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Asura need some love!

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The shoes for asura are all basically identical. Also, the armor is all hideous. It's like they designed it on a bigger scale and then just shrank it down. So it looks overly ornate and busy. I have 3 female asuras, and have been trying to find an armor skin I like for them since the game came out. I finally got fed up and went to the wiki to look through them all enmasse. The only one that isn't crazy busy is the ancestral outfit. I've been waiting for it to go back into the gem store for at least 6 months, and have yet to see it appear. If it's been there, I missed it. ?

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We need long hairs! We need cool braids, more minimalistic/classic hairs. I'll try to draw my ideas in a couple of days and ill post it here ; x But one long single thick braid would look like a tail on Asura, and it would be supper cute. Like we could adjust norn hairstyle from makeover kit for asura's. Dont you wanna this on your asura: http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/gw2-wintersday-new-hairstyles-norn-female-2.jpg

Also, there are some hairstyles for male asuras, that could look awesome on females, but we can't use them.

But great hairstyles are nothing, if we don't get better looking armors. Cultural armors looks awesome on Asuras, all of them, but when you try other armors... It's really hard to find something that look good, and keep your body model in a good proportions (not making your chest really small, because armor was ment for humans, with big chest and muscles, but on your small body it looks like a joke.) Great example, on how they can make same outfit look diffrent on asuras (and every race) is their wedding attire. Just try it on, and you will find out that they can really make an armor that works for everyone.(Sorry for my english ^^ Im still practicing)

Edit: I forgot about hoods for light class - we could really use some that show your ears - like a thief hood for medium class. And also we could use scratched male asura ears on females! : x But yea, we need more ears options! :)

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I wouldn't mind seeing more evil/villainous faces (like the male ones with scars). Would love to see any new hairstyles; many of you have already voiced your appeal for longer hair which I agree albeit clipping may be an issue which is probably why we haven't gotten any. Other than that more ear options sounds pretty cool to me.

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@TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:I'd also like to know how some of the past story-based NPC's have been doing, like Professor Gorr and Agent Batanga. I mean, I know that's likely not going to happen since that's a story thing (and I'm not a big fan of the overall story at the moment) but it would be nice to know/see what they're up to.

Same here :) Would be cool to meet your crew-mates again :)

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@Endless Soul.5178 said:Ah yes, the shoes, our constant nemesis.

Fortunately, the new Light Elonian Shoes actually have straps going around our toes. I was really pleased to see that. I don't know about the other armor weights though.

Love to be a fly on the wall the first time an asura showed up in an elonian show store and asked for new shoes. Give that cobbler an honorary college membership for ingenuity!

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:I always thought the ears in this case were meant to hide under the hoods, whether naturally or pushed back a bit. To kind of hide your identity.

How hiding ears helps to hide your identity as well? ;) Even if that is the case - hood should be much bigger, i can't imagine my asuras huge ears fit in. Maybe just another version of this hood but with ears out? :) So people who like them hidden can stick to it.

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@Ves.8236 said:

@"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:I always thought the ears in this case were meant to hide under the hoods, whether naturally or pushed back a bit. To kind of hide your identity.

How hiding ears helps to hide your identity as well? ;) Even if that is the case - hood should be much bigger, i can't imagine my asuras huge ears fit in. Maybe just another version of this hood but with ears out? :) So people who like them hidden can stick to it.

Because not every Asura has the same ears. The hood is meant to kind of hide a bit on who you are so people can't pinpoint who is the attacker/spy/whatever.Just need to point to "We know this one Asura who is pale skin, an elementalist, a bit of a sly smirk on their face.""Can you tell me anything else?""Their face was mostly covered by the hood, so I couldn't see all that much, but the ears did have a specific look to them."

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@dusanyu.4057 said:asura would never cover their ears they are a point of pride for them

Good point :D also there are so many models of hoods and hats that just dont make sense on Asura - like hood so tight that your ears have no chance at all to fit in. I dont know why they allowed something as bad to be in game. Like they have problem with making Sand Shark pet for ranger, cause of the weird situatuons with floor. They sometimes explain their choices as: we could not allowed such aesthetic into the game... Yet they kitten up asura wonderfull ears with headgear that covers it. Whyyyyy? ;(

@"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:Because not every Asura has the same ears. The hood is meant to kind of hide a bit on who you are so people can't pinpoint who is the attacker/spy/whatever.Just need to point to "We know this one Asura who is pale skin, an elementalist, a bit of a sly smirk on their face.""Can you tell me anything else?""Their face was mostly covered by the hood, so I couldn't see all that much, but the ears did have a specific look to them."

I like that explanation, but still wanna have an option to show my ears of :)

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thumbs up for that. I personally am waiting for 2 particular things: SSJ3 type of long hair for the male Anyone that watched DBZ anime will be familiar with this. As well as tiger like stripes skin marks. Tho the second is less likely to happen. One can dream however xd

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@TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:Speaking of styles, I'd like to see some more ear styles as well. Maybe options to pierce/decorate them if that's possible. Heck, I'd settle for some preset options if it made it possible.

Oh! Ears option with piercing would be awesome :O Like just new ears with some ring on them, maybe earplugs if possible.

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