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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. How hard is it to understand and get through to you? Your made up scenarios are assuming one team has better players and that they can outplay enemy to such an extent that they revive their teammates, without the other team doing the exact same thing??? Support is about keeping allies alive, not artificially reviving them with a single button press. There’s not a lot of team coordination that goes into pressing F for a second or two.. other games with DS are way more balanced cus it’s actually a huge risk and not something you can just do in heat of battle like you can in gw2. It’s a literal gimmick that carries bad team with more numbers much more than it adds any meaningful complexity.
  2. No DS Is still better than DS. You messed up, you should die and respawn. I can’t believe how difficult it is to understand that you’re getting carried by this gimmick mechanic.
  3. So you think it’s essentially fair that when someone messed up and basically would be dead, they be given a 2nd chance to the team that already has more players? You’re assuming differences in skill level here…
  4. How am i “reaching “ when this while thread is about DS? You’re not making any sense replying to my old posts to a different person. Yes I am well aware of that, but if DS was gone permanently it actually makes sense to nerf 1shot potential, at least from safety of stealth or range. And that is my point. It’s all connected, but nerfing DS actually has a very big positive impact on the balance IF they actually followed up on it afterwards. You can then tone down the upper end of the bursts, and tone down the upper end of sustain ( because if you toned down sustain without DS I agree it would be too chaotic and fps like) what you get from that is more linear damage/sustain where you aren’t forced to run massive dps setups to deal with supports+ DS all at once. You could still opt for more dmg but it wouldn’t be crazy 1shots from 1800 range or out of stealth on DE or DD, mesmer etc.
  5. See, you’re SO CLOSE to getting it. After you remove or heavily nerf DS, you can then tone down the burst potential of classes (or players can simply choose to run tankier stats instead of complaining about 1shots when they themselves run around in marauder) , stealth needs some nerfs too I agree but removing it would make certain classes obsolete. Like… yes. After you nerf DS you can finally address the top of the dps bellcurve, because lack of DS means the sustain is slightly lowered, making the dmg and TTK more linear. DS is a problem because on one hand ppl need it to prevent tower rangers or thief stealth 1shots from being to strong (despite the fact that positioning is also a skill….) , but with DS still being a thing, 1shot players have a good argument for their builds still being functional , since they can just be ressed anyway. you see how this is a problem?
  6. Ah yes that’s definitely the only thing this complex and top tier mmo combat system is about if it wasn’t for downedstate. Yup.
  7. You’re missing a key point here. DS affects all classes , classes and specs that have variety and is what makes the game fun cus everyone’s builds are slightly different with different skills and stats. DS affects nearly all wvw combat to an extent. Also, you’re equating a bad mechanic with an entire class. I’ve stated multiple times how DS favors cheese res builds or straight up just buffs the bigger team significantly, which is very important considering almost no fights in wvw are equal in numbers or skill, so equal combat opportunity should be of high concern so the fight isn’t completely predetermined from the get go. There is no class that is currently so unbalanced that it skews fights to this extent. you said DS is not simple and I agree. I’d be happy with considerable nerfs to DS which it desperately needs since it got indirectly buffed after the dmg nerfs. My personal opinion is that DS should be removed from wvw but I’m ok with compromising. But please, stop trying to pretend you can boil down the arguments to something so binary as equating it to deleting a class.
  8. Other than res traits and skills there is literally 0 balance correlated to DS. That’s a myth. also, stop it with the whole “oh you don’t like this one thing about the game? Just go play a different game “ Ah yes, criticism is bad and we should never strive to make the game better in any way lulz.
  9. Yea, duh, I think it’s stupid and I’ve laid out my reasons why I think it’s stupid, failing to persuade you. But you are doing the same thing lol. i just disagree. But if you’ll meet me half way and remove the invuln at the start of DS , and nerf the res speed by like 33% I’ll be happy with that.
  10. You can still res them from dead.. happens all the time.. being too afraid to push has also been a thing since release. it’s not about “being good enough to play around the downed mechanics and win” my guy. It’s that we shouldn’t HAVE TO. Do you honestly think everyone who says “DS is bad“ loses only because of that, and they are bad players? No, lots of ppl can play around it, but some of us can still acknowledge how stupid it is to have that in a pvp game mode with unequal team sizes. it’s like… I can acknowledge a lot of things about soulbeast or ranger are very stupid or should be nerfed despite being a ranger main since 2013. I don’t criticize it cus i got dunked in a 1v1, I don’t hate DS cus i lost a 1v2 last night. It’s just flat out a stupid mechanic considering the circumstances of wvw. For example sometimes I win certain encounters by using pet res while im down. How stupid is that? Clearly I fugged up somehow, my rotation was bad or something but here i am clawing myself back to victory because of a stupid DS mechanic and an even worse DS skill, all of which wouldn’t have happened if DS was gone. it’s simply a stupid mechanic that only belongs in pve where it actually makes sense.
