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[Suggestion] Unexpected new weapon types


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I've been pondering all the weird, wild, wacky weapons we've wielded across many different games, and how might they be utilized in a GW2 type situation. Who would use the weapon, and how/why would they. Here are a few ideas I came up with:

New weapon: the Cannon/Bombard.Yep. Full-size, heavy, two-handed metal tube known for flinging baseball-sized (and bigger) lead balls, among other things, across a battlefield at high speed. But who would, or even could, wield such a thing? and, more importantly, how would they wield it? The obvious start is the Warrior. Warriors' repertoire is full of physicality and strength. They could definitely haul around a body-sized firearm. Likely, they'd pack their boom tubes with piercing and/or explosive shells, perhaps some flechette for bleeding and crippling conic attacks, but the real meat of a Warrior's canon, I think, would be as artillery; zone control. The ability to place a shot down range and detonate it is invaluable to a supportive Warrior and their mighty Fire fields. Similarly, the Engineer could easily rig up a mounting/support mechanism, and might use the cannon in a similar fashion, or cleverly using sabot and varying ammunition types to push enemies around the field and into explosive traps. The Revenant is a similar pick to Warrior: Soldier type physique, pent-up frustration, etc., etc. But a Revenant doesn't just shoot bullets oh no, friends... a Revenant shoots ghosts and Mists (Warp) energy. I imagine the Revenant wielding a canon weapon much in the way of the Ghostbusters: firing ghostly beams from it to hinder foes' movement, and powerful traps to lock them in place (or temporarily remove them from battle)... and of course, at least one ability that removes Fear effects. I also wanted to give a nod to our resident oddball-out, the Mesmer. Mesmer would wield their canons the same way they wield their Greatswords: telekinetically. And what would a Mesmer shoot? well there's the thing: Mesmers would use it as a bludgeon, telekinetically smacking people around at closer range, perhaps with a "human cannonball" clone-launcher for Shatter combos . Anyone else? maybe... a canon is anything but subtle, so Ranger and Thief would likely look elsewhere. Necromancer likely wouldn't bother, and Elementalist wouldn't need it. Guardian might, but aside from shooting swords or healing/supportive bombs, there's very little a Guardian would gain here that wouldn't be more flavorful elsewhere or simply ape existing abilities. Maybe someone else will think of something...

New weapon: the Ripsnake, or Chain Whip.A long, bladed, flexible cord designed to rip apart bodies like a chainsaw rips up... well, anything. Again, obvious Warrior weapon, slightly longer reach than the sword, but less mobility and more devastating Status effects. Very much a Thief kind of weapon, for dropping movement-impairs on top of Bleeds, and possibilities for various trips and knockdown harass. Similarly, this feeds into a Necromancer's sadistic tendencies, probably as an offhand-only, stacking up Cripple and Bleed for a kind of coup-de-gras at its top-end. Oddly enough, also quite flavorful for a Guardian, who, like the Belmont clan before him, might use the chain whip to reposition foes and redirect attacks, or charge up flaming whip strikes. For the oddball this time, I'll call out the Elementalist, who might use the flexible chain's conductivity and reach for a wide variety of moves: from searing/freezing brands, to stunning electrical currents, to flashes of sand and rock-spike flechettes.

What do you think? How might other professions use weapons like these? Are there any other strange, atypical weapons that could fit in the Guild Wars universe? who would use them? how would they use them? why would they use them?

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@"derd.6413" said:the first sounds like The HMS Divinity. the descriptions seem more like a bigger/clunkier rifles rather then a new weapon (except engi where it's just the mortar kit)

also what is a ripsnake (tried to google it but found nothing)

Cannons are bigger, clunkier rifles, silly. :p But, cannons can do other things too, such as: ground-targeted artillery (like the Longbow/Mortar Kit), delay/timed blasts (like the Bomb, Mine, & Grenade Kits, also Thief's Shortbow), physical trauma (like a Hammer or Greatsword), and nonstandard projectiles (such as the suggested "human cannonball" and "ghost laser" attacks). There's also a notable lack of piercing and line effects in most Rifle sets; making a bigger, beefier one could fix that without explicitly replacing it.

