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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. Warrior has the most dodges, 5 second weapon swap that always condi cleanse (with cleansing sigill every second swap 2 condi), every skill does a ton of dmg, core warrior has insane resustain, spb has with full counter the most broken skill (stab, damage reduction, evade and unblockable daze), dagger 3 can also interrupt every skill, dagger F1 removes boons and is unblockable and gives theter, every movement skill does remove imob, yes you need some sort of skill, but dude, that's what every class should be, fight tramadex, fight Tobi they gonna whipe you out of earth
  2. Dear anet dev, hi cmc. The next addon is coming in about 4 months, we all know that, and we also all know that the playerbase of pvp is not in a great spot, on na and on eu. I hope you have some ideas to get new/returning players to stick to it. You need to make some adjustments to the system that are not just numbers. Many people get very fast frustrated and leave very fast the gamemode. They don't understand how conquest works and why they die, they can't improve because they there is no clear way to tell if they did something good or bad. Also they get fastly frustrated about loosing their rating. Did you think about that? I know pve content and wvw stuff is absolutely priority now, but small (not sure how small it is to change) things in here can do dramatically change the way how players get into pvp and stay. Merge ranked and unranked, make the second q button to a weekly changing mode (1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, courtyard with tdm or king of the hill, stronghold, the 15vs15 map(when ui is done)) Don't let players start and 1200 rating (gold 1) instead go way lower to 1000 or even 900 (silver 1 or 2) it doesn't help that new players are getting into the same elo as casual pvp that player for years (both getting mad and quit) Hide the rating until you enter top 250, let it only show the badge, let people play with their friends as a full group(1-5q) until plat 1 or even plat 2 and from there solo/duoq. The players need to stay engaged and playing with friends is one of the more funnier things. The current system in pvp will not revive the gamemode with the eod dropp, it is not bad but it will not let people stay that aren't die hard Fans of pvp (like me). They will come in here, getting matched with way more experienced players and also can't play with their friend group that all buyed the game. Joining an tournament is 1. For many scary 2. A big time investment 3. A big frustrating getting farmed, while it does not feel any rewarding in playing unranked. Pls Arena Net, these are just a few suggestions from me, there are way more options to do, but you need to there something. Players are complaining in the forums as well in the game. There is still a chance to bring back to old glory, don't kitten this up.
  3. It is quite strong in sidenoding for a roamer build, on skyhammer it is pretty hard to avoid the nades because there is not kite spot that does save you from than. But It is not as good for sidenoding as a real sidenoder
  4. We actually have teamdeathmatch for 2vs2, 3vs3 and 5vs5, we also have king of the hill and stronghold, just not in ranked permanently
  5. I thought that too, but on na it is out of control, eu is not that wild but there are there and not banned since years
  6. I was enjoying it, no clue how many 5 groups we beated es 2-3-4, bad players will loose and good will win, this will always be the result
  7. Focus always low players, and keep and eye on the support, hold your steal for glyph ready if they have tempest or guard, you can also always pressure the support (should be always main target), when you get 2+ kills in a teamfight go out to the map, +/decapp close or far.
  8. Just play for enjoy, if you not enjoy relax and do something else and come back, you will get the last shards pretty quickly.
  9. Tempest is the second best supporter and offers high value
  10. I said it a trillion times and say it again, you can see the area Effect of a skill when it's used, even in stealth, you see every bow/rifle shot that the stealth player is doing and you have still the audioxso you have 2 things to locate a player + when you are in a conquest match, often not that many ways a stealthed person can use. Stealth is pretty strong but it's not unbeatable broken And when you are coming from starcraft, you should know that some things are impossible to handle until you reached some point of skill (AIRTOSS AHHHH)
  11. In 3vs3 you can still stack 3 scourge which enables the facetank(the scourge mechanic haha) outside of that is scourge free food, it gets basically by everything farmed
  12. I swear to God, in almost every situation is a core war now better than a scourge, I am 100% seriously, in 3vs3 scourge is better and that's it
  13. Saying scourge is a tier and core war is c tier just shows how delusional most gold warriors are, you farm scourge on core warrior, scourge is absolute garbage. only thing you can't farm on warrior is mesmer because of power block, dp thief (pistol 4)and ranger(tho I personally think both are equally, but I believe the guys that are better in this match up than me)
  14. I would put dh, mirage, spb, and core war all one tier higher, and holo and rev s tier, Core rev is a good B tier
  15. Delete tails wipe first for sure, but that would buff every high dmg skill from classes that suffer from fighting an eternity, warrior, thief, guard, ele, Ranger, OFC fixing those classes would be much better but anet doesn't do it and that's the simplest change I can see what they can do
  16. Since Anet likes to play with amulets (i guess easy change?), try to increase ferocity on all amulets by 200/300/400/what ever you choose, Ferocity will primarly effect high single strike dmg, while smaller strikes are profiting a bit less, this would increase the punishment in the game a lot more, and across all classes equaly, if it works well you could decide to raise the numbers a bit on condi dmg.
  17. They gave the last month drops and this month gw2 heroic edition as dropp
  18. Who cares, and if people don't want to pve it's fine, I don't want to encourage people to. Do that, if they don't want to
  19. What I mean is that it kittens up a lot of players that play a at the beginning of the season and than stop because all matches are kitten, they stop, it gets better in the end but half of players still not there
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