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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. Yes, cc durations don't stack, a feared player gets non feared Iirc. If you do a 3 second stun follow it directly up with 0,5 sec daze the player will immediately be able to run
  2. Sometimes it works in guildwars too, after the scourge nerf the player base felt Doubled and I got a pretty decent matchmaking this season. You definitely can have competitive matches but you have also this terrible games that are lost when you see the teams. People should less stress out because of Rating its a number that grows and lows, but decent matches are lately enaugh in existence
  3. Idk but they go often over 500, me for myself play also around 400-700 each season
  4. For real give me ingame the name, give me the server (probably na) nafand I try to q snipe the "bot", sorry but I can not believe it, either the bot does not do what you say or it's not a bot or it is something useful
  5. I literally saw never ever a bit doing that, in general I see very little amount of bots (mostly at 4 am/5am ques) I bet to 100% that you get trolled by a player
  6. This it the first time I read that bots do something useful It is sad because that means most humans are worse than bots
  7. Designing especs isn't easy and takes a while, and the result is that we have not a broken especs now, especially when you consider we already saw mesmer spec that wasn't absolut deleting everything It's not cool to have so long cooldowns and I really agree that this isn't an acceptable situation, but is still one guy doing the work
  8. And I want it including courtyard and stronghold
  9. Don't attack them when they are in shroud, or don't use your strong burst, shroud regenerates fast, but you have windows where you directly delete the hp from the necro, and they have a 10 second CD to get back to shroud Doing a 1vs1 VS necro isn't probably that easy as thief, I would try to maximize your dmg but it is risky Iirc pistol pistol thief and deadeye can nicely burst necros
  10. Last season it was hard for me to finish the season but this season I have mostly 500 games already and I see a lot of other Ranger mains
  11. Both builds and you only decide what your team needs most and ez gaming But not only learn the build also learn what your enemy's do, esp against guards many players use all Their dmg while they have a trillion blocks available bait the blocks and than kill em
  12. Not liked but you can easy get p3 with Ranger (actually with every class)
  13. Ranger is viable in every game mod, tho in wvw they don't like you that much, but you get everything done without a hazzle
  14. Yeah but pet ai is stupid unfair, random ccs shouldn't ever be a thing
  15. I am a Ranger main guys, I don't have a learn to play issue
  16. You get at max 700 decay, each game will give 100+- the rating you gain/loose you need at max 7 games in 3 days that decay is gone After 72 hours the decay starts each day 100
  17. I agree on guard but necro I don't know, I would now fix first traits that are not working properly and than slightly lower cooldowns or higher some dmg output. Guard necro are in wierd spots, while guard has indeed big bunker potential, it gets shuttled down quite fast when 2 people attack him, solo its kinda messy. Necro on the other hand scales to good with guard, necros without guard, can escape but not bunker and facetank 24/7. I bet less healing on guard could fix necro too, since it doesn't feel that strong with other supporter
  18. I use them regularly in pvp (hunt and renuvual (not used togheter) ) snd the ferocity signet is used in some pve builds a, and signet of stone is still signet of stone Bringing them to full passivs would make them actually useless in every game mode excluding open world. There are builds that uses them and Ranger really does not need more passive gameplay, it's holding the class back already
  19. After playing this season a while I definitely see way less scourges in my games, the amount of rangers, dh's and power heralds did increase a lot (at least it feels like that) When I met scourge it still is able to consume a lot of dmg but they don't feel immortal anymore. I would keep an eye on dh, tho in general it feels way better to play atm, than it was before the patch, and I can see at also at the playerbase, way more good people are online and I get solid matches at almost every daytime (EU) Compared to the past 19 month this feels like a solid playable meta but pls do not stop here
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