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Pet swapping whilst downed - Soulbeast


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13 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

There isn't really any reason to think it is a bug. If you want it changed, fine, whatever, but thinking it is just some unnoticed bug that has existed from the start of the game instead of intended behavior is a pretty big stretch. As for the reason Soulbeast can't swap pets, you are both right technically. However, Sent abandoned the trade-off concept, just look at Guardian for example who's virtues become straight up upgrades with Elite specs. 


If they decide to change things now and rebalance down states across the board, then whatever. There is no reason to solely focus on the Ranger downstate while leaving all others as they are though.

I think I have pretty good reason to believe that these mechanics working in downstate are bugs.


As I mentioned above: if this is intended behaviour, then why does anet not communicate it in any way through the interface that pet mechanic skills are still working?


The ui for the pet disappears. If it is an intended mechanic, you would want to communicate to the player that you still have access to this stuff if you are a designer. The lack of communication indicates for me that this was not intended, but they just left it in the game because "whatever".


It is also weird that ranger is the only class in the game which keeps access to the class mechanic skills. If this would be intended, then I would demand that other classes get the same treatment, so I can use my toolbelt skills while in downstate, guardians can use their virtues, mesmers can still shatter, thieves get a stealth attack while in downstate, etc. 


And no, guardian is not proof of an abandoned trade-off system... replacing skills with different versions has always been considered a trade-off for anet. 


Holosmith replaces the f5 elite toolbelt with photon forge, this was considered a trade off since the beginning by anet. 

Daredevil replaces steal with another skill with some up- and downsides: swipe has less CD and is unblockable, but reduced range.


Guardian does the same thing, it replaces it's virtues with other skills. By anet' s definition of the system, this is considered a trade-off.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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13 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I think I have pretty good reason to believe that these mechanics working in downstate are bugs.


As I mentioned above: if this is intended behaviour, then why does anet not communicate it in any way through the interface that pet mechanic skills are still working?


The ui for the pet disappears. If it is an intended mechanic, you would want to communicate to the player that you still have access to this stuff if you are a designer. The lack of communication indicates for me that this was not intended, but they just left it in the game because "whatever".


It is also weird that ranger is the only class in the game which keeps access to the class mechanic skills. If this would be intended, then I would demand that other classes get the same treatment, so I can use my toolbelt skills while in downstate, guardians can use their virtues, mesmers can still shatter, thieves get a stealth attack while in downstate, etc. 


And no, guardian is not proof of an abandoned trade-off system... replacing skills with different versions has always been considered a trade-off for anet. 


Holosmith replaces the f5 elite toolbelt with photon forge, this was considered a trade off since the beginning by anet. 

Daredevil replaces steal with another skill with some up and downsides: swipe has less CD and is unblockable, but reduced range.


Guardian does the same thing, it replaces it's virtues with other skills. By anet' s definition of the system, this is considered a trade-off.

Rangers are also the only class with pets that they can control. The pet is a separate entity from the Ranger, with its own stats. Engineer turrets still continue to attack in down state. Elixir R will still continue to revive when thrown at your feet before going down. Just because something is different doesn't make it bugged or unfair. Classes are different. Also, Anet has never stated it is a bug, but they are also bad at communicating anything. 


In the end, if it makes you feel better to believe it is a bug, then have at it. Just know that it will be a weak argument to use and won't really help you. Also, insanely obvious upgrades are not trade-offs. In the end though, you seem very dedicated to your opinion and not interested in understanding anything that opposes that opinion. If you want this changed though, you're going to need to present a stronger case on why Ranger downstate is such an outrageous outlier that it needs to be addressed above all else. Most likely I suspect people will make some noise, it'll die out, and we'll continue business as usual. 

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Ok, one more answer to your comment.

"The ui for the pet disappears. If it is an intended mechanic, you would want to communicate to the player that you still have access to this stuff if you are a designer. The lack of communication indicates for me that this was not intended, but they just left it in the game because "whatever".

