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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. i think if you wanna solo stuff you should go soulbeast cus you can revive your pet repeatedly.
  2. Warclaws were the opposite of ganking.They were introduced in a state where : 2nd Hp bar to protect from Perma Stealth 1 shotsInsane defender bonus movement speed These points were why the spear exists, to allow low mobility defenders to catchup to the likes of Thieves. If we don't have Warclaws, we won't even have a chance to roam and get away from XXXABC123 Thief groups that gank solo players. At least with Warclaw, if yu LoS the spears or Evade them, yu have a chance to live. do you not get chased often? if 2 thieves chase you even on mount you’re still dead cus thief mobility + mount is too fast.
  3. I love warclaws! Anything that add mobility to the game is welcome, especially when u roam! Add some mobility to ur build then u might laugh at those chasing u :p Double leap ranger - which is one of the more mobile specs in the game - can not get away from mounted players as long in combat (can't get ooc easily either vs multiple players). Which means entire zergs of zero mobility builds can easily chase me down, without having to spend any cooldowns or having to worry about counter pressure. "Some mobility" simply does not cut it anymore, stealth is pretty much mandatory if you want to be able to escape mounts. And since stealth is a lot less accessible than mobility, it definitely hurts some classes more than others. But yea, it is totally those op ranger and thieves, that prevent those poor necros from roaming ...why are people obsessed with being chased by zergs? just respawn. take the L and go back it takes like 30-60s
  4. Ah yes, Sic Em + OWP the glass meme build that only works against the unaware. I fought one of these recently, ran into a camp and let the guards do most of the work as the other ranger didn't have any self-protection. But you said it yourself, anything with protection uptime pretty much nullfies this build once you add toughness / vit stats into the mix as well. There's also reflects, barrier, etc. Once you miss that initial rapid fire, you're out. It's too one dimensional for my liking tbh. Anyway, the problem with your 'live fast die fast' meta is thieves. One shot from stealth is a lot easier to do than meme SB builds are, and can escape a lot better. Actually you explain this in your last paragraph about DE's and that's AFTER the big damage nerf patches. We've had buffed mesmer though and it was a lot, lot worse than you're currently 'OP' SB build. Stealth, clones, confusion / torment spam, teleports--they were practically unkillable and for all the wrong reasons. Condi mesmer is something I still find here and there, it just doesn't 1-shot shatter bomb me from stealth anymore. The overall problem is anet seems unsure of what they want to do. Either everything is unified and all classes can do everything or every class has a specific role and has dedicated hard counters. The game is in the middle of this, where most classes have access to pretty much every mechanic there is and also have specific intended roles / tradeoffs and soft-counters. Any change from here is going to be fundamental 'big bang' approach and I'm guessing this is why it's taken so long to do, as those typically cause waves in the community. after RF they have nothing??? my mauls routinely hit in the quintuple digits (10k or more). i have hit over 14k mauls without needing an interrupt first. soulbeast also has the ability to get 66% damage reduction for 6 or 9 seconds depending on your traits. just because you met a newbie ranger playing a build doesn’t mean the entire build is a meme. try fighting a good one.by this logic, do you think any class is OP when you meet player who’s significantly better than you?? yes ofc SA thief beats ranger, but SA thief currently beats everything, except maybe nades scrapper. Have a roaming vid? Curious to see the opponents you are facing. Boon ranger isn't new--it's been a thing since they introduced boon copying on WHaO. The 'broken' part is SB with Dolyak stance and to some extent Second Skin--if/when they nerf those, you will see SB start to take more defensive gear again. That is, those two skills do not make the build (or spec) 'good' to me--still has all of the buggy ranger mechanics and lynchpins on an overtuned skill / trait. For the Mesmer discussion I wasn't referring to a specific specialization, just mesmer in general has been toned down several times due to the tools it has. Mesmer, unlike Ranger, actually has more than a one dimensional playstyle; Ranger has been 'meta' at LB/GS for a very long time because the class as a whole is extremely one dimensional. mesmer uses nearly entire utility bar to pull off a burst, has to time everything right, and even then they have less damage than soulbeast using owp, sicem, PBS and rapidfire that requires no timing. please tell me how that makes sense? does mesmer have some kinda hidden sustain or hidden utility they can bring that makes up for their lack