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Wow this looks very unfun. Basically this has no Counterplay except boonstrip.Your enemy can get retaliation AFTER u droped ur AoE.

Can someone tell me how often things like this happen? I never had a problem with Reta, and it certainly doesn't look OP on the first Watch.As others assume, u hit more people, who had Reta, so there is the stacking, but wow.

Basically ; Can you exploit this, by having one Guardian per 5, holding Reta on the whole squad... oh wait scourge...

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:Wow this looks very unfun. Basically this has no Counterplay except boonstrip.Your enemy can get retaliation AFTER u droped ur AoE.

Can someone tell me how often things like this happen? I never had a problem with Reta, and it certainly doesn't look OP on the first Watch.As others assume, u hit more people, who had Reta, so there is the stacking, but wow.

Basically ; Can you exploit this, by having one Guardian per 5, holding Reta on the whole squad... oh wait scourge...

I've only done WvW on Dragonbrand. Personally, I've never encountered the issue. But, we're not a T1 server. Most of our squads are a ragtag group comprised of whomever happened to be online at the moment. We don't have the luxury to make a formal squad set designed to spread retaliation to everyone. To get what you saw in that video, every single group in that squad would need a boon guardian dedicated solely to dishing out retaliation. If you do this, it is a scary thing to behold, but you practically need a guild premade to accomplish this.

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all you need in a zerg is one guardian per grp using staff 2 on cooldown = retaliation en masse (each hit received while having light aura gives retaliation). which many more guardians should use anyway (if they are using staff), since it reduces incoming condition dmg by 10% on top of the gained retaliation.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:Wow this looks very unfun. Basically this has no Counterplay except boonstrip.Your enemy can get retaliation AFTER u droped ur AoE.

Can someone tell me how often things like this happen? I never had a problem with Reta, and it certainly doesn't look OP on the first Watch.As others assume, u hit more people, who had Reta, so there is the stacking, but wow.

Basically ; Can you exploit this, by having one Guardian per 5, holding Reta on the whole squad... oh wait scourge...

Back in fractals, before they got rid of the boon-stealing instability, a light field could easily result in my death; I basically never allowed guardians in my group at the time. That's how bad retal is against engineers -- we do lots of little damage, so things like retal can be lethal.

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This has been around since before HoT and always was an issue for engi (biggest issue has always been condi mitigation, but this comes second)Back then if you'd Grenade Barrage or use grenade skills on a enemy zerg you'd see your health dropped so fast that the enemy doesn't even have to do anything other than stand there and stack retail.Retaliation has single-handedly removed engi from being anywhere near relevant in a wvw fight (granted, the Holosmith does bring hope) and on top of that further pushes the condi-meta.Add retail spikes per-condi tick as well and you'd see Scourges crying out how it's not fair.

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I disagree comparing this with grenade barrage. Prime light beam hits hard, every single hit. And every single hit triggers retaliation, sure. But it's totally worth it compared to grenade baragge which hits small but alot of times. Means, yes we might kill ourself with prime light beam. But the dealed damage is much superior to our lost health. At least with marauder I bet myself that 10 holosmiths can wipe a 50 men zerg with just prime light beam with right circumstances.

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@Forestnator.6298 said:At least with marauder I bet myself that 10 holosmiths can wipe a 50 men zerg with just prime light beam with right circumstances.

10 holos cast the ability, each one hits 5 targets.... So every person in the zerg gets hit with a single prime light beam. I don't think that can down someone, let alone a zerg, which is healing and buffing each other.

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@Forestnator.6298 said:I disagree comparing this with grenade barrage. Prime light beam hits hard, every single hit. And every single hit triggers retaliation, sure. But it's totally worth it compared to grenade baragge which hits small but alot of times. Means, yes we might kill ourself with prime light beam. But the dealed damage is much superior to our lost health. At least with marauder I bet myself that 10 holosmiths can wipe a 50 men zerg with just prime light beam with right circumstances.

You're forgetting the DoT field that prime light beam leaves behind when above 50% hit. Not only the initial hit (where most of the damage is) is triggering retal, but all the subsequent hits from the field are triggering retal, which is ungodly.

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