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Konrad Curze.5130

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Everything posted by Konrad Curze.5130

  1. I agree, since there's no expac nor new e-specs on the horizon, the dev team should put aside a bit of their time making cash shop bling and use it to polish/balance/rework the bottom ringers weapons and traits we already have. its almost as good as having new content
  2. This reminds me of that old discussions about Eles a while ago "it's not that Eles are underpowered, it's the other 8 professions that are overpowered"They weren't very productive, really, and as a result Ele was left to suffer for a lot longer than it should have That traits have been here long enough, let's assume they arent a fluke nor an oversight, but premeditated and here to stay. The productive thing to do is discussing how to better implement them in the profs that still lack them You might as well flip that into: Those traits have been missing on those professions long enough, let's assume that isn't a fluke nor an oversight, but premeditated and here to stay that way. The productive thing to do is discussing how to nerf them on profession that do have them. My standpoint however seems to be an ongoing trend. e.g in the last big balance patch ANet added nearly as much flat dmg modificators to the sustain line (water) as it had in the dps line (fire), which allows Eles to retain reasonably competitive dps while traiting for self sustain. That's another way to reach the same destination, and I wouldn't be opposed to giving valor or honor a flat 20% dmg bonus that softens the blow of speccing into them over zeal
  3. extremly low drop rate items exist to fuel the gold <-> gem economy welcome to the real world, where companies seek profit rather than feeding on joy-joy feelings and rainbows
  4. Some people have high standards and aren't easily wooed.Others are the opposite and "ohh" and "ahh" at anything and everything. This thread has a bit of each
  5. This reminds me of that old discussions about Eles a while ago "it's not that Eles are underpowered, it's the other 8 professions that are overpowered"They weren't very productive, really, and as a result Ele was left to suffer for a lot longer than it should have That traits have been here long enough, let's assume they arent a fluke nor an oversight, but premeditated and here to stay. The productive thing to do is discussing how to better implement them in the profs that still lack them
  6. false. in all the cases I pointed it go down a bit, usually because they are given the choice to pick between the sustain trait and another dps trait in the same line, which is usually the main DPS line overflowing with other dps traits and minors they get to keep anyway. not fall down a cliff like with ,guardian because they are forced into an entirely different trait line that has almost literally nothing, zero, zilch, nada for dps more on that at the end yeah, 100-200 heal per second on a game where white trash mobs auto for +4k and you can also drop your sword and attack the enemies with a foam stick. because if you trait for those, thats exactly what your doing anyway and you drop 35% crit chance to EVERYTHING, 10% flat damage, ToJ resetting with every kill, 6 stacks of free might and 150 ferocity.in what kind of bizarro alternate universe do you live where this is even remotely balanced tradeoff? see what I said before? dps, meet cliff.cliff, meet dps yes, he is. and in case someone ever missed where it is, here is a hint, its on the polar opposite side of the world where you'd find its dps. trace a line to the place furthest to dps potential and there you'll find his sustain, no possible mistake. NB.: Your OP just say that you want zeal (which isn't a trait really known for it's support) to give you an OP sustain trait. condi mirage and renegade - runes of tormenting - in the runes that buff torment they get absolutly jawbreaking amounts of healing too.not like stacking torment is what they do for dps anyway. they are free to trait everything entirely for dps knowing that RoT will carry them thru almost anything that doesnt oneshot them. power renegade and herald - assassin's annihilation: conveniently placed on Devastation, their main DPS line holosmith - heat therapy. conveniently placed on the e-spec itself. what, there's more. they dont even have to spend a trait for it, it comes for free. this shit heals more than the vast majority of actual healing skills in the game...on a lower cooldown in practice.....entirely passively.....while dpsing condi scourge - parasitic contagion. conveniently placed on Curses, their main DPS line. this thing takes the cake. everything I mention in this list is busted but this is on an entirely different level, its downright retarded how much healing this grants for doing nothing but dpsing, and