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Everything posted by Rex.3602

  1. Based on the previous anniversary sale dates, you can expect the sale to run around the end of August to mid September.
  2. Didn't the OP say he just came back ad bought the Xpac? In that case, he probably would not have the free unlocks for those Living Story episodes and maps. Getting access to those maps would require a gem store purchase. In case you don't know, OP, the Living Story requires a dual unlock. You have to own the XPac they follow (which you do). The second unlock was free if you logged in during the period following an episodes release. If you did not log in, you need to pay 200 gems per episode. Sometimes, they go on sale. Yeah the OP may not have any of them unlocked. I suggested it in case they had logged in during the free unlock period for some of the episodes. I only have episodes 3, 5 and 6 unlocked, but I got some easy mastery points from all of them (although the episode 6 map is a bit of a pain to unlock).
  3. You may want to get a few of the HoT mastery points from the living world season 3 maps first. Some of them are very easy to get.
  4. Cool! Hopefully you guys can fulfil some of these requests soon. :)
  5. A new mount would be nice, but I wouldn't want another ridiculous grind that requires 250 of each map currency like for unlocking the skyscale.
  6. Underwater skimmer would be so good. Please make it happen! =)
  7. Excited for episode 4 and the new mount ability. Oh that would make my day! =)
  8. Joining large guilds will makes the chat much more active. There is no global chat across all maps like other MMOs as far as I know, which may make the chat seem inactive. On popular maps with lots of players the map and say chats are quite active. A global chat would be nice if added but maybe the devs decided not to add it because of potential spam and moderation issues.
  9. I too am eagerly waiting for the living world complete seasons to go on sale (specifically 3 and 4). Please put them all on sale soon! :)
  10. And a big sale for things like living world seasons and bag slot expansion would be nice too! B)
  11. Possibly this is why core worked so well. Lots of maps telling a wider story alongside a localised one and yet not tied to the main story. I think this in part ties to some of my fundamental issues with the inferior LS way of doing things - every episode feels detached from the rest of the game and the World. As each self contained map, completely unconnected (physically) from the rest of the map is released, the less of a “Living World” it becomes. Compare this to GW1 and GW2 expansions where the World built in itself and expanded organically after the starter area. This Living World seems to be anything but “living” Yeah, the world feels quite disconnected compared to other games. Even the expansions suffer from this problem, although HoT not as much since the silverwastes is linked to the brisban wildlands. In other MMORPGs the world is much more connected with each region being directly accessible from the neighbouring regions. It makes the world actually feel like one whole entity.
  12. I agree that unlocking new maps should not be tied into new stories. People enjoy different things, so the two should be kept apart to let everyone do what they like.
  13. This is so annoying. It shouldn't take much time or effort for the devs to fix this issue.
  14. Yeah, the Icebrood Saga started out fine but the Bjora Marches story was poor. I thought the story in Drizzlewood Coast wasn't too bad. I would also prefer quality in the story over quantity anytime. Thanks Same. What's more important than the story length for me though is the story quality. I'm not going to bother finishing a story if it's absolutely terrible just for the sake of seeing the ending.
  15. Any other details about the third expansion anywhere? Will this be the final expansion? Welcome back. I'm guessing you left before the Path of Fire expansion? One of the biggest features of that expansion was the addition of mounts. No other details are currently available about the upcoming expansion yet.
  16. Now imagine there was money involved. What could developers possibly gain from such a system? Haha true. I was intending to add to my previous post, where I was looking for reasons other than money, with that post. But if money was a big issue why not make it so that you have to open the box many times to get the rare item (but it is guaranteed to get the item once you open the box this many times) and then everyone would have to pay a lot to get the item, instead of using RNG where someone may get it quickly but others may not? I guess making the drops RNG would make the money issue less transparent and obvious though. Because of several reasons: 1) You get less out of whales. Who WILL purchase thousands upon thousands of boxes to get all the 0.000001% chance items. 2) Random plebs will get put off if they see a large price point on stuck onto the item they want and not bother purchasing any boxes. 3) This system may as well just put the item for direct purchase in the store. If it is guaranteed after spending so much money on boxes. That way you aren't giving away "Free" boxes when people are dropping money for the rare item. 4) You exploit people far less. With cheap boxes that have a chance to give the rare item, people are more likely to spend a couple of dollars on a box. Then when they don't get the item... "Oh it's only a couple more dollars for another box no big deal". Then another one and another one and another one and before the person knows it, they've spent $1000 on boxes. (This is one of the primary ways Mobile games earn money, selling lots of "Cheap" stuff that people can end up buying a lot of without realizing)Interesting, good points.
  17. Now imagine there was money involved. What could developers possibly gain from such a system? Haha true. I was intending to add to my previous post, where I was looking for reasons other than money, with that post. But if money was a big issue why not make it so that you have to open the box many times to get the rare item (but it is guaranteed to get the item once you open the box this many times) and then everyone would have to pay a lot to get the item, instead of using RNG where someone may get it quickly but others may not? I guess making the drops RNG would make the money issue less transparent and obvious though.
  18. Prestige. To mark yourself as the dedicated elite. I guess it could be compared to the idea of lootboxes in games. The person who opens a box the first time and receives a rare item will be very happy, while the person who opens it a thousand times and doesn't get it will be on the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't get what the devs gain from making some customers pleased and other customers disappointed lol. :p
  19. Other than to annoy people and extract as much time/money from them, what is the point of RNG drops anyway?
  20. Based on the parts of the game that I have played, I think that the story was the weakest part of the original game. The beginning wasn't too bad but parts of the story in Orr were boring and felt repetitive. But I guess it's rare to find a game that does every aspect well these days anyway.
  21. I've played 6 MMORPGs so far. Based on my experience I think GW2 is one of the best that I have played, largely due to the open world and wvw. The open world in the other games are mostly stale and become boring after a short while.
  22. I spend at least 10,000 dollars a month but ArenaNet hasn't been acknowledging it and catering towards me.
  23. 1) Map exploration is much easier and fun with the various mounts, so if you like you may want to unlock some of the mounts first before you decide to explore some more. 4) I think it is meant to be completed solo. It only gets harder after Night of Fires, so you might want to do some other content or improve your gear first if you keep finding it difficult. In PvE I use the berserker elite specialization on my warrior, with a one-handed sword and torch, and a longbow swap. I like the skills on these combination of weapons and PvE has been quite easy so far with this configuration.
  24. Skills that are acquired only to be limited to one map are a waste of player time. Skills should change how the player interacts with the whole game. At least in PvE. Masteries have gotten so bad with the Icebrood Saga that I haven't been enthusiastic about completing them. Of course the problem didn't start with it. It can be traced back to LWS3. Yeah. I can't even think of any reason why this skill restriction exists, at least for some of the masteries. Seems like an arbitrary and poorly thought out concept that was implemented.
  25. I agree. The prologue and drizzlewood coast are great, but the rest are quite bad in my opinion. New masteries are dull, and bjora marches is small and monotonous. The story in the bjora marches really doesn't interest me even though I tried hard to complete it.
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