Based on what are you saying, Ranger (even is core, druid or soulbeast) should do only Throw Dirt (the worst damage dealer in down state), Thunderclap (Daze, basically is the interrupt skill for enemy who want to stomp you), Lick Wounds (revive pet so he can revive you) and Bandage (restore health). All these skills being far behind any other skill of other classes. At the same time because ranger doesn't have pet bar active when he is in down state, he shouldn't send pet to attack an enemy or call pet back to him. You realize that all these action (the ones who command pet) are since the beginning, and are as intended?  Probably wasn't so easy to put another bar when you are in down state, just for one class, because one class has pets. But these things are since the beginning, because ranger and pets should play together to be competitive, was the class mechanic since the Beta.

19 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

It is also weird that ranger is the only class in the game which keeps access to the class mechanic skills. If this would be intended, then I would demand that other classes get the same treatment, so I can use my toolbelt skills while in downstate, guardians can use their virtues, mesmers can still shatter, thieves get a stealth attack while in downstate, etc. 

You miss something from the whole picture, Ranger is a class with pet. Without pet he doesn't have any chance vs other classes. His mechanic should be different.

In my opinion, Ranger doesn't trade anything for no swap pet in combat. He didn't get anything in exchange, was only a nerf and that's it.


Now, because you are an Engineer and you are complaining about swap pet in down state, I want to ask you if it is normal, that Engineer can revive himself, almost instantaneous with Toss Elixir R? Engi is the only class who can do this.


Have a nice day!

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5 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Rangers are also the only class with pets that they can control. The pet is a separate entity from the Ranger, with its own stats. Engineer turrets still continue to attack in down state. Elixir R will still continue to revive when thrown at your feet before going down. Just because something is different doesn't make it bugged or unfair. Classes are different. Also, Anet has never stated it is a bug, but they are also bad at communicating anything. 


In the end, if it makes you feel better to believe it is a bug, then have at it. Just know that it will be a weak argument to use and won't really help you. Also, insanely obvious upgrades are not trade-offs. In the end though, you seem very dedicated to your opinion and not interested in understanding anything that opposes that opinion. If you want this changed though, you're going to need to present a stronger case on why Ranger downstate is such an outrageous outlier that it needs to be addressed above all else. Most likely I suspect people will make some noise, it'll die out, and we'll continue business as usual. 

I never said that pets should stop attacking, but that the class mechanic skills should be disabled (pet skill and pet swap).


As you pointed out, engineer turrets will keep attacking while you are in downstate. But you can't give them commands, like detonating them for example.


Same for necromancer and their minions. The minions keep attacking, but you are not able to use their active skills while in downstate. And minions and turrets are also own entities with own stats, just like the pet.


I don't believe at this point that anet will disable the pet skills and swap for core ranger at all, if they didn't give a kitten about this bug for so many years, then it most likely won't change now. But at least for soulbeasts, which they specifically changed not too long ago to be unable to swap pets while in combat, pet swap in downstate should be disabled.

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8 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I never said that pets should stop attacking, but that the class mechanic skills should be disabled (pet skill and pet swap).


As you pointed out, engineer turrets will keep attacking while you are in downstate. But you can't give them commands, like detonating them for example.


Same for necromancer and their minions. The minions keep attacking, but you are not able to use their active skills while in downstate. And minions and turrets are also own entities with own stats, just like the pet.


I don't believe at this point that anet will disable the pet skills and swap for core ranger at all, if they didn't give a kitten about this bug for so many years, then it most likely won't change now. But at least for soulbeasts, which they specifically changed not too long ago to be unable to swap pets while in combat, pet swap in downstate should be disabled.

Now the pet swap for Soulbeast is completely a worthwhile change to look in to, since it is most likely an oversight. Technically the Soulbeast is still in combat and therefore should not be able to swap pets. For Core and Druid though, there is no precedence for a change.

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9 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Now the pet swap for Soulbeast is completely a worthwhile change to look in to, since it is most likely an oversight. Technically the Soulbeast is still in combat and therefore should not be able to swap pets. For Core and Druid though, there is no precedence for a change.

