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hOt tAKe


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Removing mechanics, removing build option, removing items, removing maps, removing game modes, removing amulets, and removing things in general will NEVER fix balancing issues in pvp in gw2. They have never addressed any underlying issues in pvp balancing. They instead put a band aid, on top of a band aid, and so on, to fix a gushing wound.  The only thing anet should remove in pvp are all the "balance" patches since pre hots. 

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So pre-Hots , where people used Bunkers and Hots tried to brake the mold ?


(Lets see what kind of damage the community find acceptable in the betas with the Mesmer , and then we nerf/leave untouched the Necro )

Edited by Ryuk.6840
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44 minutes ago, Ryuk.6840 said:

So pre-Hots , where people used Bunkers and Hots tried to brake the mold ?


(Lets see what kind of damage the community find acceptable in the betas with the Mesmer , and then we nerf/leave untouched the Necro )

I think the problem here is not damage, it is instead the amount of life you can keep up. Its okay to have bunker builds, but problem is when you deal damage to it and it never dies or just heals itself back to full constantly. There are so many more variables than just damage. Maybe you can icnrease the cooldown of certain abilities or traits. For example, increase the cooldown of the heal skill or increase the cooldown of the trait that heals you for 2k with every dodge roll. 

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member when they removed amulet instead off nerfing scourge? I member.
member when they nerfed " all " sustain by ~25% and " all " damage by ~33%? I member
member when they refused to nerf shroud generation as it is not " sustain " I member
how long ago was it? I dont memeber, its been too long. Please someone help me member
member 300s cd traits? I member
member no CC damage ( some do lulW ) I member

Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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All the removals really kicked up after the 2/25/2020 so i'd be okay with reverting to any time prior to that. It doesn't have to be all the way back to pre-HoT


But I hope they do it. PvP has been a bad joke ever since. 


Just the PvP-Specific balance patches too. Particularly the ones that removed build options, increased CDs, and lowered any coefficients on skills(damage, condition stacks, healing, etc.)


Imo just a bunch of pointless removals that painfully slowed down matches and 1v1 duels especially.

Also created a metagame revolved around playing whatever was nerfed the least; leading to a decrease in build variety, and some professions just not being played so much.

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You guys don't even use 80% of this game's available choices because they're all just bad compared to the leftover 20% of homogenous, low-effort, passive spam which comprises basically every "good" build in GW2.  You don't actually know what you want, and your adamant defense of this game's suffocating amount of worthless bloat is testament to that.  I don't care if I really enjoyed playing Dervish, Ranger, Mesmer, Elementalist, Ritualist and Assassin; GW2 doesn't have enough unique abilities and roles to deservedly feature more than 3 professions.  You could legit fit everything distinct and viable in this game into Warrior, Elementalist and Mesmer with zero effort and just a little flavor fenagling.  You'd also have it a lot easier when it came to designing and balancing things too rather than having to worry about everybody crying over how their favorite weapon or profession suddenly isn't "good" anymore the moment that anything changes.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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1 hour ago, Swagg.9236 said:

You guys don't even use 80% of this game's available choices because they're all just bad compared to the leftover 20% of homogenous, low-effort, passive spam which comprises basically every "good" build in GW2.  You don't actually know what you want, and your adamant defense of this game's suffocating amount of worthless bloat is testament to that.  I don't care if I really enjoyed playing Dervish, Ranger, Mesmer, Elementalist, Ritualist and Assassin; GW2 doesn't have enough unique abilities and roles to deservedly feature more than 3 professions.  You could legit fit everything distinct and viable in this game into Warrior, Elementalist and Mesmer with zero effort and just a little flavor fenagling.  You'd also have it a lot easier when it came to designing and balancing things too rather than having to worry about everybody crying over how their favorite weapon or profession suddenly isn't "good" anymore the moment that anything changes.


There was a time when we did.

Mid PoF and the start of HoT and Core every spec was used in pvp, some more OP then others some were clearly meta but none were out of the game. The rest of what your saying makes absolutely no sense.


The nerf swings didn't start till way after PoF also check my post history i defend classes that aren't my own from being nerfed and hope they are buffed i was just defending necro's today, please look in the mirror when you say : Sufocatting worthless bloat, realize all the changes did not bring more people into pvp people infact left pvp entirely. It's suffocating to you because you don't want to learn and that's fine but don't come here and ruin the game even further.

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I honestly don't dislike the meta that much this days. 

I think the dmg/búnker ratio is not that bad as almost every búnker goes down if focused properly. 

There are some glaring issues though wich are mainly scorge (necro in general), trapper rune, holosmith to a lesser extent and the build diversity which has diminished. 

With those outliers toned down and some profesions fixes like FB, core ele, 300 sec cd traits, etc i think we can have a very healthy gameplay.


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