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Everything posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. I've only done the meta twice and I know better than to keep trying until they rework it. Not worth wasting all that time for nothing.
  2. The funny part is Anet wanted more player interaction with this turtle mount yet obtaining the egg is doing the opposite.
  3. People were asking regulars to leave the map, or those who weren't properly equipped to their liking. Some were bullied out, and they offered to pay others to get them to leave so those with better gear/builds could come in. It shouldn't be like that, everyone deserves a chance to participate and get the rewards, poor gear or not.
  4. Not doing the meta then until they actually nerf it. I can see this becoming a major issue between people not wanting to take on regular players simply because "they don't have the right class or gear/build". Gear is expensive, and not everyone knows how to earn the gold to fully pay for said gear. This will lead to people being kicked out, sometimes forcefully, and could lead to a lot more ugly things between players. Especially the ones who think "you have to get good" is a good piece of advice.
  5. The fact they put the Turtle mount egg behind this meta, and the fact it's so difficult that only around 1% are successfully completing it, I'd say those 2 points alone have already guaranteed this a dead meta once people get their eggs. They should've given the egg as a reward for completing the entire EoD story, then at least you still have to do work for it, but it's a guaranteed drop after all that effort.
  6. I actually think the maps are well designed. The only one I didn't care for was Echovald Wilds due to all the trees and obstacles making it difficult to traverse with anything other than the Skyscale and Griffon mounts.
  7. Everyone has their opinion, and it's fine. I personally loved this expansion, but I'm more into the story than anything else and I felt they did a fine job with that.
  8. Meh, I just saw a video to unlock the Siege Turtle and honestly I'm not in a rush to get it. In my opinion the Skyscale is the best mount you can have in this game between all 3 expansions simply because of how well it can move through maps with tall buildings/trees/etc. It proved itself as the best mount with EoD for me, I used it the most. So if people want to consider getting one of the achievement-based mounts, go for the Skyscale.
  9. I've only done the meta twice, but the main attacks the dragon does are easy to dodge and get out of the way as long as you pay attention to how she's moving and what else is going on. Gotta be on your toes to avoid getting hit. But obviously the problem would be those who don't pay attention and stand right in the hit markers then wonder why they keep dying lol.
  10. The one thing the batteries are useful for are the Offensive/Defensive protocols but I only take them to try the meta in the final map - they can stack up to 90 minutes each.
  11. 10 more mins to the timer would help a lot. Might be the only thing needed tbh.
  12. When I started End of Dragons I went straight for the story to avoid any and all spoilers. Ended up finishing it within the first 24 hours of the expansion's launch (dedicated to no spoilers lol), and I just completed all 4 new maps last night. My rating; 8/10. Positive thoughts: - The music is incredible, probably one of the best parts of this expansion. - Much of the dialogue had a more up-beat tone and some cases there were fun jokes poked among the characters that made me chuckle. - The dialogue itself in this expansion was well written and flowed nicely. - They put in a lot of thought for newer players, with markers and arrows indicating which way to go, and what to do. Even Taimi chimes in during one of the story instances to give you hints if you get stuck. - The graphics are gorgeous, and all the dragons were very well designed. - The Skiff and Fishing are fun to use, however it wasn't the main selling point for me, but I'll probably use it during downtime or when I need something from it. Negatives: - I honestly don't have much to say in this regard, the entire expansion that I played so far has been incredible, and the story was satisfying. This expansion had an entirely different feel to it than HoT or PoF, and I greatly appreciate the effort put into it by Anet. It has re-ignited my love for this game, and I thank them for bringing such an amazing game to the world.
  13. Agreed, I'd say 10 more minutes could easily be the difference between a win and loss, but who knows what their plan is.
  14. Just got done trying to do this meta with 2 fully organized squads and about 57 people total for the end fight. We skipped the wisp phase as well and were still unsuccessful with 20% of the boss remaining. It's very frustrating dedicating 2 hours of work for a fail. It's only my 2nd time attempting the meta, but I won't be trying again unless it gets nerfed or re-tuned. It's way too difficult, and the very minimal who did manage to beat the event either got really lucky, or something just went right for them and we don't know yet.
  15. "Answer me a question - why? Why is it costing 2 times more than normal travels? What's so special about Cantha that it warrants such entry fee? "It's because the distance is so big" - why is the distance made so big?" I legit facepalmed at this statement. The distance is determined by the design of the game's map layout and location of all the islands/land mass. The reason it costs much more is due to the distance, which makes sense. That's like complaining to Australia about being too far away because of the high cost to fly there by plane lol. They can't just pick up and move an entire continent, much the same with land design in Guild Wars 2. It's 10 silver, you'll survive, as will all of us. It's not a big deal yet here we are, making a big deal out of it.
  16. Really? I played through on my main who is a male human, and the lines were well done I thought. Made me laugh a few times as well with some of the quick-jab jokes and silly remarks. I felt it was well done, even lines from other characters through the story. However, I may be bias as I do love the storyline in Guild Wars 2, it's my favorite part.
  17. But then people would never do the meta again after getting their egg drop. I actually think that event should've had an even better reward drop than the siege turtle egg. Precursors or full on ascended/legendary gear perhaps?
  18. "If you aren't having fun, don't do it." Pretty sure that would lead to the death of many games, including GW2 if people didn't bother when something made them frustrated. It's just a poor excuse anyways, the Turtle mount was one of the selling points of EoD and people want it.
  19. I'm a living breathing player that only does solo play. I'm not even in a guild currently and I played through the entire HoT, PoF, and EoD storyline by myself, except for map events that required a group. It's not hard, just need the appropriate build and personal skill and knowledge of your class to survive and play swiftly.
  20. It has a major timing and overlap issue, it needs to be re-worked.
  21. The event has a lot happening all at once. Which will make first-timers all scatter-brained. I was struggling to know where to move on the platform without getting squashed, plus all the small mobs spawning in all attacking at once, trying to avoid those attacks and AOE markers...it was just a lot. I do agree it's a bit too difficult given the size of the group we had - which for any other meta would've won it no problem. Maybe it is a learning curve, but I think it needs to be scaled a bit lower, or give more time.
  22. I just finished the entire story and I must say, it completely feels like the ending of Guild Wars 2. Like for now there is no plan of a further story continuation unless it comes in Guild Wars 3 if they plan to make one. For now though, it ends perfectly, everything balanced among the Dragons. Unless they take the story an entirely different route and don't focus on any dragons in the future.
  23. It's 9 silver...if you make decent gold daily, even weekly, it's not an issue. If you need to port to Cantha then make sure you have a good reason to be there if you're worried about losing too much money. But it's not expensive at all to me, and makes sense given how far away it is from the main land.
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