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Everything posted by Friday.7864

  1. Ye, I also bought 25 once, hoping for at least one uncommon.And I would have been ok with that, happy had it been two.It was all junk tho so I won't spend a penny on keys anymore :)I'll support the game by buying some other stuff here and there but the keys were a huge disappointment.
  2. Can we get a bonus when buying a mail carrier?Like increasing the number of consecutive mails you can send?I'm giving away some dyes to guild members for example and after 2 mails i'm hit with an excessive messaging warning.It should be super easy to implement and bumping the number to 3 or 4 consecutive mails would be great already and give me a reson to buy a mail carrier.You can even bump the price of such a carrier, I'm willing to pay for convenience here, mkay?
  3. People would abuse it waaaaay too much. So a no from me.There are issues with the combat system itself though. I often find myself unable to mount when that shouldn't be the case.
  4. A big YES to new hairstyles.Personally, I find over 90% of the currently available ones to be too ugly to look at. That goes for faces too.
  5. Based on my usage I have no complaints about the new layout - I quite like it in fact.It would be nice to add some options though. Like having a section open up by default based on the map you're in.
  6. Evil looking mounts that look cool are awesome =)This one just ugly :confounded:
  7. They made too many annoying achievements in too many maps.I'd ach hunt but I have better things to do with my life than to waste hours or days on certain achievements.
  8. Completely obstructed or not, I agree they are overdoing it with the effects though.Quite often I can't see the stuff that matters due to all the visual clutter.
  9. That concept worked for ages in a previous MMO I played, just as I described it, probably still does.And when you were buying it you had the artists name next to the item "Designed by: ____"The artists were also properly rewarded so they had plenty of incentive to make great designs.
  10. Anything would be better than the Primal warden outfit at this point...And 95% the hair choices in this game are appaling. And a huge, huge chunk of them I have never even seen being used in the game...People call this game fashion wars yet when I see some skins and hair options I feel like Anet is shooting themselves in the foot intentionally.
  11. Non public so their work doesn't get buried in spam and irrelevant comments. It's up to them tho I'm not talking about any of that... You're completely missing the point.Outsorcing the work... Jeez. It's about skin ideas and concepts that actually look good.
  12. Why not make an artist recruitment thread, pick a certain number of creators based on quality of submissions and give them aceess to a separate non-public part of the forums.There they can submit their own ideas for weapon skins, outfits, hair styles.If you implement an idea you can credit them, give them a copy of the item and perhaps hand out some gems. Cuz guys, a lot of the current cosmetic items and the ones you are coming up with are just... bad
  13. That's the point I'm trying to convey, convert them to gold and use that gold to buy the materials you want. From what I understand you want gold and stuff that's sellable/tradeable - and that's already possible.
  14. What truly bothers me is how I had to max all the masteries first before I could start getting spirit shards.Otherwise the current system is perfectly fine to me. You can easily convert the spirit shards to gold if you want.
  15. This is why tomes and level 80 boosters are very popular.Saying it is super easy is just wrong, there are tough events in any maps, not to mention champions. Doing them solo without proper gear (bought in market) and level 80/elite spec can be very challenging.People don't know because most play in these zones with elite spec and probably optimal gear. Yeah, but this thread is about leveling. What do ppl do to level? Map completion and events along the way. Not soloing champions.That is in fact super easy.Sub 80 map completion is a walk in the park compared to completing a HoT map for example. Some HoT hero points give me nightmares.Random events can be soloed in sub 80 maps, most of the ones in expansion - not really. And let's set aside the stuff that's clearly meant to be group content (champions included, since the events themselves describe them as such). Soloing them just means you want to challenge yourself.
  16. Make it cost a ton of gems and earn a pile of money, just give it to people :lol:
  17. I wouldn't mind paying for kits. But right now every race has 1-2 good or merely ok hair styles and faces...So much for fashion wars
  18. 0-80 is basically a really long tutorial nowadays.It won't even teach you how to be good at the content that you'll encounter at level 80.Sub 80 content is super easy and personally I don't see much point in staying there for long :/
  19. It's kinda worth doing them.You get ~1g per mission (silver + rare gear).While the commendations you can exchange for: banners (useful if you wanna provide buffs for others) ascended zerker geardaily stuff (last time i bought 2 large bags of obsidian, 1 commendation each)Make that clear to everyone, especially to newbies. And what they will have to do in those missions.If you wanna encourage people more organize some sort of lottery for participants.
  20. My first Halloween and I've heard the name a few times. Now I know the reason, but it still doesn't make sense to me
  21. Anything that unnecessarily prologs the fight.Mobs with stupid long knockdowns or evades for example
  22. In an interview they said they played around with the idea already and gave up due to technical stuff.If it wasn't for a particular developer investing his own time in making a new game system the griffon would also have received a cut btw.
  23. I can't be bothered to try posting a picture.Use Taco, tactical overlay, gives you a timer window you can resize and move around for all major meta events and all world bosses.
  24. 1) Mistlock Sanctuary change the map layer to the lowest one when I click on a WP chat link pleaseit sucks so freaking much having to leave it to follow a WP link or having to manually look for it on the map2) Teleport Tomes/Scrolls for LS maps PLEASE make the selection appear on TOP of all other windows!if I double click on the tome it should be obvious I want to teleport somewhere, don't hide it behind other windows3) Nova launch skill would be nice in fractal loby for owners of the mistlock sanctuary passkey, always try to use it there too - it's just a suggestion tho
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