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Everything posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. Does Dragon's End have Writ of the Jade Sea? I don't recall seeing it but I might have to double-check. The Wiki has nothing on it, and I don't think Dragon's End has any heart events as well, so most likely events only. Edit: Yes it does, it's called Writ of Dragon's End - I just read up and saw that from another user hehe.
  2. There is hope! Thank you for responding. Looking forward to see what happens.
  3. 20 hours of participation actually, but whatever. It sounded excellent in my head, and a way everyone could be happy if Anet didn't want to nerf the meta. I really don't care anymore though, this community is turning me sour to the game, so whatever happens, happens. Edit: Actually I had a better thought; they could create a whole string of new achievements that only take place during the final meta that you have to complete to get the turtle egg. Much like Tequatl, Triple Trouble, and the Shatterer. Once you complete all achievements of course, the egg drops, maybe even a neat title to go with it. But that is definitely one potential solution.
  4. How about this Anet? Instead of having people needing to complete the meta for the egg to drop, make it an achievement to participate in the entire 2-hour long map meta into the final boss (whether it fails or succeeds) 10 times before the egg will drop. Seems reasonable yes? So the Elitists keep their hard-mode meta exactly as it is, and casuals get their egg without worrying about failing. Win-win, and you can increase prize drops for completed metas from this. I'm already at 8 fails, which is 16 hours at least hanging around this map, so the egg would be time-gated to 20 hours-ish roughly depending how quickly maps move on pre-events. Does that seem like a viable option?
  5. I actually wouldn't mind some bounties in EoD, didn't even think about it until now. I'm surprised there aren't any.
  6. 8 attempts, 8 fails - in mostly all organized groups with multiple commanders, people doing what they're suppose to be doing, all buffs taken, and even swapping to better builds/characters for higher DPS output.
  7. Congrats, and yes Anet needs to get their act together quickly to save this situation from becoming something even uglier than it already is now. I'm not touching the map unless they fix it, and will be avoiding the gem shop as well. It needs to be fair for ALL player types.
  8. Yes, I enjoyed the story. I only ever really cared about the story in GW2, everything else is just a bonus to me. EoD was quick yes, but the story was full of emotion and even the finale had me in tears. It's simple, but an effective ending to the Dragon saga.
  9. All of this is honestly making me a bit depressed. I take one look at the forums, read the responses and don't even want to log into the game for a while. I never expected to feel this way towards GW2, and I absolutely adored this game for a long time. I know it sounds like I'm being dramatic over a "turtle" but it's not just that anymore. It's getting burnt out playing for hours and hours knowing in the back of your mind the chance of failing is pretty high - almost guaranteed, and seeing the frustration from everyone else in chat/squad as well takes a toll. If they ever do implement a fix, it might not come for many weeks, and by then who knows how many people are still around willing to even try - the ones who have yet to get a successful run.
  10. Honestly, if the timer stopped during the mini boss phases, it just might be enough to get more successful runs. She also phased quite slowly during the last fight I was in, so they need to get the transition a little quicker.
  11. Right, that kind of toxic behavior/attitude is exactly what we need to avoid right now regarding this situation. Guess what? Many of us have tried to "get gud" by using other builds, buffs, food, anything we could think of but it never made a difference for everyone who has failed every single run so far.
  12. Correction; all they did so far was force us to complete the green/wisp phase so we couldn't skim it for extra time, and they fixed a "bug" that made Soo-Won use her bite attack too often. They didn't change anything.
  13. Same here. I also got through some of my worst days with this game, and at first I was enjoying the meta, despite it needing fixes, but now I just can't do it anymore. I completely re-geared and changed builds on 2 characters. One of which I gave 2 builds and sets of gear to so I had 1 for pre-meta events, and 1 specifically for the final boss Soo-Won. Some people have done 30+ attempts, where I've only done 8, all fails, and I'm burnt out and completely exhausted. I'm no longer trying the meta unless they fix something, because this is just ridiculous. They can't expect the average player to be able to do this, let alone those who know what they're doing with gear/builds and still fail.
