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Everything posted by Pooh.6897

  1. I try to stay as far away from black lion chests and ecto gambling as I can. Just keep in mind what my grandma used to say: "Buy something so you have something." It's about understanding that the house always wins. Gambling will always be a downward path, no matter what you tell yourself. If you have that much money just sitting in your pockets, I'd heavily suggest to invest it. Set a few buy orders for expensive infusions, just let it sit. Once you have the infusions, set a sell order for a higher amount and just forget about it. Yes, you'll be outpriced by TP players in no time, but since you're not a TP player that's not a big concern. Just set a competitive price and it will sell eventually. Doesn't even have to be infusions, although it would be better to spread out your investments over multiple assets.
  2. If i had to take a guess, I think that they don't want a weapon in the game that all classes can use. It would make sword pretty unique, as it would be the only weapon that all classes could use, but it would also make swords way too valuable. I think they're trying to push classes to weapons that are relatively rare, such as mace, pistol and rifle. I'm not agreeing with their choice for pistol, as I rather would've seen a new melee weapon for necro, but I do understand their choice for not choosing sword. I agree, sword necro would have been very cool, but if I were to take a step back, I'd say it would be better to push necro to weapons that not many classes can use, such as mace.
  3. can someone please explain where this sudden influx of complaints about necromancer comes from? Did necro get a giant buff that I missed or something? Just a few months ago, the necro sub-forum was so nice, filled with players wanting to get better at necro. Since the first beta-event, all I'm seeing is posts complaining about "hurr necro too stronk". Please, if you want to complain about strong classes, go to the usual suspects such as guardian. Necros are strong, but they also have a lot of counters. There are things necro is very good at, and there are things necro can't do very effectively at all. I tested revevant for a while, and on that sub-forum they're complaining about vindicator being able to only hit 35k. Meanwhile with Reaper, 35k is probably as good as it'll ever get. I honestly don't get the complain-culture that's in multiplayer games nowadays. If you can prove that something is incredibly broken, then make a thoughtful post discussing possible changes. Don't start crying just because a necro whooped your kitten in PvP.
  4. I'm not sure if this is intended or not, but I just wanted to point out that Dread (gm trait in Spite, necromancer) refreshes Sand Cascade (F3) and not Garish Pillar (F4). Seeing how the trait functions on both reaper and core necro, this might not be intended, as the idea behind Dread seems to be that you refresh your Fear-skill, which usually is on Shroud 3, except with Scourge. If it is intended then cool, my mistake, but just wanted to point it out.
  5. coming from necro, I really like this spec. The dual skill design feels unique and fun to use and gs attacks are nice and fast. It’s almost as if i played a completely different espec then everybody else. I don’t really understand why vindicator is received so poorly. As a necro main, i was disappointed in harbinger. Perhaps the reason for the negative reception is because rev mains had hoped to get a pure power espec, not one that’s hybrid with healing. For me though, vindicator does everything i was looking for in a new necro espec. Reaper and scourge have been fun, but i really hoped for glyphs on necro and i feel that this is it. That said, there are a few improvements that could take place. I’d like more control over my skills and thus more F#-skills. I am a total beginner when it comes to rev so i tend to mash buttons. The energy replenishing skill is very important for me. Also urn of saint victor is problematic. Other than that I really liked vindicator. I understand that this post will probably receive an endless amount of those confused emoji’s, but so be it. My experience was just vastly different and I’m switching my main to revenant because of it, I love it that much.
  6. Also fun to know: minions count as pets. If you see runes that require a pet, a minion will work as well. like you said, any shade skill triggers F1. So if you trigger Nefarious Favour, you trigger F2 + F1.
  7. Hey there, I was wondering if the game has any puzzles. I've played for quite a while now and never really discovered many of them. I'm getting a bit tired of the fighting action and I was wondering if there are some really nice puzzles I could do. Note that I'm not really talking about Jumping Puzzles per se, but more about detective quests or mechanical puzzles. I am aware of the Light Puzzles, but I was looking into Puzzle games and I was wondering if Guild wars doesn't have anything that can scratch that itch. A quest about finding a missing person would be really cool, where you then have to talk with multiple people around the map and follow clues that are left behind, stuff like that. Or maybe a puzzle where you have to hit certain things in the right order? A guild member proposed mini dungeons, but I was wondering if there are other places where I can find these puzzles.
  8. Usually I would try to sell you necro but it’s clear to me that the heavy boys have more to offer you. I would look into warrior if i were you.