even continues AFTER you stop dpsing power reaper - soul eater , conveniently placed on the e-spec itself. but wait, there is more. its both sustain and dps increase. buuuuuut waiiiiiit, there's moooooooore. in case this wasnt convenient enough, its not even a GM, just a master, we dont want reapers to waste a GM on a sustain-but-also-dps trait uh? that'd be soooo unfair. I mean, shit, symbolic avenger is the go-to GM in zeal and it's a 10% damage increase that makes you go thru hoops. Reaper gets that without hoops plus damage to health conversion, on a master. That's so fucked up lol. Power daredevil (rather thief in general, but in dd's case is even more aggravating) - invigorating precision, conveniently placed on Critical Strikes, their main DPS line. this thingt is just ludicrous, it allows them to literally facetank while outhealing nearly everything thrown their way but the biggest hits...which then ofcourse can just dodge, since the class also has 3 unlimited dodges anyway thanks to ridiculous access to vigor and endurance traits. health drops to dangerous levels -> dodge backwards -> switch pistols -> unload -> back to full. do that every 10 seconds if you want, why bother pressing your heal skill? That's for plebsoh and did I mention that their bread and butter staff dps skill also applies weakening? base? If you have read this far you'll have to agree with me that what I proposed in my OP is more tame and better balanced tradeoff than a lot of stuff on this list lol oh but there is, thats the crux of the issue. ANet see firebrand (well, the guardian in general, but firebrand in particular moreso) as a prof with such amount of support that they wont literally let them have sustain AND dps too. Thats what the OP tries to address. I dont want to get all 3 dps sustain and support, thats entitlement. but I want to get to choose which two out of three I get, instead of being locked into support and having to pick between the other two. in a certain way, you could say that, yeah. I just don't want to make the choices because many other proffessions dont have to make them either. I also want to trait everything for dps except for 1, that's ONE thing that is so overtuned that keeps the sustain high on its own
  7. Again, traiting honor means quickbrand's dps goes down the drain Man, people keep coming with suggestions to increase sustain at the cost of tanking my dps I thought I was very clear on my OP. I want to increase sustain at the cost of tanking my support I want to have good sustain and good dps, and don't care if I can't buff others for it,as I pointed in the OP there's tons of proffs that are allowed to play selfishly (choose traits to support themselves, others can get bent)I'm asking for FB to get access to the same option instead of living chained to the paradigm of "you have good support capabilities, therefor you will never be able to have both sustain and dps too" .
  8. If you're gonna be dumb, at least try to be less condescending, so you don't make an ass AND a clown of yourself at the same time That build is deader than dinosaurs, ANet killed it. RI nerfed from 50% crit to 25%, sigil nerfed from 33% boon duration to 10% (thank you chronos for ruining the fun for the rest of us), and thats just the headlines, it also suffered a thousand cuts along the way like the rune losing another 5% boon duration, zealous blade no longer healing in light fields, and fb tomes keep piling nerfs every patch. That build is utterly impractical nowadays, absolutly anywhere close to the performance or functionality of old which just to be perfectly clear, despite his claims wasn't super OP or anything because it had no utility, reactiveness nor mobility and the sustain outside of Litany (which was used on CD to keep boon uptime instead of as needed) was mediocre. Why do you think that Lord Hizen hasnt updated that build in over 1 year? why do you think he shelved his guardian and play condi mirage scourge or spellbreaker this days? Because they outperform guardian so freaking hard in every single respect it's almost laughable
  9. Oh yeah I know all those, they are nice sustain options at the cost of dps falling off a cliff while keeping your support high I just want a nice sustain option at the cost of support falling off a cliff, while keeping dps (more or less) high. you know just like necro, mesmer, revenant, thief or engi get to keep, so I dont think its unreasonable to ask at all Thief dps drops alot aswell If you pick invigorating precision. they drop no quarter, its roughly a similar dps loss soloing and MUCH smaller with people around providing fury, than dropping symbolic avenger which is what I propose as tradeoff the problem of quickbrand is that the moment you slot honor or valor you might aswell go full "group hug" support, because your certainly not doing any dps worth a damn without both radiance + zeal, its a dps suicide, which in turn means you end up having LESS survivability cuz you cant kill fast, therefore making you worse off by traiting for sustain, which is hilariously self-defeating