of damage and sustain? for the record, soulbeast pretty decent amount of depth to it as well. it may be easy to pull off high damage but playing it high level isn’t just spamming the same rotations btw I'd like to see a SB played at a high level to begin with--not that WvW has anything resembling 'high level' in it really. From my own experience, the depth options are limited due to the pet AI / selection (we have what, four viable pets) and were limited even more once pet swap was removed in combat. Now it's run a 'meta' pet and do the same standard range rotation, if it doesn't work and they aren't melee then reset. If they are melee try the GS rotation. If all fails usually dolyak stance, block with GS, swoop with GS and swoop with bird to your nearest structure. so while you block you get hit with unblockable, what’s your point? all classes have “ideal situation rotations” as well as cookie cutter sustain rotations if you’re under heavy pressure. but how you diverge from that rotation to play mindgames with your opponent that matters. cus if everyone uses the same rotation it would be too easy to kill people, but clearly there is a difference in the way people play and thus seperates the bad from the good from the better etc.
  5. do you honestly believe roamers are only out to kill you specifically? lmao. we run builds made for fighting 1-5 people at a time. zerg builds are different. everyone will take a free kill when they walk by, same goes for blobs. every day i get ganked by a blob full of necros and fbs outnumbering me 10-1, am i supposed to cry about it? and honestly i give props to vallun for doing his part in keeping gw2 content and community alive somewhat, but he isn’t the best player in the game. i know plenty people who have killed him repeatedly in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3. myself included. i’m not saying he isn’t good, i’m just saying he’s not the divine word of balance. just because vallun dies to something doesn’t mean what he dies to is OP, since clearly he is the best, right? no. Edit: i forgot the most important part which is the talk about bunkers. you try killing a minstrel tempest on thief or soulbeast who runs the trait on earth that makes you not take crit damage while attuned to earth. they literally will not die. they are impossible to kill. fb is the same pretty much, although not quite as bad. they can very easily kite and never die. 90% of the time if you pit pure glass damage spec of any class vs pure bunker minstrel, the bunker will survive, but more importantly they will not even come CLOSE to dying. this is awful game design.
  6. Ah yes, Sic Em + OWP the glass meme build that only works against the unaware. I fought one of these recently, ran into a camp and let the guards do most of the work as the other ranger didn't have any self-protection. But you said it yourself, anything with protection uptime pretty much nullfies this build once you add toughness / vit stats into the mix as well. There's also reflects, barrier, etc. Once you miss that initial rapid fire, you're out. It's too one dimensional for my liking tbh. Anyway, the problem with your 'live fast die fast' meta is thieves. One shot from stealth is a lot easier to do than meme SB builds are, and can escape a lot better. Actually you explain this in your last paragraph about DE's and that's AFTER the big damage nerf patches. We've had buffed mesmer though and it was a lot, lot worse than you're currently 'OP' SB build. Stealth, clones, confusion / torment spam, teleports--they were practically unkillable and for all the wrong reasons. Condi mesmer is something I still find here and there, it just doesn't 1-shot shatter bomb me from stealth anymore. The overall problem is anet seems unsure of what they want to do. Either everything is unified and all classes can do everything or every class has a specific role and has dedicated hard counters. The game is in the middle of this, where most classes have access to pretty much every mechanic there is and also have specific intended roles / tradeoffs and soft-counters. Any change from here is going to be fundamental 'big bang' approach and I'm guessing this is why it's taken so long to do, as those typically cause waves in the community. after RF they have nothing??? my mauls routinely hit in the quintuple digits (10k or more). i have hit over 14k mauls without needing an interrupt first. soulbeast also has the ability to get 66% damage reduction for 6 or 9 seconds depending on your traits. just because you met a newbie ranger playing a build doesn’t mean the entire build is a meme. try fighting a good one.by this logic, do you think any class is OP when you meet player who’s significantly better than you?? yes ofc SA thief beats ranger, but SA thief currently beats everything, except maybe nades scrapper. Have a roaming vid? Curious to see the opponents you are facing. Boon ranger isn't new--it's been a thing since they introduced boon copying on WHaO. The 'broken' part is SB with Dolyak stance and to some extent Second Skin--if/when they nerf those, you will see SB start