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Strongly disagree with the changes to Kinetic Stabilizers in reagards to WvW


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Kinetic Stabilizers was great in WvW, because it gave you stability and superspeed. Why gut it completely for some boring trait that just grants quickness? Just rework the Applied Force one to give quickness the way Kinetic Accelerators is gonna do it now. No need to completely trash a perfectly useful trait that made WvW less cancer for a scrapper that isn't a support bot.


Also, you removed stab from Corona Burst completely back then, too, cuz you couldn't balance around it in sPvP, which again made Holo even less viable in WvW.


Most non organized public tags don't have a reliable stab application, that's why we need a decent skill/trait to reapply it reliably.


You ruined Holo in WvW with the complete stab removal back then and now you are gonna kitten over the non-support scrapper as well. Thanks Anet.

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Hello i disagree with you


Now you can get Mass monument that if you got stab you will get might


And change to Adapt force that will give you stab if you got 10 might, will keep your might up all time providing adional bonus to your stats, also stab will be aoe


Also you got multiple source of stab like Toss elixir b, and Defence Field, even Elixir U got 2stab, and if you play with flamethrower you got juggaranat trait

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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If there is no internal cooldown then there will be twice the scrappers in zergs and everyone will have constant quickness. Given the change needed in skills to get more AoE superspeed and celestial getting boon duration, zergs will probably go a metric ton more damage and the constant stealth wont exactly hinder them.


Stability dont matter when you one push the enemy within the cd of a bulwark bubble.


The ICD would have to be like 30s for this to be "bad".

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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It is the worst thing they can do to wvw. Making quirkiness on this level of an bases boon will destroy the wvw game type. As well as the need to play any other type of eng other then scraper.


It WILL make anet nerf quirkiness effect agen. Maybe not today but anet will nerf the effect if a class can simply give it out soo freely.

Edited by Jski.6180
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You're naive to think that the change isn't significant. Every organized WvW squad is already using scrappers , so having it able to apply quickness and superspeed means that you essentially have a squad that is both doing more damage and more mobile.

Stability is going to remain easier to come by on firebrands.

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20 minutes ago, schloumou.3982 said:

Just saying, we are allready at perma quickness and high superspeed uptime in organised groups, friends.


Big difference between organised groups and pug zergs being able to just spam gyros for both aoe superspeed and quickness.


It epitomises everything wrong with the direction Anet has been taking combat since HoT. Skills should be quick reaction for a specific purpose. Fast paced counters.


 But no, instead you press a button and 10 kittening passive things happen because you have a skill that gives AoE and when that skill affect allies it triggers a trait and that trait triggers another trait which triggers another trait which triggers a trait on the ally which triggers another that make him give you AoE boons which trigger a trait on you.


But I digress.

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2 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You're naive to think that the change isn't significant. Every organized WvW squad is already using scrappers , so having it able to apply quickness and superspeed means that you essentially have a squad that is both doing more damage and more mobile.

Stability is going to remain easier to come by on firebrands.

More healing as well its going to make wvw into a slide show with every thing happing at the same time.

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Don't healbrands/quickbrands already dole out a lot of quickness in unorganized pugs?  The combination of Liberator's Vow, Stalwart Speed, and Potent Haste already give 5 seconds of quickness every 7 seconds with zero concentration.  I've even seen some Chronos running Seize the Moment.


That's among the many things I've found weird about these updates.  From a PVE standpoint the quickness on superspeed is... not good.  It forces you to run a bunch of inefficient skills and traits just to get it.  I don't see it having much use in groups either, since they can get quickness pretty easy already.  Is this supposed to be a side-buff to WvW Chronos and Firebrands, letting them run non-quickness skills because the scrapper is supposed to handle that now?  

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15 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Don't healbrands/quickbrands already dole out a lot of quickness in unorganized pugs?  The combination of Liberator's Vow, Stalwart Speed, and Potent Haste already give 5 seconds of quickness every 7 seconds with zero concentration.  I've even seen some Chronos running Seize the Moment.


That's among the many things I've found weird about these updates.  From a PVE standpoint the quickness on superspeed is... not good.  It forces you to run a bunch of inefficient skills and traits just to get it.  I don't see it having much use in groups either, since they can get quickness pretty easy already.  Is this supposed to be a side-buff to WvW Chronos and Firebrands, letting them run non-quickness skills because the scrapper is supposed to handle that now?  

Not in WVW. You're limited by cooldowns on aegis and stability.

