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[PvE Only] Revenant/Herald Tweaks


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Unequivocal truths:

Boon Herald is a thing in raidsRenegade dominates in raidsHe’s a contrarian that wildly uses ellipses incorrectlyANet does and has made changes to specs to bring them up to par with other classesHerald is in a weird spot as a support spec but still is great as a power spec in pvp

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@Za Shaloc.3908 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:I'd say Herald just lack a source of regen for when he is not using the legendary dragon stance. How about adding 4-5s of regen on
envoy of exuberance

It would be cool to have regen on EoE, but the base class needs access to it more, whether it be through Ventari, Salvation, or staff.

Well, my suggestion is only motivated by the fact that the herald have a trait that pigeonhole him into glint stance. I find it awkward that the herald have a trait dedicated to regen yet have very limited access to the boon. It just feel out of place and incredibly restrictive. Putting regen on EoE is, for me, the easiest way to reduce this feeling of "restriction" without meddling with the core balance.

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How about reworking EoE to heal 50% of the total Regen duration per tick when applied.

So reapplying Regen will give allies Regen for a lesser duration but also heals a good chunk per tick.

This will also make Elder's Respite stronger indirectly due to how Regen applied by Herald is also buffed.

So, at base :Regen heals 130 per tick.Regen for 10s is 1300 total heal.Regen with proposed EoE :650 Instant heal per reapplication650 remaining HoT for the remaining 5s

Nerfed for competitive obviously.

In addition to this, maybe Ventari FoN can now also apply Regen per tick, giving Heralds and Herald specifically, the ability to pulse Regen from Ventari as well.Maybe base healing per tick for Ventari FoN should be lowered to compensate for this change.

I am very much into the idea of Healing Revs being a Heal-HoT sort of healer, and not just a healer that vomits chunky heals.

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@Yasai.3549 said:How about reworking EoE to heal 50% of the total Regen duration per tick when applied.

So reapplying Regen will give allies Regen for a lesser duration but also heals a good chunk per tick.

This will also make Elevated Compassion stronger indirectly due to how Regen applied by Herald is also buffed.

So, at base :Regen heals 130 per tick.Regen for 10s is 1300 total heal.Regen with proposed EoE :650 Instant heal per reapplication650 remaining HoT for the remaining 5s

Nerfed for competitive obviously.

In addition to this, maybe Ventari FoN can now also apply Regen per tick, giving Heralds and Herald specifically, the ability to pulse Regen from Ventari as well.Maybe base healing per tick for Ventari FoN should be lowered to compensate for this change.

I am very much into the idea of Healing Revs being a Heal-HoT sort of healer, and not just a healer that vomits chunky heals.

The issue of this suggestion is that you try to make core fit herald not the opposite. I won't claim that core wouldn't benefit from being able to apply regen but that also mean that you'd probably need nerfs to adjust core to this addition in order to avoid issue with core and the other e-specs. Taking care of herald's issue by tweeking herald and not core should be the priority when balancing herald.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

The issue of this suggestion is that you try to make core fit herald not the opposite. I won't claim that core wouldn't benefit from being able to apply regen but that also mean that you'd probably need nerfs to adjust core to this addition in order to avoid issue with core and the other e-specs. Taking care of herald's issue by tweeking herald and not core should be the priority when balancing herald.

But EoE (Shield 4) and FoN (Herald F2) are all Herald centric skills?Idea is that :

  1. Ventari FoN now has a way to pulse Regen when not in Glint Stance.
  2. EoE can be used as a burst healing tool, making Shield a good swap for a Support based weapon.

So the entire fleshed out idea is this :Herald, whether in Glint or in Ventari, can pulse Regen.Herald, can now use EoE to burst heal(I'm thinking of making this a charged based skill which AoEs up to 600 range centered on the Herald instead of the dumb projectile lob. Can also deal some damage)

Constant Support presence would be Regen + Heal in Ventari, Regen + other Boons in Glint.EoE used whenever needed to pop a heal off, and the magical thing about this is that it takes half the remaining duration of Regen, and applies it instantly.

So if yu are keeping up with yur Regen pulsing, maybe yur Regen will be lasting a minute~So 60s of 130 HoT at base would be a total of 7800 HoT over 60s.Using EoE here would burst heal for 3900 and the duration of the Regen would be halved to 30s.

All this is to achieve :

  • Better use for Shield
  • Better Heals uptime for Herald.
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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:

The issue of this suggestion is that you try to make core fit herald not the opposite. I won't claim that core wouldn't benefit from being able to apply regen but that also mean that you'd probably need nerfs to adjust core to this addition in order to avoid issue with core and the other e-specs. Taking care of herald's issue by tweeking herald and not core should be the priority when balancing herald.

