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Quickness Scrapper!


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This was the best news of the patch for me. Scrapper is getting some much needed love to help it find a place in group content. This did come at the same time as some pretty hefty firebrand bukitten, so they'll still face stiff competition, but at the very least they'll hopefully be a viable alternative.


(edit: did the plural of buff really get censored because it contains the letters ff and s? Anet pls lol)


2 seconds does seem to be a bit on the low end however, it could possibly be buffed to 3 so that it raises to 6 with 100% boon duration. 


I've been thinking of which builds you could run and one that came to mind is:


Alchemy: 3-1-1

Tools: 1-X-X

Scrapper: 1-3-2


Utilities: Med Kit, Elixir U, Blast Gyro, Elixir Gun, Mortar Kit/Stealth Gyro


Stats: Harrier

Runes: Monk

Weapon: Hammer/Rifle


With this setup you should be able to maintain permanent quickness on your allies. Sources include:

Bankittenge Self - 14.5 second cd

Toss elixir U -  27 second cd

Function Gyro -  21.25 second cd

Blast Gyro - 25 second cd

Bypkitten Coating - 25.5 second cd


At 100% boon duration that totals up to 20 seconds of quickness. You should be able to squeeze in two casts of  Bankittenge self and Function gyro into that window raising the total time to 28 seconds. That's long enough for your longest cooldowns to roll over. In theory, this will still leave things rather tight timing wise, and it more or less forces you to spam these abilities off cooldown. 3 seconds should allow for a bit more wiggle room to save these skills for their intended purposes. (e.g. using Toxx Elixir U as a group stunbreak), if they can't maintain perma quickness they're still going to be inferior to firebrand in most situations. 


Regardless. I'm excited to play around with some other build options. There might be potential for utility dps builds utilizing zerker/diviner. You could go for Purity of Purpose synergy and provide additional boons on top of the quickness and small amount of might from hgh and blast gyro. Or you could go for a selfish dps build thanks to the rifle and glkitten canon bukitten. You should be able to maintain might stability and quickness on yourself while also providing self-barriers. At the very least, this could put them on par with reaper as a good self-sufficient pug option. 



Edited by Kuma.1503
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I wouldn't run it as DPS, just use heal scrapper from WVW as a template. I don't think it's going to be viable for fractals or 5 man but very viable for 10 man if you run 3 gyros since heal scrapper healing scales insanely with boons.
In 5 man content you would need fury sources and well as might.

As I posted in discretize channels:



I don't think it's going to be very viable for fractals because you need turret to give out fury and might is going to be difficult to generate

scrapper quickness base duration will be 2s = 4s with 100% duration
Your superspeed sources would likely be:
* Shredder gyro (16s CD with alac) 
* function gyro (20s CD w/ alac) 
* medic gyro (16s CD with alac) 
* blast gyro (20s CD with alac) with bypkitten coating (24s CD with alac) 
* purge gyro (16s CD with alac) --- condi clear but not DPS
if you run diviner and still bring grenade kit


While running heal scrapper you can use Bulwark gyro which is 16s CD with alac.
With 100% boon duration:
Blast gyro = 4/20 and 4/24 toolbelt skill
Bulwark = 4s /16 CD 
Purge = 4s/16 CD
function gyro = 4/20 CD if nobody downs and makes it a lengthier cooldown
Sneak gyro (optional) = 4/36 CD

Meaning you can run med kit instead of medic gyro.
With harrier it would look similar to http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lNwaYOsH2JeySntSA-zRRYQBRoGNc7lR1JQ6Fgvkitten-e 

Edited by Infusion.7149
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3 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

This was the best news of the patch for me. Scrapper is getting some much needed love to help it find a place in group content. This did come at the same time as some pretty hefty firebrand bukitten, so they'll still face stiff competition, but at the very least they'll hopefully be a viable alternative.


(edit: did the plural of buff really get censored because it contains the letters ff and s? Anet pls lol)


2 seconds does seem to be a bit on the low end however, it could possibly be buffed to 3 so that it raises to 6 with 100% boon duration. 


I've been thinking of which builds you could run and one that came to mind is:


Alchemy: 3-1-1

Tools: 1-X-X

Scrapper: 1-3-2


Utilities: Med Kit, Elixir U, Blast Gyro, Elixir Gun, Mortar Kit/Stealth Gyro


Stats: Harrier

Runes: Monk

Weapon: Hammer/Rifle


With this setup you should be able to maintain permanent quickness on your allies. Sources include:

Bankittenge Self - 14.5 second cd

Toss elixir U -  27 second cd

Function Gyro -  21.25 second cd

Blast Gyro - 25 second cd

Bypkitten Coating - 25.5 second cd


At 100% boon duration that totals up to 20 seconds of quickness. You should be able to squeeze in two casts of  Bankittenge self and Function gyro into that window raising the total time to 28 seconds. That's long enough for your longest cooldowns to roll over. In theory, this will still leave things rather tight timing wise, and it more or less forces you to spam these abilities off cooldown. 3 seconds should allow for a bit more wiggle room to save these skills for their intended purposes. (e.g. using Toxx Elixir U as a group stunbreak), if they can't maintain perma quickness they're still going to be inferior to firebrand in most situations. 


