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Overflowing accountbond materials

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52 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

When you delete things from the inventory, you have to select the individual stack and move it out of the window.


While selling to a vendor, you can click once on an item and then hover you mouse over the Sell button, and after you click, it automatically selects the next item in the vendor window.


So about half clicks less and no need to move the cursor at all after moving it on the Sell button.

Cool, how exactly does that affect anything I wrote above and your hilarious claim that two clicks is somehow too hard/too much work? 

And if you make a choice to hoard however many stacks before you start deleting them then, well, that's exactly just that -your choice. If you don't need these materials, then delete the stack as soon as you fill it, fast and easy.


And btw, considering it's not a grey item that can be sold en-masse with a single button, pretty sure it's still two clicks per stack 🙃

Edited by Sobx.1758
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You said that it's the same amount of clicks, when it's definitely not.

Thus you were wrong, I simply corrected that falsehood.


With the suggestion to make them able to be sold to a vendor, a player dumping these unwanted items would only require 1/3 of the clicks, as I forgot we have to also click on a confirmation button after dropping an item out of the inventory.


I'm also well aware that I can play inventory cleanup simulator every day to not let things stack too much, but I clearly don't.


I usually go from one activity to the next, as people are often waiting for me to get free from a group to join theirs. I simply forget to shuffle stuff around, and I'm sure many other players have this same problem.


That's why I'm suggesting an alternative way to get rid of them that is less of a hassle, and I'm also quite sure many other players would like if it was changed this way.


It's also good that you find these things hilarious, it's said that laughter makes you live longer.

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18 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

You said that it's the same amount of clicks, when it's definitely not.

Thus you were wrong, I simply corrected that falsehood.

But it still is? This is not a grey item, you'd still use two clicks per stack. The fact that you're literally arguing about a single click in an effort to pretend you have any point at all is hilarious in itself, but it seems you're still wrong even with that attempt. 🙃


18 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

With the suggestion to make them able to be sold to a vendor, a player dumping these unwanted items would only require 1/3 of the clicks, as I forgot we have to also click on a confirmation button after dropping an item out of the inventory.

Click > drag anywhere > release > click confirm is still two clicks, you're wrong.


18 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

I'm also well aware that I can play inventory cleanup simulator every day to not let things stack too much, but I clearly don't.

Deleting a single stack when it's full is far from anything that could be deemed as "inventory cleanup simulator", time to stop pretending buddy.


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40 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And btw, considering it's not a grey item that can be sold en-masse with a single button, pretty sure it's still two clicks per stack

Well, you're pretty sure but you're still wrong.


When you select the item on top of the list and click the SELL button at a vendor, the next item in the list is automatically selected, thus you will require only 1 click for each stack after clicking the one on top once. This works with any quality items.


I don't really get your point in this thread, you state obvious things and claim falsehoods, then argue and act smug 😄

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24 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

There should be an extra vendor, or even simpler: you should be able to sell these things at the normal vendors for a bit of copper.
You drop so much stuff that you can just throw away ... super rewarding game concept ^^.

If they intended those items to be additional source of income, they probably would be. And it's not like now you're in those maps/events to specifically farm for these things, you're already getting rewarded with everything else.

It's like people pretending that if they can't make 50gold per ascended gear box, it makes the content unrewarding, when rarely -if EVER- any of them do that content to drop the ascended boxes in the first place. This thread seems to be similar concept with these "if I can't sell literally everything, then the content not rewarding!" pseudo-argument. If it wasn't rewarding, you probably wouldn't be even running it.

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9 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Well, you're pretty sure but you're still wrong.


When you select the item on top of the list and click the SELL button at a vendor, the next item in the list is automatically selected, thus you will require only 1 click for each stack after clicking the one on top once. This works with any quality items.

But you said you don't play inventory management simulator and often "forget about these things after the events to rush into next ones", so now pretending that you have everything lined up for perfect one-after-another vendor dumping is just false and obviously made up (and if it's not, then instead of arranging them for selling, you might as well use those 2 clicks without additional rearrangemenet-clicks to delete them right away, WOAH). You either do manage your inventory or you don't. You say you don't, but now suddenly you do 🙃

So no, I'm not wrong and you're making up stories to fit your silly "gimme gimme" agendas from one post to another even if they contradict each other. 😄



I don't really get your point in this thread,

Which one? Tried rereading with understanding? Feel free to ask questions if you need further clarification. Or just stop making up weird stories to pretend you have any point here, because 2 clicks to delete a stack is such a huge effort after/druing your relentless farming trains 😆

Edited by Sobx.1758
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13 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

We didnt really need salvage all option either, it was just 250 clicks per stack,


If you don't see the difference between two clicks per stack and 250 clicks per stack, then get some help with understanding how numbers work, I guess. Not much else to say here "xD"



I remember the same sort of opposition for that suggestion as well xD

Cool, but I don't, so remind me by sharing some of those threads.

(still: comparing 2 clicks to 250, how out of any valid arguments can you be? xD)



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Right, as far as I know, I did not claim that they are the same thing at all, ever, anywhere.


You assumed that I did, also you think that my comment was an argument, when I simply stated that we did not really need a salvage all option either. 


Players were perfectly capable to salvage everything back then, and most items didn't even stack and required their own individual slots, I really disliked it, but did it anyways. 


I also dislike the current situation with these materials, and suggesting a way to make me personally like the game more, what is your problem with that?