But EoE (Shield 4) and FoN (Herald F2) are all Herald centric skills?Idea is that :
  1. Ventari FoN now has a way to pulse Regen when not in Glint Stance.
  2. EoE can be used as a burst healing tool, making Shield a good swap for a Support based weapon.

So the entire fleshed out idea is this :Herald, whether in Glint or in Ventari, can pulse Regen.Herald, can now use EoE to burst heal(I'm thinking of making this a charged based skill which AoEs up to 600 range centered on the Herald instead of the dumb projectile lob. Can also deal some damage)

Constant Support presence would be Regen + Heal in Ventari, Regen + other Boons in Glint.EoE used whenever needed to pop a heal off, and the magical thing about this is that it takes half the remaining duration of Regen, and applies it instantly.

So if yu are keeping up with yur Regen pulsing, maybe yur Regen will be lasting a minute~So 60s of 130 HoT at base would be a total of 7800 HoT over 60s.Using EoE here would burst heal for 3900 and the duration of the Regen would be halved to 30s.

All this is to achieve :
  • Better use for Shield
  • Better Heals uptime for Herald.

It's exactly what I understood. What I'm saying is that you make core stronger and by extension all other e-specs with your suggestion. The goal of the thread is to make herald support better, not core nor renegade or any other e-spec. The effect of your suggestion is that renegade (the most effective support at the moment) will be stronger as a support and thus still outclass Herald (even if it's buffed by your suggestion).

Technically, there is no "need" of another source of regen on core because if you really need one for ventari, there is already spirit boon for that. Spirit boon give 5s of regen to 5 allies when you enter ventari which mean that with 100% boon duration you can keep it for the 10s of the legends CD. Giving 5s regen on EoE allow you to choose shiro, jalis or even mallyx and still have access to regen.

Do you understand the difference? On one side you want to make change that confort the use of the 2 same legends and on another side I suggest a way to not necessarily be stuck to these 2 legends. On one side I make herald support more flexible and on the other side you effectively confort renegade support as the best option.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

It's exactly what I understood. What I'm saying is that you make core stronger and by extension all other e-specs with your suggestion. The goal of the thread is to make herald support better, not core nor renegade or any other e-spec. The effect of your suggestion is that renegade (the most effective support at the moment) will be stronger as a support and thus still outclass Herald (even if it's buffed by your suggestion).

I don't think yu understand anything.

EoE is on Shield.Shield is a Herald only thing.FoN Ventari is Herald F2.FoN is a Herald only thing.

Once yu revert to core, or swap to Renegade, yu lose both of these things.

How can yu say I'm making Core stronger?These are all Herald specific buffs which are taken away the moment yu aren't a Herald.

Dude, do yu even play Rev?

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

The issue of this suggestion is that you try to make core fit herald not the opposite. I won't claim that core wouldn't benefit from being able to apply regen but that also mean that you'd probably need nerfs to adjust core to this addition in order to avoid issue with core and the other e-specs. Taking care of herald's issue by tweeking herald and not core should be the priority when balancing herald.

But EoE (Shield 4) and FoN (Herald F2) are all Herald centric skills?Idea is that :
  1. Ventari FoN now has a way to pulse Regen when not in Glint Stance.
  2. EoE can be used as a burst healing tool, making Shield a good swap for a Support based weapon.

So the entire fleshed out idea is this :Herald, whether in Glint or in Ventari, can pulse Regen.Herald, can now use EoE to burst heal(I'm thinking of making this a charged based skill which AoEs up to 600 range centered on the Herald instead of the dumb projectile lob. Can also deal some damage)

Constant Support presence would be Regen + Heal in Ventari, Regen + other Boons in Glint.EoE used whenever needed to pop a heal off, and the magical thing about this is that it takes half the remaining duration of Regen, and applies it instantly.

So if yu are keeping up with yur Regen pulsing, maybe yur Regen will be lasting a minute~So 60s of 130 HoT at base would be a total of 7800 HoT over 60s.Using EoE here would burst heal for 3900 and the duration of the Regen would be halved to 30s.

All this is to achieve :
  • Better use for Shield
  • Better Heals uptime for Herald.

It's exactly what I understood. What I'm saying is that you make core stronger and by extension all other e-specs with your suggestion. The goal of the thread is to make herald support better, not core nor renegade or any other e-spec. The effect of your suggestion is that renegade (the most effective support at the moment) will be stronger as a support and thus still outclass Herald (even if it's buffed by your suggestion).

