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Everything posted by Engal.6359

  1. condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught. Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?
  2. Please explain? Every competetive player is using the same build or setup, either fb+scourge, holo godmode, condi or ci mirage before last nerf, or boonbeast, every weapon set goes with only one build mostly, some weapons are worthless, they still need to fix tons of this things before thinking about new weapons. That's plain wrong, not everyone is a tryhard. Lots of us play fun builds and are still competitive. One thing is to be tryhard, a different thing is to go for the meta, and if you just play casual "fun" builds then you are not competitive.Being competitive means trying to reach the top, or be the best (or at least playing focused in winning), and now a days you won't reach the top using any build you like.Either you follow the meta or you are just another casual trying to push it's own custom build.I'm plat 2 with a custom build. Take that, Metamancer
  3. Please explain? Every competetive player is using the same build or setup, either fb+scourge, holo godmode, condi or ci mirage before last nerf, or boonbeast, every weapon set goes with only one build mostly, some weapons are worthless, they still need to fix tons of this things before thinking about new weapons.That's plain wrong, not everyone is a tryhard. Lots of us play fun builds and are still competitive.
  4. Depends on their build. Most ppl take pistol over torch, but signet fixes 2s and some good mirages take mass for the team utility. I'm a p2 mesmer main, I am perfectly aware of the pvp meta.Havent seen even one "good" mirage that take MI over jaunt in this condi fiesta, wouldnt do that as well, also holo with passive reveal, mehIt's more common in ATs, but you only see it with high rated mirages anyway.
  5. Depends on their build. Most ppl take pistol over torch, but signet fixes 2s and some good mirages take mass for the team utility. I'm a p2 mesmer main, I am perfectly aware of the pvp meta.
  6. Why no chrono changes? Did you intend to make the class irrelevant? It's totally useless in 2/3 game modes. Did the balance team not understand the impact of the changes or did they not care?
  7. This sound like a total disaster. It would be funny af tho ?.
  8. I meant to put war. The invuln chain is out of line.
  9. CHRONOISTOOOPPLSNERF!! Have ppl ever not hated mesmer?
  10. Make it about more than participation. Earning a PvP title (top 250) means you have a certain skill level within the game (ik theres win traders but w/e, ppl know who they are). WvW rank means you ran around and tagged stuff. I have a WvW rank of 85 and I regularly kill ppl with 2-5k world rank, often in 2 or 3 v 1s. So why not something that shows skill instead of time spent farming?
  11. Pretty fun, still working on trying to solo it (got to ~60%)
  12. Ah yes, the famous reverse pigtails. Go right down over they eyes. Its like a rev headband but free! I legit thought it was a bug when I saw it.
  13. Haha jokes on you I'm to lazy to get it anyway.
  14. There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed. It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e). But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design. Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead. In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile. If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta. TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.
  15. Stealth is not the problem. Condi mirage is. On power mes, stealth is vital for correct positioning and timing. On condi its just another button to spam. Like CI, stealth isnt a problem. Condi mirage is fundamentally broken, and the devs should address the cause rather than any one symptom. Not that they will, but we can hope.
  16. I can accept losing distortion for cs but for the love of God why totally gut the class in competitive modes? Did some anet dev get farmed by a power chrono and go "TOO STRONK NERF IT!"? Was it too op in pvp/wvw? I don't get why they made this choice, it makes me really sad to see how little they seem to understand the results of their "balancing". To answer OP I dont see a problem with wells, they're fine as is imo.
  17. Lol I expected this this to be 80% nerf mesmer, 10% nerf thief, and 10% everything else.
  18. Wheres my gemstone skin? You can get to plat like a loser or purchase the plat tag starter pack for only 3000 gems! That way you can have your tag and be able to keep failing teq for fun! Edit: I might be slightly frustrated with how little the devs care about pvp.
  19. As a power mesmer, seeing double holo/condi dd makes me want to ragequit so bad. So fkn annoying.
  20. xD 2nd thread I've seen recently where someone is being "ddos"ed. Talk with your ISP, its especially common if you are in Asia/Africa or are playing across region (NA/EU) to have high ping. It also just happens sometimes, even if you have good internet.
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