to take more defensive gear again. That is, those two skills do not make the build (or spec) 'good' to me--still has all of the buggy ranger mechanics and lynchpins on an overtuned skill / trait. For the Mesmer discussion I wasn't referring to a specific specialization, just mesmer in general has been toned down several times due to the tools it has. Mesmer, unlike Ranger, actually has more than a one dimensional playstyle; Ranger has been 'meta' at LB/GS for a very long time because the class as a whole is extremely one dimensional. mesmer uses nearly entire utility bar to pull off a burst, has to time everything right, and even then they have less damage than soulbeast using owp, sicem, PBS and rapidfire that requires no timing. please tell me how that makes sense? does mesmer have some kinda hidden sustain or hidden utility they can bring that makes up for their lack of damage and sustain? for the record, soulbeast pretty decent amount of depth to it as well. it may be easy to pull off high damage but playing it high level isn’t just spamming the same rotations btw
  7. i just don’t see how, other than using 3rd party software to actually hack, that it is justifiable to ban anyone for “terrain exploit” when anet is completely neglecting wvw as a game mode. they literally do not pay attention to it at all. numerous bugs exist that have been around since launch. desert map is ridden with these terrain bugs which make it easy to ignore walls in certain places. i can’t count on both hands how many times i’ve capped things on desert bl without siege. but hey, i personally think that’s part of what makes that map the best map.
  8. lol you don’t need money$ to get armor.anyways, what people mean when they say maps are balanced is that the maps themselves don’t provide any significant benefit to either side. what matters is how many players and guilds each server has on it and how often they play. you might be playing at a time when the guilds on your server are not online, maybe they play at a different time of the day, and thus you will feel like enemy blob is bigger. but keep an eye out in teamchat, maybe your team is just on a different map.
  9. Indeed. I've been watching some videos about them, especially the one from Vallun's helpful series, "How to fight _____" to identify common opening behavior and build tells that will help me a counter them better. Positioning myself on or near their port circles (where they'll return), better estimating when they'll steal (daredevils have to be closer), moving through them in melee to mess up their pistol attacks (like how they mess up our ranged attacks), standing on spaces they can't port to, putting terrain to my back, keeping distance from condi thieves (they need to come in close to do much burst, and they have mobility contraints), have all helped a bunch. A couple ranger specific things I've picked up include not using Sic Em and rapid fire at the same time unless it seems like an inexperienced thief or one that's blown some defenses. Instead, it's better to use rapid fire when they're about to stealth so it tracks through it (may need to precast stab in case they try to interrupt you as defense) and then use sic em afterwards to further limit their stealth time. I've also found s+a more useful than gs against them in melee. I just slotted durability runes, and that helps take some of the bite out of the initial burst too. (Nature Magic would do the same, I guess, but I'm not running it). That all said, it's still a learning curve, and also dependent in the skill of the thieves I'm fighting. Since we're on the subject of things that give/gave me trouble, eles are less of a problem now. Picking up on FrownyClown's advice above (and Vallun's video about them), I save my burst for when they're attuned to fire or air, especially if they just left water. Though I haven't tried it, if I was duelling or dealing with an especially annoying ele, I might slot Signet of the Hunt and/or warhorn to ruin their reflects. Fresh Air eles remain the exciting challenge they should be, and I don't mind a bit if they roast me because I know they're taking risks to get that damage, and I can (and have) make them pay for it if I play well. SA thief will win vs ranger pretty much every time unless the thief is playing really poorly. just saying. there’s not much you can do. best you can hope for is stalling the fight but most likely they will end up wearing you down eventually anyway, i’d suggest just running to safe spot. don’t get me wrong ofc there are plenty of bad thieves so you will probably be fine. but any SA thief who knows what they’re doing will beat you regardless of how well you play. it’s just a matter of them being in stealth too much where you can’t hurt them. unless they screw up SO badly that your rapidfire kills them when they try to stealth despite the fact they have the ability to interrupt you, dodge through the entire cast. from what i see the fight usually goes like this: thief engages on you first, stealthing up out of your range. you trade a few hits, if you block, they will interrupt it with