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chalice of tears checkpoints disappearing

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stupid checkpoints disappear as i am porting with a mesmer i get 2-3 then poof nothing lots them screwed up point of the jp and making it impossible for me to finish this stupid achievement for the living world thing. i have tried doing the jp 2x and same issue plz fix this mess. seems to happen when i get a loading screen during a port from mesmer.


update: after a 3rd try and a nice group of mesmers i was able to do this but still its a bug that needs fixing.


Edited by ZerotheFang.5890
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So let me get this straight... ArenaNet lets the Retrospective Runaround be super easy by allowing mounts.... even though it was so much harder at release... but on the even more difficult JP in Ember bay... you keep mounts disabled AND make it so any loading screen wipes out the checkpoints. So even mesmer portals can wipe out your progress? Great work guys... can you be any more inconsistent?

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4 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Just curious...I've never heard of a Mesmer portal causing a loading screen.  I mean, the portals don't have that much of a range, do they? 


I know I did it yesterday, thanks to a kind Mesmer who portaled us every step of the way, and there were no loading screens, at all. 

It's not loading scrreen per se that wipes checkpoints though. They are not wiped if you teleport from far enough to trigger it with position rewinder (i know some people did the JP by gliding down from chest to each checkpoint, and going back by rewinder, so it is definitely possible).

Although mesmer portals by itself also should not reset progress. There are however a few spots (especially if you fall a bit at the last ascent) where some bad moves may place you beyond what the game considers to be a JP border. In which case it triggers immediate checkpoint reset.


Edit. Also, Portal range is 5000. Which is exactly the range of "loading screen" distance. And since the placement both ways is not exact (you don;t have to portal from the very middle of the portal circle, for example, and on the exit you position can also get slightly adjusted), it should be just barely possible to trigger loading screen in edge cases.


Edit 2: i stand corrected. I hear that position rewinder now indeed also clears the checkpoints if it hits loading screen. I wonder when it happened, because it definitely wasn't doing that not too long ago.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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6 hours ago, Briadonis.8907 said:

So let me get this straight... ArenaNet lets the Retrospective Runaround be super easy by allowing mounts.... even though it was so much harder at release... but on the even more difficult JP in Ember bay... you keep mounts disabled AND make it so any loading screen wipes out the checkpoints. So even mesmer portals can wipe out your progress? Great work guys... can you be any more inconsistent?

Retrospective Runaround has always been easy. The only hard part was about knowing where to go.

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25 minutes ago, Briadonis.8907 said:

By that logic... the whole game is super easy... the only hard part is to know when to push which button.

Except that is not true for plenty of JPs. For example Not So Secret or Geomm's Lab or Wintersday JP. Plenty of places to mess up. Retrospective Runaround is just a long path without any sort of difficult jumps. It only has 2 or 3 spots that **seems** difficult.



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My wife had the same issue. She died in the lava, and the checkpoint never revived her. She stayed dead. Somehow, her checkpoints wiped yet mine didn't. And you can believe me when I tell you, it was zero fun redoing this mess from scratch.

Edited by Ardenwolfe.8590
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15 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Except that is not true for plenty of JPs. For example Not So Secret or Geomm's Lab or Wintersday JP. Plenty of places to mess up. Retrospective Runaround is just a long path without any sort of difficult jumps. It only has 2 or 3 spots that **seems** difficult.

Absolutely wrong... if you know which buttons to press and when you can't fail!

There are PLENTY of places to fail before mounts... even with mounts it is still possible and if you do you have to go back to the checkpoint... and potentially pay for the failure.  Now with mounts you don't have most of the failure points anymore... hence making it super easy.   Everything you said here is completely wrong. I  challenge you to do it without mounts or gliding and tell me it isn't at least moderately difficult.

Edited by Briadonis.8907
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On 7/7/2021 at 3:02 AM, Briadonis.8907 said:

So let me get this straight... ArenaNet lets the Retrospective Runaround be super easy by allowing mounts.... even though it was so much harder at release... but on the even more difficult JP in Ember bay... you keep mounts disabled AND make it so any loading screen wipes out the checkpoints. So even mesmer portals can wipe out your progress? Great work guys... can you be any more inconsistent?


Mesmer portals still work, but the mesmers need to know where to place them to avoid loading screens.

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  • 1 month later...

May I request A-Net to maintain checkpoint when DC ? i got problem when reach checkpoint 4 and then. .....



As you know fuxxx, all check point gone. 

if I have much time. i might replay it but.. no chance for person who already got work to do in the morning.


also problem about rewind and distance. cause all check point gone as well.


not all people play mesmer, ok ? (idk mesmer portal got bug remove checkpoint too ?) 


but if A Net intend to put this chalice of tear for player, you should not put it in Return to ember bay.

not all people like JP, ok? 


and it is to hard for "play for fun " people. It suit for " difficulty challenge " people. please reconsider before you put it. otherwise  only loyal in JP will stay with you. not " play for fun and voice others to come to your game" will stay with you.



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  • 1 month later...

Can confirm, position rewinder wipes check points and is now utterly useless in aiding in completing this horrific jumping puzzle unless the return point and rewind are practically next to each other. Seriously, making this a requirement for completing Return to Ember Bay was hateful enough, but now you can't really use teleport-to-friend or position rewinder to make it easier to get to the check points/finish this jumping puzzle with out the risk of it wiping your progress. The fact that if the teleport/rewind/portals are too far apart they cause a loading screen which in turn wipes your check points is ridiculous.

Edited by faythsrequiem.8301
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On 7/7/2021 at 9:02 AM, Briadonis.8907 said:

So let me get this straight... ArenaNet lets the Retrospective Runaround be super easy by allowing mounts.... even though it was so much harder at release... but on the even more difficult JP in Ember bay... you keep mounts disabled AND make it so any loading screen wipes out the checkpoints. So even mesmer portals can wipe out your progress? Great work guys... can you be any more inconsistent?

Yes . and no, Mesmers were very busy when this was the 'replay' event, their portals don't cause a loading screen (or certainly didn't when I was running that JP).

That said, Runaround wasn't very hard when it was current content, except for the Skritt tunnels which of course were entirely unrelated to the jumping part, I completed it and I'm pretty dreadful at JPs.

Edited by Kraggy.4169
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