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How can GW2 be made better?

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I was talking about this recently with someone else in a game and wanted other people's thoughts?

When you compare GW2 to GW1... I had time to play more heroes in GW1 because there wasn't as many time gates for progression. In GW2 most people only know 2 classes or so unless you're playing the game 24/7 and that's because for you to progress your hero it takes more time in GW2.

1) Lower the amount of time it takes for someone to progress their hero. They did this in WVW with legendary armor but I still don't get the point of legendary armor if you can't adjust the runes, and legendary runes aren't worth investing into. Maybe lower their cost or also allow someone to remove runes / sigils in legendaries freely without a penalty.

2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

3) Condi in GW1 was more of DoT but in GW2 it can tick fast for thousands of damage. It's also auto damage that can be AOE which really is too OP. This forces players to get removal. by specing for it themselves or having a healer. Initially GW2 was advertised as a game without a true heal class (away from the trinity system of healer, tank, dps). It took them a few years to realize that with such strong condi dps that healers were needed in the game to balance it, so they went to a trinity system (healer, tank, dps). I feel that in PVP particularly condi should be lowered more to be a DoT. This might require some adjusting of removal by some classes or abilities. This is the main reason why you see more guardians and necros than most other classes; sustain and damage.

Make the game feel like I'm not playing the game, and when I am it shouldn't feel like a chore.

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@LordMadman.5812 said:1) Lower the amount of time it takes for someone to progress their hero. They did this in WVW with legendary armor but I still don't get the point of legendary armor if you can't adjust the runes, and legendary runes aren't worth investing into. Maybe lower their cost or also allow someone to remove runes / sigils in legendaries freely without a penalty.

With Legendary Items you can already put in and take out runes, sigils and infusions freely. I do agree that legendary runes and sigils are not worth the cost for a set, Even more so if you have legendary armor/weapons since It's much cheaper to just buy some bank space and keep your runes and sigils in there. Hopefully with the legendary armory they look into it.

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@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

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@LordMadman.5812 said:

When you compare GW2 to GW1... I had time to play more heroes in GW1 because there wasn't as many time gates for progression. In GW2 most people only know 2 classes or so unless you're playing the game 24/7 and that's because for you to progress your hero it takes more time in GW2.

I am not sure I follow this. I know many players who have only 1 character and profession. I know many (including myself) who have one or more of each profession maxed out.

Learning the professions does take some time but getting an adequately geared 80 in any profession is very fast, and gets faster the more you play.

And unlike other games, as there is no gear escalator, you aren’t always trying to improve your character. Meaning you can leave a character for months or years and come back and should be ready to go with a few tweaks.

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Legendary armor allows you to swap your runes at no cost. Whether you want to get it is up to you, the vast majority of players that only play openworld PvE don't need more than berserker's (+ assassin's to hit crit cap) or viper's gear. PvP players don't need legendary armor either since it's based off the amulet system. The only players that really make use of legendary armor are WvW players that actually fight other players (not the people trebbing walls , camping the veteran creature daily, or repairing walls) because balance patches make stat changes expensive.

Legendary armor now costs as much as I paid for my first set of ascended light armor. It is far more affordable than it was previously. WvW legendary armor rank has not changed, you could get the legendary armor with minimal rank if you make the ascended triumphant hero armor (not mistforged).

Jumping puzzles aren't required content plus prototype provision rewinder and mesmer portals make most of them trivial.

I don't know where you're getting the idea that condition damage is "too OP". The only thing that is really strong in any mode is burning on firebrands, with confusion being broken on 2 raid bosses (Soulless Horror + Twin Largos). Even with full boons and buffs and fractal potions, burning ticks around 1000-1100 per stack per second.

