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if you main warrior


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On 5/20/2021 at 10:02 AM, felix.2386 said:

Also you have to realize even at the current state of the warrior

is being carried heavily by a bugged trait that grant 25% skill CD reduction instead of 15% reduction.


if this trait get fixed, warrior will drop even farther.

Which one?

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17 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:




Giving back 300 toughness that was taken from the class merely for existing is not hard mitigation. Neither is minorly healing them and revoking their mechanic if they happen to down while in it.


Feel no pain is a good trait. There needs to be more of it. @ZDragon.3046 had some good suggestions about how to resolve it. See below. 


My suggestion is to increase berserkers viability to keep up with core and spellbreaker builds without just making it hit bigger numbers than the other two options. I feel like adding more raw dps is not the solution needed here. (seeing as how the other two options sometimes already hit bigger numbers in the majority of players hands) I think the utility side needs to be adjusted not the outgoing damage.


Savage Instinct Activating berserk mode breaks stuns and reduces incoming damage. Activating Primal Burst reduces incoming damage.

Feel No Pain (2s): -100% Incoming Damage.

Feel No Pain (1s): -100% Incoming Damage (Primal Burst Activation)

(This change promotes the ideal play style of berserker and increases risk for reward. Using a burst to punish a foes burst)


Burst of Aggression Gain a burst of speed when entering berserk mode. 

Quickness (3s) / Super speed (3s)

The next trait highlights this one as this changes is kind of needed. It makes no sense that this is a one off minor that basically does nothing. There should be an risky optional to expand upon it. (see Bloody Roar Grand Master suggestion)


Bloody Roar: Deal increased damage while in berserk mode. Gain Burst of Aggression when using a Primal Burst.

15% Damage increase. 

BoA: Quickness (3s) / Super speed (3s) 

This change is just outright needed somewhere in the berserker elite if not under the BoA trait itself then some where else. It makes no sense that the Burst of Aggression trait is a one off activation with no options to make more use of it. This is a perfect addition to bloody roar!


Outrage: Break out of stun and extend the duration of berserk mode. The extension of berserk mode increases and conditions are removed if a stun was broken.

Duration Increase: 1 second

Stun-Break Duration Increase: 5 seconds

Stun-Break Condition removal: 2 conditions removed.

I would say this is more than fair as the suggested buff implies that you must be stunned to even take advantage of it.


Headbutt: Stun your target and stun yourself. Gain adrenaline and extend berserk duration if you hit. This skill ignores the blind and immobilize conditions, removes all stability, and deals increased damage if stability was removed.

Berserker use to have a few skills that ignored the blind condition. I think that should make a return specifically on this skill.


Rupturing Smash (Hammer Primal Burst): This skill now impacts a full circle at the target location around the berserker instead of a half circle. 




Those changes are all good changes to make, and would substantially improve the QOL of Berserker in competitive play and possibly make it viable outside of meme gank builds. The only other thing missing is having an F2 to manually exit Berserk Mode.

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5 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

Which one?

Versatile power.


It is supposed to be 15% reduction, so the 8s baseline Burst CD should be reduced to 6.8s, but if you go equip it in game you'll see that the CD is 6s.
Berserk gets reduced to 11s instead of 12.75s

The Primal Bursts get reduced to 3.75s instead of 4.25s

Full Counter gets reduced to 8.75s instead of 10.2s.

Basically the reduction is being applied twice (85%*85% = 72.25% of the original CD).

The thing is I've noticed that on the Primal Bursts for a while now and didn't think anything of it until recently, so this bug has been around for well over 2 years now.

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If it's berserkers changes you are looking for then i would simply propose they just rework berserker mode so insteqad of getting advanced weapon abilities, you simply get a sort of shout or similar that further empowers the berserk mode, limited only by the amount of adrenaline you generate.


So, you'd attack faster, do more dmg and cond dmg, get tougher and tougher, I would also say have it provide stability and maybe a condi cleanse coz that is a serious issue for trying to go berserk...

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On 5/17/2021 at 5:23 PM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

1500 range, but ill bite.


1.) No. Gun Flame had its damage reduced with the Feb patch. It's coeff is 1.54 now which is marginally better damage than a level 1 Kill Shot. The only reason you see it on zerkers at all is because they're so heavily countered by kiting that they need a ranged weapon to not evaporate immediately. 


And memes.


2.) Fun fact, Rapid Fire actually lands for more damage if the channel completes entirely. It's objectively better, less evadable, has a shorter cd and is not gated behind adrenaline. 

Fun fact, projectile denial exists though whether you're a ranger, warrior, dh, etc etc - when you compare ranger range to warrior range abilities it's apple and oranges even though they're both using a ranged weapon set, the mentality and gameplay goal is much different between the 2.


And warriors don't have an issue kiting in conquest, yea in WvW sure I can see that -- but not in PvP and for the most part the meta SB will side node anyway, which voila dom dueling mes exists so the main counter to your class isn't even a result of kiting, it's a result of not landing your heal. 


in team fights you have no issue offending a target but there are just better options for team fights than warrior. The problems with warrior are not kiting and people run rifle builds to troll or because zerker rifle is quite a fun build but for the most part only played in the HoTM arena. people aren't running because they're hopeless and out of options. 


with that said balance is actual garbage in regards to a lot of classes, not just warrior but yea i still find meta SB fun, just not optimal in top end gameplay.

Edited by Tinkerer.2167
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10 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Versatile power.


It is supposed to be 15% reduction, so the 8s baseline Burst CD should be reduced to 6.8s, but if you go equip it in game you'll see that the CD is 6s.
Berserk gets reduced to 11s instead of 12.75s

The Primal Bursts get reduced to 3.75s instead of 4.25s

Full Counter gets reduced to 8.75s instead of 10.2s.

Basically the reduction is being applied twice (85%*85% = 72.25% of the original CD).

The thing is I've noticed that on the Primal Bursts for a while now and didn't think anything of it until recently, so this bug has been around for well over 2 years now.

Ty, that's pretty sad

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