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L A T I O N.8923

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Everything posted by L A T I O N.8923

  1. I died the first attempts taking a camp and felt rather awesome when i took my first camp solo (which took like 5 minutes).. Everyone gotta learn l
  2. I mean i get the point...but Imagine the q's for PVP even if its Just like level 60 player maxed level only IT would take days
  3. You can already check your personal K/D-ratio for WvW with external tools that show this value. Or Just grab a Piece of paper....
  4. Wait you failed to blob down a person or two? That's adorable
  5. Ironicly this 'herd' of people Just doing this stacking of people and chasing groups have this 'highschool-like sheep-attitude' basicly saying"Whatever i do what i want" There's that thing you can have called preference. You should try it.Some just prefer bigger fights. There's a difference between preference and attitude. You should Google ITSome prefered to do that before a reaction People running in blobs usually have that preference. Not all have the same attitude. Now tell me, how does that relate to the problem at hand?Is fixing the attitude (while leaving the preference alone) going to improve the sync issues?I was starting An attitude problem, you called it preference of me calling out everyone.Dont take stereotypes that seriously, IT would only make your life easier Secondly: if numbers are the main cause of lag maybe, just maybe try smaller scale fights instead...
  6. Ironicly this 'herd' of people Just doing this stacking of people and chasing groups have this 'highschool-like sheep-attitude' basicly saying"Whatever i do what i want" There's that thing you can have called preference. You should try it.Some just prefer bigger fights.There's a difference between preference and attitude. You should Google ITSome prefered to do that before a reaction
  7. Ironicly this 'herd' of people Just doing this stacking of people and chasing groups have this 'highschool-like sheep-attitude' basicly saying"Whatever i do what i want"
  8. This most likely Will lead to stacking up scourges
  9. I mean yeah IT should NOT happen and be fixed. But in the meantime you capable of moving your character right.
  10. I do.see trouble with support because its far, far, far too easy in the first place. Especially if there's a commander telling the movement of everyone. Hard to 'find a group of 5-10 people that are NOT getting carried since pof launch
  11. The only people happy about the warclaw are gank groups who like that they don't have to put any effort into running down solo players that are stuck in combat instead of that person actually having a chance to get away. That's not a gank group. That's hey we finally got to chase that guy down that tried to pick off the tail 17 times. What makes less sense it watching 5 guys on mounts have to chase a dude unmounted across half the map cause unmounted players should be able to outrun 5 mounts/survive. The same guys that got away every single time pre mounts and will again most likely with the next warclaw nerf. Funny how when a roamer ganks a zergling, it's some horrible crime, but when a group ganks a roamer it's not a gank and the roamer somehow brought it upon themselves. Maybe those 5 players should try doing something useful instead of chasing 1 random guy across the map? No my bad of course you should be able to rapid fire the guy who falls behind and get away every single time and never ever get chased. I only chase that ranger sb or mez that harasses the tail and certain guilds i don't like members that try to escape when we wiped 90 percent of them. No one should get away every single time like pre mounts. I'm a reaper I never get away. It is useful typically that player logs off after in a rage like why the eff these guys chase me across the map. mounts are so unfair My build can't "rapid fire" anyone, as I run somewhat tanky to avoid getting one-shot by other roamers. I also don't usually harass the tail, as I prefer fighting other roamers and capping stuff. It's usually when I'm doing one of those 2 things that I get chased. I don't think I should get away every time, but I should have a chance to escape instead of being an easy kill for the blob. Especially with templates. That"was in a zerg build" excuse doesn't really fly anymore The only people happy about the warclaw are gank groups who like that they don't have to put any effort into running down solo players that are stuck in combat instead of that person actually having a chance to get away.If you run more range then another person, why would you need to be equal as 'fast? If you only have range, are as 'fast as me and i close in on you (other then facetankin) i should win...period
  12. The biggest matchmaking fail since i joined tinder
  13. To be honest, I think they should just put everyone in exotic celestial gear with superior divinity runes, for a 1 week to 1 month long trial. At first, I thought it as a joke, but I'm considering more and more seriously that it could be useful. You could see whether the stat choice is that impactful or not, and above all, you could see what part of the issues come from the stat, and what part comes from the skills/traits. Last but not least, you could also see whether a lower DPS/higher sustain actually increases the TTK, to what extent, and whether it's actually better/funnier. Or we could just use PvP style stat selection in a PvP mode, and make it fair on everyone regardless of PvE incomes. Must be new here in the WvW section :p Ammy system would kill build diversity. PvP has its own problems and special toxicity. To bring that into a grander scale would cause more issues on top of killing diversity. I agree. My suggestion is only a week-test, and specifically with celestial to equalize the stats of everyone, and see what comes from the stats, and what comes from the rest (passive procs, etc.), in the scope of the big balance rework that's in progress. Just because you "equalize the stats" does in no way mean that you also equalized every class. Necro, ele and guard for example benefit from every single stat of celestial, to a point where it was actually played basically as meta build for some time. While warrior, ranger etc. wont make use of alot of those provided stats, making them alot less effective than those other classes that can