The particular term "ripsnake" refers to a weapon from the GURPS: Cyber book. It's basically the chain part of a chainsaw loaded into Batman's grapple-gun. It's a whip, garrote, chainsaw, and any other use one might have for a rapidly-retractable, bladed chain-whip implanted into the forearm (ideally, along with some armor plating to prevent accidental dismemberment). The name comes from it's most common killing technique: wrapping the chain around the target/victim (like a snake), then retracting it.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"derd.6413" said:the first sounds like The HMS Divinity. the descriptions seem more like a bigger/clunkier rifles rather then a new weapon (except engi where it's just the mortar kit)

also what is a ripsnake (tried to google it but found nothing)

bigger, clunkier rifles, silly. :p But, cannons can do other things too, such as: ground-targeted artillery (like the Longbow/Mortar Kit), delay/timed blasts (like the Bomb, Mine, & Grenade Kits, also Thief's Shortbow), physical trauma (like a Hammer or Greatsword), and nonstandard projectiles (such as the suggested "human cannonball" and "ghost laser" attacks). There's also a notable lack of piercing and line effects in most Rifle sets; making a bigger, beefier one could fix that without explicitly replacing it.

none of what you've just said requires a new weapon type, all of this could be done with a rifle. i just feel like a canon would be to derivative of rifles to justify making it a new weapon type

The particular term "ripsnake" refers to a weapon from the GURPS: Cyber book. It's basically the chain part of a chainsaw loaded into Batman's grapple-gun. It's a whip, garrote, chainsaw, and any other use one might have for a rapidly-retractable, bladed chain-whip implanted into the forearm (ideally, along with some armor plating to prevent accidental dismemberment). The name comes from it's most common killing technique: wrapping the chain around the target/victim (like a snake), then retracting it.

i think that'd be to specific of a weapon to make skins for, just make it a whip or something

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Of the many types of weapons that I would like to see, not to mention skins for existing weapons we have, I think The Kusarigama sticks out most for me.It's the sickle-and-chain weapon. Not many games feature this weapon, but is my weapon of choice when it appears. Loved it in Ninja Gaiden (the reboot).

Still want some folding fan dagger skins anet...Please ty!!!!

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I am in favor of ANet crossing tropes more often. I love the orchestral set (the harp used as a staff is ridiculously fun on a thief) and the improvised ones are silly (although not to my taste). GW2 also has a scepter that is staff sized, a sling shot (shortbow), floppy sword, and more expectation-breaking skins.

I'd love to see them doing what they did in GW1 Beyond, by using skins that don't look like the weapon type: daggers used as shields (dagger skin, shield animations), daggers used as foci, and so on. That would allow non-GW2 weapon skins, too.

The lore sort of supports the idea too: there's a magical component to skills, so (in effect) the weapon is a focus for channeling the magic. There's no reason we can't have hammers as maces or vice versa, or cross bow used as a shield.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@derd.6413 said:the first sounds like The HMS Divinity. the descriptions seem more like a bigger/clunkier rifles rather then a new weapon (except engi where it's just the mortar kit)

also what is a ripsnake (tried to google it but found nothing)

bigger, clunkier rifles, silly. :p

No they're not. Cannons (classically) are smoothbore, while rifles are, by definition, rifled. ;)

But I could go for a Honking Big Gun, (the Arcane Marksman is almost there, and so is Scarlet's Kiss) in the style of a SWTOR Commando's Assault Cannon or the Arcannon for TERA Gunners.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I've been thinking and I came up with a few more ideas. Please keep in mind: this is a creativity thread whose only limit is explaining HOW and WHY certain professions would use said weapon. To that end, I decided to go back and visit an existing "weird weapon":

RockYep. Good ol' rock. Nothing beats rock. I don't know how many people remember the Elementalist being able to pick up a rock and use it to cast Meteor, but it's a concept back in early development that was removed over time and completely forgotten. Let's change that, shall we? The "who" part of this thought exercise is obvious, anybody can already pick up and throw a big rock, so let's focus more on HOW they might wield said rocks. I'll be operating under three assumptions: 1) each skill should consume or otherwise use up the rock, 2) skills should be relatively quick and probably include KD of some kind, for unity of purpose, and 3) Throw Rock and Place Rock must still be on the skill bar, limiting them to 3 additional skills each.

Elementalists, in addition to their existing Meteor, might instead freeze over said rock into a Snowball, and bowl it into an increasing area (like Revenant's Hammer skills), or infuse the rock with earth, fire, and air energy to throw an Exploding Rock, for a weaker KD but more damage (and maybe Bleeding). Simple, maybe a little too obvious, but we're just getting started.

