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For stats, every death should take away points from any lead in all stats, not game points....personal stats.

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If you die it should be like -5 or -10 for all your contributions to the game, each time you die.


After all you are giving 5 points to the enemy each time you die.


I feel like just stat chasing for pips needs to be curbed, and to encourage smart retreats and allowing oneself to feed to "top players" at spawn  or dying at far when you should be doing something else.


Need to encourage tactical retreats.

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23 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:


Statistics & Top stats

At the end of a game, the player which has the highest of each category, per team, is awarded the corresponding top stat. There are 6 total top stats, excluding Deaths, the number of times you've died. This stat is not shown as a top stat at the end of the game, but is still shown in the Statistics section.




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1 minute ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Statistics & Top stats

At the end of a game, the player which has the highest of each category, per team, is awarded the corresponding top stat. There are 6 total top stats, excluding Deaths, the number of times you've died. This stat is not shown as a top stat at the end of the game, but is still shown in the Statistics section.




So each death would lessen your personal contribution, and basically remove chances at extra pips, and ability to flex after a loss

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Just now, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Bunkers still die, it makes you change engagement strategies




Bunkers don't die if EVERYONE is playing only bunkers. Your suggestion gives a perverse incentive for people to only play Bunker. I hope ANet doesn't listen to you.

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1 minute ago, Sunshine.5014 said:

Bunkers don't die if EVERYONE is playing only bunkers. Your suggestion gives a perverse incentive for people to only play Bunker. I hope ANet doesn't listen to you.

Lol, everyone is going to play bunker?


What bunkers does pvp have?

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44 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Lol, everyone is going to play bunker?


What bunkers does pvp have?


This must be a joke.


Not a joke? LOL, okay, then watch this mAT just a couple days a go. Every team already fill up their slots with bunker Necros and Guardians.



You're a joke, and I hope ANet doesn't listen to you.

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11 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Bunkers still die, it makes you change engagement strategies

not if both sides are all playingbunkers, u just hit stale mates, if u dont understand the terminology of the word "bunker" it means u innately take ur proffession to be as Tanky as it humanly could be. and those that can be the absolute tankiest become the Meta choices.


I've played FIreweaver and Prot holo in teams, and yah u can Litterally sit in a 1v1 for over a half a match with neither of u dying if one isnt getting outplayed and thats fairly normal.


heck, i can even make a 1v1 on my interupt Mesmer last a while with good use of Dodge / Mirage Mirrors / Evade frames and Kiting.


"tactical Retreat" doesnt need anymore enforcement and overall Any good player DOES kite to prevent death DOES Retreat and only dies ion Node When its the more benefical option avaliable at the time (For example holding out node for the last 4 points of a game)


Theres a possibility, this is a Problem with your Bracket/Rank then a problem with the game itself. i dont mean that offensively, I mean that in the sense of the further down the ladder you are the more likely you are to find New players and Players who dont understand the game Mechanically and im not saying they should or arent trying to but theres a learning process and yes problems such as people needlessly dying.. gonig into fights they shouldnt and being kited to death are problems that occur during that process of learning.


and most new players Likely are thrown in silver 1/2 In their first days (unless they litterally have 0 PvP / MMORPG knowledge at all) so typically your gonna meet a very large dispairty in players throughout Silver.. from New Players who are climbing, people who dont care about rank and are there for the rewards and the people who although try just dont react fast enough to things. i'd argue Silver has a MUCH largert disparity in players then gold even where gold tend to be much closer to one another in ability except a few.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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21 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:


This must be a joke.


Not a joke? LOL, okay, then watch this mAT just a couple days a go. Every team already fill up their slots with bunker Necros and Guardians.



You're a joke, and I hope ANet doesn't listen to you.

I just want you to know that when this comment gets deleted, it wasn't me who reported you for being rude.


Even if I have bad ideas, I'm not afraid to say them out loud.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

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11 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

not if both sides are all playingbunkers, u just hit stale mates, if u dont understand the terminology of the word "bunker" it means u innately take ur proffession to be as Tanky as it humanly could be. and those that can be the absolute tankiest become the Meta choices.


I've played FIreweaver and Prot holo in teams, and yah u can Litterally sit in a 1v1 for over a half a match with neither of u dying if one isnt getting outplayed and thats fairly normal.


heck, i can even make a 1v1 on my interupt Mesmer last a while with good use of Dodge / Mirage Mirrors / Evade frames and Kiting.


"tactical Retreat" doesnt need anymore enforcement and overall Any good player DOES kite to prevent death DOES Retreat and only dies ion Node When its the more benefical option avaliable at the time (For example holding out node for the last 4 points of a game)


Theres a possibility, this is a Problem with your Bracket/Rank then a problem with the game itself. i dont mean that offensively, I mean that in the sense of the further down the ladder you are the more likely you are to find New players and Players who dont understand the game Mechanically and im not saying they should or arent trying to but theres a learning process and yes problems such as people needlessly dying.. gonig into fights they shouldnt and being kited to death are problems that occur during that process of learning.


and most new players Likely are thrown in silver 1/2 In their first days (unless they litterally have 0 PvP / MMORPG knowledge at all) so typically your gonna meet a very large dispairty in players throughout Silver.. from New Players who are climbing, people who dont care about rank and are there for the rewards and the people who although try just dont react fast enough to things. i'd argue Silver has a MUCH largert disparity in players then gold even where gold tend to be much closer to one another in ability except a few.

This is called a velvet dagger, and you want to discredit me without admitting to actually attacking me.


You went into great detail about the variances see within and between brackets without really giving a decent argument against losing points for death....


I am bad at the game, and never said otherwise, so let's just go ahead and remove that piece from your board.


Okay, forget all the reasoning I tried to present before, and look at it from this angle...


My reasoning is, that if you die, you give the enemy points, and therefor are hurting your team.


This  death is a tarnish to your success, and thus should be reflected on your report card.


-----(that concludes my points to you)-------


For the bunker tin hats...


Even if the game becomes bunkers, it will really highlight where the sustain is too much.


Sustain, just like damage WAS, currently is a problem in relation to damage, and if bunkers are going to pop up like zits on someone who just hit puberty....


It will be noticed.


Is your death valuable?


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This is easily the dumbest idea for sPvP I've ever read. And there have been some truly dumb ideas on these forums over the years. Death is already punishing enough; nobody likes to lose. But you want to add insult to injury; you literally want to kick someone while they're down.


That's a good start to turning this game's sPvP Community into LoL.

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16 minutes ago, Keitaro Dragonheart.9047 said:

This is easily the dumbest idea for sPvP I've ever read. And there have been some truly dumb ideas on these forums over the years. Death is already punishing enough; nobody likes to lose. But you want to add insult to injury; you literally want to kick someone while they're down.


That's a good start to turning this game's sPvP Community into LoL.

A few have just said it was dumb, but haven't justified their position with an argument that holds.


Explain to me how it makes sense you don't lose personal performance points when you die.


You want to flex that you got 3-4 top stats, or whatever, and you died 10 times.


You literally gave 1/10 of the points needed for the team to win, 10% of the loss is directly traceable to you.


Just an example.

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