If you check on Wiki you'll see that Soulbeast doesn't have "Downed and drowning skills". These skills are linked only with Core Ranger. Practically Anet is saying when a specialization class is downed he became core class with original skills.

This is the reason Soulbeast can change pet in down state, because he is a core ranger when he is in down state, he has the same abilities, his pets has the same abilities and they can do the same things as core ranger pets, nothing more, nothing different.

They would changed this if in downstate soulbeast would benefit somehow in a different way than a core ranger.

And the same thing is happening with other specialization of other classes. They doesn't have any different skills or benefit than their core, when they are in down state.

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9 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Either way, being a unintended effect or not i don't see the pet swap while downed like a big issue. 

Let's no fix anything, after all there's bigger issues.


As very well it is said:

With the "F to Revive" and without stability that situation would not change even if the ranger could have had access to 2 CC instead 3. 


The result would have been the same, the player overextended trying to stump in that situation and  it would have been a loss either way. The 3 CCs just happened to come 1 from ranger and 2 from pets. 

3 CCS from a downed player is disgusting either way.


To me this post is just a L2P issue more than a overpowered mechanic. Other downstates are worst offenders like the damage coming from the necro downstate or the mist form from the elementalist. 

Why stop at 2 pets then? 


Let em bring an entire menagerie when they go down. Just have em release all 60-ish obtainable pets when they go down.


I do believe mist form (well all downstates really) should be nerfed but this thread is in the ranger forum about a bug not about overall balance.


Also necro downstate I have no words, it's top 3 weakest downstates. 


Defending this obvious bug also kinda implies something about you....

Edited by lodjur.1284
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12 hours ago, Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

Ok, one more answer to your comment.

"The ui for the pet disappears. If it is an intended mechanic, you would want to communicate to the player that you still have access to this stuff if you are a designer. The lack of communication indicates for me that this was not intended, but they just left it in the game because "whatever".

Based on what are you saying, Ranger (even is core, druid or soulbeast) should do only Throw Dirt (the worst damage dealer in down state), Thunderclap (Daze, basically is the interrupt skill for enemy who want to stomp you), Lick Wounds (revive pet so he can revive you) and Bandage (restore health). All these skills being far behind any other skill of other classes. At the same time because ranger doesn't have pet bar active when he is in down state, he shouldn't send pet to attack an enemy or call pet back to him. You realize that all these action (the ones who command pet) are since the beginning, and are as intended?  Probably wasn't so easy to put another bar when you are in down state, just for one class, because one class has pets. But these things are since the beginning, because ranger and pets should play together to be competitive, was the class mechanic since the Beta.

You miss something from the whole picture, Ranger is a class with pet. Without pet he doesn't have any chance vs other classes. His mechanic should be different.

In my opinion, Ranger doesn't trade anything for no swap pet in combat. He didn't get anything in exchange, was only a nerf and that's it.


Now, because you are an Engineer and you are complaining about swap pet in down state, I want to ask you if it is normal, that Engineer can revive himself, almost instantaneous with Toss Elixir R? Engi is the only class who can do this.


Have a nice day!

Every class has a mechanic they are dependant on. Do you really believe engineer has a chance against other classes without toolbelt? Or necromancer without their shroud? The other classes still all have their class mechanic completely disabled in downstate.


I am not even saying that the pet should disappear or something, just that pet swap and pet attack should be disabled.


About Elixir R: Sure, nerf it. Make the healing field disappear when the engineer goes into downstate or something, I don't give any flying kitten. Elixir R is a meme, why would I spend a valuable utility slot to take elixir r to revive other players from range if I can just take scrapper and have the same effect with function gyro without spending an utility slot? And this on a 90 seconds cooldown while function gyro has a way shorter CD?


