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Everything posted by Roads.5130

  1. I did it on my firebrand, used sword, mainly because of sword 3 and focus for the single target burn and the protection which helps with the damage from the cumulative blobs. I also used sanctuary to try to push as many blobs as possible away from subject 7. I barely managed to do it, in fact I was pushed to the point of having to cleave subject 7 with everything I had because I almost died, when I killed it I thought I had failed Blobs/Schmobs but no, I was able to barely get it, Guardian is probably one of the hardest class to use for Blobs/Schmobs.
  2. I would like it if they added optional dueling to the overworld, but now I understand it may not be a viable endeavor in many layers. Really, I came to this thread siding more on the duelist side of things, but after seeing some arguments I can totally understand why it is probably better to leave things as they are, "but it interrupts the atmosphere" is not one of those arguments.
  3. God forbid we think of ever improving said formats or implementing better ones.
  4. I am just using my supposed commander with legendary equipment roleplay as a tool to depict that no one's roleplay should interfere with other people's freedom. I actually don't own any legendaries, struggle to continue the story because I don't find it that interesting (but that juicy legendary amulet at the end keeps me going) and don't even duel (my reflexes are too slow, and my PC too crappy to handle fast paced action). I do believe that it would be better if the game had a 1 vs 1 option available, but we know it probably is too much of a mess and things are already okay as they are.
  5. Just happened to me after buying the Dynamics Exosuit Glider and Back combo. I tried switching to another two channel glider and they would not change colors either, but did not try with a four channel glider, hopefully it works. edit: changing to a 4 channels glider and back did fix the issue.
  6. That's my point. I am telling people who argue that "duels would interrupt how I perceive the atmosphere and world in general" that just because they disagree with the assessment of duelist or they don't understand their point of view it does not make it a valid argument.
  7. Yes, I actually fall in favor of keeping things as they are. There are some places where people could duel if they wanted to, anyway, and I believe, like you do, that the technical challenge of implementing, if feasible, would not be worth it.
  8. *chugs a beer and smashes it on the desk* I can't give two kittens about being a godslayer, cringe players spamming chat with whatever fantasy they have going on, the lack of duels nor your opinion. My point is that the fact that some people say dueling is something they don't want to see does not make it a valid argument against it. I really don't want to see roleplayers, but as long as I can block them I am ok with them existing, as I learned to tolerate people doing their cringe, they should learn to tolerate people who want to duel. "But...but..but I'm trying to quietly sort my inventoryghh" God forbid you take a waypoint to a quieter place.
  9. That's how I feel when I am gloriously walking with my legendary equipment for which I have fought dragons and gods, and then out of the blue I see some roleplayers emoting "nervously approaches with my hands clasped together, eyes shyly looking downward" cringe, or the crews of people with he same outfit dancing in main cities when I am going to talk to THE QUEEN because there is one more dragon we need to get rid of, or the freaking chairs that stand out like a sore thumb, or the people dressed like they are going to a Love Parade in Berlin, or Tomorrowland, instead of living in a warring world, or the char female that is forever parked in Divinity's Reach and is dressed like her grandmother handed her down her clothes and has a skill on autocast so that her chain sword is permanently buzzing for everyone else's enjoyment. But I understand that to each their own, as long as I am not forced to partake in things I am not interested on. You don't like duel invitations? Block them. Someone messaged you to call you out? You can block them, and then continue "nervously looking around" or whatever you were doing.
  10. Excuse me, what makes you think you know who I am referring to? As I said, same level of discussion of that preceding the beta test of the willbender. I can understand having your concerns about a specific system being used. I cannot understand acting like you have anything more than a hint of a shadow of what the class can be. First, we may or may not get mace, second it may or may not be a power based spec (revenant condi mace anyone), third we may or may not get that golem-ish looking icon, fourth we may or may not get an AI based pet, fifth ANET may or may not have learned from their past mistakes, sixth even if all those speculations are true the spec may or may not be a valuable addition to the engineer kit. Yet we have people here who are acting like they know exactly what is going to happen "it is destined to be dead on arrival" "it's just going to plain old suck" "this would be gyros all over again". Take a break guys, no need to suffocate on your own mental narrative. I don't think this time it will be good I just believe ANET can learn from their past experiences, they have had some very enjoyable elite spec releases in my opinion, and if everything else does not work, they can always tweak numbers. That's why I see no point in panicking as of now. First of all, we don't know if everything else would be condemned to rot, that is yet another assumption some of you make. Second if Engi pets are good, I won't particularly care why ranger o necro pets suck, that's not my problem and arguably not the problem of the Engi subforum.
