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@"AgentMoore.9453" said:I'm on board, but only if it shows both weapon sets regardless of whether they're 1h or 2h. Then I could have four daggers strapped to me at all times. Or double hammers. Or tangled longbows.

"But AgentMoore.9453, that would look silly!"


I just want all of the particle effects for ALL of the legendaries I have equipped...

nods. Mhm

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I swear I have said this before as well,

to avoid conflicting weapons it would have to go something like this:

2 Hand weapons will always show on the back.1 hand weapons / offhand will show on the belt,.

if 2 sets of 1 hand weapons are equiped only one will take priorityif there is a shield equiped, the back slot priority will go to the sheathed weapon (e.g. when your 2h weapon is out, the shield will be on the back, when the shield is out the 2h will be on the back, when both are sheathed only the weapon that is currently selected will show on the back).As for the footfalls, only the weapon currently selected will have the active footfall.

I honestly hate it when games magically pull weapons our of what seems their backside, so I'd honestly love to see both weapon sets on the character where it can be shown.

Id personally love to see this as an addition to the game as it makes the game feel more immersive seeing everything you have on at once... which ultimatly makes sense.

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@"AgentMoore.9453" said:I'm on board, but only if it shows both weapon sets regardless of whether they're 1h or 2h. Then I could have four daggers strapped to me at all times. Or double hammers. Or tangled longbows.

"But AgentMoore.9453, that would look silly!"


One way this could work is by having the top weapon set face right and the bottom set face left, however you have the issue of the weapons merging into one. So I would have to say, sadly one weapon set would have to take priority over the other.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"AgentMoore.9453" said:I'm on board, but only if it shows both weapon sets regardless of whether they're 1h or 2h. Then I could have four daggers strapped to me at all times. Or double hammers. Or tangled longbows.

"But AgentMoore.9453, that would look silly!"


I just want all of the particle effects for
of the legendaries I have equipped...

. Mhm

Then people try to feed you to the mouth of mordremoth only to be too blinded to see, and so absolutely everyone will falls to their doom. Then mordremoth will laugh itself silly, so you have time to stab it in the eye. Sensory overload so bad mordremoth explodes. Another easy victory thanks to OP glare.

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