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How can GW2 be made better?

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@Mickey.4207 said:Less instance stories and more open world story content. And please add save points for instances so that we don't have to slog through boring instance story if we got disconnected. Its 2021 you can do it. Its time

This a thousand times over. A lot of the story missions consist of one boring mob and boss fight after another. And it goes on and on with no end in sight, it wears you down to the point you give up on some. And then the next day joy upon joy , you have to slog through the whole painful experience again. And apart from the odd mastery point the rewards are pathetic. These instances are not story's. They are built to waste your day.

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I think if they made they game the OP wanted, I'd leave and never look back. So would most of my guild. The stuff that would improve the game for you would limit it for me. I don't have; any of the same issues the OP has, I have other issues.

No one really knows what will improve the game only what will improve the game for them. And since many of us want different stuff, any post like this is going to encourage people to speak out against it.

I disagree with the OP's premise completely. The reason I don't post a list of what I think would improve the game is that it would impinge on other players who like the game just as it is.

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@LordMadman.5812 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries. Skyscale IS CONTENT. Your definition of CONTENT is skewed.

Except actual completion of the jumping puzzles is NOT required.

The developers already built in a fail safe for players who do not want to or are unable to complete the associated jumping puzzles:

Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat - Double click to summon your skyscale. . This will complete the nearest Skyscale Lost collection item on this map. If no such collection item can be found, this item will not be consumed.

Your issue with these jumping puzzles being mandatory is void. You have a work around option.

As to the majority of your remaining points, I would disagree with most (actually all) of them but that's probably because I enjoy/value different things.

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I doesn't cease to shock me how some players think the game should be based on what they want. I wish they could see themselves. An MMO potentially in the millions of players ... should cater to ONE person's idea of what they like or don't like. People should give their head a shake.

Inline with that is how people abuse the definition of 'optional'.

Any MMO can be better, but this isn't a charity and things that can be better need to match a business case to do them. I doesn't make sense to do many of the things the OP wants, nor for the reasons he says they should be done.

Ironically, what will make the game better AND meet the business needs is something only Anet knows and I'm SURE that they have a way to prioritize those things.

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Title suggests OP has some seriously good ideas to make GW2 an even better game: then 3 TOTALLY PERSONAL gripes about the game follow, which the OP would like to see changed.Soooooo many useless threads like this. :( As usual the title should read: How can GW2 be made better FOR ME, Personally?

Btw, I do not agree with ANY of the OP's gripes.

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