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Everything posted by Craine.8162

  1. nobody said being LGBTQ is a political statement;fighting and protesting against the discrimination of LGBTQ is.
  2. Seize the Awkward: Mental healthExtra Life: Medical treatment for childrenSadie Salvitas: Breast Cancer You might notice that those organizations/characters deal with or make aware of different health issues.ANet has never partnered with any political movement/organization so far, did they?
  3. That's actually pretty common. Two species can evolve in two entirely different parts of the world and end up looking almost alike, simply because they evolved in similar circumstances. similar circumstances = similar "filters" for natural selection to kick in.A good example for this to grasp are probably sharks and dolphins. Sharks are fish, dolphins are mammals. Yet judging from the outside a dolphin has a lot more in common with a shark than with a human, right?We dealt with a lot more examples for that during advanced biology in school, but that was like 10 years ago so i dont remember them :smiley:
  4. Who said showing you're gay is too much?You can even show you're a gay furry by creating a charr and giving him a rainbow colored armor.or creating a mount rainbow.or using "Gayfrost"You have so many options to make political statements - you dont need a rainbow cape from the gemstore for that. If we start arguing about stuff like that, we might aswell ask why we can only play male/female characters... Also: The pride parade is an event organized by players, isnt it? ANet and NCSoft have always been careful about making political statements within their game or the official platforms. They always keep stuff like that to third party platforms - currently shown by changing their Logo on social media such as Twitter. (german twitter -> rainbow, english twitter -> black)
  5. I've been using chrome for several years and never had any problems apart from the massive RAM usage.
  6. may i ask what exactly you google'd?i found tons of information by simply googl'ing 'gw2 raid composition'...
  7. thats not entirely true. there is no bronze/silver/gold ranking, but you get more loot chests if you finish it faster.best i could do after pugging it 3 times was 7 extra chests.by the way they are arranged around the main chest i would say max is 8 or 9.
  8. i think there are 3 groups of players when it comes to instanced endgame content (heavily generalized, of course there are 'subgroups' in between): the dedicated playersthey realize instanced endgame content is not for everyone and that you need to be properly prepared.they will actively look for a training group, optimize their build, learn their rotation, watch guides, and be open to criticism from more experienced players. the naive playersthey think open world PvE already taught them everything they need to know.they will randomly join squads on their metabattle build and yellow soldiers gear, because this build was perfectly fine for all those events they did in the past.sometimes they dont read the chat, so even if the squad tries to explain something to them they simply dont realize it.or they do read the chat, but when they get called out or someone tries to explain something to them they get toxic, because they feel entitlted to 'play the game the way they want'. the leechersthey are not actually interested in the content, they are only in it for the loot. need i say more?? funny enough, those constantly complaining about the 'rediculous gatekeeping', 'stupid LI requirements' and 'toxic elitists' are usually either group 2 or 3.go figure. so where am i trying to go with this? where is the connection to strikes?i'll tell ya:strikes are for those players in group 1 who are not quite ready for raids yet. this way they can figure out new mechanics in a more casual environment and lower the learning curve between open world and endgame stuff like raids.strikes are not for those who think they can just jump into instanced content and play the same way they do in open world. if you are not willing to adapt for strikes, you will not do any better in raids. so in the end it all comes down to you and your attitude towards the content. stop blaming others! :smile:
  9. Because usually the 250LI/kp are for WoJ and boneskinner. The squad just happens to do the other strikes aswell.
  10. it's not up to you to decide what's "stupid", period.i don't respect people who present their personal opinion as the only right one. strike missions are there to teach people basic raid boss mechanics, yes. but they are not there to get around "the harsh requirements" of raiding in terms of lfg requirements. the "harsh requirements" in this case are your personal build and gameplay.experienced players are in no way obliged to take anyone's hand and teach strikes and raids.
  11. never had that in any of my squads.shouldnt happen if the comm is "tryhard" enough to list the roles that need to be filled in lfg.the way i do it is usually: open squad, wait for a couple of dps to join, remove lfg (gotta be fast or you have 10dps before you can count to 5 :smiley:), list new lfg for qb,alac and healers.