Technically, there is no "need" of another source of regen on core because if you really need one for ventari, there is already
spirit boon
for that.
Spirit boon
give 5s of regen to 5 allies when you enter ventari which mean that with 100% boon duration you can keep it for the 10s of the legends CD. Giving 5s regen on EoE allow you to choose shiro, jalis or even mallyx and still have access to regen.

Do you understand the difference? On one side you want to make change that confort the use of the 2 same legends and on another side I suggest a way to not necessarily be stuck to these 2 legends. On one side I make herald support more flexible and on the other side you effectively confort renegade support as the best option.

Thank you for demonstrating the difference between making a class change because of design improvement and meaningful choices vs. performance and metapushing.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:

It's exactly what I understood. What I'm saying is that you make core stronger and by extension all other e-specs with your suggestion. The goal of the thread is to make herald support better, not core nor renegade or any other e-spec. The effect of your suggestion is that renegade (the most effective support at the moment) will be stronger as a support and thus still outclass Herald (even if it's buffed by your suggestion).

I don't think yu understand anything.

EoE is on Shield.Shield is a Herald only thing.FoN Ventari is Herald F2.FoN is a Herald only thing.

Once yu revert to core, or swap to Renegade, yu lose both of these things.

How can yu say I'm making Core stronger?These are all Herald specific buffs which are taken away the moment yu aren't a Herald.

Dude, do yu even play Rev?

And you don't understand that you pigeonhole things into 2 legends while I open up regen to all legends. (As for the FoN issue it's a reading comprehension issue on my part). Objectively you don't need FoN to do "more" on ventari and you certainly don't need/want (design wise) it to be a copy of FoL.

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:

And you don't understand that you pigeonhole things into 2 legends while I open up regen to all legends. (As for the FoN issue it's a reading comprehension issue on my part). Objectively you don't need FoN to do "more" on ventari and you certainly don't need/want (design wise) it to be a copy of FoL.

Jalis' Focus is not Healing, does it need healing/Regen?Shiro's Focus is not Healing, does it need healing/Regen?Mallyx Focus is definitely not Healing, does it need healing/Regen?

Why the heck do yu need to open up HEALING to all the other Legends which does NOT focus on healing?In fact, Shiro already opens up sustain support with his FoN granting Siphon.

If other Legends want Regen or need it so bad, take Elder's Respite.

Ventari does need more, because it is a sorry excuse of a HEALING Legend once they swap out of it, so there needs to be more focus put into making healing stem from Ventari but still impactful after swapping out of Ventari.

Easy fix would be to make Ventari just have a long unique HoT like Ele's Soothing Mist, but I don't like that design.Slapping on Regen to Ventari FoN is more than sufficient, and provides synergy with my proposed EoE.

Also, Ventari kit in general doesn't have Regen at all, which is extremely strange.The popular healers in the game all have Regen : Mesmer builds, Guardian builds, Druid and Engineer build.

Ventari is the only healer which has 0 Regen, the dedicated weapon Staff has no Regen.What's wrong with putting Regen on Ventari?

Also "pigeonholing" healing onto Legends that are mainly used for healing is a bad thing?What's with people wanting more for things which don't need it?

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:

And you don't understand that you pigeonhole things into 2 legends while I open up regen to all legends. (As for the FoN issue it's a reading comprehension issue on my part). Objectively you don't need FoN to do "more" on ventari and you certainly don't need/want (design wise) it to be a copy of FoL.

Jalis' Focus is not Healing, does it need healing/Regen?Shiro's Focus is not Healing, does it need healing/Regen?Mallyx Focus is definitely not Healing, does it need healing/Regen?

Why the heck do yu need to open up HEALING to all the other Legends which does NOT focus on healing?In fact, Shiro already opens up sustain support with his FoN granting Siphon.

If other Legends want Regen or need it so bad, take Elder's Respite.

Ventari does need more, because it is a sorry excuse of a HEALING Legend once they swap out of it, so there needs to be more focus put into making healing stem from Ventari but still impactful after swapping out of Ventari.

Easy fix would be to make Ventari just have a long unique HoT like Ele's Soothing Mist, but I don't like that design.Slapping on Regen to Ventari FoN is more than sufficient, and provides synergy with my proposed EoE.

Also, Ventari kit in general doesn't have Regen at all, which is extremely strange.The popular healers in the game all have Regen : Mesmer builds, Guardian builds, Druid and Engineer build.

Ventari is the only healer which has 0 Regen, the dedicated weapon Staff has no Regen.What's wrong with putting Regen on Ventari?

