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[Suggestion] please assign all the teleportation devices as game menu.

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What the title says.

the list of Teleportation Devices is very long, I found out there are some portals that I could get and stumble into wiki to find that it is a huge list of portal devices. If i were to get all of those , I won't be able to use them in a convenient way, which is what it is suppose to give the players, convenience, even if I put them in the bank, it will become an inconvenience rather than a convenience, which the devices is suppose to provide.

By placing them as a game menu, or key bind them would be much better.

thank you very much


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There is no point in getting all of the items from that list - Living World portal scrolls can all be put within their respective books which is 3 slots, spearmarshal's plea ceases to be usefull very fast, and you don't need all of the lounges at once. The city portal scrolls are also somewhat obsolete since getting any lounge (or just proper upgrades to EotN) allows you same feature with just one additional step. for festival teleports once you get them all you get universal festival teleportation gizmo as well.

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I agree it would be helpful if the various teleporters could be combined somehow. Even if a player doesn't want or need all of them (as some are effectively duplicates) even just getting all the unique ones takes up a lot of slots. For example someone might well want: 1 lounge pass, 3 living world portal tomes, 1 home portal stone, 1 teleport to friend, 1 world boss portal and1 HoT meta portal. Those all do different things but that would take up 8 inventory slots, and realistically unless you only play 1 character they need to go into shared slots. That's a lot of extra cost to be able to use them effectively.

Honestly it puts me off getting them. I would find something like the living world portals useful, but not enough that it's worth losing 3 spaces in my shared inventory slots (and if I have to go to the bank to get them first then I might as well just waypoint straight to the map) and things like the world boss portal which cost gems are completely out of the question.

At the moment they seem to occupy that awkward space where they're not quite useful enough to overcome the additional problems having them creates. Whereas if they could all be combined into one tome or something else which is accessible to all your characters without taking up a bunch of shared inventory slots they'd actually be worth getting.

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I keep many of these things in my shared inventory slots. Luckily they did round up everything, like Lord Trejgon said.

The thing I don't get is how the cash shop lounge scrolls don't have a system in place to round everything up. They're cash shop items! People don't want to buy more than one if they take up too much space. It's in the direct interest for ArenaNet to sell these lounges to us. That's the reason why I believe they should try to make something within the UI for teleportation items. I'd like something as easily accessible as teleporting to a WvW map by pressing the WvW button.

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@Danikat.8537 said:For example someone might well want: 1 lounge pass, 3 living world portal tomes, 1 home portal stone, 1 teleport to friend, 1 world boss portal and1 HoT meta portal.

I keep forgetting that world boss and HoT meta portals are separate items xD also on a note of home portal stone, Eye of the North asura gate allows to link to home instance, which is nice and replaces the need for that one (at least for me)

Personally I use lily of elon invitation + living world tomes.

@Quench.7091 said:They're cash shop items! People don't want to buy more than one if they take up too much space. It's in the direct interest for ArenaNet to sell these lounges to us. That's the reason why I believe they should try to make something within the UI for teleportation items.

I can't argue with that one tho :)

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I'd prefer there being 1 slot used for all teleportation devices - I dream of a menu like that of a Merchant with Several tabs (vs the 1990's popup hell that seems to be the design strat behind Strikes/DRM's "menu" - seriously, the web removed popups for a reason, why do we have so many in-game?). One tab for LWs3, 4, 5, ect.., one tab for items like lava lounge, mistlock scant, ect; and including the Vantage point for bitterfrost in the lws3 would be glorious (and the lake doric one)

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@Randulf.7614 said:Whilst I get the convenience and approve of the suggestion, they added shared slots for this very reason. I can’t see them giving up what is prob a decent money maker

I don't know, people previously said they wouldn't add an alternative for all the stuff which is now in the wallet for exactly that reason. Players used to buy bank tabs, bag slots or even character slots to make space to store dungeon tokens, badges of honour, various keys. Then it was unique story reward skins which now go in the wardrobe, novelties...there's lots of things they've created new storage solutions for even though it probably did lead to some players deciding they didn't need to buy more storage space any more.

I don't know that they will do it, but I don't see why teleportation devices couldn't be the same.

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