What would actually improve GW2?Gamewide:

  • Client-side improvements to multi-thread the aspects of the client that do not require upgrading the graphics API (the system requirements list quadcore Core2Quad but by 2022 expecting a 2011 level quad-core / dual core with SMT or above isn't too much to ask I think)
  • Network-side improvements to decrease skill lag in heavily populated areas
  • Make effect LOD turn off flashy backpacks or introduce a setting for it
  • Have a graphics setting that is separate for Raids/strike/fractals/instanced content and one for openworld / WvW heavily populated instances ; else have it "show standard models for people outside of party")
  • Make parts of the UI able to move as in GW1 --- probably late for this
  • Deliver on Steam release --- an influx of new players solves some problems as far as player inactivity


  • More CC mechanic explanations to new players , the Dragon Slayer weapon collection failed in its mission because of its expense
  • Introduce more breakbars (they don't have to be large breakbars, just breakbars) into Living Story so people know how to CC properly
  • Continued improvement of the reward system to reward ascended weapons (Marauder/Viper/Berserker) to new players. Unlike ascended armor , weapons provide a 5% stat bonus due to weapon strength. Strike missions were a good step due to the shards.
  • Eliminate any 1000g+ RNG collections from rewarding mastery points in the future (Volcanic Stormcaller weapon collection was a bad idea)
  • Flag every account playing a ridiculous amount of hours in one area because it's likely a bot or some sort of abuse (i.e. a normal person won't spend 12 hours on one map in one spot)
  • Maybe LS4 / LS5 / IBS Ascended backpiece (use eternal ice shards, eitrite ingots, tyrian defense seals, etc) for people that are new so they don't need to farm winterberries---> see https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character
  • More fractals until every scale is unique per tier : unlike strikes, DRMs , and raids they are accessible to everyone and don't elicit the same amount of boredom complaints---> fix Sunqua peak meteor bugs and the lightning storm bugs
  • Add a way to stat change ascended infused backpack/ infused rings / accessories or trinkets in mystic forge (maybe have it require jeweler 500 ingredients)


  • Lower the WvW mastery requirements for WVW max masteries
  • Remove karka potion from WvW
  • Replace daily veteran creature with daily yak defender --- veteran creature slayer just encourages afkers and does nothing for the matchup
  • Lower running costs for playing WVW by a whole slew of suggestions reiterated time and again such as replacing grandmaster mark shards with grandmaster marks or adding ascended food ingredients into synthesizers---> Add Lvl 70 equivalent Bountiful Maintenance Oil to portable provisioner---> Alternate recipes for accountbound utilities similar to Bountiful Maintenance Oil and Sharpening Stone Station
  • Introduce GvG into guild panel , guild challenge in armistice bastion or EoTM ... even Stronghold with all NPCs removed would be okay if it were 15v15
  • Deliver on alliances
  • Monetize siege skins or skins for keeps/towers/camp/yaks appearance
  • Possibly introduce a WvW legendary accessory for people that use more than one character , it doesn't need to have a visual effect (Aurora/Vision are one-off) unless Legendary Armory is delivered within the next year
  • Possibly introduce a reskinned slightly larger alpine (Jungle?) map for Blue BL with fewer NPCs (Desert is too large for most servers) that still maintains tower importance
  • a way to combine PvE + WvW stat infusions so that you don't need a dedicated equipment template to properly use WvW infusions


  • Flag every account with thousands of PvP games in a season and ban those that are obviously bots
  • Reduce or cap gold rewards from looping Byzantium chest in ranked PVP if there isn't a solution to auto-kicking or forcing CAPTCHA-like verification of people that are playing insane amounts of matches
  • Improve matchmaking
  • Deliver on 15v15 custom arena and/or GvG
  • Do the necessary revisions for 300s cooldown placeholdered traits
  • Make it worthy of esports by increasing viewership via partnerships (work with sponsorships)
  • Work with PVP players to make new maps on a per expansion basis at a minimum , Djinn's Dominion was released 2018 and Eternal Coliseum was introduced in 2016
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First of all the jumping puzzles are a part of the exploration and I love this game for rewarding exploration. The really obvious jumping puzzles I don't like so much.When a part of the world obviously looks like a mario stage it's a bit weird to me. When I spot a small hole in the wall I can squeeze through to find a hidden passage or I feel like I'm going somewhere I'm not supposed to go when in reality there's a hidden chest or MP or any kind of reward there waiting for me, I smile. I like that.So I'm not that much of a fan of the obvious jumping puzzle, but the hidden passage and seemingly impassable terrain (which could also be considered a jumping puzzle) I like.The earliest example would be The Breached Wall and the HP/vista there. It's close to impossible to not call it a jumping puzzle, but to me it was built into the world so seamlessly I had this "Ahh"-effect when I knew where to go. So that one is an example of a jumping puzzle I liked.