Also "pigeonholing" healing onto Legends that are mainly used for healing is a bad thing?What's with people wanting more for things which don't need it?

Well, you fail to consider that Jalis do provide boons (stability) and defensive mean to it's party and thus can benefit, in a support herald build, from having the ability to add regen to it's kit. The same goes for mallyx who could benefit to add regen to it's group resistance. Furthermore, it's not like ventari don't benefit from it either.

Ventari also do have regen if you trait for it, thanks to spirit boon. And yes, the herald need to be able to justify a trait dedicated to regen by having access to regen whatever legend he use (not just the "healing" legend and the e-spec legend).

What's with people wanting more for things which don't need it?

That's exactly what you do since ventari already have access to regen (do I stress this fact enough?) and EoE certainly don't need a buff you it's raw healing component.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

What's with people wanting more for things which don't need it?

That's exactly what you do since ventari already have access to regen (do I stress this fact enough?) and EoE certainly don't need a buff you it's raw healing component.

So there's no need to forcefully slap more regen at all just for the sake of having randomized buffs to what I play, true.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

That's exactly what you do since ventari already have access to regen (do I stress this fact enough?) and EoE certainly don't need a buff you it's raw healing component.

No way yu think that Regen for 5s on a 20s cooldown is actual Regen access.That feels more like a side-effect than anything, and Ventari desperately needs to have more healing presence when swapped out of because the moment the player swaps out of Ventari, they essentially stop all forms of active heal.

Plus yu sacrifice a Trait option for it.

Spirit Boon should become a Minor, period.Or change Generous Abundance to provide Regen upon using a Legend Skill.

I would much prefer that over Healing Orbs.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:

That's exactly what you do since ventari already have access to regen (do I stress this fact enough?) and EoE certainly don't need a buff you it's raw healing component.

No way yu think that Regen for 5s on a 20s cooldown is actual Regen access.That feels more like a side-effect than anything, and Ventari desperately needs to have more healing presence when swapped out of because the moment the player swaps out of Ventari, they essentially stop all forms of active heal.

Plus yu sacrifice a Trait option for it.

Spirit Boon should become a Minor, period.

...no, it shouldn't. You make a choice of traits depending on what you want to do. What you've just said is true for all traits, because you actually "need to sacrifice a trait option for it, so lets make every trait passive I guess". Just because someone wants to passively have access to whatever doesn't mean it's an argument to make it that way. You build for a role? Then trait for it. You don't want to trait for it, because you don't think it's worth your choice? Then don't. But then don't say that it somehow should be there all the time, because that's not the case. That's not only true for rev, that's true for the whole trait system.

I would much prefer that over Healing Orbs.

Then pick a class with healing mechanics other than that. The difference between the classes IS the point of classes.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:

...no, it shouldn't. You make a choice of traits depending on what you want to do. What you've just said is true for all traits, because you actually "need to sacrifice a trait option for it, so lets make every trait passive I guess". Just because someone wants to passively have access to whatever doesn't mean it's an argument to make it that way. You build for a role? Then trait for it. You don't want to trait for it, because you don't think it's worth your choice? Then don't. But then don't say that it somehow should be there all the time, because that's not the case. That's not only true for rev, that's true for the whole trait system.

The power level of the trait is just ridiculously weak compared to similar traits which ARE minors.Ele's Elemental Attunement minor from Arcane line is essentially the same deal, but on a minor slot.

Invocation's Major Master has 1 pretty strong trait and that is Incensed Response, Rapid Flow which is decent on Core, and then Spirit Boon which is used only on Non-Herald Support builds, which don't even affect it that much, because it's just a boon on a 20s cooldown.

I've already mentioned many times that Spirit Boon needs to be made a Minor and have a stronger trait taking up the Master slot.

Or if anything, move Spirit Boon from Master to Adept tier, swapping with Glaring Resolve.Spirit Boon on Master is just a dead slot which is used only if the other two options are unviable, which in 80% of builds, are always picked cos they are stronger than Spirit Boon.

TLDR : Spirit Boon's pick rate as a Master tier trait is nearly 0 because of how inherently weak it is, in all content.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:

...no, it shouldn't. You make a choice of traits depending on what you want to do. What you've just said is true for all traits, because you actually "need to sacrifice a trait option for it, so lets make every trait passive I guess". Just because someone wants to passively have access to
doesn't mean it's an argument to make it that way. You build for a role? Then trait for it. You don't want to trait for it, because you don't think it's worth your choice? Then don't. But then don't say that it somehow should be there all the time, because that's not the case. That's not only true for rev, that's true for the whole trait system.

