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Core support guard and its boon application is seriously overtuned in conquest


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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Note- I tested the healing applied from empower. It seems it not only heals only per pulse but for each stack of might that’s x12 x80 healing per person x5 which is almost 5k healing in addition to the very high healing. This is absolutely insane personal sustain being put ontop of high team sustain and constant boon application

Raw healing is never as potent sustain as actual defence mechanics like block/evade/invuln. 5k healing sounds impressive, but 1 hit from any DPS class will completely negate it. In the time a staff-guardian stands still to channel that 5k heal (which, remember, assumes all 4 team-mates are in close proximity, which is not likely in PvP, and 2nd reminder has a 2.5s cast time), any competent opponent will do twice that much in damage. It's why Ventari or Druid aren't good supports, because raw healing really isn't everything.

What matters though is the comp. I already know for a fact in ranked its counterable- heck I’ve farmed them with sword/d thief, but say a double power rev + s/d thief could probably be ezily beaten by a real meta comp. if it wasn’t for that fact I don’t anyone would run support at all but ofc they still doEdit: also it’s 5k healing on top of 5k more and some really strong block prot and even healing on dodge roll which u claim is all important- so it brings it all

Ah yes, having the same 2 dodges that everyone else has, that must be super-OP (sorry Mirage).

And lets make a list now of all the channelled blocks on the core-support build (i.e. blocks that block more than 1 hit, like warrior Shield Stance or Rev Staff).

Here is the list:

List complete.

It has a butt load of aegis and an in vuln frame I seriously don’t see the problem. U don’t need a channeled block to be viable as a support

Viable =/= "seriously over-tuned".

Core-guard is certainly viable as a support, but to call it "seriously over-tuned" is a "serious over-statement".

I disagree

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Note- I tested the healing applied from empower. It seems it not only heals only per pulse but for each stack of might that’s x12 x80 healing per person x5 which is almost 5k healing in addition to the very high healing. This is absolutely insane personal sustain being put ontop of high team sustain and constant boon application

Raw healing is never as potent sustain as actual defence mechanics like block/evade/invuln. 5k healing sounds impressive, but 1 hit from any DPS class will completely negate it. In the time a staff-guardian stands still to channel that 5k heal (which, remember, assumes all 4 team-mates are in close proximity, which is not likely in PvP, and 2nd reminder has a 2.5s cast time), any competent opponent will do twice that much in damage. It's why Ventari or Druid aren't good supports, because raw healing really isn't everything.

Back in the good old days, when support FB was a thing, I used staff successfully all the time, in 5v5. There are many tricks to pull it off:

You can use it under stability.You can use behind walls.You can put the line on the ground, and cast it from the other side.It has a 600 range, so you can use it from a distance.You can mix and match between these for optimal results.

You can pull it off most of the time. However, it is not a weapon that works in small skirmishes.

Nevertheless I do not think core support guardian is competitive, but it is not bad either. Without the FB part it does not do much, and FB is so nerfed that using another core line is better most of the time.

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Guardian has its support options nerfed to the point that everything is filled with burn guardians... lets complain some more about its healing capabilities lol.

Boonstrip and boon conversion are your friends... half of the classes can spec into full on boonhate: shiro/mallyx revenant, spellbreaker, mesmer (any spec) and on top of all that: necromancer. If your team cant break through the wall of boons, maybe play any of the above...

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For anyone wondering it’s not really even a new issue- before the “big patch” a team of a plat1 core support shout guard and a somewhat tanky chrono beat all and I repeat all teams in a 2v2 tournament that was the biggest one in its region for awhile and included multiple mAT winning teams on their “strongest meta build” and guess what it wasn’t even close it was a slaughter.

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@Exile.8160 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Squishier when its alone, but with altruistic healing trait in team fights its tankier than spellbreaker.

