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Konrad Curze.5130

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Everything posted by Konrad Curze.5130

  1. you could buff the ever loving shit out of rev's condi weapons and still wouldnt classify as power creep, because the base is so jawbreakingly low that even enormous buffs would still barely bump them to the average
  2. Slim to none imho. They blew too much money and lost too much talent the last year
  3. Yeah, you can ride the coattails of other's effort with any proff. But this is about being a bro and pulling your weight . Even if I can Im not willing to make my guildies suffer because of my stubborness to play a nearly worthless proff when I could play literally any other and be far more effective instead. But hey, if your friends tolerate that, you do you
  4. 9*3 -1 Chrono still deader than a doornail after patch
  5. should rename Guild Wars to Ground Work. Its all ANet have done for years and years without ever having anything to show for it
  6. Yes, its way too hard, and its difficulty comes squarely from having to deal with a massive barrage of ludicrous effects that completly cover the enemies, their animations and mechanics with no posible way to tone them down without screwing yourself in the process Because if you lower the config for particles or models, the game engine wisely decides that you wanted to hide the 10 mobs attacking you 30 ft away or the boss' ground circle of death, but wanted to keep the nearby idiots with disco pink dye schemes spamming trillions of seizure-inducing particle effects with every keypress on screen, all the time I'd pay gems for a working "disable particles that you REALLY dont need to see" toggle setting. Expansion level content right there.
  7. The problem with piercing is that it works horribly with elevation differences, its extremly unreliable, borderline unworkable in all but flat ground. Nothing smooth about that. How about reworking old ricochet to this? Pistol shots bounce to additional targets, dealing less damage with every bounce. Trigger Chance: 100% <- old 50%Maximum Additional Bounces: 2 <- old 3Damage decrease per Bounce: 10% <- old didnt decreaseRange Increase: 0 <- old 150
  8. WP stated that where he could live comfortably producing GW2 only content in the past, the current situation with the waning GW2 audience demands him to branch out and get further revenue to support himself now. Are we not talking about that?
  9. Im going to be direct and blunt here for a second. Do you guys even acknowledge that chronomancer is dead in the water? Are you guys ok with mesmer being the only proff in the game that is, for all intents and purposes, missing an entire elite spec? Or can we expect some kind of rework in the close future?
  10. Nothing about expansion, new elites, new weapons or masteries on the level of gliding or mounts Your excited about the future? Im bored to tears Cya in a New World, Andrew ;)
  11. I expected 3 things from this patch: revive chronorevive engi turretsNerf the fuck outta guardians0/3 New World becoming more enticing by the day
  12. Noone cares, bye bye, dont let the door hit you on the way out
  13. No, so far it seems like the bare minimum to keep a semblance of progress, while they are no doubt funneling all resources to their console game
  14. Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink
  15. Its almost as if that was 2 different groups of people. But that can't be, everyone knows opinion on internet is always completly uniform, monolithic even.
  16. Reddit is having a field day with this set https://i.imgur.com/m1UO6qM.pnghttps://i.redd.it/bb5qelkjy2b41.jpg
  17. But remember, according to some people we are not in maintenance mode! This shining aureate set is the most insulting thing I have ever seen from ANet. I knew things were bad, but little did I know they were this bad
  18. if anyone still wonders if ANet are doing the bare minimum or not, just look at the lunar festival weapons set nope, they arent even doing the bare minimum. this is a new low for effort
  19. This If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things. That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin it Between September and the end of Jan we will have had You seem to misunderstand the basic difference between content and development. All content is development, but not all development is content. Maintenance mode = mantaining what's already there. Not making new stuff 900 skill changes ARE maintenance mode regardless how much development or effort they take. If we get tons of number tweaks but very few and appart content, GW2 is firmly in maintenance mode. The question remaining is how highly you regard LWS in terms of content. Personally? Not very much, if at all 900 skill changes are absolutely in no way indicative of a maintenance mode, especially given the time, dedication and the intention of splitting in modes. It is an important piece of Anets development time taken up for something the community has clamoured long for and likely (albeit unproven at this stage) sets the scene for things to come. I play games that have been maintenance modes for years and they all stopped making major balance passes when they went into such a state. Whether you regard LS highly isn't relevant at all. It is their main focus and pve story is the central core of the game. Quality aside, to up the cadence, produce multiple maps, new features, design new models and throw in new World bosses is categorical proof of continuous focus on development. You don't have to like the content, but if the LS content dried up, then this discussion could be something we could have. Maintenance mode does not produce new content. Does not produce maps. Does not produce new mobs and rigs. Does not add new mastery lines. It doesn't matter whether one person likes it or not (for context I thought the last episode was well below standard for Anet). So, no we are not near maintenance mode or in an area where development as a broad brush has dropped to a low enough level for it to be on the horizon. By your own definition, you say that maintenance mode isn't making new stuff. Something not applicable here since they actually are making new stuff.I said one step above. As in, not in full maintenance mode, but the things that are commonly regarded as meaty content are not on the table for the close, mid... And honestly, neither the long term , let's not delude ourselves In the past ANet worked on LWS and balance patch tweaks along with events, raids, fractals, wvw, pvp and fully fledged expacs, greatly expanding systems such as professions, weapons, crafting or creating huge new ones like gliding and mounts . Of those, only the first 2 survive in any capacity, signifcant additions for the rest are piped reams. I mean, in the old days strikes would have been denounced as super lazy, unimaginative and lame, barely a footnote in the stuff coming our way. This days they are the zenith of new content we can hope to get. you may be happy with their schedule of wholly mediocre LWS that you finish in 2 hours and number juggling until the cows go home, but most arent
  20. This If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things. That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin itYou seem to misunderstand the basic difference between content and development. All content is development, but not all development is content. Maintenance mode = mantaining what's already there. Not making new stuff 900 skill changes ARE maintenance mode regardless how much development or effort they take. The question remaining is how highly you regard LWS additions in terms of content. Personally? Not very much, if at all, YMMV
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