Regardless. I'm excited to play around with some other build options. There might be potential for utility dps builds utilizing zerker/diviner. You could go for Purity of Purpose synergy and provide additional boons on top of the quickness and small amount of might from hgh and blast gyro. Or you could go for a selfish dps build thanks to the rifle and glkitten canon bukitten. You should be able to maintain might stability and quickness on yourself while also providing self-barriers. At the very least, this could put them on par with reaper as a good self-sufficient pug option. 



Scrapper got some good changes for sure. It's my favorite engineer spec to run. The plural of buff is being censored by ff.s. which is an acronym for "For F#cks Sake!"

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Great news, at least now we can can confirm that Anet is totally tonedeaf to WvW.


If you think this is tone deaf, just wait until you see the firebrand buffs. 😛


Scrapper needed it though, they awknoledged that it was good in WvW (and to a lesser extent pvp), but it was practically a dead spec everywhere else. 

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  • "Kinetic Stabilizers has been reworked and renamed. It is now Kinetic Accelerators."
  • "Kinetic Accelerators: When you grant superspeed to a target, also grant quickness (2 seconds)."



This seems really interesting. Might actually start seeing Runes of the Zephyrite Quickness builds in WvW perhaps?



Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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hi i propose that build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FcGVrASXCY3Zp9NL-e

or full harrier


yo got 6 procs of superspeed means 6*3=18s of quickness, and your Badage self is 17s cd, then blast gyro/function gyro, and last bypas coating


that way you got around 90%-100% quickness with 75% boon dura


But i agree with you, quickness schold be buffed to 2,1/2 or 3s allowing to take some other utilities in cause you will  need them or giving some quickness to Expert Examination

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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46 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

hi i propose that build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQh+CfMaA1QgdcGVrASXCY3Zp9NL-e

or full harrier


yo got 6 procs of superspeed means 6*3=18s of quickness, and your Badage self is 17s cd, then blast gyro/function gyro, and last bypas coating


that way you got around 90%-100% quickness with 75% boon dura


But i agree with you, quickness schold be buffed to 2,1/2 or 3s allowing to take some other utilities in cause you will  need them

Exactly, the reason why StM chrono and CQB are able to be used as DPS and not heals is because they give up far less damage. Only need ~25% Boon duration on CQB/pQB and StM currently needs ~10% while after patch likely will be 50-60% required.

If you require 100% Boon duration or something similar (70+%) it becomes a hassle and you need to take utilities you can't use all the time (such as purge gyro) or rely on people not downing so function gyro doesn't go on cooldown.

For the build you put up there's not much reason to run mortar kit if you are running med kit though. The might from HGH isn't significant enough , you would just have your DPS supply might (DH/firebrand/holo/soulbeast/BS/chrono) along with renegades and/or druids.

You wouldn't bring bulwark gyro on a DPS scrapper it only has use on heal scrapper ; shredder gyro would be used instead.
Blast gyro would be the best pick in either case because it supplies 2 sources of superspeed as well as hard CC.
Running purge gyro is going to be useless most of the time unfortunately for PVE.

For a diviner type scrapper I would expect something akin to shredder gyro + blast gyro + medic gyro / med kit (lower cooldown on heal's superspeed). That means you'd retain grenade kit damage and supply crate for CC and sustained damage.

What if people run DPS scrappers for memes and then drop Applied Force , similar to Condi RR:
The change to Glass Cannon means you lose 200 power from not running Applied Force but have an added 3% DPS if you have barrier to stop health loss

Med kit + blast gyro + shredder gyro might be able to pull it off but probably not Medic gyro + blast gyro + shredder gyro.

With alacrity, 0% Boon duration or something low:
Med kit toolbelt (Bandage self) 2s  / 13.5s = 15% coverage alone
Blast gyro with toolbelt = 2s/ 20 + 2/24 = 18% coverage
Shredder gyro = 2s /16 = ~13% coverage
46% coverage total without function gyro , 

+ 2/20 from function gyro = 56% so running two scrappers could make it work with 0% Boon duration or you can run something like a concentration sigil or diviner pieces to hit > 9% boon duration


Edited by Infusion.7149
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It would be far easier if chronomancer runes shared quickness if scrapper specced. Power scourge would not be as strong a spec ; power reaper isn't going to run more than 3 wells. Chrono already has quickness.

The tradeoff would be you give up a hefty part of your ferocity (225 ferocity = 15% crit damage) and 5% damage bonus from scholar rune.

People with legendary armor would be able to just swap runes.

Due to the balance implications of exposing reaper to potential quickness sharing , it probably isn't going to happen and you'd at best get the requested 2.5s base quickness application.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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8 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:
  • "Kinetic Stabilizers has been reworked and renamed. It is now Kinetic Accelerators."
  • "Kinetic Accelerators: When you grant superspeed to a target, also grant quickness (2 seconds)."



This seems really interesting. Might actually start seeing Runes of the Zephyrite Quickness builds in WvW perhaps?



Rune of the Zephyrite, like Runes of the Chronomancer, only apply the the 6th bonus to yourself, so it's unlikely that would be used over Monk runes.

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