  9. Thanks for the lengthy response and the insight, @Acyk.9671. In that case the required changes for PvE could focus more around providing good support since Necro doesn't really have that yet. I'm thinking about a weapon that would cater to Support scourges for example. Staff could focus on providing support for allies with regen and barrier, while also including CC abilities that make it useful in WvW with good passive LF regen. That way, in PvE it could be a weapon that is great for (condi) support, while in WvW it would still be good for the things you listed. The support aspect of Staff wouldnt be very relevant for PvP/WvW while for PvE that could give it a purpose. Scourges that want to focus completely on support could take staff instead of scepter and really focus on providing support through regen, barrier, breakbar damage, possibly healing as well. They could change the AA to apply some heal or perhaps might to allies and some minor condi damage to enemies.
  10. Sorry for that accusation, I got a bit heated. All I want for Anet is to have a clear direction for staff, because even though I spend a lot of time with staff I still couldn't tell you what kind of build it's supposed to work for. Skill 1: Deals power damage, generates LF and penetrates targets. Okay, so this tells me Staff is supposed to be used for Power builds, attacking groups and help me get more shroud time. Cool. Skill 2: A regen and a bleed. Uhm, okay? So eh, is Staff a condi support weapon? Is the regen there for the minions? Okay, so a support minionmancer condi build, Cool. Skill 3: A poison and a chill. This supports the theory that staff is meant as a condi weapon. both conditions also weaken the enemy so it would fit as a support/minionmancer/condi weapon. Alright Cool. Skill 4: Big power damage and a big condi transfer. So, is this meant to be used with corruption skills? So I can put a bunch of conditions on myself and then send them away with this skill? Okay, well that would be really good for condi builds. It would mean that I have to cut down on the amount of minions I can take but that's okay. Skill 5: A Fear. Wow, that is unique! I can weaponize it with Terror and insidious Disruption for some condi damage. So tell me, what is Staff meant to be? Is it meant as a condi weapon? Then why is there no condi damage on the AA? Is it a support weapon? Then why do the other skills not provide support? Is it a Power weapon? Then why does it so much with conditions? edit: The only consistent feature Staff has is that it can hit a lot of people, which seems as a rather odd choice to design a weapon for. What I would like to see for necro staff is a clear direction, like guardian staff. On guardian staff, it is very clear that it’s meant to be a support weapon. Everything on guardian staff reflects that. But necro staff seems to contradict itself as it lacks a clear design direction.
  11. Staff should be changed so that it both accommodates PvE, PvP and WvW. All the other weapons (except maybe MH dagger) are viable in all three modes, so why not staff? If a weapon works very well in one game mode but not in the other ones, that's just bad design. It's not a WvW or PvE scenario, it should be WvW and PvE. Staff should be a weapon you could use just like scepter but with a different balance, and right now in PvE that's just not the case. You can't make a viable build around staff and that's a problem. Stop hoarding weapons for the gamemodes you specifically play.
  12. i only play PvE open world with sometimes fractals or dungeons so view my feedback in that light. Pistol - the weapon felt quite fun. I did find the power potential quite underwhelming. To me it feels that pistol is innately a condi weapon. I still think either mace or sword would have been a better choice but pistol feels unique. However it is clear to me that the power/condi duality just does not work which is also apparent in staff. I was bummed to see that scepter still easily outperforms pistol and even axe on powerbuilds is a better choice. elixers - sorry Anet but I need to go hard on this one. When compared to other skills, all i can say is that elixers feel incredibly underwhelming and weak to use. Actually reaching 25 stacks of blight is extremely difficult unless you pick 3 potion skills, leaving only 2 spots for blood is power and then signet of undead. While the idea of boons for necro is fun, even for an open world player like me, the tuning felt unnecessarily cautious. traits - feel heavily balanced towards condi damage. 180 power for a GM is also incredibly low and I would like to see it raised to 300. The damaging pulse is a joke, it would be more beneficial to pick the condi one instead because of the giant damage difference. Same goes for the trait that gives power for blight. The added poison damage on the condi counterpart just tells me that Anet intended this as a condi spec. shroud - kung fu necro is fun, but only spamming skill 1 and 2 is not. I think it is an enormous mistake that i cant access my other skills while in shroud. If you really want to make the shroud stand out do this change. Also dhuumfire nerf is not needed imo. edit: now i think about it, introducing a melee weapon would also make me feel the downside much more. Missing half of my health while far away is not really a problem at all. It would be more interesting if I had to get in there with less health. Also as others pointed out, none of the offhands are that great. So finding something that pairs well with pistol is hard. I take the horn and the dagger offhand, but they dont feel strong at all. As others pointed out, im more compelled to stay with scourge or reaper. Celestial gear should be really good for harbinger yet that too falls flat.