Being able to revive yourself from downstate is way too situational. I can't even remember the last time I saw anyone take that skill. So yeah, nerf it, no objection from me.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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14 hours ago, Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

If you check on Wiki you'll see that Soulbeast doesn't have "Downed and drowning skills". These skills are linked only with Core Ranger. Practically Anet is saying when a specialization class is downed he became core class with original skills.

This is the reason Soulbeast can change pet in down state, because he is a core ranger when he is in down state, he has the same abilities, his pets has the same abilities and they can do the same things as core ranger pets, nothing more, nothing different.

They would changed this if in downstate soulbeast would benefit somehow in a different way than a core ranger.

And the same thing is happening with other specialization of other classes. They doesn't have any different skills or benefit than their core, when they are in down state.

Actually, elite spec traitlines are still in effect when down. For instance, on Druid, you can still proc Ancient Seeds while downed. Therefore, this would definitely be an oversight, as the first trait that was changed was not also changed for the downstate.

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1 hour ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Actually, elite spec traitlines are still in effect when down. For instance, on Druid, you can still proc Ancient Seeds while downed. Therefore, this would definitely be an oversight, as the first trait that was changed was not also changed for the downstate.

Just curious, How do you proc ancient seeds while downed? 

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32 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Just curious, How do you proc ancient seeds while downed? 

Hit an enemy with throw dirt when they are cced? (Like for example by thunderclap or if you are using the pet skill if that skill happens to have hard CC)

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16 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I never said that pets should stop attacking, but that the class mechanic skills should be disabled (pet skill and pet swap).


9 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I am not even saying that the pet should disappear or something, just that pet swap and pet attack should be disabled.


From these statements it sounds like you want the pet to stand idle, so it may as well disappear.  Also, even if you disable the F2, pets can CC you on their own, so you'd still be getting owned by pets.


Also for the SB stuff, everyone realizes if you take away pet swap on down then the ranger should really be able to merge with the pet while downed?  That could give us a whole host of options--like bird swoop into doors like eles can do.  So yeah, please give us that tradeoff I'd take it any day.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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9 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:



From these statements it sounds like you want the pet to stand idle, so it may as well disappear.  Also, even if you disable the F2, pets can CC you on their own, so you'd still be getting owned by pets.


Also for the SB stuff, you realize if you take away pet swap on down then the ranger should really be able to merge with the pet while downed?  That could give us a whole host of options--like bird swoop into doors like eles can do.  So yeah, please give us that tradeoff I'd take it any day.  

This is exactly not what I am saying.


See, look at how other minions and such react if you are downed. Turrets from engineer and minions from necromancer still keep following "marked" enemies and attack them. The same can apply to your pet, it keeps following the enemy and attacking them.

All that is disabled for these minions in downstate are active commands which require player input.


So turrets and minions keep attacking, but you can't use your own skills to command them stuff, like the engineer detonating them by using the follow up utility skill on the utility bar or necromancers using the active attacks of their minions by using the follow up skills.


Translated: yes, the pet will still keep attacking and can still use it's own attacks which it performs without player input anyway. I just say that the skills which require the player to activate them (aka the F2 skill and the pet swap) should be disabled as long as you are in downstate.


And no, disabling pet swap in downstate does not mean you get to merge in downstate in exchange. No other class can use their class mechanic while being in downstate, just the ranger is able to currently. If you say that ranger should be able to have access to their class mechanic in downstate, then so should other classes. I would gladly let you merge with your pet in downstate if that means that I can also use my toolbelt skills while I am downed, this opens up 5 new skills for me to use while I am downed. I would gladly make that trade, yes.


Next time try actually reading what I say instead of making wild assumptions which are entirely off my point.

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6 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

This is exactly not what I am saying.


See, look at how other minions and such react if you are downed. Turrets from engineer and minions from necromancer still keep following "marked" enemies and attack them. The same can apply to your pet, it keeps following the enemy and attacking them.

All that is disabled for these minions in downstate are active commands which require player input.


So turrets and minions keep attacking, but you can't use your own skills to command them stuff, like the engineer detonating them by using the follow up utility skill on the utility bar or necromancers using the active attacks of their minions by using the follow up skills.


