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I would like to purchase EoD but it leads me to a page with only PoF and HoT

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I am on the page https://account.arena.net/overview, from here I see that I own core game, hot and pof and EOD is in gray with written "Buy now", if i click on it, it leads me here: https://buy.guildwars2.com/store/gw2/fr_FR/html/pbPage.pathoffire/themeID.4785548100?_ga=2.237631936.1573440028.1627412494-628196206.1627075009 which is just HoT and PoF;


Here are some screenshots:

Account page: https://imgur.com/Z1hcQ20

Buy page: https://imgur.com/IYFttQS


Because yes, I may purchase it, cause, well, personnal boat, a turtle shooting lasers and an interesting underground aetherblade mad lab with jade pipes.

I only dislike the legendaries cause this is a black lion set, not a legendary set. Each weapon should be unique. My only disapointment so far with fishing, would have preferred housing or at least scribe 500. Waiting for other specs. Hoping for alchemist engie, after seeing the canthan scientist artwork on release page.


So can websites tech resolves the issues? Btw french, so french version. Europe?

Edited by hugo.4705
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8 minutes ago, Bojjang.1052 said:

If  http://buy.guildwars2.com is redirecting you to Path of Fire instead of End of Dragons, try clearing your cache, switching browsers, or going directly to https://www.guildwars2.com/end-of-dragons . That should fix it! #GW2EOD 

- GW2 Twitter

I did that.  I got a page about EoD, with a Prepurchase Now button.  I clicked that and got another page about EoD with a Prepurchase Now link.  I clicked *that* and got a page to buy Path of Fire.  I went back, cleared the cache, and tried again.  This time around, I got a page to buy Path of Fire instead of a page to buy Path of Fire.

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Cleared my Chrome browser cache and yet first link takes me to page to buy PoF (which I already have) and second link takes me to page with only text saying "AccessDeniedAccess DeniedXRTBMK8TSVHW8KWXSTgvDu/pUVVfb38IzzavWJjwyf+m802xvP5ikaLGWth/UpklYizt5jG2PFx3eRkOQNjqI5gb6jo="


Edit: Only the "AccessDenied" part stays the same when refreshing the page. The other gibberish changes.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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@Fire Attunement.9835 Following https://www.guildwars2.com/end-of-dragons and then clicking on pre purchase lead again on pof purchase page, there is an issue than need to be fixed by devs / webdesigners. It is impossible for me to prepurchase like other players that replied.


https://imgur.com/Tf92ubG the end of dragon link lead me here, but if i click on preachettez aka pre purchase it leads me here https://imgur.com/IYFttQS


Edited by hugo.4705
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Just an update: the browser address I get by going to https://www.guildwars2.com/end-of-dragons is https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/end-of-dragons/ and that page says AccessDeniedx2 plus gibberish. Tried disabling my (paid F-Secure) VPN but get the same result.

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10 minutes ago, Rastalin.2978 said:

I think it is only opened to people from NA. In my guild anyone in NA didn't have problems with buying also one of our guildmate from Europe got to the preorder payment page with VPN

Well kitten me, looks like that's the answer.  Lame.

Well.  Maybe not.  The actual page for making the purchase lists what looks like every country on the planet except the one I live in.  It's a small one that I guess nobody's ever heard of, called "France".


Dooooooodz!!!!!  Do you want my money or not?

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Not sure I should post this, but here goes...

I noticed that when I went to https://www.guildwars2.com/end-of-dragons, went to the bottom to select which package I would like the link when pressing "Pre Puchase Now" had the following:


whereas where I was sent to when pressing the button was:



Changing the "pbPage.pathoffire/themeID.4785548100" to "pbPage.eodstore/themeID.5036338300" solved my issue.

Hope this works, and doesn't cause more trouble :S

Edited by PsDh.2471
I used firefox on this one, as it cause me so much frustration that I could not get it by using chrome :(
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