And would such a change somehow be detrimental to your opinion of this game? 


There have been many qol changes to inventory management in the past, I just think this would be a great next step.


The utility consumable change a while ago was a really good one too, hated swapping crafting professions every time I needed to make more maintenance oil, did it anyways, now I dont have to. 

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1 minute ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Right, as far as I know, I did not claim that they are the same thing at all, ever, anywhere.


You assumed that I did, also you think that my comment was an argument, when I simply stated that we did not really need a salvage all option either. 

Cool, then why even bring that up if it's irrelevant? (and it is)

It's literally to compare them in an attempt to pretend you have the point when you don't. Again. Got called out on it and now "it wasn't supposed to be an argument", ok. 🙃


1 minute ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Players were perfectly capable to salvage everything back then, and most items didn't even stack and required their own individual slots, I really disliked it, but did it anyways. 

So is this an argument or not? You say it's not, but now you keep digging in it as if it was one...? It seems you already understood how irrelevant and silly that comparison was. Time to pick a lane instead of trying to pretend it is and isn't an argument at the same time, lmao.


1 minute ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

I also dislike the current situation with these materials, and suggesting a way to make me personally like the game more, what is your problem with that?

I already explained above, maybe if you started actually responding to what I wrote instead of dodging and setting up some kind of "2=250" strawman pseudo-arguments (that apparently now aren't arguments, but you'll try to keep and supporting them at the same time), you'd have better understanding of that by now?


...and stop pretending you're farming so much that you keep getting flooded by them to that extent. Use eaters and if somehow you still have too much, delete the additional stack, still as easy as it sounds despite you pretending otherwise.



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But do you have any opinion

about the qol suggestion?


We both can agree that I am wrong if it makes you feel like a winner, but would such a change hurt your enjoyment in some way?


As I know for sure it would improve mine and also for a few others in this thread. 

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5 hours ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

But do you have any opinion

about the qol suggestion?


We both can agree that I am wrong if it makes you feel like a winner, but would such a change hurt your enjoyment in some way?


As I know for sure it would improve mine and also for a few others in this thread. 

It's not about "me feeling like a winner" (but nice try pulling back from your silly made up stories while trying to pretend you're taking a high road), it's about you not making fake stories (some of which work against each other) to put a false narrative because you want more gold out of something that's worthless and you don't even specifically farm for atm. Just stop lying and pretending you're constantly having hundreds of stacks to delete, because that's just not the case.


If you want some QoL change in that regard, come up with one that makes sense, because for now I didn't see any other than "I want to pull some gold out of useless stuff I'm hoarding by my own choice so I'll pretend two clicks to delete a stack is a HUGE problem that needs a solution" (and 2=250 btw).


Overally if you don't like being called out on your BS stories, then stop making up BS stories. What I've seen in this thread so far are mainly people creating their own "problems" (by stacking trash mats on their alts for no reason) and then complaining that NOW they don't want to waste time deleting these stacks all one-after-another so it's only fitting that they can easly turn them into gold 🙃 


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ANet should do something to reverse the complaints, just for a laugh. For example, a recipe to craft a "Thing" from 4 stacks of Fulgurite, and a mystic forge recipe for a cosmetic upgrade that takes 250 of that "Thing". Let's see forum posts of people crying that it's unreasonable to require 250,000 Airship Oil, Piles of Auric Dust and Ley Line Sparks, for a change.


But seriously, new stuff to craft with those materials would be a good sink that doesn't add gold to the economy. They can even drain some gold through extra required materials that do have a gold value.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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42 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Selling them for no money at all would work as well, would be handy to get rid of em during normal vendor dumps.

We've already been through this. Personally, I don't care if that's the option, but the fact remains that you still use 2 clicks per stack there just like during deleting, so it's putting in work that you pretend is a QoL change, but in reality it doesn't change anything.



Wonder what that guy will draw out of this 😄

Wonder when you'll stop dodging when you know you're wrong 😆 

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On 6/13/2021 at 3:04 PM, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Also, it still doesn't sound like very good design to have to delete a character just to get rid of all the trash that keeps piling up, that's probably why the thread was made, so the developers of the game would make some better way to help us get rid of all the unwanted materials.

It's probably not good game design ... that's why don't need to delete a character to get rid of all the trash you don't want. There is no more QoL improvement that needs to be put into the game ... grab the stack, pull it into 'nowhere' and confirm deletion. Done. 

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25 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Being old, it's just odd that moving one's finger and/or wrist slightly has become such a chore.  😲


It is not a chore. It is unrewarding and sad. But since you can not discuss here in the forum without sassy comments.

"If you like to have a game full of useless items that you just throw away. It's after all very realistic in our throwaway society ..."

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7 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


It is not a chore. It is unrewarding and sad. But since you can not discuss here in the forum without sassy comments.

"If you like to have a game full of useless items that you just throw away. It's after all very realistic in our throwaway society ..."

That's a rather unfair assessment though ... THREE mats that you have to dispose of because you don't need them is hardly enough of a reason for Anet to do absolutely ANYTHING to change that. 

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11 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

It is not a chore. It is unrewarding and sad.

I think I already asked that but never got the answer, so I'll repeat:

How is it unrewarding? What type of content do you exactly keep farming where the main target are those untradable items, where you don't get anything else out of it? If you keep farming it, you do it because it already rewards you with something (or at least has a chance to get something), right?

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