use those stats.You would effectively have some classes play with less statpoints than others, how is that anywhere near balanced? Id take pvp amulets ANYTIME over your all celestial proposal. You should consider reading more carefully. I'm not telling everyone should be in celestial all the time. Not at all. I'm telling that it should be a temporary check, specifically because, as you're saying : So it's just a way to check what class is overperforming and by what mean. I'm not telling it's any kind of solution towards a more balanced game. Only it's an idea of a diagnostic among others. I understood that its temporary, but its not a "check". You wont see whos overperforming, you would only see who benefits the most from celestial gear, nothing more, nothing less.And we even know which classes are benefitting the most.This would only make sense if you wanted to balance classes around celestial gear. If you give them all celestial, then start balancing them, so that they all are equally good, and then go back to all armor stats open, what do you think would happpen? You gain absolutely nothing from your test. Ofc a warrior will perform worse on celestial than a guard, ele or necro...And there is no problem with that, it doesnt mean those classes are overperforming, just because they are able to make use of all those stats.What do you think you gain from your "diagnosis" ? The first thing you gain is you get the knowledge of what lies behind the "of course" you stated in "Ofc a warrior will perform worse". Now, to dig a bit deeper. Say "Ele is overperforming". If, indeed, Ele overperforms when every other class is put in celestial gear, it means that Ele can rely on something else than stats to perform. It can be boons that provide an artificial stat increase (a temporary one, allegedly, but we all know...), or passive procs, or skills that are "more powerful", or traits more interesting, or a more versatile class (jack of all trades...). All of this is class design, and there're numbers here that could be toned down. Likewise, if you say "Warrior is underperforming", it can imply its skills aren't powerful enough, or traits are uninteresting, or there're less passive etc. So numbers here could be toned up. The purpose is to see where are the strengths and weaknesses of a class, when all other things are equal. I'm not saying things should be balanced for celestial. Ele's design is more suitable for celestial, while Warrior's design is more "put your eggs in the same basket" indeed, but it's only to have a check. In the end of the day, I think what was initially a silly idea of mine I said as a semi-serious joke is going far too much into the migraine area :-)I was sceptic on your Idea when i first Read IT but after some thoughts IT might work what you say. But i dont consider 1 tryout to be a full test, maybe do some stats tweek (+600 stats instead of +1k stats on cele once, add concentration and replace condi damage with expertise or add Both and remove Fer. Etc.). Cele Will benefit the builds capable of Being hybrid the most (firebrand, druid, ele, scrapper, scourge and mesmer). If you remove certain aspects you can really test whats performing well
  14. Its a Warfare game'double tap' An enemy is a legit strategy. Its only bad if the teams that double team are actually winning that week. But that Just make Them little bitches
  15. Fighting something that's to strong with something that's stronger Will not make the game a better place.. Is the nerf requested from organised guilds or havok squads with pocket healers so they can't be killed. Im talking about facts, not scenery Wait havock squads still a thing?Were can i sign up? If that is not the scenario, then do explain where and why exactly is a warclaw stomp too op? You getting me wrongWhy the mountstomp is op: Its basicly a button without consequence that could change the outcome of an fight. Especially in smallscale, with everyone having access And the thing i mentioned is basicly: if something is too strong IT should be cut down.Healing and rezzing potential is too strong as well.and should NOT have a freepass to avoid getting nerved. However; the mountstomp is stronger because basicly every player(with high enough rank) has access to IT (and dont bring up the 0.0001% who has not) and does not sacrifise anything. Healing in this gamemode is too easy to begin with. especially when stacked up because the game automaticly heals the ones in need. No need to watch targets getting low, no need for rotations on energy and no need to click on alles. I don't know what planet you're on, but it's not azeroth! The warclaw turned out to be a Monkey Paw? There's a song in this somewhere! Anyway, I wanted to point out that;someone has to be ON the warclaw to stomp, that means;they have to be out of combat, which means;they aren't contributing anything, which means;that side has fewer participants in the battle, which means;a more difficult fight (than it would have been were they participating) until they down someone.Just for the record the argument was how bad Both mountstomps and support are. Not how much someone is contributing before the fight starts? Im glad you have a basic level of understanding though
  16. Fighting something that's to strong with something that's stronger Will not make the game a better place.. Is the nerf requested from organised guilds or havok squads with pocket healers so they can't be killed. Im talking about facts, not scenery Wait havock squads still a thing?Were can i sign up? If that is not the scenario, then do explain where and why exactly is a warclaw stomp too op?You getting me wrongWhy the mountstomp is op: Its basicly a button without consequence that could change the outcome of an fight. Especially in smallscale, with everyone having access And the thing i mentioned is basicly: if something is too strong IT should be cut down.Healing and rezzing potential is too strong as well.and should NOT have a freepass to avoid getting nerved. However; the mountstomp is stronger because basicly every player(with high enough rank) has access to IT (and dont bring up the 0.0001% who has not) and does not sacrifise anything. Healing in this gamemode is too easy to begin with. especially when stacked up because the game automaticly heals the ones in need. No need to watch targets getting low, no need for rotations on energy and no need to click on alles.