I'll try to stay on the topic of the title now.To me the core tyria experience was really boring for the most part, apart from some exceptions in exploration, but I get that there are people who like it.My primary problem with it is how extremely easy it is, with close to no encounter to really test your arsenal on. Soloing champions is the only challenge to be had there and I think the jump in difficulty from the normal mobs to trying to solo champions (most of them at least) is too big.Now I'm not saying "make every mob in core tyria harder", I'm saying there should be some content there that is more in between those two things and I wonder why there isn't. They even have a rank for that - Elite.I think adding some optional, semi-hidden Elite fights to the maps would go a long way in making the core experience more interesting and diverse, while still being able to chill and auto-pilot through the current core tyria experience.

Another thing I'd really love to see more is build-diversity and -customization.Yes, there are a lot of possible trait and weapon combinations, but only a handful are actually practical and usually lock you in a specific weapon.I'd like to see more core skills and specializations added to the game as well as some way to customize your weapon skills. (No, not sigils, the skills themselves)What I mean by that is it being possible for a warrior to adjust his sword skills in a way that makes it reasonable to use it on a power build and for guardians to adjust their sword skills to reasonable on a condition build, as an example.

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Stop the focus on living story episodesStart focusing on:

  • more interesting open world content - exploration, events that arent just farms, just something to actually make it worth playing in more than 10% of the zone
  • proper competitive pvp and wvw design and balance
  • wvw and pvp content - more wvw maps, spvp gamemodes etc.
  • add more content to seasonal events
  • scheduled releases of new raid/fractal content

Living world is sadly some of the worst quality content that gw2 has to offer (particularly the instanced story). Stop putting all your resources into it and start catering to the areas of the game that are already well designed but lacking attention.

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Ah jumping puzzles, in a game that has you jump as a ping-pong ball in the wind riding a pogo stick. Oh pure joy! The only thing better than jumping puzzles is jumping under a bus.

There should be something special about gear you craft so as to make all the cost and hard work worth it. What you have to go through to make a pair of boots that drops with every duck you shoot makes crafting feel like a pointless time-sink. The world is saturated with green and blue stuff. I can get 200 each of them every day just by playing. I dread to imagine how long it would take me to craft those 400 items.

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@"LordMadman.5812" said:I was talking about this recently with someone else in a game and wanted other people's thoughts?

When you compare GW2 to GW1... I had time to play more heroes in GW1 because there wasn't as many time gates for progression. In GW2 most people only know 2 classes or so unless you're playing the game 24/7 and that's because for you to progress your hero it takes more time in GW2.

What do you see as "progressing a hero"? You can already literally play one class constantly and then use tomes to 0-80 another profession +use heroics to unlock the mastery points for especs. You can also hop on an HP train and just get that solved in one sweep pretty quickly anyways.

1) Lower the amount of time it takes for someone to progress their hero. They did this in WVW with legendary armor but I still don't get the point of legendary armor if you can't adjust the runes, and legendary runes aren't worth investing into. Maybe lower their cost or also allow someone to remove runes / sigils in legendaries freely without a penalty.

You can already do this.

2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate.

These are optional, so not sure what the problem is. You're free to play the content you want.Also I don't see how that's a "time gate". Preeeeeetty sure it's not.

Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

I don't understand this point tbh.

  • Confused 1
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@"LordMadman.5812" said:I was talking about this recently with someone else in a game and wanted other people's thoughts?