steal. if you try to use LB you will likely get blinded or interrupted by pistol. but hopefully you get a bit of dmg in. maybe you have to use 1 utility and most likely a heal to recover from their backstab. but before you know it they are already stealthed. if you use sicem now, they will dodge and or use daggerstorm followed by steal or stealth. if you don’t use it, they just stealth. they wait 6-10s so you can’t predict when the next attack will be, you get hit first again. this rotation repeats INDEFINITELY until you are out of defensive utilities and heals. most likely you will be around 50% at a time when they have stealth, desperately waiting for heal to come off cooldown but they will strike you first. the nature of SA thief is that you just have too much utility to deal with the problems you face. being able to stealth for more than 5s at a time, AT ANY TIME is the biggest problem. they will trade hits, even if it seems like they lose it doesn’t matter, they can just stealth and wear you down little by little every time until you’re out of utilities and defenses.
  10. if someone can jump into a keep using nothing but weapon or utility skills for leaps, is that considered terrain exploit? anet puts such little time into wvw i feel like they either need to patch things including balance too ofc, otherwise just put out a statement saying they don’t care unless it’s not utilizing existing game mechanics and no 3rd party software etc.
  11. we need people to care about smaller objectives at the same we need zergs and blobs to stay away from smaller objectives.but considering we were promised more frequent small balance patches and have not even gotten this, it is clear that nothing will ever change and all resources are put into story mode which will inevitably tank the company. if you can’t have any fun with the state of the game currently i don’t think there’s hope for you. i would just quit. luckily for me i still find fun in the game.
  12. I don't disagree that soulbeast has some ground to retain the ability to revive pet in such fashion, but I would never dream of comparing it to mesmer clones or thief stealth. That's just nonsensical. Clones were made to die, and stealth was made to be broken by reveal due to hitting enemies applying reveal onto you. I would not argue rangers are punished for taking on condi classes if they run wilderness survival, that's only an issue if you're purposely giving up defenses for more boonage or damage. WIlderness survival's monopoly on ranger cleanses is a different beast.Anywho I totally sympathize with druid, used to main it before they gutted the healing countless times over instead of addressing the actual broken traits that were making it the cheese unkillable sidenode duelist it was. Don't shortsell ranger pets though, they may not be strong in direct combat but in duels they're great for keeping pressure when enemies move behind cover or using their command (or sometimes even normal skills) to really dish out some pain, debilitation, pressure, or control.Anyway I'm not saying ranger's top tier but don't act like it's the weakest or most handicapped class in the game (there's not a real correct answer to that but there are many more possibly correct answers and ranger never strikes me as the biggest victim in that category). i see countless people saying 1v1 balance is irrelevant but at the same time call for ranger nerfs. anyways, try dueling a condi herald or any type of renegade and see how long your pet stays alive. even mesmer shatters will end up nuking your pet in 1v1. reaper, necro. pet is completely useless most of the time. and yes ofc i’m talking about with WS, only soulbeast can survive without WS. druid needs it for CA charge and core needs it for condi cleanse. i started playing druid again last week cus of nostalgia, and oh boy have i realized how amazing it is not having to worry about pets dying on soulbeast. it’s such a stupid and pointless hazzle constantly having to micromanage your dying and crippled pets. and its not even like enemies are target them deliberately. they just die to aoe and cleave. even when i dodge all the condi and aoe myself my pet just facetanks all of it and dies eventually. in melee its not even like i can avoid it because if my pet is on passive it still follows me. but if its on attack mode it’s on enemy and will still get hit by aoe. Fair enough. I won't lie, the main reason I even discovered this whole thing and started playing soulbeast again to see if it was legitimate was because an evade-heavy condi soulbeast dueled my rather condi-resistant scourge for what must've been 20 minutes straight, and in the process he revived his pet at LEAST 15 times, which was painful as hell given it was a snow owl applying chill and dealing persistent 1-2.5k hits every two seconds it wasn't dead. i can see that being annoying yea. scourge tends to be somewhat countered by soulbeast in general though, i’m not sure the pet was necessarily the main reason for that. but if he revived his pet 15 times, that goes to show how easily it would’ve died on druid or core lol.
