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c space cowboy.2764

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Everything posted by c space cowboy.2764

  1. 26 guilds leaving the game since March tend to disagree. As for suggestions, things that need addressed immediately, as in the next month or two, to preserve what players you have left, is fix the population imbalance. One full server... let that sink in. After that would be to immediately fix your hardware/network/software issue that gives people skill lag when theres 3 enemy squads, 30+ players in each, on the same map. It's been an issue since release and its only gotten worse. It's so bad players have learned to recognize when they have server priority and the ability to cast spells. After that, bring rewards in line with that of pvp and pve. There are multiple reddit threads detailing how spvp and pve is vastly better gold per hour then wvw. Content. New maps, new events, meta shakeup, etc.... I didn't put balance anywhere on that list because at this point it's a pipe dream. So just skip it until other things are fixed. Keep in mind. Until these are fixed, you, anet, bleed players from the game to other games. I personally have spent thousands on this game and doubt I'll ever return. Only 26?or you Just talk about the na primetimeguilds?NA primetime guilds.
  2. 26 guilds leaving the game since March tend to disagree. As for suggestions, things that need addressed immediately, as in the next month or two, to preserve what players you have left, is fix the population imbalance. One full server... let that sink in. After that would be to immediately fix your hardware/network/software issue that gives people skill lag when theres 3 enemy squads, 30+ players in each, on the same map. It's been an issue since release and its only gotten worse. It's so bad players have learned to recognize when they have server priority and the ability to cast spells. After that, bring rewards in line with that of pvp and pve. There are multiple reddit threads detailing how spvp and pve is vastly better gold per hour then wvw. Content. New maps, new events, meta shakeup, etc.... I didn't put balance anywhere on that list because at this point it's a pipe dream. So just skip it until other things are fixed. Keep in mind. Until these are fixed, you, anet, bleed players from the game to other games. I personally have spent thousands on this game and doubt I'll ever return.
  3. The rest of your desires are reasonable, but this is impossible. Meta is about having an advantage. Balance is about not having any advantage. They are incompatible. You want profession balance in the competitive modes you must remove the meta. That will not fly with anyone. The other option to this is to completely sever the PvE side of the game from the PvP so changes to one won't impact the other. I figure it's just as impossible due to the money and manpower costs. The meta changes based on class/skill balance. Play wvw long enough and you see that. From hammer train meta to toilet bowl meta to pirate ship etc... The problem with people leaving is the meta atm is stale as shit and people are bored with it. Meta shakeup keeps the game fresh.
  4. Same with WvW, you people Much like @"Obtena.7952" , you obviously don’t actually play WvW as you both like to use this phrase ‘you people’ Truly play the mode for a few months. Not just keep participation up, not just jump into a public Zerg once a week, not just hop in and do you dailies. Play it. Understand what some of the strategy is, understand why Desert BL is so very different from Alpine, and why both are very different from EBG. Understand the progression that needs to happen to control a map, including the fights that go into it. Pick the brain of one of the larger guild commanders that have seen success (those that are still there) Instead of belittling those that have worked hard to keep the mode afloat, those that have actually spent more than received in rewards because they actually enjoy the game play. Talk to those that seem bitter now because of the neglect. Actually listen to their concerns. You might actually see what the concerns are. Or don’t and continue to try to either turn it into WoWBelittle those that actually love the mode. Either way, I hope you find what you enjoy and are as passionate as many of the posters in here that you and he like to.. well, the best way I can describe it, is degrade them. Strider you proving my point. Insulting me not really bother me. no I am not a Dedicated WvW player. never said I was. But you once again dont explain what you want for WvW that is tangible? This a simple question but none of you WvWers ever seem to give a reasonable answer. Typical answers I get are the following (and its variations): MORE BALANCE/ Nerf FirebrandMountsLagPopulation/BG Da Greatest but hey if you have others go ahead and feel free to add to this. I like reading and discussing the stuff. ...You want a list? Ok. 1st. Communication. Any and all. There can't be talk about what needs to change or not change if the devs dont communicate with us. This forum is full of suggestions about what could or needs to happen. Dev response? Doesnt exist. From there its trickle down. 2nd. Fix population imbalance. How? Search this sub, there are hundreds of threads suggestion how to do it. But hey alliances...."Soon"..2 years and counting since it was announced and the population imbalance has been a problem since launch. 3rd. Fix the server lag. Yes it exists. No it doesn't happen on the chinese servers that have 10 times NA's population. Why? They obviously have better engineers working on their servers. A dev on reddit said there's a problem and has been a ghost since. 4th. Class/skill balance. The fact that 2 main classes have dominated WvW since HoTs release is ridiculous. How to fix this has been the subject of literally thousands of threads. Communication from the devs is key here. 5th. Content. New maps. Events. Anything. We've had the same wvw maps for how long now? How many new maps has pve had since launch? You can understand why wvw people are leaving in droves because the only content updates we've had is literally table scraps. Gliding, after the fact. Half assed implemented mounts, after the fact, and took 7 months to fix? I put a question mark there because you can still mount into most structures, but that leads us to... 6th. Bug fixes. There are bugs in wvw that have been there since launch. Honestly.... wtf? I'm sure there are others that can be added to this list.