I mostly like to view sustain and tankiness as 2 different things at least for accuracy purposes- so to me warrior is less squishy less sustain though.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor. The core guard died several times, but it didn't matter because his team were holding the sides. Whereas the healbreaker didn't die at all, but it didn't matter because his team were losing sides.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

Nevermind the fact that citing a single match is stupid as evidence of any kind of trend in the meta.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now? Every word he speaks is fact? The guy who didn't even know what traits healbreaker runs?

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now?

The difference is the fact that there is a reliable source with years of experience casting and you are just here claiming none of it matters, which to some may seem extremely disrespectful...

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now?

The difference is the fact that there is a reliable source with years of experience casting and you are just here claiming none of it matters, which to some may seem extremely disrespectful...

Earlier in the stream dude had to go and check what traits healbreaker runs, seemed to be unaware that warrior shouts can even heal.

I'm not having a go at him, just pointing out that at this time he is not a fountain of knowledge that you can cite as proof of anything.

See 02:47:50...... yikes.https://www.twitch.tv/videos/850583281

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now?

The difference is the fact that there is a reliable source with years of experience casting and you are just here claiming none of it matters, which to some may seem extremely disrespectful...

Earlier in the stream dude had to go and check what traits healbreaker runs, seemed to be unaware that warrior shouts can even heal.

I'm not having a go at him, just pointing out that at this time he is not a fountain of knowledge that you can cite as proof of anything.

I mean I can and I did. Meanwhile I haven’t seen any proof that I should go back and edit the post which i would think if you thought it was wrong would be your goal, but for now the comment stands.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now?

The difference is the fact that there is a reliable source with years of experience casting and you are just here claiming none of it matters, which to some may seem extremely disrespectful...

Earlier in the stream dude had to go and check what traits healbreaker runs, seemed to be unaware that warrior shouts can even heal.

I'm not having a go at him, just pointing out that at this time he is not a fountain of knowledge that you can cite as proof of anything.

I mean I can and I did. Meanwhile I haven’t seen any proof that I should go back and edit the post which i would think if you thought it was wrong would be your goal, but for now the comment stands.

Post what you like. Doesn't stop it being meaningless nonsense.

1 dude made an off-hand comment on a stream. Big whoop.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now?

The difference is the fact that there is a reliable source with years of experience casting and you are just here claiming none of it matters, which to some may seem extremely disrespectful...

Earlier in the stream dude had to go and check what traits healbreaker runs, seemed to be unaware that warrior shouts can even heal.

I'm not having a go at him, just pointing out that at this time he is not a fountain of knowledge that you can cite as proof of anything.

I mean I can and I did. Meanwhile I haven’t seen any proof that I should go back and edit the post which i would think if you thought it was wrong would be your goal, but for now the comment stands.

Post what you like. Doesn't stop it being meaningless nonsense.

1 dude made an off-hand comment on a stream. Big whoop.

Or maybe it means something to ppl other than just you and would make you look rude, but you don’t care?

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now?

The difference is the fact that there is a reliable source with years of experience casting and you are just here claiming none of it matters, which to some may seem extremely disrespectful...

Earlier in the stream dude had to go and check what traits healbreaker runs, seemed to be unaware that warrior shouts can even heal.

I'm not having a go at him, just pointing out that at this time he is not a fountain of knowledge that you can cite as proof of anything.

I mean I can and I did. Meanwhile I haven’t seen any proof that I should go back and edit the post which i would think if you thought it was wrong would be your goal, but for now the comment stands.

Post what you like. Doesn't stop it being meaningless nonsense.

1 dude made an off-hand comment on a stream. Big whoop.

Or maybe it means something to ppl other than just you and would make you look rude, but you don’t care?

Not rude to point out that the opinion of someone who clearly isn't up to date with the current meta, and barely plays GW2 any more, doesn't count for very much?

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Core guard wins mat- it seems way better than healbreaker just alittle squishier

Not on EU.