  10. Oh yeah I know all those, they are nice sustain options at the cost of dps falling off a cliff while keeping your support high I just want a nice sustain option at the cost of support falling off a cliff, while keeping dps (more or less) high. you know just like necro, mesmer, revenant, thief or engi get to keep, so I dont think its unreasonable to ask at all
  11. I recently took out my guardian (gathering dust since HoT days) for a test drive. bet you'd never guess what happened next My health went down but...wait for it....wait for it....wait for it...it wasnt coming back right up.!?!! WHAT is this sorcery!? the sight was terrifying. I simply didnt understand what was happening. some explanation required: in aaaaaaall that time since I parked my guardian in Verdant Brink I've been playing plenty other profs, such as......reaper/scourge, mirage, herald/renegade, holosmith or daredevil.........the smartest among the audience will probably have spotted the commonality by now. All those builds can simply dps and their health will stay topped by doing...absolutly nothing special at all. and none of them are specially known for being such a god's given gift to their groups. dude, where's my car? no wait, who cares, forget about the car.where are my guardian's runes of tormenting? where my soul eater? heat therapy? parasitic contagion? invigorating precision? assassin's annihilation?BABY WANT so I read the guardian forums looking for insight, and insight I found, thats for sure. someone there said "dps, sustain, support, choose 2, never 3" . Made perfect sense. that was it. cue in catch 22. quickbrand cant choose between dps, sustain and support, because support is simply hardwired into FB harder than gravity is hardwired into the universe.I can give up almost all sustain for dps, or I can give up almost all dps for sustain, but I can never give up support for either. all this leads me directly into my modest proposal. its simple, really Anet please, replace shattered aegis on the zeal line (a trait that you could delete today and it'd take people months to notice) and change it thus: I can't sleep at nightI don't wanna fightMy best friend is II'm so selfishGuess I'm in denialMaybe I'm wrong, you're rightHeard it all my lifeI'm so selfishAh ah ah ah huhI'm so selfishAh ah ah ah huhI'm so selfish ANet please, pretty please with a cherry on top, make it happen
  12. The QoL I've been waiting for 7 years 2 new slots on the equipment tab: food and utility, where you can drop stacks And a check for each one: "auto-consume when expires"
  13. Thanks God they are in charge and not you, you'd drive the entire company into the ground in hours with your "genius"
  14. Without bots queues wouldnt pop. That's how utterly dead spvp is It wouldnt even surprise me one bit if a bunch of those bots were ANet's, trying to fake that spvp still has an audience
  15. I'll play wvw when the focus shifts from blobs of morons aoeing their feet to something remotely interesting So...never?
  16. reaper and specially scourge are insultingly overtuned and you should feel bad for even logging on them to do open world
  17. We may not like it. We may have been happier under Mike O's game direction, but no amount of consumerist outrage is going to change these simple realities. its depressing how right you are so this game's future is a slow and painful fall into irrelevance and oblivion. LW isnt going to carry it on its own, no fucking way on earth
  18. scourge is the most insanely, borderline retardedly OP spec in the game for PvE for PvP I'd say stick with your guardian and roll firebrand
  19. deliberately vague and noncommital statement? everyone get the party van rolling!:/
  20. I dont see anyone attacking devs as individuals. I see a lot of bashing of ANet and NCSoft, tho. And those are companies, aka soulless entities whose only reason for existing is maximizing profits for their shareholders. They dont need you defending them OP, they dont have feelings that can be hurt in the first place, they are things
  21. I completed HoT on 3 chars and still hate it with a burning passion. Had I known what I was getting for my money, and had it not been for the elites, I would gladly have skipped it. PoF is light years ahead in every single regard
  22. I supported the game by buying gw2 at release, then hot at release, then pof at release. and I'd have bought a new expac at release as well. sadly they dont want my money anymore. fine by me, their loss, not mine
  23. I got it very recently from a map completion key, so going by annecdotal evidence, the best kind of evidence, its about 100% :lol: :
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