Translated: yes, the pet will still keep attacking and can still use it's own attacks which it performs without player input anyway. I just say that the skills which require the player to activate them (aka the F2 skill and the pet swap) should be disabled as long as you are in downstate.


And no, disabling pet swap in downstate does not mean you get to merge in downstate in exchange. No other class can use their class mechanic while being in downstate, just the ranger is able to currently. If you say that ranger should be able to have access to their class mechanic in downstate, then so should other classes. I would gladly let you merge with your pet in downstate if that means that I can also use my toolbelt skills while I am downed, this opens up 5 new skills for me to use while I am downed. I would gladly make that trade, yes.


Next time try actually reading what I say instead of making wild assumptions which are entirely off my point.


Firstly, if you want to be clear I'd not use 'attack' for the pet F2 skill, it makes it sound like you don't want the pet to do anything.


Semantics aside, I love the 'no other class can' argument; you realize 'no other class' suffers like non-soulbeast ranger does when the pet is downed? Ranger has literally been suffering since the game started for losing pets, with zero tradeoff.  


You seem fine with this, because you don't play ranger.  


So since ranger operates differently and loses half its DPS / utility / everything when the pet goes down (on a 60s cooldown no less untraited), and 'no other class' has this happen to them, then yes it should keep its swap on downstate and yes soulbeast should be able to merge with pet while downed.

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2 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Firstly, if you want to be clear I'd not use 'attack' for the pet F2 skill, it makes it sound like you don't want the pet to do anything.


Semantics aside, I love the 'no other class can' argument; you realize 'no other class' suffers like non-soulbeast ranger does when the pet is downed? Ranger has literally been suffering since the game started for losing pets, with zero tradeoff.  


You seem fine with this, because you don't play ranger.  


So since ranger operates differently and loses half its DPS / utility / everything when the pet goes down (on a 60s cooldown no less untraited), and 'no other class' has this happen to them, then yes it should keep its swap on downstate and yes soulbeast should be able to merge with pet while downed.

Ah yes, it makes it sound like I want the pet to do absolutely nothing if my first sentence you quoted was literally "I never said pets should stop attacking".


And your argument that no other class suffers if their pets get killed is also wrong.

Mesmer is using their killable phantasms and clones as fuel for their class mechanic, shatters, and phantasms in general are their strongest dps skills.

Killing the phantasms and clones hurts them hard in utility, dps, defense, everything. It is the reason why mesmers are struggling in WvW blob fights, since their clones and phantasms are getting instantly deleted by all the AoE thrown around there.


So with this argument, should we at least let mesmers use their shatters while they are in downstate? I bet they would love to have access to the damage, CC and distortion from their class mechanic while downed.

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Wait wait wait...


1) So, even though the UI disappears thus implying that skills like F1-F5 should not be usable, are still usable by a down Ranger of any spec?


2) No other profession is able to activate their F1-F5 keys while in downstate.


3) Soulbeast is able to swap pets in downstate, despite the fact that they lost this mechanic for taking the e-spec?


So, what we have here is :

Bug 1) Soulbeast is able to swap pets while downed and thus still in combat.

Bug 2) Ranger, Druid, and Soulbeast are able to activate their profession mechanic skills while in downstate.


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2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Wait wait wait...


1) So, even though the UI disappears thus implying that skills like F1-F5 should not be usable, are still usable by a down Ranger of any spec?


2) No other profession is able to activate their F1-F5 keys while in downstate.


3) Soulbeast is able to swap pets in downstate, despite the fact that they lost this mechanic for taking the e-spec?


So, what we have here is :

Bug 1) Soulbeast is able to swap pets while downed and thus still in combat.

Bug 2) Ranger, Druid, and Soulbeast are able to activate their profession mechanic skills while in downstate.


Yep, exactly my point. The fact that the UI disappears in downstate already tells me that the entire thing is a bug, because if Anet intended the pet skills and pet swap to still be usable while in downstate, then any designer in their right mind would communicate this by showing you an UI to tell you that you can still use these skills.