When you compare GW2 to GW1... I had time to play more heroes in GW1 because there wasn't as many time gates for progression. In GW2 most people only know 2 classes or so unless you're playing the game 24/7 and that's because for you to progress your hero it takes more time in GW2.

This doesn't really make any sense. Yes there were no crafting timegates but if you wanted to play multiple characters, you would have to go around and hunt down bosses that had a skill you wanted/needed for a build. If it was a boss that's RNG, you could spend a couple hours before getting it. GW2 doesn't timegate your very build and you can get by perfectly fine with level 80 exotics. The closest thing to a timegate post-80 is hero points if you're going for an elite spec, but a HoT HP train will take care of that in the time it takes you to get 1-2 skills in GW1.

1) Lower the amount of time it takes for someone to progress their hero. They did this in WVW with legendary armor but I still don't get the point of legendary armor if you can't adjust the runes, and legendary runes aren't worth investing into. Maybe lower their cost or also allow someone to remove runes / sigils in legendaries freely without a penalty.Legendary armour and runes/sigils is just status and has zero effect on your character. There are some minor QoL improvements but they have the same stats as ascended gear and legendary items in general were made to be cosmetic with QoL bonuses, nothing more.

2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.Cool, I do. Many people do. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not content. Just because someone doesn't like PvP doesn't mean it's not content. WvW isn't suddenly not content because someone hates that they need to do it for a GoB. And progression in GW2 is horizontal, not vertical, so you can do what you like and still have a sense of progression. Yes sometimes that means you may have to do something you don't like, but that doesn't mean it's neither content nor progression.

Also neither jumping puzzles nor scavenger hunts are timegated with a few exceptions for certain scavenger hunt steps (most notably with the skyscale). Something taking time =/= timegate.

3) Condi in GW1 was more of DoT but in GW2 it can tick fast for thousands of damage. It's also auto damage that can be AOE which really is too OP. This forces players to get removal. by specing for it themselves or having a healer. Initially GW2 was advertised as a game without a true heal class (away from the trinity system of healer, tank, dps). It took them a few years to realize that with such strong condi dps that healers were needed in the game to balance it, so they went to a trinity system (healer, tank, dps). I feel that in PVP particularly condi should be lowered more to be a DoT. This might require some adjusting of removal by some classes or abilities. This is the main reason why you see more guardians and necros than most other classes; sustain and damage.You're misremembering. A lot. GW2 pre-HoT was almost all power because condi was weak, didn't damage objects, and capped at 25 stacks that anyone could apply. Druid was added because HoT added raids and none of the existing classes could do enough AoE healing. Over time and another expansion more classes able to heal were added/buffed to be viable, but it has to do with raiding, not condi damage.

There was an issue of condi in PvP (and still is, though to a lesser extent) but condi spent years being underpowered and a meme/niche build, it didn't start off as OP at launch. They were also toning down the condi damage in PvP until the balance team got pulled off of it to work on EoD balancing and elite specs.

4) Incorporate more modes in existing areas. The game is too vast so the community is spread out very thin all over the place and we get that notification to move to another map as a result.How? They won't add PvP to the open world. Also one of the PvE "modes" (JPs) is something you don't like so what's to say you'd like it if they added something else? You have open world PvE, PvP, and WvW which is a combination of those two. From there you have sub-modes but Anet has said they won't add one mode to another mode, both because it will discourage people and because the engine literally doesn't allow them to do certain things.

However if you have an idea for a specific sub-mode to be added, by all means suggest it. Just saying "add more modes" isn't helpful.

Also that notification means the map is popular enough that it requires at least one more instance. So it's not that players are spread out across the game, it's that 100+ players are on the same map. If you don't see other players, either there's a meta or world boss and you aren't in the area or you ended up on one of the overflow maps.

Make the game feel like I'm not playing the game, and when I am it shouldn't feel like a chore.This is so, so, so subjective. Also GW2 isn't a chore outside the second half of IBS, and if you feel that way the game is designed so you can take a break.

