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1 Day in - already done with this Season

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On 5/26/2021 at 11:43 AM, Kuma.1503 said:

I've hammered the point about how we got there to death at this point. 


PvP isn't very fun atm, and it's not just because necromancer drains the enjoyment out of any fight they're in. We've methodically stripped so much away that it becomes progressively harder to deal with outliers as they come up, and as builds keep getting nerfed they get arguably less fun and more frustrating to play. 


Warriors are upset that they can't unga-bunga and embrace the true warrior fantasy. Instead they play music on warhorn.


Mesmers are still playing where's Waldo trying to figure out where their extra dodge went


Thieves have become masochists and clamor  to get their own class nerfed. 


Ele boomers tell their friends about how glass canons used to deal damage back in the day


Revs play in their energy puddle and get weird looks from the neighbors


Guardians try to heal themselves with their heal skill that doesn't heal


Engineers quietly build a religion about how core died for their sins. 


Everyone wonders where the population went. 







Spot on! It's not really fun and hasn't been for some time. Just play for the rewards, only way to keep your sanity. 

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58 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Ranger hasn't been particularly languishing to my knowledge. Note necro isnt on that list either.

Necro was kind of there as a complaint. 😁

Ranger hasn't been great in PvP for quite some time though.

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32 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Necro was kind of there as a complaint. 😁

Ranger hasn't been great in PvP for quite some time though.

I can understand druid, but core has some immob shenanigans, and soulbeast still has some significant damage, no? people were upset about immob for a bit before they got sand castles dropped on them. 

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1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I can understand druid, but core has some immob shenanigans, and soulbeast still has some significant damage, no? people were upset about immob for a bit before they got sand castles dropped on them. 

Most of the immob spam comes from Druid. Core and Soulbeast are still primarily just power damage specs. They can perform ok, but are far from being anything meta. Even when the Ranger has had a great build, it is usually short lived due to nerfs. Lately the Ranger has spent quite the long stretch of being mediocre. 

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I just found it annoying to have the first 3 matches end 500 to <100 ... really bad matchmaker and a very bad idea to soft reset the ratings. First 2 weeks always are a hell. At least the next 2 matches were closer losses for me. (500 to 300-400 or so.) 6th one a win.


Doing the next ones tomorrow. (Today is WvW day.) I play 3 matches a day usually (started 2 days ago) and it usually is enough to get all the skirmish reward track chests. (Mini season required playing way more to complete this even though there were less chests  ... cause it was only 2 weeks.)

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17 hours ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

Has anybody ever been happy about spvp meta/state anyway? 

The time between explosive holo got nerfed and barrier spammers became a thing was kinda fun, there is always some kittenous builds, but dh meta wasn't nearly as kittenous as this one, my problem with dh is how many times they manage to scape cuz their rune is carrying them, their dmg wasnt much of a problem, i'd rather see some burning nerfs undone and rune removed, so i don't have to deal with ranger trappers too

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3 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

The time between explosive holo got nerfed and barrier spammers became a thing was kinda fun, there is always some kittenous builds, but dh meta wasn't nearly as kittenous as this one, my problem with dh is how many times they manage to scape cuz their rune is carrying them, their dmg wasnt much of a problem, i'd rather see some burning nerfs undone and rune removed, so i don't have to deal with ranger trappers too

The sad reallity is that if you remove traper runes dh is dead, zerker and condi. Then all guars has left is support

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On 5/26/2021 at 4:00 AM, Avatar.3568 said:

What about playing a normal 5vs5 season instead and looking how it goes after 100 matches? 

Imagine needing 100 matches to objectively evaluate the dumpster fire that is (and has historically been) GW2 PvP. 

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