  14. Well, took 2 characters with 3 separate builds for 8 failed attempts - I am DONE Anet. I'm never stepping foot into that map again unless something is done about the silly meta RNG. This is how you kill a game.
  15. I honestly am just so tired of having to wait and hope on a miracle with this meta, I don't even want to bother myself. Maps fill, but the one I was just on they had 2 commanders waiting for Maw so nobody was even splitting up for the escort so I logged off. 😕
  16. Can't even get people to tag up for the meta or even want to bother doing it. Been trying for a few hours and nobody even wanted to try. I never command because I hate doing it, and it's best kept for people who know how to do it better. Still, that says something if nobody wants to bother anymore - even after another patch.
  17. No it's doing the opposite. People are going back to other games because they can't unlock the Turtle. Most I've spoken to say they'll never go back to that map again once they do get the Turtle. That's a problem for anyone new in the future who wants the Turtle but can't find people to do it.
  18. On the bright side, I'd say the only good thing about the DE map meta is the experience you get that can go towards leveling your masteries. Aside from that, at least it's better than nothing while the meta is still ungodly difficult for most. 😛
  19. Do you get like motion sickness from the gameplay itself? Or could it be the way you sit in your chair? Or something else entirely?
  20. Haha it's literally Grind Wars 2 - take the Skyscale alone as an example, I grinded for LWS4 mats for 2 weeks because my moronic self consumed them all prior to that mount's release. Got a good chuckle from that though hehe.
  21. Yep, I've literally said this event only needs about 10 more minutes max without adjusting anything else and it's doable by majority of players. At least it would boost the success rate from 5% to 30-50%.
  22. Yep! I'm a mount skin buyer, I've spend hundreds on them alone and I was looking forward to buying skins for the Turtle as well - and I WILL once I get it. They're literally stopping me from giving them money right now lol.
  23. The Turtle is just a fancy toy to mess around with and dress up with expensive skins eventually. If you're someone like me who plays the game mostly as a solo individual, then the Turtle is half useless already. Only reason I want it is because it came with the expansion, and it's the final mount I need in the collection. The meta though is making me question whether it's even worth trying for right now; 7 fails and I don't really want to waste more time.
  24. I was actually hoping there would be some kind of patch or at least an update today to address the meta given their patch days are usually on a Tuesday - or at least major ones are. Still nothing though which is disheartening. I have attempted the meta 7 times and I can't bring myself to try any more because a part of me knows it's going to be a fail again anyways - so why waste the precious time when I can be doing something else? It's coming down to that for me, and it's not a great feeling. 😕
  25. Yes, I pre-purchased it the same day they opened it for that. I actually think I bought mine within the first hour - I originally got the regular version but once I saw the Raptor skin I upgraded so I could get it; thus spending even more money than planned, but I knew I wanted this expansion when they announced it. I purchased EoD specifically for the continuation of the story from Icebrood Saga - as it's my favorite part of Guild Wars 2. I raced through the story ONLY to avoid any and all spoilers. I turned off chat completely and ignored any in-game messages that came while I was playing the story lol, dedication to no spoilers. Overall I really enjoy this expansion, the maps are gorgeous, the jade bots are cute and will come in handy over time I'm sure - especially if they add new things to do with them. The story itself is satisfying (to me) and I was happy with the finale. My only gripe is the dreaded meta walling off the Turtle mount. While it's not a mount I would ever use often at all as I solo 95% of the game's content and don't have many friends at all to play with, so the Turtle is essentially a collection piece to complete the set of Mounts available in the game - as well as a giant trinket for me to plaster skins onto and show off. I am debating giving up entirely on the turtle, as it doesn't look like I'll be one of those lucky people who manages to get into a well organized group and manages to beat the meta event - oh well, cut my losses I suppose.
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