  17. Fighting something that's to strong with something that's stronger Will not make the game a better place.. Is the nerf requested from organised guilds or havok squads with pocket healers so they can't be killed.Im talking about facts, not scenery Wait havock squads still a thing?Were can i sign up?
  18. Fighting something that's to strong with something that's stronger Will not make the game a better place..
  19. it's server time. ^^ah, didn't got posted , was walking using phone only Servertime for na or EU?
  20. Combo damage was about 27k rapid fire Single damage was approx 22k killshot (through a shield of courage because fuck Being able to block)
  21. Keep up on the times. That coalescence of ruin nerf wasnt much of a nerf at all. You still get easy 12k crits from that skill from revenants, even when playing full minstrel FB. Remember when some patches ago anet "nerfed" necro shade to what was suppose to be what we see nowadays? Well guess what they slapped a 10 player cap onto their shades and that made them even stronger. With the above sentence as an example, put that into perspective of revenants coalescence of ruin "nerf". Nobody cares about the damage nerf on cor, it isn't the reason hammer rev died. Wait what? Hammer rev died? What dead server are you playing on as the revenant is the most played class in blobs. Heck even NA in EU not long ago steamrolled through my 50 man blob with 15 revs spiking everyone down in an instant 1-2 seconds. In fact today i got even crited for 19,000 damage by 1 rev while playing on full marauder. FeelsBalancedMan If you got hit for 19k by a hammer rev I'd like to see the moments leading up to that...coughoutofpositiondownedstate25stacksofvulnerabilitycough...But yeah hammer rev op. And yeah...every time I join a zerg there is like 1 or 2 hammer revs and I am usually one of those 2... Then count scourges and firebrands...Then check arcdps and count how many fights hammer rev is even top 3 dps, you know, losing to lolglass scourges... Play a hammer rev and count how many of your "big attacks" even do anything meaningful in the barrier/block fest that zerging has been for the past 2 years, or just how many times your cor fails its cascade. You can replace hammer revs and staff eles with scourges and nothing changes, and thats just whats happened, aka the full zerker scourge. Maybe things have changed in the past month after the scourge nerfs, I doubt it though. Right now its karma trains killing karma trains. Kind of hard to even say what needs balance from a pvp perspective when its really just pve. I mean yeah IT got a nerf but why you so eager to defend IT? With nearly Any damaging utility skills and Being in 1 weapon over 90% of the time (Lets be honest Just staff 5 could be mayor damage but is mostly not worth to run). Despite all that...running 1 weapon and lacking utility skills they still should have top dps in zergs after maybe an ele because the skills they rely on is pbaoe with no targetcap.. How can you defend that?
  22. WOW how do u know we pay them?? u exposed us xd We all bad and cant even win fights without paying them. That's why we havent lost any 5v5 so far... Your guild leader is such a disgrace, your guild leader got exposed for win trading, making it impossible for the other team to win. After he removed the comments on the youtube channel that mentioned it. I guess he don't want people to know what a disgrace he is. I don't see why anyone would be in a guild with a leader like that. to be fair wvw players in the tournament before did win trading too for the 1st and 2nd place. i know, because i was there at every meeting. also there are existing guilds right now, i wont mention, who still do win trading for achievements in everything wvw. especially taking advantage of us wvw players for spirit shards. gw2 mafia runs deeps. hahaGw2 maffia? Its a game lol
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