Speaking of the Revenant, we're gonna go a little boring to start off and add a Rev-flavored Meteor here. At first, I thought Rev would just teleport the rock 100' in the air and drop it like a cartoon anvil, but then I started thinking with Portals... Rev's could create an infinite-fall loop (charging up the skill over time) THEN teleport it over their target or fling it at them (either as its own attack or a chargable modifier to other Rock attacks). Speaking of warping dimensions, perhaps our Rev might warp the mass of said Rock, and either split or chain its effects as Echoes of Rocks. Then I remembered Rev is more than just a dimension-hopper, it's a spiritualist. So, why not channel a legendary rock spirit? One might think, "Oh, an old Jade boss? or maybe a named Rock Golem?" oh no, friends... the most legendary of rocks: Tyria itself. With a nice wind-up, Rev could connect, through the rock, to the very Soul of Tyria, such that smashing or slamming said rock might make the planet itself shudder in a localized earthquake.

Moving on to the Warrior: Warriors could easily have a Power Throw with a longer wind-up but faster projectile and longer KD. Again, simple, obvious; we can do more. Let's say our mighty Warrior doesn't want to stay at range and throw "tiny" rocks? Well, what if he could Leap forward and Dunk Slam said rock right on their target's head-like-appendage? Now, what if said target decided it wanted to close distance on its own? well, fear not! for the mighty Warrior might also Smash the Rock right in the target's face (anyone who plays Charizard in Smash Bros. knows what that looks like.)

If anyone could get creative with rocks, it's an Engineer. For this, I wanted to step away from the classic "shoot it out of a gun", "light it on fire", and "strap a bomb/rocket to it" tropes. Though those are perfectly valid options, I think there's more space to explore. For example, what if our technomancer carried a portable Rock Crusher to grind up said rock into a thick dust cloud and fling rock chunks in a shotgun-like blast? Now, using the Rock as a blunt intstrument is all well and good, but what if Engy could treat the rock with Reactants that created a gaseous effect, with e.g. poison clouds, as the rock dissolves? We might also eschew the bludgeoning potential of the rock in favor of it's potential energy: as a counterweight for a Static Generator (perhaps with an ammo counter?).

Mesmers would use likely trickery and illusion to disguise the rock, either where or how big it was, etc., etc... or just make a Phantasmal Basher to run up and smash it in the enemy's face for them. To that end, I surmise a Mesmer might use a False Throw to create a duplicate rock that, instead of knocking down the target, spawned a Clone (Note: this would NOT consume the rock), and/or a Giant Rock illusion that KD's a wider area, but only damages the target.

The Thief was difficult, since heavy trauma isn't really their style. The most simple and obvious move is shadowstepping to the target and knocking them out with the rock... but we can do better. Speaking of style, a Thief might use a special Screwball Fling to turn the rock into a bouncing projectile, or use the rock as part of an elaborate trap, triggering a Hidden Pit if approached. Thief might try to use their mastery of acrobatics to Bowl Over a line of enemies with some "rock and roll"... (cough)

Guardian is another odd one here, but for the completely opposite reason as Thief: they already have a plethora of blunt-force effects. With that in mind, Guardian's biggest offensive threat is "holy" fire, so lets give it that Flaming Stone we didn't give the Engineer. I suspect attaching a wall to the rock and tossing it (similar to the Revenant's Hammer combo) is a nice effect, and for the third skill, let's attach some Spirit Chains to the rock and send it spinning for Pull and Whirl on top of the KD.

The nature-loving Ranger is bound to have some sneaky tricks. Speaking of tricks, it wouldn't be difficult to teach your pet to Chase the tossed rock and take advantage of (stomp on) the newly-prone target. Rangers might choose to conserve the rock, instead splintering it for a number of Sling Bullets, or using it to grow some Healing Moss.

Now what on Tyria would a Necromancer do with a chunk of rock? Well, Necro could definitely infuse the rock with the Stench of Decay, possibly attracting a nice swarm of insects for continuing damage. They might raise a quick Wurm minion for an Alley-Oop spike, somewhat similar to a Warrior's move (and leaving behind a "free", stationary Wurm minion). They might also focus rot and decay into around the rock itself, creating a Bog where the rock lands and trapping foes inside.