  13. Ah yes, Sic Em + OWP the glass meme build that only works against the unaware. I fought one of these recently, ran into a camp and let the guards do most of the work as the other ranger didn't have any self-protection. But you said it yourself, anything with protection uptime pretty much nullfies this build once you add toughness / vit stats into the mix as well. There's also reflects, barrier, etc. Once you miss that initial rapid fire, you're out. It's too one dimensional for my liking tbh. Anyway, the problem with your 'live fast die fast' meta is thieves. One shot from stealth is a lot easier to do than meme SB builds are, and can escape a lot better. Actually you explain this in your last paragraph about DE's and that's AFTER the big damage nerf patches. We've had buffed mesmer though and it was a lot, lot worse than you're currently 'OP' SB build. Stealth, clones, confusion / torment spam, teleports--they were practically unkillable and for all the wrong reasons. Condi mesmer is something I still find here and there, it just doesn't 1-shot shatter bomb me from stealth anymore. The overall problem is anet seems unsure of what they want to do. Either everything is unified and all classes can do everything or every class has a specific role and has dedicated hard counters. The game is in the middle of this, where most classes have access to pretty much every mechanic there is and also have specific intended roles / tradeoffs and soft-counters. Any change from here is going to be fundamental 'big bang' approach and I'm guessing this is why it's taken so long to do, as those typically cause waves in the community. @Gotejjeken.1267 said: Ah yes, Sic Em + OWP the glass meme build that only works against the unaware. I fought one of these recently, ran into a camp and let the guards do most of the work as the other ranger didn't have any self-protection. But you said it yourself, anything with protection uptime pretty much nullfies this build once you add toughness / vit stats into the mix as well. There's also reflects, barrier, etc. Once you miss that initial rapid fire, you're out. It's too one dimensional for my liking tbh. Anyway, the problem with your 'live fast die fast' meta is thieves. One shot from stealth is a lot easier to do than meme SB builds are, and can escape a lot better. Actually you explain this in your last paragraph about DE's and that's AFTER the big damage nerf patches. We've had buffed mesmer though and it was a lot, lot worse than you're currently 'OP' SB build. Stealth, clones, confusion / torment spam, teleports--they were practically unkillable and for all the wrong reasons. Condi mesmer is something I still find here and there, it just doesn't 1-shot shatter bomb me from stealth anymore. The overall problem is anet seems unsure of what they want to do. Either everything is unified and all classes can do everything or every class has a specific role and has dedicated hard counters. The game is in the middle of this, where most classes have access to pretty much every mechanic there is and also have specific intended roles / tradeoffs and soft-counters. Any change from here is going to be fundamental 'big bang' approach and I'm guessing this is why it's taken so long to do, as those typically cause waves in the community. after RF they have nothing??? my mauls routinely hit in the quintuple digits (10k or more). i have hit over 14k mauls without needing an interrupt first. soulbeast also has the ability to get 66% damage reduction for 6 or 9 seconds depending on your traits. just because you met a newbie ranger playing a build doesn’t mean the entire build is a meme. try fighting a good one.by this logic, do you think any class is OP when you meet player who’s significantly better than you?? yes ofc SA thief beats ranger, but SA thief currently beats everything, except maybe nades scrapper.
