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Stacked Matchmaking


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So many times i solo queue in ranked and the match is heavily skewed to one side, I just had a game with 2 duos and a solo on one team and full solo on mine. 

How hard is it to split the duos across two teams? 


Sure you could argue their mmr might have been balanced, but in the game mode MMR is a joke most of the time, the communication between players massively affects the outcome and having two duos in your team massively affects the outcome, hence the stomp 500 - 138. 


i know im ranting but for a games whos combat i love so much the matchmaking, balance and overall support given to its pvp is a joke/. 

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I believe part of the problem is that they allow people to log out and change characters to counter the enemy team, they really need to make it so your character and build are fixed upon entering to stop people just switching to say a 100% reflect ele just because they saw a projectile heavy enemy.


The point being, allowing people to hard counter enemies AFTER they have seen them is never a good game design as the game will just devolve into people hard countering every game rather tha using skill to overcome a challenge as they should be.

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9 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

I believe part of the problem is that they allow people to log out and change characters to counter the enemy team, they really need to make it so your character and build are fixed upon entering to stop people just switching to say a 100% reflect ele just because they saw a projectile heavy enemy.


The point being, allowing people to hard counter enemies AFTER they have seen them is never a good game design as the game will just devolve into people hard countering every game rather tha using skill to overcome a challenge as they should be.

I could not agree more!

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1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:

I believe part of the problem is that they allow people to log out and change characters to counter the enemy team, they really need to make it so your character and build are fixed upon entering to stop people just switching to say a 100% reflect ele just because they saw a projectile heavy enemy.


The point being, allowing people to hard counter enemies AFTER they have seen them is never a good game design as the game will just devolve into people hard countering every game rather tha using skill to overcome a challenge as they should be.

It's been said many times now, new builds would emerge with purposes for each professions if people were forced to adapt instead of constantly switching.


All of this also parts in match manipulation as the game attempts to not match people of the same profession together, so being Warrior means it'll be unlikely that you get one yourself.

Edited by Shao.7236
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me trying to play axe/dagger + sb condi ranger
looks at enemy team
cweaver ( aoe proj block and magnet aura )
scourge ( aoe proj block )
support guard/tempest ( block from both, also reflect from tempest )
sorry axe, I love you but this is not your day !

IMO we should be able to switch builds but not classes, but while it will fix some problems it will make couple others.
Hey we have 3 thiefs, but we cant switch, unlucky!
Hey we dont have a support, cant switch to guard, GG go next!

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19 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

IMO we should be able to switch builds but not classes, but while it will fix some problems it will make couple others.
Hey we have 3 thiefs, but we cant switch, unlucky!
Hey we dont have a support, cant switch to guard, GG go next!

The forum has come up with a solution to this which is: you are only allowed to see your team classes and players' names.

It's simple and effective. Especially for all the hyprocrite "wHaT aBoUt MuLtIcLaSs ThEn".

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2 minutes ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

The forum has come up with a solution to this which is: you are only allowed to see your team classes and players' names.

It's simple and effective. Especially for all the hyprocrite "wHaT aBoUt MuLtIcLaSs ThEn".

I like this. 

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