The power level of the trait is just ridiculously weak compared to similar traits which ARE minors.Ele's Elemental Attunement minor from Arcane line is essentially the same deal, but on a minor slot.

Invocation's Major Master has 1 pretty strong trait and that is Incensed Response, Rapid Flow which is decent on Core, and then Spirit Boon which is used only on Non-Herald Support builds, which don't even affect it that much, because it's just a boon on a 20s cooldown.

I've already mentioned many times that Spirit Boon needs to be made a Minor and have a stronger trait taking up the Master slot.

Or if anything, move Spirit Boon from Master to Adept tier, swapping with Glaring Resolve.Spirit Boon on Master is just a dead slot which is used only if the other two options are unviable, which in 80% of builds, are always picked cos they are stronger than Spirit Boon.

TLDR : Spirit Boon's pick rate as a Master tier trait is nearly 0 because of how inherently weak it is, in all content.

IMO Spirit Boon is actually a really good trait. I wouldnt say that is true about it having a 0 pick rate. I see it used plenty on condi Heralds in WvW, and I imagine it is a strong pick in PvP with Traveler or Lynx Runes. I will take it for core condi builds in WvW if I am running with somebody who has group swiftness access. I would say that Incensed Response heavily overshadowed it in WvW prior to its nerf, but now that it is toned way down (thank god), the tier is pretty competitive. IMO the only weak boon for Spirit Boon is Shiro's since it is only 2 stacks, but it is fantastic in Mallyx, Jalis, and Glint. I have suggested it become a minor too (moreso from the perspective of having to dedicate all minors to fury in a largely utility line when playing as a support), but even more, I would like for its radius to be extended to 300 or 360 so it can be used more reliably for allies. Especially for the regen, as it is core's only access to the boon since Dwayna runes were reworked. Same could be said for Ventari's Song of the Mists.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:Or if anything, move Spirit Boon from Master to Adept tier, swapping with Glaring Resolve.Spirit Boon on Master is just a dead slot which is used only if the other two options are unviable, which in 80% of builds, are always picked cos they are stronger than Spirit Boon.

TLDR : Spirit Boon's pick rate as a Master tier trait is nearly 0 because of how inherently weak it is, in all content.

That's so incredibly untrue. Spirit Boon is the top choice in that tier for ANY healing build for Rev IF it's taking Invocation. It's also used on ALL DPS variants in Raids/Fractals. Lastly, it's a competitive (if not best) choice for Condi builds in WvW/PvP, especially since Incensed Response is "meh" at best now in those modes.


Also Spirit Boon gives 10s of Regen at 96% Boon Duration. Glint gives 8s of Regen at 96% boon duration per pulse for 10 targets. That's 21-29s of Regen from Glint alone per legend swap depending on if you stay in the legend for 10s or 12s. There should be no downtime (or very little) on Regen from a Healer Herald. Even if Ventari was given some sort of "lasting regen" for when you swap to a different legend this would literally only be a buff for Renegade support (core healer by design really will never happen as it's always going to be inferior to Herald and Ren), since Heal Herald already can pump out tons of regen as it is (and if you're taking Herald for support you're almost certainly taking Glint for the 10 man boons).

I'm not opposed to buffing EoE though. Shield as a whole needs more as a defensive healing weapon. Crystal Hibernation should have a pulsing something for teammates around it too

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@lombomon.7268 said:HeraldElevated Compassion: Slightly increase healing (~10%)

thats one of the points im waiting for a long time right now, even though it deserves a bit more than just 10% bonus to compete with the other 2 options.

Its one of the only traits that give Herald access to healing while being inside glint. One of the only ways to make herald become a viable healer again.(in +10man squads at least)

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@Sobx.1758 said:

Elevated Compassion: Slightly increase healing (~10%)

thats one of the points im waiting for a long time right now, even though it deserves a bit more than just 10% bonus to compete with the other 2 options.

Kind of feels like these options don't exactly compete with each other in the same areas though?

I agree! Forceful Persistence enhances DPS, Draconic Echo enhances boon support, and Elevated Compassion enhances heals. Elevated Compassion might need a bit more than what I suggested, but the point of this thread was to put forth small, simple changes that would enhance QoL and support capabilities, so I just did a slight tweak.

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Also, some shield changes that I think could enhance the weapon:

-Envoy of Exuberance: In addition to its previous effects, this skill now cleanses 1 condition. (taking Hardening Persistence will cleanse an additional condition)-Crystal Hibernation: Reduce cooldown from 25s to 20s. Reduce energy cost from 20 to 17. In addition to its previous effects, this skill's healing effect is now boosted by 3% per condition on the Herald.

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