  14. I don't disagree that soulbeast has some ground to retain the ability to revive pet in such fashion, but I would never dream of comparing it to mesmer clones or thief stealth. That's just nonsensical. Clones were made to die, and stealth was made to be broken by reveal due to hitting enemies applying reveal onto you. I would not argue rangers are punished for taking on condi classes if they run wilderness survival, that's only an issue if you're purposely giving up defenses for more boonage or damage. WIlderness survival's monopoly on ranger cleanses is a different beast.Anywho I totally sympathize with druid, used to main it before they gutted the healing countless times over instead of addressing the actual broken traits that were making it the cheese unkillable sidenode duelist it was. Don't shortsell ranger pets though, they may not be strong in direct combat but in duels they're great for keeping pressure when enemies move behind cover or using their command (or sometimes even normal skills) to really dish out some pain, debilitation, pressure, or control.Anyway I'm not saying ranger's top tier but don't act like it's the weakest or most handicapped class in the game (there's not a real correct answer to that but there are many more possibly correct answers and ranger never strikes me as the biggest victim in that category). i see countless people saying 1v1 balance is irrelevant but at the same time call for ranger nerfs. anyways, try dueling a condi herald or any type of renegade and see how long your pet stays alive. even mesmer shatters will end up nuking your pet in 1v1. reaper, necro. pet is completely useless most of the time. and yes ofc i’m talking about with WS, only soulbeast can survive without WS. druid needs it for CA charge and core needs it for condi cleanse. i started playing druid again last week cus of nostalgia, and oh boy have i realized how amazing it is not having to worry about pets dying on soulbeast. it’s such a stupid and pointless hazzle constantly having to micromanage your dying and crippled pets. and its not even like enemies are target them deliberately. they just die to aoe and cleave. even when i dodge all the condi and aoe myself my pet just facetanks all of it and dies eventually. in melee its not even like i can avoid it because if my pet is on passive it still follows me. but if its on attack mode it’s on enemy and will still get hit by aoe.
  15. well, imagine if mesmer couldn’t use any shatters for 40s if you killed all their clones. or if you reveal thief once, they can’t stealth for 40s. or kill necro minion they can’t use them for 40s. AI is ALREADY weak from the get go, useless 90% of the time, and the fact that core and druid are so severely punished for DARING to take on any class with the tiniest amount of aoe or condis is just ridiculous. druid is straight up unviable because it relies on passive pet healing to charge CA, but it’s a legitimate struggle to keep your own pets alive despite the fact that druid is supposed to be a spec that gets extra healing. so no, considering magic is a thing in gw2, i don’t think it’s unreasonable in lore terms OR balance terms soulbeasts can revive pets. imo, they give core and druid an easier time reviving their pet or keeping them alive. maybe just decrease the cooldown on pet death to 10s, or 5s and call it a day, since we all know anet is too lazy to rework anything these days and we’ll never see anything other than number tweaks.
  16. haha clearly you are explaining how a weaver is played not mesmer minus the stealth part cuz I also play weaver and mash buttons and kill stuff just too ez yeah sure... clearly "stuff "= ambiant creature in ur scenario hahayea when i go play new class for the first time and i kill an invader rank i don’t pretend the class is easy.