And on NA, did you even watch the game? Core guard was 2v2 on a neutral mid most of the game, the game was won by the druid/holo/thief winning sides. Supports barely factored into it.

Eu had roaming comps so obviously not. I did watch there were large extended periods of team fights the 2v2 was short and core guard was better

You didn't watch the same game. Mid was neutral basically the entire match. The match was 100% decided by side-nodes.

I'm not addressing this to you, because you've got a hard-on for this, but to anyone else reading who thinks he has a point, just go and watch the match here and make up your own mind on what the deciding factor was (starts around 01:35:00):

Also, observe, 01:40:30, core-guard+rev losing the node into healbreaker+rev.

I mean even jebro an announcer said it was clearly better. It was mostly a team fight mid and they were clearly up the whole time. The red could’ve easily rotated into but didn’t so even the engi purposely followed to match. The only thing the thief really did was out play the others teams thief the entire team and guess what when there was a threat of changing those rotations both the guard and war left that 2v2 leaving it as a 1v1 for awhile.Only an inexperienced person would seriously say it was just a 2v2 rest carried as side node especially considering the thief’s were 1v1ing basically the whole time- so dElUsIonaL

"The only thing the thief did was out play the other teams thief" you say that as if it means nothing. It means ALOT.

Just look at the nodes for the entire match. Mid is basically neutral the entire game. Red were controlling the sides with the druid. That's it. That's the story of the match. Team-fight was a non-factor.

You also fail to mention that the same 2 teams faced each other earlier in the tournament, but with the druid swapped for DH, and the result was reversed. Where was the core-guard carry in that match, hmmm??

Who cares, your bragging about side noders when we are talking support. Even the announcer agree it was better when they clearly were doing better in the team fight. Them also winning sides yeah!!! You’d think maybe the 5 times they could’ve just gone mid and won that 4v2? But didn’t maybe they were threatened by how well it was doing

I really don't give a f what Jebro thinks. He was figuring out what the builds even were earlier in the stream, he's clearly not up to date.

And the side-nodes are relevant to this. You cited the outcome of this match as evidence that core-guard is OP. I am countering that by pointing out that the deciding factor was not the core-guard or the team-fight, it was the side-noders. Therefore this match offers zero evidence regarding support effectiveness.

I cited the fact that jebro streamed it and said it was better and I quote - “it seems stronger than healbreaker”. You are clearly trying to start a riot .

And what difference does that make? Is Jebro God now?

The difference is the fact that there is a reliable source with years of experience casting and you are just here claiming none of it matters, which to some may seem extremely disrespectful...

Earlier in the stream dude had to go and check what traits healbreaker runs, seemed to be unaware that warrior shouts can even heal.

I'm not having a go at him, just pointing out that at this time he is not a fountain of knowledge that you can cite as proof of anything.

I mean I can and I did. Meanwhile I haven’t seen any proof that I should go back and edit the post which i would think if you thought it was wrong would be your goal, but for now the comment stands.

Post what you like. Doesn't stop it being meaningless nonsense.

1 dude made an off-hand comment on a stream. Big whoop.

Or maybe it means something to ppl other than just you and would make you look rude, but you don’t care?

Not rude to point out that the opinion of someone who clearly isn't up to date with the current meta, and barely plays GW2 any more, doesn't count for very much?

It definitely is

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:So what are you asking for Dan? What is the point of your baseless post? Do you want to see guard deleted entirely? Will it please you? Any other wise balancing suggestions?

At this point Dan is just trying to salvage some semblance of a winning argument. Everything he's said has been thoroughly debunked or countered with no clear opposing points. Now he's gone from anything relevant to how the supports stack up, to arguing from authority by using the claim of someone else to back up his position, to going after Ragnar.4257 personally by calling him rude because he pointed out that Jebro's opinion isn't very valid because he's not very well informed, thus destroying his defense using Jebro. It's just childish flailing at this point because he wants guardian nerfed but can't give any real reason for it.

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