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Everything posted by CrimsonRise.7650

  1. I'm not sure if it's any worse, but any map where there are any 2 way fights, with a third zerg standing around, it starts rubberbanding. The Borderlands used to be a better though, now the lag on those maps feels like a 3 way inside Stonemist nowadays.
  2. excuse me I have been out of the loop for a while...... BLACKTIDE?! STACKED?! when did this happen xD Well, when we were linked with Blacktide at the start it was dead, but since then more and more players transferred there, as Deso has still got a decently organized WvW Community compared to alot of servers, with a decent amount of Open tag commanders who use voice comms. At first the influx of players and Guilds wasn't too bad until now. Obviously with us winning T1 every week by alot of points, quite a few pugs also transfer in for the 'glory' and reward', as it's only 500 gems to Blacktide.
  3. They messed up NA relinks last year, so it's understandable, but I know many people are getting bored with T1 EU and how stacked Blacktide is compared to other links even though it's classified as Medium, so another month is bleh.
  4. I don't get how blacktide is only a medium pop server too, when Deso keeps getting more and more pugs, but whatever, relink is quite soon anyway. Clearly there is something wrong with their algorithm, which I think they've said they would potentially have a better grasp of, if Alliances ever happen.
  5. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93581/update-on-hiding-stowed-weapons#latestThis seems to have mostly stopped the constant crashing last night, but we'll see if we get to play without crashing tonight.
  6. The crashes seemed to stop after constant crashing earlier on during prime time, must of been this though: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93581/update-on-hiding-stowed-weapons#latest
  7. It's not just blobs, I was roaming Late last night and some of us were crashing constantly, but not the other server.
  8. People were randomly crashing in wvw in T1 EU, but I also had major lag spikes, along with a few others.
  9. Same here, everyone's been crashing at random tonight.
  10. You will always attract more casual players like that, or even solo players, who just follow alongside a tag, or stand inside a keep; on siege, while you fight or even defend something. Even if you ask people nicely, most of the time they refuse to join the squad or voice comms and learn to be a bit more of a part of the community. Any WvW events brings alot more Fairweathers, or being in T1 for so long.If you mean roaming specifically, there are too many cheese builds to avoid these days though, group roaming is much more fun.
  11. Well yeah, the population algorithm may be flawed.SFR is medium, but piken will probably drop to high soon, relink week should be interesting at least. Even Deso/BT won T1 by 120 points last week, because of off peak coverage really.The only queues you usually get are on reset at during the weekend if there one or two commanders and the handful of guilds trying to find something to fight.
  12. We still need alliances, if they don't even bother with population balance in the current linking system, but it will be too late by then. They need to change the current system and perhaps remove a tier in the EU.
  13. It looks like they won't adjust populations on link servers compared to host servers who are apparently full, even though the link is the one becoming stacked, especially in the EU side. At least there may be a new host server soon.
  14. If your the only one with ping spikes, then there may be a hop on your route to the server which is at fault or a problem with your ISP if everything else is slow, which means you'll have to wait for it to be fixed. If it's skill lag it's the Anet wvw servers which aren't coping with the load.
  15. I don't think more nerfs for scepter on necro/scourge is needed, as there is enough counter play even in messy large scale fights, but shades definitely need toning down, especially after the last Sand savant change. Do we really want these fights to become melee boon balls, with revs and necros with less boon corruption. Will that mean we need to have more shoutbreakers to yolo bubble, along with necro wells and ghastly breach? Then again, I guess scourges can switch to MH axe for the melee range boon corrupts. Oh and it would be nice to finally fix coalescence of ruin.
  16. Linking is basically like guesting nowadays, for two months. Transfers used to be free at launch too, but either way population get's imbalanced, as groups of people continue to transfer servers these days. Even then you had guilds transfers in the past too, paying 1800 gems or whatever discount they got before the wvw seasons. Server pride is still around in some form, but not in the form of winning Matchups with linked populations, so no more flaming or compliments in any forums like there used to be.
  17. Piken got to T2, but it seems like the lower tiers lack coverage at least. So they may have had to have tags to win skirmishes for a closed population, it was still enough in the current state of wvw. The best thing they can hope for is removing a tier from the EU, since Alliances are a long way away.
  18. It hits consistently through Gates and certain walls though, nice bug.
  19. Well, we've been asking the same on the EU side too, but here we are still stuck with 5 tiers.
  20. I'm lagging in WvW mainly, not sure about PVE, no matter what map, so it might be ISP/area specific.
  21. D912PXY usually loads textures fine, after loading on the first boot and it works fine on my 3700x too.You should also list your Power supply, just incase.
  22. T1 EU on EB was horrible last night, so it's best to dodge that map during prime time.
  23. Yeah reset isn't worth hyping for nowadays, but if you can get a 2-way fight it's much more manageable, except lots of pugs and commanders go EB.
  24. There was a problem with Rivatuner, if you installed one of the newest windows updates, but it's fixable by clearing the RTSS cache.
  25. It was only laggy on reset for us, when a third map blob decided to walk anywhere near where we fought. EB will forever be lag fest, as long as there is SM and 3 way fights.
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