  17. LMAOO at ranger having less damage than Mesmer. core ranger can hit about 10k Rapidfire if traited properly, soulbeast can easily hit 20k. then add sicem for an extra 5k dmg on your rapidfire. oh, and then there’s OWP, which easily multiplies your rapidfire dmg by about 1.75 if you don’t cast anything else. multiple times a day my soulbeast takes someone from MOUNTED full hp, to down, to cleaved DEAD in about 3-5 seconds. and all i gotta do is press like 6 buttons. sicem, OWP, PBS, rapidfire, smoke assault, swap to GS and use Maul + worldly impact and they are cleaved. this is against anyone running marauder or similar, with no protection uptime. the problem in this game is the bell curve. if you imagine the lower end of the bell curve being the smallest amount of damage dealt to players because they are tanky. it doesn’t make any sense that i can instagib marauder players in 1.5 seconds, but be literally unable to kill scrappers, tempests and firebrands on PURE dmg traits and gear. the tanks must go. i’d rather play in a fast paced meta where i have to be quick to avoid death. we already have mounts making it too ez to avoid fights against everything except ranger who can pew pew you off mount, so why do we allow players to be insanely tanky on top of that? the only exception to high dmg i’ve had in this game is DE cus they have too much stealth. 1shot mesmer can also be problematic but not because of their dmg (cus it’s hard to pull off) but because they can stealth for a rather long time beforehand, making you unaware they even exist before you’re dead. but this goes for anything with too much stealth. ranger LB range could be capped at 1400 or 1300 to the even the playing field there too. Buff mesmer.
  18. Because all of those things have various counters, are only viable solo/small scale, and have already been nerfed. "Raid boss" Necro is a literal meme. All it is is a lot of health and it's useless outside of 1v1/X. Similar to old S/D Weaver it only kills what commits to it because it has terrible damage but high sustain. You can literally walk away from it and it has 0 impact in large scale fights. The difference between the two is that Necro is shut down a lot more easily because it's weak to CC, and there are a lot of CC's in this game. Weaver on the other hand could just evade for days and heal through anything you threw at it.With that said, I wouldn't be against a nerf to Unholy Martyr and Signet of Undeath because both of them are overly rewarding of passive gameplay. So by all means nerf it, but it's already a bad build. Grenades are pretty busted in WvW, but it's largely due to the synergy between Barrier and multi-hits.Some suggested changes: Impact Armor should only grant Barrier from melee attacks, increase Bulwark Gyro cooldown to 30seconds, and split Explosive Entrance so that it deals reduced damage while used with Scrapper or Holosmith.This way Grenades/Grenade Barrage doesn't grant Barrier and Bulwark Gyro has more downtime, and you don't get a free 3 - 4k+ hit after every time you dodge from Explosive Entrance which pretty significantly buffs Grenade Barrage. Holosmith is garbage tier now, the only thing giving it any relevance is Explosives because of Explosive Entrance and Flashbang. Laser's Edge is also to blame, but at least it takes some resource management to maintain the damage increase. Still, reducing the damage increase to 10% would be fine.Otherwise, Holo does pretty terrible damage. If you're not using Explosives it literally hits like a sack of potatoes. Of the videos you linked, all of them have been nerfed, and only one (Grenade Scrapper) is still OP but will probably get some nerfs in the future. Specifically referring to Boonbeast here, it was (and to some degree still is) an issue because it countered its counter, Necro, and was at least decent in large scale fights. Solo and small scale it was just busted because nothing could contest a good one. Removing/Corrupting Boons is the only real way to kill them but with the mobility, Cleanse, and damage they have it's more of a soft counter.Although it has received multiple nerfs, some undeserving, others entirely so, it is still a strong roaming build. And somehow Dolyak Stance is still untouched, so there's also that. i agree on nerf to dolyak stance. though i feel like boon beast today doesn’t have the dmg to actually be a major threat to anybody. NM + WS means your pets are useless and you’ll have an extremely low amount of dmg, even if you can stack 25might. what you mentioned about weaver and necro apply to boonbeast today also. you can just walk away. they are also mostly selfish builds meaning you can simply focus attention on other enemies and kill them first and there’s not a whole lot a boonbeast can do about it.
