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Everything posted by thepenmonster.3621

  1. This. The dailies as they stand are really limited depending upon the map. Especially some of them like the racing dailies being on a timer that is a secret to all. The more options the better.
  2. This is the most sensible option. But I'm assuming they haven't tried it (and won't) because of the "spaghetti code"
  3. Human beings are inevitably terrible to those not in their groups. It's part of our monkey brains we've yet to evolve out of. The odds are in the favor of it not being a problem stemming from @JTGuevara.9018 .
  4. Exactly. None of the Mighty Mathing Asura Rangers needed to have a specific build, nor did we have to use a specific rotation to deal maximum DPS, nor did we need a dedicated healer and boonbot, and we didn't have to plan our playtime around it. Just some people willing to pitch in because the person asking was nice about it.
  5. As mentioned the nostalgia for GW1 dominates the storyline but I always wanted a group of butt-kicking heroes from the other side of the planet to show up with an army to stop the maniac who threw their magical society into chaos by killing three elder dragons.
  6. This is what I do. I would be utterly delighted if all of those materials could be sold on the TP. I'd even accept a vendor. I got two gobblers but the others are kind of in the "Effort not worth reward" category for me so I still have a pile of the stuff getting tossed.
  7. Once upon a time, some months ago, a message popped up in the map chat in Orr; "Anyone around? I need some help for the Melandru chain" There were a few "OMWs" and "Where at?" and one "You have my ax!". That last one was me by the way. I hope no one was disappointed I was using a hammer scrapper. When I arrived there were two players already there. The person asking for help, elementalist, and a necro. All three of us were playing Asura. Cute but we set out. As we finished the events more players joined. They were all Asura as well. Here's the kicker: We were all mostly clad in primary colors. Orange, green, white, black. That's right. We were Asuran Power Rangers taking on a giant statue. If only we had a big golem to jump into. Great memory. Entirely casual.
  8. in NA, Canada Dang. Well, maybe players closer to the servers having the same problems as those of us across the sea will spur Anet to at least acknowledge it exists.
  9. The mods will probably delete this viewpoint for spurious reasons again, but the reason people don't raid/strike/play PvP/ etc... is because the people who love those modes have a reputation of being the sort of folks you don't want to spend your game time with. It's unfair and most assuredly a hashtag;notallraiders type of deal but it's true and folks need to stop ignoring it. Anyone who truly wants more people doing the underplayed gamemodes needs to go on a PR offensive to prove that the reputation is untrue. The devs and community managers especially.
  10. Are you guys playing from outside North America and the EU?
  11. When I have one of my recently frequent disconnects I always find myself back at the "starting" WP for the map I'm on. I assume it's intentional.
  12. The canons aim themselves. Mouse click on the dragons when they pop up from under the ship and become targetable. Tab targeting in this game is spotty at best so click away at them until you get a lock on.
  13. I'm in Good Korea. Amazon-owned hops are just one of the spots where my data drops out (It's always once it hits America mind you), but Amazon is definitely the most consistent name that comes up when I do my due diligence. Since it's been happening for a long time either Anet can't do anything about it, or don't see it as a priority due to low numbers of players playing from across the Pacific. Probably a bit of both.
  14. If it's your first time wait until you have built up the patience for the game's excessively tedious boss fights.If you've done it before skip it. It's not worth it.
  15. EDIT: @mindcircus.1506 wrote what I did. But first. But I would like to add You should avoid mobs whenever you can even if you do get a good build set up. Their difficulty level is higher than in the core game but the rewards you get for killing them is more or less the same. Lots of vendor trash.Don't be afraid to ask for help.
  16. I generally try to roll with the backstory Anet gave us in character creation but I do headcanon extra info in like, "Deborah looks nothing like me because we had different moms. Same goes for our six other siblings." "I hope Eir doesn't notice that I'm copying her hairstyle. And her pet. And maybe everything else about her.""I'm a little annoyed that someone else thought to put a murder routine into my Val-A golem before I did.""Faolain does have some good points. Make the Grove great again!""You know, making me kill my own sire is all sorts of fucked up. I'm outta this nuthouse the first chance."
  17. TBH- If Anet didn't stick Rubber Rytlock in their office lobby it was a grievous mistake.
  18. Launcher hanging at login. Efficiency can't call up my info. Even the wiki was wack.
  19. Ask yourself this very important question: Is it worth the effort required? Effort can be anything from memorizing optimal rotations to putting up with the BS of the obsessives. Obviously most of the player base answered with "No" back in the early days of the game or else Anet would have put far more money and manpower towards competitive and group content. If it's something you want to do then you'll find ways to do it. I know there are plenty of guilds out there that happily lead folks through that stuff without the 'tude. But if the other modes (or making online friends) are not a significant part of your motivation to play then ignore they exist. ETA- I still think the strikes are an attempt to close a barn door long after the cows have disappeared over the horizon but if they do work as intended in the long run then it's good for everyone.
  20. After playing some Orr episodes yesterday I can see why some people hate the Big T. He really can't stop himself from using Calabog's knock back when someone else is in melee. Imagine if he had a longbow too...
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