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Everything posted by Glider.5792

  1. I just realised, that since the layoffs, the forums chats basicaly dissapeared (due to Gaile Gray no longer with the company i guess).I wonder, can we expect to see them back in the future ? We had some realy interesting topics going on.The main reason reddit chats stopped was due to these, but now these are gone too. It would be nice if we got something back.
  2. Year 4 was also the mail carrier.I think this year we might get a glider though.
  3. ...which many, including myself, did not receive at the 250, 500, 750 and 1000 marks. For those marks, you got the bag thing. Karma was given at the end of the event. I participated in five, received no Karma giving item.The event only ended "once", since it was bugged. Once it actualy ended, the npc dissapeared. The 5min countdown was bugged and gave nothing.
  4. ...which many, including myself, did not receive at the 250, 500, 750 and 1000 marks. For those marks, you got the bag thing. Karma was given at the end of the event.
  5. Simple, you can easily leech both events by: in case of tarir, come after meta and open the chestsin case of verdant brink, join at xx:09 and leech a bossThey are basicaly free rewards.
  6. Basicaly yes. Does 5000 karma and 15k exp matter that much though ? I belive you did the smarter thing, doing something else, unlike us who waited and wasted multiple hours waiting to get.... that....PS: You need to donate around 6000 to get all available AP.
  7. Based on the response from Anet, it was meant to work as it did, get people to chuck 1000s of gold worth of mats away, in exchange for 5k karma No they said there was an issue, which would indicate to me that it did not work as intended. My presumption was when the bar filled it was going to flip over to some other mat that needed a sink, but that is a total guess with no supporting data other than that the bar was labeled something like 'current project' which would indicate there were other projects to come . . . It has to be an ongoing thing bc there is no way they would introduce that ap and title just for the ppl who were logged in for those few hours and sry tough luck for everyone else . . . Okay, that I was trying to make was that even if the event was bugged, the reward for this stage wasn't; many people got given 5k karma for donating, people who donated and left the instance got nothing. Point is that 5k karma is basically nothing compared to the amount of mithril sunk into that thing, esp if you didn't manage to complete the collection for the title. Yeah I don't think the reward was bugged, other than that lots of ppl didn't get it. It was pretty clear from the outset that it was just a mat sink for ap and title, but we still don't know whether it was supposed to click over to a new mat when the old one filled, or if it's supposed to flip at reset, or if he's supposed to come and go randomly over time or what . . . What makes the most sense to me is that he would be there all the time and anet could flip him to a needed sink as the bar gradually filled over time, since after the initial push the bar would fill much more slowly . . .Im guessing he was supposed to change to a different material once bar filled up (most likely silk). That is mainly due to event specificaly saying "Mithril ingots" yet under achievments, no name is given, and instead specified as "goods". Sooo... we can most likely expect that once the events gets fixed, new material will take place of mithril ingots.PS. someone in mapchat said that he got an ember infusion from the bag, idk if fake or not (he did post the infusion), but in a way i belive him, since it would make sense for this sort of sink to give that kind of rewards.
  8. Im still not sure why people do fishing there, instead of just talking to dredge. Talking is done in 1-2min i think.
  9. Its false. 28th will have a patch, which means next patch will be 2(11th) or 3(18th) weeks later.There is no source for anything yet, but if i had to guess when the new raid (and ring) will release, i bet on 11.6.2019 or 25.6.2019 (most likely this one) PS. 11th will most likely be something more major. Why do i assume that ? Black Lion Chests.
  10. I agree. Perhaps replacing one of the alpine borderlands with EOTM would make things interesting. Map would need alot of balance changes before that could happen. Currently some sides are extremly more powerful the the others. Red has scorps, wurm tunnels/portals and turrets (OP side)Green has cannon(kind of useless), some detection turrets (useful) and... invul sparks ??Blue has damage reduction buff, slower enemies in keep and.... more guards ??.All of these must first be removed, so all sides are the same. Guards should all be turned to just default ones, no grawl/kodan/ogres.
  11. I made all of gen1 legendary weapons, 2 gen2 weapons, and an extra KraitkinFirst weapon i crafted was Twilight, purely because i thought it looked amazing, afterwards it was Kamohoali'i Kotaki, Juggernaut, Eternity.... I set myself the goal to get all the weapons which warrior uses. Some i liked the skin, some not, but i just wanted to make/have all of them. After finishing all of those i just followed up by crafting all the others for my ele/thief. The second Kraitkin was made purely for "Twice-told legend". With gen2 weapons, i lost interest in crafting them, even thought i farmed ALOT of gold to prepare for HoT however, i felt like they lost their prestige, that legendary weapons became too common, too easy to get. When Shining Blade released, i crafted it, since i thought it would look nice on mesmers, but i swapped shortly after back to Bolt, since it got updated effects. The other gen2 weapon i made was Astralaria, since warrior axes finaly became popular/good again, and i wanted to make something new/refreshing after like a year of nothing. I still use all legendary skins (except kudzu, using chaos/fused bow instead) on my main(warr), and at some point in the future ill craft Pharus, since it would fit radiant armor amazingly, and new greatsword, just because its my favourite weapon. Soo, from my view this is how my main reasoning for crafting went: Started as wanting them for their apperance/effectsContinue crafting them as a sort of goal/achievmentNow making them again (rarely) for their apperance
  12. Due to a discussion about the legendaries in a recent thread i wonder, what is the main purpose behind crafting the legendary items for most players.This poll focuses on weapons only since all weapons offer 3 things, unique skin, effects and stat swap functionality while armors have either only stat swap or also includes a unique skin (depending on game mode).Try to answer the poll with the main reason. The thing which sparks your interest the most.
  13. Mainly gemstore update, possibly some tiny balance changes.
  14. Here's my "guide" on how to do weekly keyfarm. Check description for info.Feel free to ask anything extra.
  15. EP1: Domain of IstanEp2: Sandswept IslesEp3: Domain of KournaEp4: Jahai BluffsEp5: Thunderhead PeaksEp6: Dragonfall
  16. Opened 50 keys this tuesday, i did get 6 extra slot drops (3x dominator skin, 1x leyline, hydra staff, backpiece/glider), however i am extremly Dissapointed that i got ONLY 3!! unlocks (1 armor, 1 weapon, 1 wardrobe). I aint sure if my rng got totaled, or if droprate of these things got lowered even more.
  17. You can color them already, even if you dont own them.
  18. Its cooldown is tied to character tho so you can use it on any alts aswell. Actually noticed that when I swapped characters to grab an item. Okay, that makes it even more exploitable than i thought. Yea there is a reason anet disabled the black lion key drop from map completing for an unknown time period, people were doing bloodstone fen over and over and over and over.Ye i figured, map could be completed in less than 2 minutes if you knew how to rotate properly. Was hoping it was something else though, since it was fun using extra teleports to friends to grind keys every now and then, or when doing lvl 80 keyfarm.There goes 200 teleports i have sitting in the bank :'(I hope they wont outright remove the key gain from the map, just fix this broken gemstore item rather.
  19. Its cooldown is tied to character tho so you can use it on any alts aswell. Actually noticed that when I swapped characters to grab an item.Okay, that makes it even more exploitable than i thought.
  20. People clearly dont know how easily "abusable" this item is, there is a fix coming, but i hope its not for the thing i think it is....
  21. Worst to happen ? Even more power creep, LS5 going directly into LS6.
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