  13. I'm going to assume you didn't intend to ping me to this topic but while I'm here I might as well give my opinion anyway. Yes I did notice that the fear on shroud 3 is missing. At this point I'm getting more and more convinced that Fear is just inherently difficult to balance between PvE and PvP/WvW, because its effects are very strong in PvP/WvW, but in PvE you don't want enemies to run away. You want them stacked and as closely bundled together as they can get. Back when I made that post, I didn't specifically care for the effect that Fear gives, namely foes running away. I mainly cared about weaponizing Fear, turning it into something that could give a necromancer a number of strong boons. While the idea sounds fun, it's absolutely impossible to make a viable build for PvE with this in mind. I continue to find it rather odd how many traits necro has for enhancing Fear. What I do not find surprising is why necro has such few ways to apply Fear, and that is because Fear should be a rare condition. Fear takes control away from the receiver in a way that could be actively dangerous. Especially when it comes down to Spectral Ring and Mark 5 on the Staff (and also Reaper shroud 3), you're not Fearing a single person, you're fearing entire groups. If you play it smart in WvW you can stack up on necromancers that all run maximum amounts of applying Fear and literally force the enemy zerg off a cliff. These builds do/did in fact exist and they are disliked by receivers for a big reason. So no, I do not think Necro should have more ways to apply Fear. What I do think is that either Fear should be changed in PvE, or the large amounts of traits that enhance/weaponize Fear should be changed. The harbinger is much more effective in gaining and sharing boons. This is what I've been waiting for, for such a long time. A quickness-based build with Dread is just not a good idea. The way harbinger does it instead makes me very excited to try out all the new options. I rather have a daze than Fear, and that is exactly what Harbinger has.
  14. I love using staff as a necro. I really only play PvE and for that, staff DPS really isn’t that great, but I just really like the weapon. I even crafted Nevermore.
  15. Title says it all, really. Right now enemies rarely use boons. It would make fighting a lot more engaging as classes that have access to boon rip/corrupt would have more to work with. Yes, it could make fights harder for classes that dont have boon removal, but that mostly feels like a balancing issue and not specifically tied to enemies using boons. Just to clarify: I’m not talking about 25 stacks of might on a goat. Just one or two boons that fit the type of enemy you’re fighting. Swiftness for centaurs, stability for rock-enemies, perhaps quickness for tentacle-based monsters. Just having boons integrated into the design of certain enemies would be really cool, like how the mordrem menders (could) apply regen.
  16. Yeah, I'd like fear to not make my foes run everywhere. I'd rather have them frozen in fear on the spot than running around. The idea I had for this was to rename Fear to Terror and to make it what Torment used to be.
  17. I absolutely expect them to do nothing major for necro, however that doesn't mean I don't have a small wishlist of hopes and dreams. 1. Change Death Magic in such a way that it's worth it to consider for non-minion builds 2. Find a way to make other weapons outside of scepter and greatsword viable. I like scepter, but I'm getting a bit bored by the fact that it's the ONLY viable weapon on necro that does consistent condi damage. 3. Staff rework please, so that it's viable for PvE. 4. Mainhand dagger needs either a buff or a rework as well 5. Please completely rework Fear so that it's easier to balance between PvE and PvP/WvW. Right now necro has a lot of skills that either enhance Fear or gives the application of the condition extra boons, even though the effects of Fear are not always desirable (such as in PvE when you cause all the adds to scatter)
  18. Epidemic should just be reworked so that it copies all of the conditions to you, so that you then can either turn them into boons for you (nom) or redistribute them with skills that send conditions away. It would make you incredibly vulnerable for a moment, but it would also give you a big reward if you manage to pull it off correctly. Would also boost condi-transfer skills at the same time
  19. We absolutely need Arenanet to look at mainhand dagger and staff and they need to make a choice what they want these weapons to be, both in PvE and in PvP/WvW. I've made a post about staff in the past and that didn't do anything. Even though I would be a big fan of big changes for these weapons, I'm past the point where I actually expect Arenanet to listen to these types of posts anymore. It has been so glaringly obvious that staff is lacking in PvE for anything outside of farming and that mainhand dagger is somehow even worse. Even though you're taking more risk with mainhand dagger, your damage output is worse than axe and miles behind greatsword. Mainhand dagger is easily the worst weapon for necro and it requires some big changes before it becomes viable enough to consider it over the absolute dominant position of scepter and greatsword. I would propose to change lingering curse so that its effects are no longer tied to scepter only and to make it so that every third weapon skills gets a boost, not just the one on scepter.