But well, ranger players are defending this as an intended mechanic.

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It is pointless to explain to engineer, warriors why this is as intended and it's not a bug.

Anyway, say whatever you want, if you consider it is bug, than call it bug.

Anet will not change this because is part of down state mechanic. Without this ranger (all 3 specialization) will be in a big disadvantage vs other classes.

Rangers, I think you should stop arguing with other classes, it is pointless. 

As I said before, every time when someone is getting beaten by a class, he is going on that class forum and start all kind of subjects where they can complain about how and why they were killed and this shouldn't be happen because: .....

This is embarrassing and childish, but this is all they can do, instead to learn their class better 🙂 


Rangers, have fun, "clear path and enemy in your target"!

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Just now, Dragonzhunter.8506 said:


It is pointless to explain to engineer, warriors why this is as intended and it's not a bug.

Nah bro, we are talking about the Function key skills here. Sure the pet can attack who you target and use it's inherent skills. But, pet swap is supposed to be disabled now for Soulbeast.

That and no other profession has access to their Function key skills while in downstate. That is a BIG issue right there as far as balance is concerned.

Can you imagine if Scrapper could use F5 on itself? Spellbreaker using Full Counter while Downed?

Just now, Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

Anyway, say whatever you want, if you consider it is bug, than call it bug.

Anet will not change this because is part of down state mechanic. Without this ranger (all 3 specialization) will be in a big disadvantage vs other classes.

Rangers, I think you should stop arguing with other classes, it is pointless. 

As I said before, every time when someone is getting beaten by a class, he is going on that class forum and start all kind of subjects where they can complain about how and why they were killed and this shouldn't be happen because: .....

This is embarrassing and childish, but this is all they can do, instead to learn their class better 🙂 

You' be hard pressed to find an engineer more knowledgeable than Kodama or a warrior more knowledgeable than myself or Grand Marshal.


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28 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Nah bro, we are talking about the Function key skills here. Sure the pet can attack who you target and use it's inherent skills. But, pet swap is supposed to be disabled now for Soulbeast.

You and the other guy can't see the big picture. And I'll try to do an exercise of imagination for you and for the other guy.

Let's say they don't allow pet swap in down state for Soulbeast. (Even seems you didn't understand either that in down state Soulbeast became a Core Ranger). Soulbeast pet is killed just 1 sec or 2 sec before Soulbeast is downed. Then Soulbeast will be without pet for 20-60 sec. Enough time to be stomped or killed by other classes, even the other classes are in down state too, because all other classes have more damage/CC in down state than a Soulbeast (Core Ranger/Druid) without a pet. 

Because pet is dying so fast, is the weakest spot for ranger (but seems no many players know this and use this against ranger), Anet allowed Ranger/Druid to swap pet in combat and in down state. For Soulbeast they change this in combat because Soulbeast can ress his Pet with merge and unmerge Beastmode. It take a little bit more than Ranger/Druid swap pet, but it works. 

Well, in down state, Soulbeast became a Core Ranger (I am really sorry for Kodama if for him doesn't matter what Soulbeast can do or can't in down state, but the fact the icon remain the same, than Soulbeast hase the same advantage as a Soulbeast vs a Core Ranger) and has the same abilities, benefit from pet as Core Ranger. 

It is so simple! Do you realize that I am 100% sure that Anet will not change this, because they can't make a class totally useless in down state vs other classes, and the only thing I am trying to do here is to make you or let's not say make you ( because is up to you if you want or not to accept this) to understand the mechanic Anet is using for Ranger.

Ofc they can change this, by a key on UI , the Beastmode key, and when Soulbeast is in down state and his pet is already dead, he can use it so he can instant revive his pet (2 sec) as the Core Ranger and Druid do. 

Once again, in down state, Soulbeast has the same advantage and disadvantage from pets as Core Ranger and Druid. Doesn't have more health, more damage etc.

Edited by Dragonzhunter.8506
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