  11. Just buff other druid GM traits to make them worth running, ancient seeds is very mediocre considering the rest of druids kit sucks, it’s the only thing keeping it somewhat not terrible.
  12. Downed state carries bad players , the more nerfs it gets the better.
  13. I thought you said players are too lazy these days and then you just quit? Good argument, hope i see you ingame some time.
  14. You already screwed up hard enough to go down in the first place. Why should you get an invul? Despite playing the game since 2013 this is the first time I’ve had more than a single hour to play during no downed week. Downed state is a huge gimmick. You kittened up, you failed, you should be dead. If you don’t like that, go play cookie clicker or use dura runes with commander stats or something. there’s literally no “down”side to no downedstate (heh). Res skills and traits shouldn’t even exist in the first place. Supports job is to keep ally ALIVE and not bring them back from when they are basically dead. Support already has so much boonspam, heals very effective AND they are tanky asf. Why do you need all these extra chances despite kittening up, getting outplayed until the point you actually died/went down? it makes 0 sense. It has to be said that anyone who doesn’t like the current event is just getting carried by this gimmick. That’s the truth. (I’m not saying you are, but others who are against this) Don’t forget wvw never has even numbers, so thinking downed can in any way, EVER be fair or balanced is crazy. Sure in spvp you can play around it to an extent cus teams are 5v5, but wvw is literally uneven fights 90% of the time.
  15. Any build with good or decent access to condi cleanse will deal with a druid NP. Slot cleansing sigil in wvw and bam you get 3 cleanses every 9s. Add a few cleanses from traits or utility and you’re good. Idk what to tell you. If you struggle vs druid this much, it’s l2p. There are plenty of builds that can be very oppressive in a 2v1 situation, but druid 1v1 is garbo. It has no dmg, very low sustain and very squishy.
  16. Uhh, YES you can cleanse the roots. But you need to be aware of 2 things: 1, you must move AS you press your cleansing skill, otherwise you will be stuck. This is because the root re-applies immobilize every second. But, as long as you move.. you will be out of the range of the root, even if you get another 1s proc of immobilize. After the last proc and you’re outside the root, you are free. This also means if you use 2 cleanses in quick succession you are gonna be unrooted and cleansed, thus guaranteed to get free right away. 2, damaging the root and killing it if you have no cleanses ready means you can get out after 1-3 procs. This should be sufficient if you also have an active defense skill ready like blocks etc.
  17. Maybe one day anet will realize it’s pretty easy to balance some parts of wvw.. just hit the button and make no downedtate permanent lol
  18. No, if one side is being heavily pressured by the other, dishing out minimal damage because they have to kite to stay alive and can’t counter pressure, there is a pretty clear winner in terms of what build is actually strongest.
  19. It’s actually going to be a challenge ( I haven’t seen the fights btw) cus my build is somewhat vulnerable with 0 added toughness and only weapon swap for condi dmg cleanse. I haven’t had the time to put my sustain setup back together as I’ve been kittening around too much with strange builds and stats on my 2nd gear set. But surely he’ll get a run for his money. It’s basically polar opposites. He’s a tanky sustain kiter and I’m eat or be eaten, all-in dmg soulbeast lol.
  20. I’ll take the bet. I think my pure dmg soulbeast setup has a good chance of downing you despite having 0 condi cleanse from traits or skills. I’ll be on tonight NA prime time around reset.
  21. Broken stat sets don’t make the weapons stronger.
  22. Are you playing with celestial stats? Cus then what you’re saying just boils down to the fact that those weapons need like 60% more stats to be functional… which isn’t a great case for those weapons.
  23. Yea but you mentioned QD which is equally as effective on pretty much all weapon sets, and skirmishing can be used on all dmg types (condi, power, hybrid) you could easily say the same about SB though? You miss your stun/daze and now you only have an evade left? And cripple immob same thing. Since in wvw cleansing sigil cleanses 3 condis, it’s much easier to straight up negate whatever condi dmg you might make with SB.. but there are no sigils that will take away power dmg so easily. and btw, i said “equivalent” stats, not equal. That means like, a main power damage set compared to Condi main set. and yes ofx play whatever you like, but I have also tested these weapon sets many many times and they just straight up are not as good as LB GS. That’s all I’m saying.
  24. Don’t bring up traits, they apply to all weapons. axe+dagger has very low dmg. It’s basically a purely defensive set that can be blocked by projectile reflects etc. which gs is still better at since you can block, KB, evade twice and combo finish. Not to mention another CC that can be used defensively in certain situations. Shortbow has less range and requires you to be in melee range to deal good dmg with poison. The dmg overall is like half of longbow in many cases on equivalent stats. And longbow has 2 defensive skills, stealth and KB.
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