  5. You can ask, sure. Doesn't mean you should always get an answer. Sometimes companies can't say what is going on or what might happen. To do so may jeopardize something they are working on or towards. If a company does give you some kind of heads up as to the direction they are trying to go in then kudos on them. They don't HAVE to do it, they are just being kind in doing so. Most of the time when someone gives information there is always someone else that thinks it's a bad idea or that they know how to do it better. It's not always a good thing to listen to outside influences in regards to what is trying to be done, sometimes that can derail a project or even completely stop it. Again, the better thing to do is to make your suggestions and then remember that it is just a suggestion and not something that has to be taken as concrete and implemented. Anet knows what is best for their product, WE do not. We only know what we would like best for us to make our game more enjoyable for ourselves. That doesn't necessarily make the game better for all that are playing. You're correct, game companies aren't required to provide road maps or information on future releases. I also am not required to support said company and will take my money elsewhere. It has been proven time and time again, offering a roadmap on where you're taking your game leads to players sticking around longer. Why stick around and support a company, especially one that has been in serious turmoil for the last year, when you have no idea what the future holds? Considering what sPvP and WvW has gotten content wise, table scraps, it is not unreasonable to request a roadmap.
  6. It is not unreasonable to demand a road map for a game you play. If I'm going to put my time, and money, into something I want to know what to expect in the future. Every game company does this, even shit EA does it.
  7. Last time wvw had tournies, albeit player run, 7 guilds quit the game directly after.
  8. it was dead before mounts and dead after. Mounts had nothing to do with that. WvW is like Whose Line Is It Anyway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whose_Line_Is_It_Anyway%3F_(American_TV_series)#HistoryPoints dont matter and there are no winners or losers. Thats why WvW is dead. Its mindless fighting and Structure trading with no real goal. Again Mounts had nothing to do with that since WvW was on a major decline prior. Mounts actually reduced that decline. So... you actually haven’t been watching the population levels for worlds have you... maybe @c space cowboy.2764 Could provide you with the most updated list of populations from the last 6 months.. Or just go back into this thread : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/84457/na-wvw-is-in-freefall/p1And look for the picture from the wiki that has been updated.. Say what you will but mounts certainly didn’t lead to a population increase. And honestly, it’s bleak.Sorry bud, I'm done tracking wvw population. I've moved on. It's obvious nothing's going to change so I'm putting my efforts into a different game. But. Last update that I saw. 1 full server na. 2 EU. Both had 5/6 full at beginning of year. 26 wvw guilds in total have quit the game. Not just game mode. Game. Last straw for me was the abomination they are shilling called build templates. Gw1 and arcdps was so much better. Ohwell. Hit me up on cancercord if yall try AA:U. And before the typical posts of give me your stuff, no. Buy it yourself.
  9. Jq dropped. And EU wentnfrom 5 full to 2 full. Games doing just dandy lol
  10. Then don't purchase them carry on using Arc templates Deltaconnected (maker of arcdps) said he's going to deprecate the feature once this goes live.Anet is making him...
