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WvW skirmish claim tickets weekly cap.


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Let's see. You are in a group on the far side of the map and are fairly new to WvW. Your group gets into a skirmish with another group and you get downed pretty quickly. No one rezzes completely downed so you waypoint back to your home point across the map. You spend the next 20 minutes trying to make it back to your squad, getting ganked by multiple rovers, or just better players than you. Meanwhile your participation has gone from 6 to 1 because, even though you are in WvW and definitely participating, ANet hasn't assigned any value to struggle sessions and you are no longer getting any pips above the mere paltry 4 you were getting before. Eventually you make it back to your squad and capture a few areas to make it back to attaining PiPs again, only to have the situation repeat. So over 8ish years you amass a grand total of 242 skirmish tickets. Literally my WvW life up to about a few weeks ago. WvW sucks for people not PvP centric. And the fact that progress resets each week, your participation is harshly dependent on being successful in WvW, and limited ability to move about the map (I get why, but it's a factor) makes a lot of people only play WvW begrudgingly. 

The pip rewards system needs a complete revamp to account for the casual player who is only doing WvW as forced by ANet to progress.

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On 7/9/2021 at 1:29 PM, Metaljaw.6437 said:

Let's see. You are in a group on the far side of the map and are fairly new to WvW. Your group gets into a skirmish with another group and you get downed pretty quickly. No one rezzes completely downed so you waypoint back to your home point across the map. You spend the next 20 minutes trying to make it back to your squad, getting ganked by multiple rovers, or just better players than you. Meanwhile your participation has gone from 6 to 1 because, even though you are in WvW and definitely participating, ANet hasn't assigned any value to struggle sessions and you are no longer getting any pips above the mere paltry 4 you were getting before. Eventually you make it back to your squad and capture a few areas to make it back to attaining PiPs again, only to have the situation repeat. So over 8ish years you amass a grand total of 242 skirmish tickets. Literally my WvW life up to about a few weeks ago. WvW sucks for people not PvP centric. And the fact that progress resets each week, your participation is harshly dependent on being successful in WvW, and limited ability to move about the map (I get why, but it's a factor) makes a lot of people only play WvW begrudgingly. 

The pip rewards system needs a complete revamp to account for the casual player who is only doing WvW as forced by ANet to progress.

are you joking? because 242 tickets over 8 years means you must have spent only 5 min per week or even per day in wvw over 8 years. 

Afk farmers repairing smc walls get more tickets. 

"WvW sucks for people not PvP centric"
You do realize wvw is a competitive game mode that is large scale PVP right? 

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On 7/9/2021 at 8:08 AM, Metaljaw.6437 said:

If that's the point, well done ANet. I haven't received enough skirmish tickets in 8 years of playing to even buy a full ascended set.


Then you simply didn't play the game mode. You may think you played for whatever reason, but that's just your opinion. The facts prove you wrong.



- Removing the cap drives people out of the game mode because of exhaustion (we have seen that with tournaments in 2014).

- Reworking the aquisition to more active gameplay drives people out of the game, because the people on the losing end will quit the game as no one likes to waste his time.

- And then there are the obvious reasons behind a time gate. An mmo has to slow down its players to the most possible extent, without demotivating them too much so they would quit the game. That's a balancing act for a developer. Content creation costs money and you want to keep people into your existing content for as long as possible. Basic economics...

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13 minutes ago, VanWilder.6923 said:

You don’t know how the skirmish reward!!! WvW players must contribute to the participation to get pip reward. Corner runners will only get electricity bill reward

The "runners" part of "corner runners" refers to once in while running to one of the 2 camps near spawn and resetting participation back to 10 minutes.

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1 hour ago, VanWilder.6923 said:

You don’t know how the skirmish reward!!! WvW players must contribute to the participation to get pip reward. Corner runners will only get electricity bill reward


59 minutes ago, Ubi.4136 said:

The corner runners aren't getting participation though, so no tickets.  They are just bot running, with 0 participation, to take up slots on the map.


See this:


1 hour ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

The "runners" part of "corner runners" refers to once in while running to one of the 2 camps near spawn and resetting participation back to 10 minutes.


Sure there are the diamond/mith/etc. ranks that don't need skirmish tickets anymore and use WvW as a chatroom, so they just run in a random corner to stay active--but most people do the above. 


Run out and cap then go afk until participation ticks down, then repeat.

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On 7/12/2021 at 7:45 AM, Spartacus.3192 said:

are you joking? because 242 tickets over 8 years means you must have spent only 5 min per week or even per day in wvw over 8 years. 

Afk farmers repairing smc walls get more tickets. 

"WvW sucks for people not PvP centric"
You do realize wvw is a competitive game mode that is large scale PVP right? 


1: Exactly. I was turned off by the mechanics from the start and have only played it to the point that I needed materials for some event/item. Wasting my game time afk farming isn't something I wanted to do.  The only reason I am getting re-involved with WvW is because the legendary armory means I only have to acquire a set once to use across multiple characters. It makes sense for me now. Still would prefer not to have to play this game mode though.

2: I think I explicitly tied WvW to PvP in my statement - WvW is PvP at scale, so people who don't like PvP probably don't like WvW.  Not sure where you were going with that response.

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