"Make the game feel like I'm not playing a game" also implies you want something addictive, which is... not good. MMOs (even GW2) utilize psychological methods to keep people playing beyond what they'd do otherwise and that is not something people should be advocating for. A game can absolutely be fun and engaging but "making it feel like it's not a game" is a slippery and dangerous slope.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries. Skyscale IS CONTENT. Your definition of CONTENT is skewed.

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@LordMadman.5812 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries.

both of which are optional and not required in any content not related to their collections. you do not need them to progress your character in any way in pve/pvp/wvw.

you can reach BiS gear without legendaries.

you can reach any area with the 3 basic mounts whenever a mount is required by the story or open world pve metas. no skyscale no rollerbeetle no griffon needed.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries.

both of which are optional and not required in any content not related to their collections. you do not need them to progress your character in any way in pve/pvp/wvw.

you can reach BiS gear without legendaries.

you can reach any area with the 3 basic mounts whenever a mount is required by the story or open world pve metas. no skyscale no rollerbeetle no griffon needed.

Content is anything put into the game that the player can experience. Not just the area itself as you think it is.

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@Mungo Zen.9364 said:

When you compare GW2 to GW1... I had time to play more heroes in GW1 because there wasn't as many time gates for progression. In GW2 most people only know 2 classes or so unless you're playing the game 24/7 and that's because for you to progress your hero it takes more time in GW2.

I am not sure I follow this. I know many players who have only 1 character and profession. I know many (including myself) who have one or more of each profession maxed out.

Learning the professions does take some time but getting an adequately geared 80 in any profession is very fast, and gets faster the more you play.

And unlike other games, as there is no gear escalator, you aren’t always trying to improve your character. Meaning you can leave a character for months or years and come back and should be ready to go with a few tweaks.

I have every hero geared to 80 but never had the traits maxed until recently. Honestly, if it wasn't for Osana's HP trains in PoF or HoT I'd never have gotten all of the specializations maxed.

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@"Infusion.7149" said:Legendary armor allows you to swap your runes at no cost. Whether you want to get it is up to you, the vast majority of players that only play openworld PvE don't need more than berserker's (+ assassin's to hit crit cap) or viper's gear. PvP players don't need legendary armor either since it's based off the amulet system. The only players that really make use of legendary armor are WvW players that actually fight other players (not the people trebbing walls , camping the veteran creature daily, or repairing walls) because balance patches make stat changes expensive.

Legendary armor now costs as much as I paid for my first set of ascended light armor. It is far more affordable than it was previously. WvW legendary armor rank has not changed, you could get the legendary armor with minimal rank if you make the ascended triumphant hero armor (not mistforged).

Jumping puzzles aren't required content plus prototype provision rewinder and mesmer portals make most of them trivial.

I don't know where you're getting the idea that condition damage is "too OP". The only thing that is really strong in any mode is burning on firebrands, with confusion being broken on 2 raid bosses (Soulless Horror + Twin Largos). Even with full boons and buffs and fractal potions, burning ticks around 1000-1100 per stack per second.

What would actually improve GW2?Gamewide:

  • Client-side improvements to multi-thread the aspects of the client that do not require upgrading the graphics API (the system requirements list quadcore Core2Quad but by 2022 expecting a 2011 level quad-core / dual core with SMT or above isn't too much to ask I think)
  • Network-side improvements to decrease skill lag in heavily populated areas
  • Make effect LOD turn off flashy backpacks or introduce a setting for it
  • Have a graphics setting that is separate for Raids/strike/fractals/instanced content and one for openworld / WvW heavily populated instances ; else have it "show standard models for people outside of party")
  • Make parts of the UI able to move as in GW1 --- probably late for this
  • Deliver on Steam release --- an influx of new players solves some problems as far as player inactivity