  12. i usually join "250+LI" squads for strikes. if you lfg during prime-time it takes about 2-5min to fill the squad, clearing all 5 strikes then takes 20-25 minutes. so overall 30min for a full strike clear.by the experience i have with "all welcome" squads, not only does it take much longer to clear all strikes - you also get less loot.for example: just recently i did strikes with one of those "all welcome" squads on my alt-account. i was top dps while running suboptimal exotic gear (some pieces actually had soldiers stats). we didnt kill a single boss within the gold timer. we whiped several times at WoJ, so it took more than 30min to kill it. after 1 hour i left without even killing boneskinner. in conclusion:i dont mind joining "all welcome" squads and lowering my expectations. but saying those squads are just as fast is just wrong.
  13. 1.: you definitely do not need stat infusions. you're better off learning your rotation rather than throwing money out the window for infusions.2.: if you want to play 6-9 chars with 3-4 builds each, the agony infusions are the least of your problems...
  14. in that case PvP and WvW should also get their own accessoires and 2nd ring.that way we can craft all 18 stlots by sticking to any game mode instead of one (PvE) if we ignore stuff like gift of battle/exploration for a second.
  15. and what makes you think 4 or 5 combined will look better? :smiley:
  16. why would people need infusions if they hate fractals and dont want to play them in the first place? the only reason to get AR infusions is if you want to play fractals!if you only need them to infuse rings so you can use stat infusions... dude, you need one single +1 infusion for that. if i wanted to exaggerate i would say its faster to run a quick lvl 1 fractal than buying them from the tp, lol.
  17. joined a new guild back then, was thinking about switching server so i could play WvW with them, then this announcement was posted and i thought "well no point in transferring now, i'm just gonna wait for restructuring".yup, that was 2 years ago. several players joined and left the guild, most of which are on different servers. so we decided to focus on PvE and left WvW entirely as nobody was willing to trans with world resctructuring cloming soon tm
  18. hm i was pretty sure it goes both ways nowadays. wouldve double-checked before posting if i had access to my private pc right now^^ edit:currently doing some research...according to this thread they removed the possibility to trade LI>LD for some time but brought it back later.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/961363/#Comment_961363gonna check later whether or not it is still possible.
  19. 6 weeks minimum but that means having to full clear all raid wings, not sure how many people will do thatYou are mistaken, it takes 15 weeks of full clearing w5,6, and 7 to get the LDs. W1-4 give LI for legendary armor. W5-7 only give 10 LD (4,3,and 3 respectively) for the ring. >This makes the situation worse. You are mistaken. You forgot that it is possible to trade LI for LD.With a total of 25 encounters that give LI/LD that makes 6 weeks of full-clearing W1-7.
  20. Funny.. i just read someone in another forum claiming ANet doesnt read most of the official forum anyway, so there's no point of posting.I'd say them moving around posts and threads is perfect proof that they do read it. And yet - no response to the giant elephant in the room :smiley:
  21. Go to Gamescom, Comiccon etc. as a charr and collect all kinds of trophies for "best costume" :smiley: Or go to Tyria and tell everyone how their whole world was created by us and let them praise me as their real god :smiley:
  22. thats an interesting take, i started a new thread for it :smiley:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/106300/yourself-in-tyria-or-your-gw2-char-irl#latest
  23. since we have this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1248093#Comment_1248093 thread, i want to start another one, inspired by some of the comments: Would you rather be yourself in Tyria, or be your GW2 character in real life, and why? :smiley:
  24. no, THIS is the problem: if the leechers keep leeching, the experienced players will get tired and either stop doing the content or join a static or put up ridiculous kp walls. (that's what we saw in the past with raids) and where does that leave the leechers?will they stop playing the content? then its them who are killing the content, and everyone else is happy to play "dead" content without any leechers.or will they suddenly start joining or creating training groups because there is noone to leech of? then why didnt they do so in the first place? - i'll tell you why: because they are not really interested in doing the content. they just want easy loot. those who are interested will always find a way to do it. be it by learning it themselves or by joining a group of experienced players who are openly willing to teach them. (usually marked with something like "training" in the lfg description...)if you are one of those willing to teach: nice, i respect that. you are an enrichment to the community.but the same way you will have to respect that i am not willing to spend my limited playtime teaching or carrying others.
  25. pretty sure most men do.and the other way round for women :smiley:
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