  11. I love the fact that people are panicking before having even a glimpse of how the elite spec is gonna work, I even see some of the same people that were arguing that the willbender teaser picture was a thief because of the colors and the pose, also the same level of discussion of those threads complaining how obviously broken willbender was going to be because it gave dashes to a guardian. Turns out, willbender was very underwhelming during the beta and the picture was, in fact, a guardian. Haters gonna hate, whiners gonna whine, I guess.
  12. The skill icons are way off, they look like they belonged to another profession and they just added some blue tint to them so they could 'fit' Guardian. Sword #4 is slow and unrewarding. In general the specialization feels disjointed from the Guardian profession in the sense that core Guardian skills are mostly static areas of effect that don't benefit Willbender's playstyle.
  13. Do you understand that warriors are heavy class, too right? And this is Guardian's problem because? What's funny is that arguably Warrior is the slowest heavy class already, behind both Rev and Guard. That means it is a Warrior's problem, not a Guardian's problem. Does not have any defense mechanism? Weaver has constant access to barrier and evades from traits and skills, has many leaps, a couple of blinks, some dashes, at least one skill that makes them invulnerable (but i think more than one) and at least one skill that makes them untargetable. You are just salty you like what you saw in Willbender's preview without having even seen the remaining 66% of the E-Specs.
  14. To shift properties from one of the least played professions to the most played profession can only serve to tip the balance further in that direction? No. Imagine a game where a playerbase is spread almost equally (with ~2% variance) among 9 professions, this is a sign of great class design.
  15. Which is exactly my point and we seem to agree on this, the fact that Guardian got X does not mean Thief would have gotten X if they did not give it to Guardian first, precisely because: So the problem is not "but but but they gave it to guardian" because what class 1 can do with spec X is vastly different from what class 2 can do with spec X. It is better if we start reframing the conversation from "let's riot because they got the candy we wanted" to "let's riot if the candy they give us sucks".
  16. So let me see if I understand correctly, Guardians got what these Thieves have been asking all along for their new Elite Specialization, but Thieves won't play Willbender because it's not Thief class, so instead of being happy that they finally can get the playstyle they have wanted since they were born, these Thieves are mad because it's not how they wanted it? Physical duelist on guardian is eww because it's a guardian. Physical duelist on thief is eww because it's not about blocking, but dodging ???
  17. And what prevents them from playing their dreamed spec? I mean they could go and create a Willbender, can't they? And isn't Daredevil precisely an e-spec more focused on dueling? I may be wrong since I haven't touched my daredevil since it became a storage character a while ago. I can do another one for you, Willbender: Note class name, its not a a guardian, its a willbender, its more to be played against thief mains who wanted to roleplay Shiro, their mere presence bends the will of their enemies so that they can't do anything but complain on the forums.
  18. How is this supposed to convince op to play revenant?
  19. I don't think I have ever seen a mage-like engineer depicted anywhere, what do they do? As for the new E spec weapon, I hope it's dual mace so we can bonk our amazing golems with both hands.
  20. I have only played Revenant as a Renegade, I have a Trailblazer's build (condi damage + defensive stats) that feels amazing to play in the open world, it is very durable and does great damage, can solo bosses; but it is not very welcome on more serious groups because the damage it deals is not as high as it could be with other builds. This build is second only to the Scourge in how powerful/easy to play it is for the open world, it's ridiculous. I also have an Diviner's build (power + boon duration) for fractals and raids that I have struggled to enjoy, in part because I found out I don't really like the concept of fractals or raids, but also because I think it feels much clunkier than the condi version. I am convinced it feels clunky because I suck, for this build you need to be very aware of how you spend your energy and cooldowns, meaning you have much less freedom to button mash if you want to be effective. With this build you are almost guaranteed a spot in any squad/party. Other than these two builds that I have personally tried, I know there is a full dps variant that uses Viper's stats (condi dmg + power dmg) that deals very high dps and is used for group content. For a tip I would say find out the default arrangement of the utility skills and get used to it, since there is a very common bug that resets to the default whatever arrangement you chose for your utilities when you swap builds/equipment. There is also another bug which I have never encountered that apparently deletes your build templates for some reason, so save them somewhere. I haven't used Revenant in WvW but they have a few strong builds. I don't sPvP so I can't really say anything about the class there.
  21. Yeah, who cares about the remaining 66% of the xpac professions we have not seen yet. I NEED TO VENT!
  22. It seems to me that Guardian has bent your will, guys.
  23. I didn't know this. This is good to know, my Asura holosmith does not feel out of place now.
  24. I was under the impression that it was not Asuran themed.
  25. Can I ask which is the other Asuran spec? I mainly play Asura and have been trying to go for a thematically correct character.
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