  • More CC mechanic explanations to new players , the Dragon Slayer weapon collection failed in its mission because of its expense
  • Introduce more breakbars (they don't have to be large breakbars, just breakbars) into Living Story so people know how to CC properly
  • Continued improvement of the reward system to reward ascended weapons (Marauder/Viper/Berserker) to new players. Unlike ascended armor , weapons provide a 5% stat bonus due to weapon strength. Strike missions were a good step due to the shards.
  • Eliminate any 1000g+ RNG collections from rewarding mastery points in the future (Volcanic Stormcaller weapon collection was a bad idea)
  • Flag every account playing a ridiculous amount of hours in one area because it's likely a bot or some sort of abuse (i.e. a normal person won't spend 12 hours on one map in one spot)
  • Maybe LS4 / LS5 / IBS Ascended backpiece (use eternal ice shards, eitrite ingots, tyrian defense seals, etc) for people that are new so they don't need to farm winterberries---> see https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character
  • More fractals until every scale is unique per tier : unlike strikes, DRMs , and raids they are accessible to everyone and don't elicit the same amount of boredom complaints---> fix Sunqua peak meteor bugs and the lightning storm bugs
  • Add a way to stat change ascended infused backpack/ infused rings / accessories or trinkets in mystic forge (maybe have it require jeweler 500 ingredients)


  • Lower the WvW mastery requirements for WVW max masteries
  • Remove karka potion from WvW
  • Replace daily veteran creature with daily yak defender --- veteran creature slayer just encourages afkers and does nothing for the matchup
  • Lower running costs for playing WVW by a whole slew of suggestions reiterated time and again such as replacing grandmaster mark shards with grandmaster marks or adding ascended food ingredients into synthesizers---> Add Lvl 70 equivalent Bountiful Maintenance Oil to portable provisioner---> Alternate recipes for accountbound utilities similar to Bountiful Maintenance Oil and Sharpening Stone Station
  • Introduce GvG into guild panel , guild challenge in armistice bastion or EoTM ... even Stronghold with all NPCs removed would be okay if it were 15v15
  • Deliver on alliances
  • Monetize siege skins or skins for keeps/towers/camp/yaks appearance
  • Possibly introduce a WvW legendary accessory for people that use more than one character , it doesn't need to have a visual effect (Aurora/Vision are one-off) unless Legendary Armory is delivered within the next year
  • Possibly introduce a reskinned slightly larger alpine (Jungle?) map for Blue BL with fewer NPCs (Desert is too large for most servers) that still maintains tower importance
  • a way to combine PvE + WvW stat infusions so that you don't need a dedicated equipment template to properly use WvW infusions


  • Flag every account with thousands of PvP games in a season and ban those that are obviously bots
  • Reduce or cap gold rewards from looping Byzantium chest in ranked PVP if there isn't a solution to auto-kicking or forcing CAPTCHA-like verification of people that are playing insane amounts of matches
  • Improve matchmaking
  • Deliver on 15v15 custom arena and/or GvG
  • Do the necessary revisions for 300s cooldown placeholdered traits
  • Make it worthy of esports by increasing viewership via partnerships (work with sponsorships)
  • Work with PVP players to make new maps on a per expansion basis at a minimum , Djinn's Dominion was released 2018 and Eternal Coliseum was introduced in 2016

Honestly, I feel that WVW is a fail system since it's too player or community dependent.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries.

both of which are optional and not required in any content not related to their collections. you do not need them to progress your character in any way in pve/pvp/wvw.

you can reach BiS gear without legendaries.

you can reach any area with the 3 basic mounts whenever a mount is required by the story or open world pve metas. no skyscale no rollerbeetle no griffon needed.

Content is anything put into the game that the player can experience. Not just the area itself as you think it is.

and you do not need these optional things to experience the content. they are extras. you can get the best stats for a given build with ascended gear. you can walk or use the raptor/springer/skimmer to traverse "content".

