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Efficient and most rewarding way for karma dailies wintersday

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I usually stack up on karma bonfire buff, hero banner buff, winter blessing buff, candy cane buff, wintersday utility tincake buff, wintersday food buff

Then do the jumping puzzle one round and exit and mount race to get the 10% karma buff and then open the wobbly reward chest on the bottom right.Then repeat jp one round exit instance do race open chest since the race buff vanishes once u enter instance...

Also if I plan not to open any wobbly reward chest, it auto opens after a certain limit. That messes up the max karma stack buffs. So I had to exit instance do race and then open rewards.. this is so tedious

Donation drive do after getting race buff along with other buffs

Toypocalypse and snowball mayhem really takes a long time to maintain all buffs for max karma. Idk how to manage there

Is there any other extra buff or more efficient way to get more karma for dailies?

Any/all ideas suggestions welcome

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@Hesione.9412 said:Do you gift to all the orphans, not just the 15 for the daily? Also, there is a guild karma boost. It's only 10%, but it stacks with the others.

I just do 15 donations for dailies After I do all the other dailies with the winter blessing buff, only 5 mins or less is left for the donation drive so I rush the 15 and leave the rest. Hope some appletag or commie tag organize the donation run so it's easy to spot and present. It's hard to find each NPC at the corner. Don't want to use taco btw XD

Nice to know about the guild karma boost... I'll use that too next time... I thought it's included in hero banner ad part of the package... I'll look out for that one next time:)

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For me it is:

I strictly ignore the Crowd-Favorite Racer and Volunteer's Blessing, because it is imo too much trouble to maintain those two. If you go 100 % Efficiency, you have to grab those as well.

Then I quickly do my 15 Orphans, I follow a special path that works best for me. In the wiki guide:1 => 2 => 5 => 6 => 7 => 8 => 11 => 10 => 9 => Ossan Waypoint 16 => 17 => 18 => 19 => 20 => 21

Now I check my buffs and refresh: Candy Cane to 30 mins, Guild Heroes and Spirit Banner, both foods

Next visit is the Winter Wonderland for the 3x Mote of Candied Karma, which rewards ~ 13k for me. The Orphans reward around 3,900 karma each. Normally I just stay there, and just do the JP 10-14x in total. Each complete round rewards me ~ 2,700 karma. So I end the whole tour with ~ 125k karma and 135-188 Wintersday Gifts. For my standards, it is quite a rewarding bounty. Efficiency masters may gain a lot more.

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@anduriell.6280 said:Why thou? Karma is the most useless currency IMO. I have like 19 million karma in my account and i don't see any use for it.

after getting some lionguard weapon skins, some armor skins from karma vendors and pact supply materials and recipes and torn pages from pact merchants my karma dropped a lot.. i just have 4 million at present... maybe just maybe new expansion, legy armory or new features might become karma sink... so.. who knows.. its festivals like these where I can farm karma to my hearts content XD

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@"anduriell.6280" said:Why thou? Karma is the most useless currency IMO. I have like 19 million karma in my account and i don't see any use for it.

A few weeks ago, we had a thread about this topic.

The conclusion of the thread was mostly: If you do not want to spend the karma, it will just stack up. There are plenty of ways to spend it. You can convert it into materials or gold, use it to get some useful gear or unlock skins.

I'm playing for 8 years so far. If you just run the PSNA Mapping Materials, you spend 31.5k per day. With RL in mind, I am quite happy about that buffer-storage from Wintersday. In addition I still have plenty of skins to unlock. Karma merchants from Renown Hearts (LW) and Home Instance Nodes.

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This is my daily routine for karma farm:

Stack boonfire + karma banner + spirit banner + wintersday blessing + food + utility + guild karma boost + karma enrichement on asc amulet

1-> Bell Choir Activity, I do 3 songs, opening ONLY the pruple bouncy chests which have wintersday gifts (I keep the 3 brown ones since they have the Karma reward).2-> Winterland Jumping Puzzle and I do it 3 times to get all 3 Karma reward dailies, NOT opening the brown chests.

The reason I keep the brown chests is because the karma you get from these are affected by all the karma boost you currently have. You can only have 6 brown/bouncy chests active and available to be opened with a click, the 7th and onwards will automatically be opened when you change instances, maps or log out on character screen. At this moment I will have all 6 from Bell Choir + Winterwonder dailies the moment you return to Divinity's Reach.

3-> Race, I do it once for the 10% karma gain boost from doing the race.4-> I use 4 candy canes (4 minutes is enough for me to give all 30 orphans their presents) then I open my 7 Karma brown bouncy chests, and do all 30 orphans.

If I remember correctly, each brown chest is around 13k karma with all karma boosts, and each orphan gives me exactly 4050 karma. You can also do the race another 2 times, I personally don't want to bother doing that but its another 26k karma if you do it.

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My routine for Wintersday dailies and karma:

Go through and do the dailies that count for Wintersday cheer except racing, bell choir, orphans, jumping puzzle, and snowball mayhem. Don't open karma chests yet.

Wrap gifts for orphans.

Stack up on all available karma boosts and then run the race once (either the race or time trial). Open all chests and give gifts to orphans.

Do the jumping puzzle 3 times, then do another race and open all chests again.

Do the bell choir for at least 3 songs, then do another race and open all chests again.

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I do all the daily bonus karma tasks (that i can be bothered to do) on a char who doesn't have the 50% bonfire/booster buff and buy the 15 presents for donation drive and put them in shared inventory. Then i log to a char who has the bonfire/booster buff and do the race/time trial, because banner buffs are much easier to get than bonfire. That char will also typically have the karmic enrichment, guild hall buff, candy canes, wintersday blessing, food and utility buffs. I do donation drive on that char first, then open the daily karmic bonus chests. Each orphan gives me 4110 karma and the daily bonus chests give 13,700 karma each. Then i log out to keep the bonfire buff and just do the race when i relog the next day.

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@"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:just found out another karma buff when looking thru "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Food" Cake_Shot will it stack or replace the existing food? idk


"This nourishment effect is overridden by any other food consumable and players will not receive any effect if they are already under the effects of another food."

So no, it's not stacking

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