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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Okay but we are not talking about PVE so who cares. Unless you mistyped and meant to put PvP then I'll retract my previous statement. Right so as long you are happy screw the rest and you wonder why pvpers are not taken seriously.. Because what impact is your comment going to have on a PVP conversation. Like, go discuss it in the hardcore PVE sides of things. There is no logic to this. You can be tight in the shorts all you want about my statement, but it's the truth. And lol. Listen boo, I play all parts of the game, so take that 'ugh you nasty PvPers' talk somewhere else. No one takes a PVEr seriously when they are not even on the same topic as the discussion being held.Typical toxic pvper.. Good luck with your nerfs.
  2. I hate to inform you of this, but the problem is probably the people you hang around with, not discord. Its always the same with multiple groups and multiple discords.. Its just not people i hang with its the majority of modern generations. @Dante.1508 said: I hate to inform you of this, but the problem is probably the people you hang around with, not discord. Its always the same with multiple groups and multiple discords.. Its just not people i hang with its the majority of modern generations. See most of the people in my guild are older and we don't really tolerate nonsense on discord. A certain basic level of decorum/respect has existed for a long time and anyone who breaks the peace is going to get told off and/or banned. Not every guild is filled with 17 year olds.They aren't 17 year olds they are 30-40 year old that act like 17 year olds... And they are everywhere. They seem to be attracted to Discord like moths to a flame.
  3. Okay but we are not talking about PVE so who cares. Unless you mistyped and meant to put PvP then I'll retract my previous statement. Right so as long you are happy screw the rest and you wonder why pvpers are not taken seriously..
  4. I hate to inform you of this, but the problem is probably the people you hang around with, not discord. Its always the same with multiple groups and multiple discords.. Its just not people i hang with its the majority of modern generations.
  5. All these ideas would make Pve unplayable.. Except maybe "condi damage needs to be tuned down" its crazy everywhere at the moment enemies players its just lost the plot.. Yes condi damage needs to be toned down across the board.
  6. Same and if you try to buy them you get errors and login server issues.
  7. I reset my modem now the SMS Authentication has popped up but no SMS arrived... So now i can't even login..
  8. I switched to my druid (new build) and now cannot stay logged in and cannot use the Auction house at all... My ping in options says 0...https://i.imgur.com/MmfCD8e.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/7Y1LX0R.jpg
  9. Man Rangers were terrible for years, the domain of botters... And now they are ok they all want them nerfed, this community is the pits and how fast people forget things.
  10. Yes. Though with the rate of nerfs the Thief receives, I'm beginning to think that 20 is a fairer number. Honestly, two nerfs in two days. Yet no buffs to builds/styles that actually need it. I'm happy something about s/d condi got touched.. Less bandwagoners running the build, not that I had issues with them to begin with (it's a free kill for an experienced thief). These changes, while painful for staff thief, will serve to improve the match quality in a way, for whatever that's worth.Do you have a build for that cause i'd love to try a s/d or s/p setup.. Staff in opve is not cutting it for me imo, its ok but limited.
  11. Over the last 4 years this game has degraded a lot.. communities, game mechanics, Crazy mobile style gaming, ridiculous amounts of currencies and over bearing cash shop.. Its not really the GW2 i purchased at release.. I guess i'll play till it gets too much then take another 4 year break. As it is i can't see me being here long.
  12. Same here Druid is atrocious, they nerfed it into the ground and now its useless.
  13. They aren't dead, but its very different to what it was at release... The social side has evaporated and everyone seems to be forced into Discord... I hate Discord.. So much dramas and backstabbing there, epeening, porn memes.. So i mostly Solo quietly these days..
  14. What is the point of sharing builds if no one knows what armor and jewelry sets to use, to be honest this whole thing seems half made and hamstrung by money making scams. I'm also confused we now have one less build slot, before we had pve pvp and wvw equipment builds? now we only have two?
  15. I've been disconnected 6 times.. I'm not sure it is better to be honest.
  16. Same, seems to be an issue brought on with the templates. Good to know its not just me.. Hopefully a fix incoming at some point.
  17. After the Build tabs patch today, i'm now being constantly disconnected from GW2 back to the Character selection screen, This has never happened to me before.. I'm Australian on NA Sea of Sorrows server, my ping is about 320ish? was 290ish before the patch..https://i.imgur.com/MmfCD8e.jpg Not sure what has changed. I now cannot use the Auction house at all...https://i.imgur.com/7Y1LX0R.jpg
  18. I just had the patch and now my game is constantly disconnecting as well.
  19. Horseshit. We were thousands and thousands of players who enjoyed HM in gw1. Every Dungeon, Every Elite Area, if you popped into the corresponding outpost, you had 15+ districts full of people ready and wanting to go.I get the sense that you didn't like it, and thats fine, noone blames you for being a casual. But dont attempt to take away from something people DO actually enjoy just because you dont. No it wasn't i was there yes a small minority did it thousands doubtful but maybe, but 10x that didn't.
  20. They really need to tone down how much these things cost gold and mats wise.. A stack of leather is now almost 40 gold.. and you need thousands.. Just stupid.. I gave up i'd need 15 sets at least.. Just to throw it out there...I've recently been running a Trailblazer Tempest for OW PVE and it's quite robust for HoT. It's all condi damage, so you spend all your time alternating fire and earth - there is 100% condi duration on bleeds and 80% on burns. I'm just using exotics and its fine. it was very expensive to craft for exotics....if I had planned it out (why would I do that!?), I'd have gone right to ascended or used airship parts to buy exotic selectable stat Bladed Armor pieces and then just crafted the chest piece and trinkets. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilJw0YXMKGJOKPXtNA-zRJUkRDfhAKXQCkQB4zskw0G-e I will give this a look thanks. Been after a PvE ele build for a while.
  21. The Asura choices are almost nonexistent compared to the other races.. So many bad choices and nothing new in a long time.
  22. Well at least on my server the populations are far diminished compared to 4 years ago.. There are maps in tyria i go to that never see other players at all.. And this was before the Halloween event. Not dying no but very diminished over the years. Gw2 is its own worst enemy.. Its biggest problem is how much it costs in game to play it.. You either farm your life away like a drone to afford things or buy Gems at an insane price to buy gold.. That over time is self defeating and it shows by the diminishing populations.
  23. Have you tried rolling back? i'm using older drivers and its seems to be running fine.. I'm on 436.15 on GTX 1060.
  24. Its the only real build that works in PvE please don't nerf this as well..
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