  19. nature magic has no place in a soulbeast build. we don’t want more ppl running around with perma boons and weakness spamming passives. you can argue it has a place for druid and core, but it does not fit with the soubeast theme. literally bonding with your pet so that you both merge into one entity isn't considered "nature magic"? lol i’m talking about what the nm traitline does. it doesn’t fit. plus, NM as a traitline just sucks to play against. it’s kinda like the ranger version of Shadow Arts on thief. any time i see someone use it in pvp/wvw it just tells me that person sucks cus they rely on heavy sustain and passives too much. tbh the whole thing needs a redesign but obviously that will never happen. I wouldn't say that it means they suck, it just means that they opted to NOT go full memebeast, there are people that enjoy non glass cannon builds more after all. You can get perma protection uptime with NM, and Soulbeast lets that reduce Condition damage, so to say that it does not fit the Soulbeast theme isn't quite true either. That said we should all want LESS perma prot uptime on any class, and therefore NM needs more nerfing rather than buffing #SarcasmNotSarcasm WS BM soulbeast is neither glass nor too tanky. it’s acceptable. NM is just crossing the line imo. I'm not disagreeing there. People responded to the Feb2020 patch by going full meme DPS or full tank for the most part. NM lets a Ranger move towards the full tank aspect, and honestly makes it too easy to maintain protection.yes. and personally i would rather play in meta with a lot of dmg than a lot of sustain. i don’t think full dmg is meme tbh, i play it myself regularly. sure newbs die instantly but they were going to die anyway, and there are plenty of counters to it that don’t involve permaprot or endless sustain.
  20. nature magic has no place in a soulbeast build. we don’t want more ppl running around with perma boons and weakness spamming passives. you can argue it has a place for druid and core, but it does not fit with the soubeast theme. literally bonding with your pet so that you both merge into one entity isn't considered "nature magic"? lol i’m talking about what the nm traitline does. it doesn’t fit. plus, NM as a traitline just sucks to play against. it’s kinda like the ranger version of Shadow Arts on thief. any time i see someone use it in pvp/wvw it just tells me that person sucks cus they rely on heavy sustain and passives too much. tbh the whole thing needs a redesign but obviously that will never happen. I wouldn't say that it means they suck, it just means that they opted to NOT go full memebeast, there are people that enjoy non glass cannon builds more after all. You can get perma protection uptime with NM, and Soulbeast lets that reduce Condition damage, so to say that it does not fit the Soulbeast theme isn't quite true either. That said we should all want LESS perma prot uptime on any class, and therefore NM needs more nerfing rather than buffing #SarcasmNotSarcasmWS BM soulbeast is neither glass nor too tanky. it’s acceptable. NM is just crossing the line imo.
  21. nature magic has no place in a soulbeast build. we don’t want more ppl running around with perma boons and weakness spamming passives. you can argue it has a place for druid and core, but it does not fit with the soubeast theme. literally bonding with your pet so that you both merge into one entity isn't considered "nature magic"? loli’m talking about what the nm traitline does. it doesn’t fit. plus, NM as a traitline just sucks to play against. it’s kinda like the ranger version of Shadow Arts on thief. any time i see someone use it in pvp/wvw it just tells me that person sucks cus they rely on heavy sustain and passives too much. tbh the whole thing needs a redesign but obviously that will never happen.
  22. Well, that is where most of the QQ'ing happens about skills so... but we are in wvw forums. Yes, but all the QQ is over on the PvP forums, thus why all the 'balance' has been over there for the most part.i guess we need to scream louder then... NERF THIEF SA, SCRAPPER HOLO , SOULBEAST , ELE STONEHEART AND TRAILBLAZER + ALL BOON DURATION IN WVW!!!
  23. Well, that is where most of the QQ'ing happens about skills so... but we are in wvw forums.
  24. oof, did u even read what I said? sorry i quoted the wrong person lol was meant for OP
  25. I dont play for rewards. WvW isnt all about fights, its all about cooperation, teamship and strategy to win or at least to be competitive. U want easy fights and easy rewards, then just play pve and let the real wvw fans have their own fun in the way the game should be played. then go play silverwastes. the solution to dead wvw isn't to turn it into pve lmao.
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