  11. Mounts killed roaming and raised the ceiling for noobs to enter wvw. Gliding was added as content but noone wanted it as it did the same thing mounts did. Instead of people meeting open field and fighting, everyone flees. Fleeing from fights means no content. No updates means no content. And so far everything anet has done has driven the veteran players away because lack of content. 24+ guilds have quit since end of may. Get the themed word here? Content. There is none. As soon as the fights die on reset everyone logs off. No fights? Noone logs on. Its simple.
  12. All of the fight guilds quit. Long gone. What's left have congealed into 3 or 4 guilds on 3 different servers. Gvg maps wont bring those guilds back. They quit the game. At this point enjoy what's left as its painfully obvious anet and ncsoft dont care.
  13. I mean if were going to post videos of dumb stuff. Here's a banner bomb wiping a blob.
  14. I run something similar in wvw and I can tell you, the spike you get from various classes far outweighs that of cairn. There are several classes that can solo cairn. Mirage, deadeye, holo, etc... Also that is a video of a burn weaver. Burn weaver in wvw is weak as it has no immediate cover condis.
  15. The only feeling of the WvW player base is that of abandonment. No server fixes.No content.No balance.No communication. Most players have given up on any hope that anything meaningful will come. Soon™.... Been hearing it for years. 24+ guilds have quit the game. Watch the latest WvW dev stream. All they do is ktrain for hour and half and dont come across any enemies other then random roamers. Abandonment.
  16. Let me just laugh in Ele when you remove weapon swap cooldown....
  17. Man so many noob holos running up to me in photon forge, and as soon as it's done they mini or stealth, and run away. So many of them just dont understand engineer and get pooped on almost immediately.
  18. You sure about that? I am pretty sure that if you think that an MMORPG's healthy progression is the "Living Story" you are far from being right. Those who log in daily in GW2 are those who do Fractals, PvP, WvW and Raids. Occasionally do Meta-Events but only if they are too tired to flip prices in the Trading Post. Living Story is something we'd do for 2 hours max, explore the new region, realize it is another copy-paste currency farming map, try to find an exploit and if all else fails it's abandoned. That's just about it. I log in daily and focus on none of the things you mentioned and wouldn't log in less if they weren't in the game. I'd say you have quite a selective view of what healthy progression is. I think you would be surprised at how many people log in every day and just do stuff in the open world. I guarantee you it's a higher number than you think. In fact, I'd go out on a limb and say that if you added up all the raiders and PvPers and Fractal runners together (maybe not including WvW), there would still be more regular players logging in just to do the open world.Considering 24+ guilds of wvw players have quit gw2 for other games since may due to years of lack of content or updates, at this point I'd say your correct.
  19. You know what the real sad thing is. All yall PvErs so disappointed by the big reveal, when sPvPers and WvWers would be happy with any content at this point. Too late now. 24+ guilds and counting.
  20. Pretty much this. Every single ls map ends up getting farm nerfed and when it does it's dead.
  21. At this point any update that significantly either changes or breaks the game mode is needed. Where it's currently at, and has been for years, is boring as shit, and the reason why so many guilds , 24+, have quit the game. But that's actually being optimistic enough to think a significant update is coming. :#
  22. It doesn't matter what we want. Anet is going to do whatever they want. Theyll continue to add content to pve through living story, and anything they think they can quickly rehash and push into wvw, even though players dont want it, theyll add. Theyll continue to talk about alliances and swiss while adding neither or posting a road map, and in between all of this there will be 400 updates with black lion gem items.
  23. Or maybe these "1000 dudes" already quit game?Yesterday on reset I had lags aswell, even if I was on the opposite side of map to big fights... My ping was spiking to 400+ in big fights, it was 100+ near enemy blob, and normally my ping sits around 50 and no, it's not my side. Ofcourse, my skills worked after like 10s after "using" them or they didn't even trigger at all.Guys, really, stop this "MoSt LiKeLy ThIs UsEr SiDe" meme... Just because you're that lucky 1% that never gets lags, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't have them. Check your ISP. If it were Anet servers then everyone would be experiencing it. Link?Theres more in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cuikws/this_is_the_sort_of_thing_the_wvw_community_has/
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