@LordMadman.5812 said:I want to experience the content of using or having the Skyscale mount that was put into the game without going through a massive grind.

want a shiny reward? work for it. it's not impossible because even the most casual of casuals in the playerbase have done it. many threads like yours are created every now and then complaining about these grinds and most of the time, it's people who do not want to put any inch of effort at all and just want instant gratification.

you don't have to get the skyscale or that legendary weapon in one week. take your time. some people take months to a year to get their first legendary weapon for example. having a lot of patience goes a long way. if you get frustrated at a certain task or collection ingame, put it down and do something else.

You don't understand what content is man. It's not just fighting through an area or killing a boss. It's ANYTHING put into the game. That's content. It's logic.

I've played the game since beta and was an alpha tester for GW1. The progression of the game is disheartening and it's time that they progress from a game of time sinking cheap content to actual FUN and meaningful progression. So slandering me calling me a casual is meaningless. Move on with your life.

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@LordMadman.5812 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries.

both of which are optional and not required in any content not related to their collections. you do not need them to progress your character in any way in pve/pvp/wvw.

you can reach BiS gear without legendaries.

you can reach any area with the 3 basic mounts whenever a mount is required by the story or open world pve metas. no skyscale no rollerbeetle no griffon needed.

Content is anything put into the game that the player can experience. Not just the area itself as you think it is.

and you do not need these optional things to experience the content. they are extras. you can get the best stats for a given build with ascended gear. you can walk or use the raptor/springer/skimmer to traverse "content".

@LordMadman.5812 said:I want to experience the content of using or having the Skyscale mount that was put into the game without going through a massive grind.

want a shiny reward? work for it. it's not impossible because even the most casual of casuals in the playerbase have done it. many threads like yours are created every now and then complaining about these grinds and most of the time, it's people who do not want to put any inch of effort at all and just want instant gratification.

you don't have to get the skyscale or that legendary weapon in one week. take your time. some people take months to a year to get their first legendary weapon for example. having a lot of patience goes a long way. if you get frustrated at a certain task or collection ingame, put it down and do something else.

You don't understand what content is man. It's not just fighting through an area or killing a boss. It's ANYTHING put into the game. That's content. It's logic.

and you don't understand what "optional" or "not required" is

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries.

both of which are optional and not required in any content not related to their collections. you do not need them to progress your character in any way in pve/pvp/wvw.

you can reach BiS gear without legendaries.

you can reach any area with the 3 basic mounts whenever a mount is required by the story or open world pve metas. no skyscale no rollerbeetle no griffon needed.

Content is anything put into the game that the player can experience. Not just the area itself as you think it is.

and you do not need these optional things to experience the content. they are extras. you can get the best stats for a given build with ascended gear. you can walk or use the raptor/springer/skimmer to traverse "content".

@LordMadman.5812 said:I want to experience the content of using or having the Skyscale mount that was put into the game without going through a massive grind.

want a shiny reward? work for it. it's not impossible because even the most casual of casuals in the playerbase have done it. many threads like yours are created every now and then complaining about these grinds and most of the time, it's people who do not want to put any inch of effort at all and just want instant gratification.

you don't have to get the skyscale or that legendary weapon in one week. take your time. some people take months to a year to get their first legendary weapon for example. having a lot of patience goes a long way. if you get frustrated at a certain task or collection ingame, put it down and do something else.

You don't understand what content is man. It's not just fighting through an area or killing a boss. It's ANYTHING put into the game. That's content. It's logic.

and you don't understand what "optional" or "not required" is

If it's a gate to obtain or complete something... IT'S NOT OPTIONAL!

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@LordMadman.5812 said:

@LordMadman.5812 said:2) I personally I do not like scavenger hunts or jumping puzzles, and forcing me to have to do them isn't content. It's a cheap way to say something is content and it's another time gate. Progression should be incorporated into the game as I play which is fun. I shouldn't notice that I'm progressing from constantly being forced to go here or do that.

the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game.

what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable

They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries. Skyscale IS CONTENT. Your definition of CONTENT is skewed.

Skyscale and legendaries are also optional, you're free to play what you want, but complaining about having to go through parts of content for their respective rewards doesn't make much sense.

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