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Everything posted by mtpelion.4562

  1. You have to target an enemy that is within attack range of the skill, then begin combat with them by hitting any skill. After that, 1 should be automatically used over and over until the enemy either dies or moves out of range (or moves behind you).
  2. The purpose of the Auto-Attack feature is to make it so that you are not required to hit the 1 key over and over and over in every single fight. Essentially, it causes your character to automatically hit the 1 skill for you during combat in between the other attacks you are (should be) doing. They let you reassign which skill gets auto-activated during combat which really doesn't have much value since most skills have cooldowns that renders the auto-attack useless, but it is an option for those who want to mash 1.
  3. I'd be in favor of changing the Ley-Energy Matter Converter to give 1 free key per day (like it does now), plus 1 each of the other keys at some minor cost (gold or karma). I only ever pick the Exalted Key these days, as that's the only home node with a decent Rare Unidentified Gear drop. ArenaNet can go ahead and just delete the other two chests for all I care.
  4. I don't use the Luminescent version at all, though the non-glowing versions do see use on several characters. The fact that it is always blue kind of just pigeon-holed it as a Guardian set for me.
  5. The clock tower wait time is mostly dependent upon how long the other players live. Once the last person dies/succeeds, the next attempt starts in a few seconds.
  6. My experience has been that it is always prime time for the other servers. My server only gets a prime time when it is paired with a server that has a prime time. That is to say, I can usually capture one thing before a group of 3-5 enemies shows up to hunt me down, regardless of when I play.
  7. You can enter WvW any time whenever you want, but if your server doesn't have any of your teammates on it then you aren't going to be able to leave the safe spawn area due to the roving bands of enemy players. You don't get any participation for dying repeatedly, so you can't actually "play" WvW at that time.
  8. Weapons are also the easiest to craft and have been in the game the longest (so more players had more time to make more of them).
  9. The Gift of Battle is the main reason I think all legendary items (weapons, armor, trinkets, etc.) should be available to be sold on the TP, or at least the Gift of Battle should be. WvW is a game mode that, like Raiding (especially in other MMOs), puts a large demand on your time. Players who are employed full time and those who have families (or both) play GW2 when it is convenient for their busy real life schedule, not when it is convenient for the server. Unless that player's small time window of convenience happens to sync up with the active window for their server's WvW crowd, their WvW experience is going to suck. Plus, when you have to leave you lose progress so players with a short window of time are also punished (when you log back in you have to start over back at your team's base and your participation bar begins dropping). On top of that, any time you are competing with other players (in a non turn-based system) you are going to have a frenetic experience, which may be enjoyable to some types of players, but is the epitome of frustration for others (I know I'd personally rather just stay at the office longer versus going into WvW, at least at work my frustrations are compensated). PvE can be played at your own pace, on your own schedule, and with no loss of progress when you log out. It is primarily the fact that PvE supports your ability to treat this as a game rather than as a job that makes players less likely to complain about the Gift of Exploration than they are the Gift of Battle (obviously, the players who prefer competitive game modes will find PvE less enjoyable as the "chill" nature doesn't do it for them). For me, personally, it is incredibly demotivating every time I check my to-do list for the current item I'm working on and realize that I've pretty much just got the Gift of Battle left. I often take months off from actively playing the game (just logging in for dailies or holidays) to play other things when that happens, just to avoid WvW.
  10. While most crafting disciplines are fairly formulaic making the discovery process easy to guess, cooking can best be described as "pure chaotic nightmare" when using the discovery system without outside help. The best way to do it is to use the Wiki (I recommend extracting a list into a Google Sheet so you can check them off as you discover them).
  11. Can it be done? Yes. Is it against the rules? Yes. Will you be banned if you get caught doing it? Yes. Will other players report you when they see you doing it? Yes. Do not use bots or macros to play the game. Do not use auto-cast to farm if you are not present at the computer.
  12. The only "bad" part about doing any Legendary is the Gift of Battle (and any other WvW-specific obligations). The rest of it may have some rough spots, but at least you only have to do them once and they are done forever. On the flip side, the monotony of the Gift of Battle is forever.
  13. I think the Casino should have a slot machine added. You could then use Casino Coins (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Casino_Coin) to pull the lever. Every week there should be a rotating prize pool with various levels of rarity. The top end prize should always be an ultra rare item like the infusions. This would add another source of infusions to the game while also giving the Grand Sahil Casino a purpose to exist.
  14. It is true that PCs have gotten better, but how well your PC handles 200 players is irrelevant to how well their server can handle 200 players. Performance in MMOs is dependent upon hardware on both ends (player and server).
  15. Congrats on the drop! Before anyone sees this and gets the idea that blowing everything gambling on these on the last day is worth it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyrite_Supply_Box/Drop_rate The drop rates for the COMMON items are so bad that the rates are ranging from 0.004 to 0.043 items per open. You're more likely to get NOTHING than you are to get a single Mithril Ore. Do it for the lols or the AP, but nearly everyone is better off just sending the gold to a random stranger and hoping they mail you an infusion back.
  16. You can swap out the bottom trait line with any other line (I recommend Soul Reaping) until you unlock Scourge.
  17. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_LI_Minion_Scourge
  18. Necro minion mancer. Lots of health and aggro-sponges.
  19. Old backpieces are a single "Object" with no connection to the dye process (i.e. no area of the outward facing skin is configured to allow the color to be changed, it is a fixed, static skin element). Dyable backpieces are several "objects" (one for each dye channel) stitched together, with each set up to accept skin changes through the dye selection process. You can't "make backpieces dyable". You have to create all new dyable objects that when assembled together will look like an existing backpiece. It represents an enormous amount of work from highly paid developers. Even if you assume you can use the existing single object backpiece as a starting point to rip assets from, it will be a significant amount of very expensive developer time. When a company has to decide between paying artists and modelers to build new skins that will generate revenue (through the Gem shop or through expansion sales), retain players (through Living World updates), or that are "nice to have" (going back and updating old items), the outlook for old backpieces getting dye channels is... not good.
  20. You should absolutely not buy any of these boxes except for the minimum amount necessary to complete the daily and annual achievements related to opening them. They do not appear to have been rebalanced (or at least not properly balanced) for the current state of the game economy so they represent a TRAP for unsuspecting players this year.
  21. Here's the wiki page. At the bottom there is the history of sales to give you an idea of when it will possibly be back on sale in the future: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Character_Slot_Expansion https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shared_Inventory_Slot
  22. It was also released concurrently with Season 1 of the Living World as part of a two-pronged effort to combat player loss. The Living World has continued to receive constant updates and seasons while Fractal gear has never had anything else added to it (except for multiple new ways to obtain it moving it closer and closer to being something that can be obtained by playing the game however players want to play it). That would indicate that Ascended gear FAILED to achieve the goal of player retention and rather CONTENT was what worked. Your premise is not supported by your example.
  23. What difference does it make to you if some players want to directly fund continued development of the game via the use of credit card purchases? What difference does it make to you if some other players want to play how they want and enjoy specific types of content, earn gold, and use that gold to buy a legendary? I'm genuinely baffled every time I hear the argument that other people's enjoyment of the game should be limited because they aren't getting Legendary items the way YOU want them to.
  24. My preference would be for all Legendary items to be tradable on the TP, but I know that they will make them account bound on acquire because they hate being successful and slowly want to copy and paste all of the worst parts of WoW into GW2.
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