  • Mantra of Solace = 12s cooldown
  • Protector's Strike = 15s cooldown
  • Shield of Judgment = 20s cooldown
  • Stand your Ground! =  30s cooldown , you wouldn't use it off cooldown ideally
  • Mantra of Liberation = 25s cooldown

Quickness duration of mantra of potence is 1s base duration. You would want to run "Stand Your Ground!" for stability , mantra of lore for condi clear, and one other utility skill for heals if you're using mantra of solace (199 heal on charges if competitive modes) such as Hallowed Ground / Bow of Truth / Merciful Intervention / Sanctuary.

If you run Liberator's Vow (2s base duration) you lose pages on your tomes and it's unplayable without using mantra of solace because other heals are 20s+ recharge time.

Stalwart speed is used often after the change to Legendary Lore such that protection duration is 1s in WvW. The base duration remains 2s. If you do have quickness output, this is going to be the main one and it has 7s internal cooldown. Since it's mutually exclusive with Weighty Terms, Weighty Terms' cooldown reduction on mantras is omitted.

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I really feel that if they wanted to add a supportive trait to scrapper then they should have changed the whole middle row to function gyro boons or general gyro bonuses which, ironically is something that the scrapper is lacking all things considered.


In fact thinking more on this, they should probably just change the last column to different function gyro additons, after all the function gyro is an unusually small part of the scrapper despite it apparantly being the centre point, imagine if you had different traits which call different minor gyro formations down around your function gyro, that would be kinda cool and make it all the more important and defining.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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On 5/3/2021 at 7:36 PM, Stalima.5490 said:

I really feel that if they wanted to add a supportive trait to scrapper then they should have changed the whole middle row to function gyro boons or general gyro bonuses which, ironically is something that the scrapper is lacking all things considered.


In fact thinking more on this, they should probably just change the last column to different function gyro additons, after all the function gyro is an unusually small part of the scrapper despite it apparantly being the centre point, imagine if you had different traits which call different minor gyro formations down around your function gyro, that would be kinda cool and make it all the more important and defining.


Why should they do that? The middle line in scrapper is fundamental to a lot of builds in pvp (and makes the spec at least semi-viable compared to holo). Not to mention it actually promotes active play by rewarding interrupts. If anything, the top line should be reworked to be the support line. The adept choice is already basically a support option. I did a small write-up about my opinion on the new trait here.


Secondly, the adept majors in scrapper all modify function gyro in different, meaningful ways. It's not meant to be anything more than alternative to core engi elite toolbelt, as elite specs are about "side-grading" rather than direct upgrades. 


Edited by Renny.6571
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1 hour ago, Renny.6571 said:


Why should they do that? The middle line in scrapper is fundamental to a lot of builds in pvp (and makes the spec at least semi-viable compared to holo). Not to mention it actually promotes active play by rewarding interrupts. If anything, the top line should be reworked to be the support line. The adept choice is already basically a support option. I did a small write-up about my opinion on the new trait here.


Secondly, the adept majors in scrapper all modify function gyro in different, meaningful ways. It's not meant to be anything more than alternative to core engi elite toolbelt, as elite specs are about "side-grading" rather than direct upgrades. 



perhaps you misunderstand, with the scrapper, the function gyro is usually just some thing that you use to finish enemies off, this is something that basically any profession can do by doing stupid amounts of damage anyway (we're looking at you dragon hunters) or revive allies (which isn't exactly special either) as such, this results in there being absoloutely no "elite specialisation" feeling in scrapper as it has effectively no real elite specialisation mechanic, for example, a berserker gets berserk mode and that is a big part of their specialisation and a druid gets their celestial form which can be a big part of their specialisation too.


In fact, scrapper is perhaps the only specialisation that has effectively no real elite mechanic and yet comes with a massive vitality disadvantage which makes no sense when you consider that daredevil perhaps the other, tho they get strong dodge specialisation and are more or less a direct upgrade to core thief with effectively no disadvantages (a shorter range steal does not count when it is also made unblockable).

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How dose scraper heal with out using core eng skills is the main question anet should be asking it self. If they want scraper to heal they need to give scraper a heal support effect or maybe a barrier support much before throwing boons at something to fix a class.


What going on here is scraper was balanced in wvw / spvp but all of this balancing carried over to pve (a reverse ele balancing where ele was balanced for pve only not spvp and wvw) scraper was a cc bursier class and it still holds a lot of these effects. Scraper use to have pets that would daze on cast and death and the scraper would get a lot of effects when doing so. At the same time it would (and still has) high dmging attks on its wepon and the ability to get strong boons for it self. But it did not work well/too well in wvw/spvp so the pets lost its daze (was too strong) and lots it pets over all (was too week). Now we have an "support" class with out support on its own. Even tempest has healing support with out core ele effects.


This is the wrong way to balance eng / scraper even holo. Eng core is the support scraper is the tankly cc and holo is the dps. We are going to end up with another scorge that simply dose every thing all of the time that is only going to get nerfed into nothing say a year from now when we get the next "real update."

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