  20. With Staff and Soul marks we can already get a sample of how it feels to have a more active LF generation based on weapon skills, and imo it feels great and very rewarding. Reworking LF generation could also provide a chance to rework traits and weapons that have proven to be either underpowered or too hard to consistently rely on, notably mainhand dagger, staff AA and traits that rely on nearby deaths like Dread or Soul Comprehension (or just Death Magic in general). If we could vote somewhere for things that should be worked on concerning necro this would be it for me (aside from a full staff rework for PvE but I'll rest my case for now regarding that one) edit: Now I think about it, reworking LF generation could also provide a chance to make Soul Reaping less mandatory. I really like the trait-line, but the dominant position it currently holds is not very healthy for Necro as a class. It means that other trait lines (like Death Magic) often are not even considered and to less build diversity. Having more ways to generate life force without relying on the Soul Reaping minor traits would be very healthy
  21. Reaper's Onslaught will never run out. It gives 3 seconds of quickness every 3 seconds. With Rune of the Firebrand you can turn that into 4.25 seconds of quickness every 3 seconds. I did try to make a build around Fury and that one worked a lot better, especially since Curses also has Furious demise.
  22. IMO they should cut back on the amount of traits that rely on fear application. I like that Dread gives fury and quickness, but at least tie the activation to something else that necro has more access to. Such as, gain quickness and fury every time you have more than x amount of might. Actually encourage necros to have a lot of might uptime and reward smart play instead of binding it to something dumb as Fear. Might be a hot take but IMO they should just completely rework Fear. It's often not fun or practical to use on an enemy, it's not fun to receive in PvP/WvW, the only real use it has is the breakbar damage it does. I'd say, rework fear into terror and make it like old torment. Then for CC lean more into what warhorn already does and make necro rely on stuns, dazes or even immobilize (like dagger 3) if Anet really wants necro to have CC.
  23. Ah, that could be it. I rarely play PvP/WvW. Especially testing Dread on the benchmarking golem in the aerodrome is just an absolute nightmare, since you cant activate Spectral Ring on a stationary target and the 50% halving of the cooldown doesnt work at all. Ironically I did notice that Dread makes downstate necro absolutely ridiculous because you have a fear in the downstate, which applies to the standard attack and also works with Death's Embrace
  24. So i've been messing around for quite a while now with Dread ever since it got reworked to give quickness and fury on activation. I've tried it with a lot of different combinations, and all I can really say is that Dread is good for absolutely shredding trash mobs and not much more. You could possibly run Rune of Rage so you get extra damage out of the fury, but for quickness it's really not worth it. Necro doesn't have a ton of ways to apply fear and rightfully so. Fear is a very powerful effect, especially in PvP. Even with Rune of the Firebrand, you're not going to get a ton of value out of Dread and I personally don't see why you wouldn't just take close to death. The main issues I came across was the internal 3s cooldown on Dread, combined with the fact that using fear often results in scattering enemies everywhere. Personally I'd like to see Dread being freed from Fear application and using something else instead, preferably something that's in line with Spite. I don't think it needs to be completely reworked, but traits based on Fear application always have struggled on necro and Dread is no exception.
  25. I've had a while to think about it, and I think it would be really cool if we got a new spec that really leans into the theme of "i hurt myself to hurt you more" that necro already has going on with corruptions. How cool would it be if necro shroud would actually be something dangerous to be in and could be mismanaged, like Holosmith? That would be so cool, like some sort of necro that constantly walks the edge. Right now, shroud is always a safe zone (except scourge). It would be very interesting to see that changed. And yes I agree (forget who it was), glyphs would be a perfect match for a next elite spec. I'm hoping for sword, but I wouldnt be disappointed if we got something else. I just think that necro sword with bleed (like warrior sword AA) would be very fitting for necro and would finally give a good 2nd weapon set that can complement scepter. edit: Think something like the voodoo guy in "The Princess and the Frog" from Disney, the guy that makes dark pacts with evil spirits, eventually mismanages the powers he's been given and then dies.
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