Of course, these are just ideas. Feel free to add your own, or come up with new ones!

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I do not find these firearm-like ideas all that interesting in a fantasy MMO, tbh. Yes I know we have all the charr tech and what not but I think pistols and rifles are enough, and let charr tanks and cannons deliver the bigger booms.

As for weapons, I'd love to see whips, flails, throwing knives, crossbows/arbalests, polearms like spears and/or halberds, two handed axe, fists/claws, glaives for magical weapons.

Oh, and scythes.

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@Cerioth.7062 said:I do not find these firearm-like ideas all that interesting in a fantasy MMO, tbh. Yes I know we have all the charr tech and what not but I think pistols and rifles are enough, and let charr tanks and cannons deliver the bigger booms.

As for weapons, I'd love to see whips, flails, throwing knives, crossbows/arbalests, polearms like spears and/or halberds, two handed axe, fists/claws, glaives for magical weapons.

Oh, and scythes.

Who would wield them and why? How would they work?

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@Trise.2865 said:

@Cerioth.7062 said:I do not find these firearm-like ideas all that interesting in a fantasy MMO, tbh. Yes I know we have all the charr tech and what not but I think pistols and rifles are enough, and let charr tanks and cannons deliver the bigger booms.

As for weapons, I'd love to see whips, flails, throwing knives, crossbows/arbalests, polearms like spears and/or halberds, two handed axe, fists/claws, glaives for magical weapons.

Oh, and scythes.

Who would wield them and why? How would they work?

Hmm... I have not thought about the skills themselves very deeply, but as far as wielding

WhipSuits especially for thieves and why not rangers as well.. It's a sort of skirmisher type weapon so perhaps revenant as well. It'd ben an off-hand weapon for thieves, perhaps main hand for rangers.

FlailsWhen I say flails, Deimos' weapons come to mind first. Warriors would dual wield them, they also suit revenant and perhaps necromancer. Guardian as well.

Throwing knives or something similar like shurikenThief. Tossing these from the shadows. Revenant. Would also be fun on a light armor class.

Crossbow/arbalestRanger, engineer, elementalist.

Spear/halberdWarrior, definitely. Revenant. Necromancer.

Two handed axeRevenant, warrior, guardian, elementalist.

Fists/clawsWarrior, thief, mesmer guardian, revenant

GlaiveElementalist, mesmer, guardian

I know everyone didnt get a balanced amount of weapons but there could be other cool ones.

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@Trise.2865Simple answer: Because they like the weapon, and it give to player a new manner to play, new build etc... If you ask who, I would use crossbow on my engie, why? because it's awesome to shoot modified arrows or flasks with it. Anyone have a reason about why they want a new weapon added.

(The question isn't who, the question isn't why, the question isn't how. The question is would Anet add new type of weapon? We can't tell.) <- personnal reflexion, if a weapon is used it's because the wearer like its uses or how it looks. Question of tastes.

How they use them? The more efficiently possible. You will not hit with flasks, throw a whip on the ground...

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@hugo.4705 said:@Trise.2865Simple answer: Because they like the weapon, and it give to player a new manner to play, new build etc... If you ask who, I would use crossbow on my engie, because it's awesome to shoot modified arrows or flasks with it. Anyone have a reason about why they want a new weapon added. The question isn't who, the question isn't why, the question isn't how. The question is would Anet add new type of weapon? We can't tell.

The question literally was:

What do you think? How might other professions use weapons like these? Are there any other strange, atypical weapons that could fit in the Guild Wars universe? who would use them? how would they use them? why would they use them?

It doesn't matter if it will happen or not, that's not the point of the exercise.

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Mouelp guess i'm not understanding what you want so will pass. Already answered: Crossbow on my engie because it's sounds cool, can throw flasks and arrows, fast shots better than the poor rifle we have. Same with thieves, they can use crossbow fastly, be discreet and sneaky.

About the others rapidly, spear for warrior (throwing on ennemy), whip for rangers or thieves (ranged attack, hitting foes), vials for engie (throwing them), great-axe for warrior again and revenant (melee weapon).

But again my comment was originally answering/considering cerioth one, confirming some weapons I would like to see. Also when I said "The question isn't.... " I wasn't referring to your topic or the question you asked.

You should change the title, was thinking it was just a thread where you say what weapon you want. Edited my comments.

If it's still incorrect then I apologize and good luck.

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