if you use that Malicious sorcery trait to increase the speed and recharge, but it's either that or the other better traits in that line lol.

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@Woltarion.6829 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

For instance, Scepter sound effect when hitting an enemy is kind of like someone hit two hollow wood pieces together or somethign. It's very weak sounding and is the equivalent of someone charging an enormous anime "spell" only for it to hit for 1 damage and fizzle out.

I think that the sound effect of scepter auto attack perfectly match his uselessness.couldn't be better said

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

Haha, idk, i like the scepter. :tongue:The autoattack generates clones, that's pretty cool.I just don't like the sound effects it makes.

Oh I really like to use the scepter, but the auto-attack are so slow... I use the scepter most for the block which is very strong imo.

Yeah, it's SO slow...And it's kinda good if you use that Malicious sorcery trait to increase the speed and recharge, but it's either that or the other
traits in that line lol.

Yeah that's true, it's so slow, Malicious sorcery should be the base auto attack speed.

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@Woltarion.6829 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Do you like them? Or do you think they could use an update?

Haha, idk, i like the scepter. :tongue:The autoattack generates clones, that's pretty cool.I just don't like the sound effects it makes.

Oh I really like to use the scepter, but the auto-attack are so slow... I use the scepter most for the block which is very strong imo.

Yeah, it's SO slow...And it's kinda good if you use that Malicious sorcery trait to increase the speed and recharge, but it's either that or the other
traits in that line lol.

Yeah that's true, it's so slow, Malicious sorcery should be the base auto attack speed.

Exactly my thoughts! Like, compare our scepter autoattack speed to literally any other class wielding a scepter. It's criminal...The "weapon traits" shouldn't even exist, those should happen by default. Staff is the worst offender like 25 second cooldown for chaos storm, a 1 hit daze and some condi application? Other classes that have a simmilar skill can spam them, why is ours on such a long cooldown? I can spend all cooldowns on staff, switch to another weapon set, and back to staff and there's still 2-3 skills on cooldown on the staff. How is that balanced?

I could go on about what i think they messed up on a mesmer but, let's keep this thread on topic. There's already tons of other threads complaining about how badly they nerfed mesmers, and i'm probably in every one of them haha, so yeah. :tongue: Better keep this thread about the sound effects.

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The rattle/shaker sound effect of axe ambush on all non-legendary weapons is very irritating - the only way I was able to play mirage is using a legendary axe because it overwrites this sound effect with a "normal" axe whoosh moving through the air.

Mirage Cloak has one or two annoying sound effects - there are a handful of different ones, and the very high pitched "squealing" ones can become annoying after a while. There is a lower pitched blur sound for mirage cloak which is much nicer, but given the choice of sound is at random it would be nice to pick preferences from some menu.

Chaos Armour can be a little heavy on the ears if having high uptime, but I'm just being extra picky here.

Alacrity used to be very annoying (iirc it was ok at the start of HoT, but some time in between got changed or something and caused some ringing in the ears), but I haven't played chrono in such a long time I don't know if this is still the case.

From the perspective of a female asura character - I really don't like the extremely long and harsh scream on: every third scepter auto, and scepter ambush and Blurred Frenzy in particular (iirc in the far past BF used to be silent, or at least much lower chance for that audio). It actively disuades me from enjoying Scepter at all, or mh sword anymore.

That's the few off the top of my head that have bothered me at some point. Aside from that I love the sound effect of mirage Mirrors (breaking audio is so good), teleports, Decoy and pretty much everything else.

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personal preference but i wish mind wrack looked and sounded more violent, like shatter violent :grimace:

you can replace the scepter and staff impact sound with the the gs auto impact and i think it should be ok... in all cases its just some purple magicky stuff hitting something so it should sound the same anyway?

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Regarding aquatic - trident ambush with female asura has that same annoying scream like scepter and blurred frenzy. Sure not a mesmer specific skill effect but I find it a bit crude for the style of abilities.

On the other hand, siren's call both looks and sounds nice, and I especially like vortex on spear.

Though the change to feigned surge making it have a final "blink" effect isn't as smooth as it used to be in one direction. I get the gameplay reasons but in some ways I preferred the previous version.

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@"Curunen.8729" said:Regarding aquatic - trident ambush with female asura has that same annoying scream like scepter and blurred frenzy. Sure not a mesmer specific skill effect but I find it a bit crude for the style of abilities.

On the other hand, siren's call both looks and sounds nice, and I especially like vortex on spear.

Though the change to feigned surge making it have a final "blink" effect isn't as smooth as it used to be in one direction. I get the gameplay reasons but in some ways I preferred the previous version.

I quite like the Charr specific mesmer sound effects. :smile:They have a boomy voice and maybe it's not "thematic" for a mesmer, it at least isn't shrill lol. :tongue:

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@"Curunen.8729" said:Regarding aquatic - trident ambush with female asura has that same annoying scream like scepter and blurred frenzy. Sure not a mesmer specific skill effect but I find it a bit crude for the style of abilities.

On the other hand, siren's call both looks and sounds nice, and I especially like vortex on spear.

Though the change to feigned surge making it have a final "blink" effect isn't as smooth as it used to be in one direction. I get the gameplay reasons but in some ways I preferred the previous version.

I quite like the Charr specific mesmer sound effects. :smile:They have a boomy voice and maybe it's not "thematic" for a mesmer, it at least isn't shrill lol. :tongue:

Ah, yeah one reason I enjoyed urban battlegrounds fractal.

Rest of asura sound effects are fun - the class specific phrases are funny and I like the voice actor in general. I think the more strong sounding vocal exclamations for eg Greatsword skills are awesome, so I do like the more "warrior-like" short, powerful vocal sounds in general. I love the theme of taking something that appears ethereal and graceful on first glance but presents itself in a more solid/warrior mannerism.

But this particular asura scream is one of the most annoying sounds in the game for me - seems to go on for ages and is so grating on the ears! :sweat_smile:

Oh damn, I almost completely forgot - Mantra of Distraction... I utterly hate this sound effect. Sounds like something squirting out of a tap etc. It's a horrible effect and would love to hear this changed to something different.

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:I haven't used greatsword for a while, but from what i remember, it's good sound wise, all the skills have impact and sound good. Especially that one skill that enemy mesmers in LW3 use (except of course their version is better as it summons tons of sword AOEs lol).

GS sound effect sounds like music to my ears.https://streamable.com/j61tvi

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@Norbe.7630 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:I haven't used greatsword for a while, but from what i remember, it's good sound wise, all the skills have impact and sound good. Especially that one skill that enemy mesmers in LW3 use (except of course their version is better as it summons tons of sword AOEs lol).

GS sound effect sounds like music to my ears.

That's amazing playing! is that you?

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@Norbe.7630 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:That's amazing playing! is that you?the guitarist is not me, i have a habit of linking music to playing/gaming, it just happened i used his tune on practicei do love the mesmer sounds as mirrory, wine glass shatter, those limestone thing

Ah, cool. :smile:I like Mesmer effects in general as well. It's just that a few of them don't follow the general theme and sound horrible. Scepter as an example.

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